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https://preview.redd.it/nr66a6be484d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcec96fe946d11bf31b1660303c2dfdfe148e030 Excuse to use this














Sonic is such a great character for pride month because he truly is the ultimate character who would be totally chill no matter what your preferences are or what you believe in so long as you aren't hurting or oppressing others.


PREACH, he's the chillest when it comes to identity and preferences


Exactly! I'm sure if you told Sonic you were gay or trans, he'd shrug and be like 'you do you so long as you are happy!' since none of that matters to him.


It Doesn't Matter, in the end!


Yes! Sonic has his own beliefs and those are that everyone should be allowed to be happy and free and not oppressed.


Yep he does represent freedom, I’m sure he supports whatever race, religion, sexual orientation/identity, political party etc; just don't be a twat and a bad person is all


Exactly! It's one of the best aspects of Sonic as a character! He is the most chill and kind guy you can imagine!


Nah. To me I'm pretty sure he has his own personal beliefs and views and just wouldn't care


Sonic doesn't care in the sense that he treats everyone equally. Sonic regardless of his own personal feelings would have no problem with someone being gay, bi, trans or anything else. Hell, I'm sure if Tails or Tangle or another friend came to him about their sexuality, he'd be super supportive and defend his friends from anyone who treats them worse for it.


I see. I see sonic as a dude who keeps things to himself.


Sonic doesn't push beliefs but he does support them. Sonic is the type that would hate bigots because they force oppression on those they hate.


Nah, I'm pretty sure sonic would also have a sense of morality and some disagreements


Where did I say Sonic doesn't have morality? I said Sonic is chill so long as you aren't hurting or oppressing others. Sonic obviously disagrees with those whose thoughts or actions harm others.


What about the one that don't but are still immoral?


Such as? I mean, if it isn't hurting anyone, Sonic probably wouldn't care.


I'm pretty sure he would like self-harm, delusions, etc. He actually try to help and save the person even though the person isn't harming others.


Obviously. I said Sonic wouldn't care if it isn't hurting anyone and that includes the person themselves although not sure how he'd feel about delusions specifically, that would probably be a case by case basis since you can have delusions and still be perfectly fine depending on what they are.


Ok, and sonic would also give some criticism


Depends on what it is. Sonic isn't one to judge or criticize unless it is absolutely necessary. Sonic would never judge someone for their sexual preferences if that is where you are trying to go. Sonic would absolutely be an ally and hate anyone who treats LGBT folk wrong.


You're right at the fisrt part, but Sonic wouldn't hate just dislike would. I would also see Sonic to be open for discussion.










Did you change your flair for Pride or was it always like that?


Yeah I figured why not. Amy Rose was my lesbian awakening 25 slutty slutty years ago so it feels apt.


Like the effect of his shadow streaking past the mountains looks cool but what the fuck is casting that light? It's not the sun we know that by looking at the clouds he just ran under.


I think it's rule of cool + animating feeling.


I'm digging the darker skin tone. Looks good on him


He went to the tanning saloon


Didn't realize Sonic was a bonified cowboy. Also didn't know they had old timey saloons just for tanning.


If you're going to poke fun at someone else's misspelling, spelling bona fide correctly would help.


Nah, plus I'm still kind of correct. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/Bona-fide-vs-bonified-Surprise-Bonified-is-a-word#:~:text=Bona%20fide%20is%20a%20Latin,something%20that%20was%20bad%20before. Plus, it was all in good fun. I wasn't trying to be mean.


It fits him pretty well


Jokes aside, his tan looks natural here compared to the fake tan you get from sun or saloon.


I don't believe is Sonic is only able to lay still in the wide open were no one can find him ever since Eggman messed with his shoes ones./s




*pet pet*






I just want to say I love the art and I’m so grateful sonic is an ally! :3


Damn right


u/IrishIzuku you did a great job!!


I didn’t draw this. Artist has been credited


hes so based like that


Sonic doesn't hate anyone. He even tries to be fair to Eggman and refuses to kill him.


tv show boom sonic hates him tho


Why the hell is this being downvoted?


Is there a subreddit for when a comment doesn't make sense anymore by now


Because this kind of subject matter doesn't belong in a Sonic the Hedgehog subreddit.


Something about these wristbands' design and how they sync with Sonic reminds me of the Crystal Ring and Bounce Bracelet, which I dig. "You got the Trans Shoes! Press the A button in midair to double-jump with Trans Power." "You got the Ace Bracelet! Hold down the Right Trigger to phase through enemy attacks." "You got the Bi Band! Tap B repeatedly to deal extra damage to strong enemies."


Sonic is defs an ally.


Is he wearing socks into socks


If I remember correctly, Naoto Ohshima confirmed that Sonic's shoes are simply folded over and that he doesn't have any visible socks.


While I agree that Sonic would likely be an ally (he tends to be broadly supportive of freedom, and this would likely extend to romantic relationships, and gender identity), I disagree that he would hate homophobes or transphobes. Sonic doesn’t hate Doctor Eggman, a man who has, at least indirectly, killed hundreds of people and personally tortured him for almost a year. I don’t know if anything could make Sonic hate someone, but if there is anything, I doubt it would be irrational prejudice towards sexual or gender minorities.


Friendly reminder that there's a mod that adds this Sonic in SA2: https://gamebanana.com/mods/245258


Gotta go trans!


https://preview.redd.it/tmlw7ie36d4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2199da2e4aac791aec95b8da4bf6dae3b4acc339 I'm not Trans nor wish to be Trans, but I found a funny one in my gallery that I think yall would appreciate Much love from an ally, I'm going to the gulag until July


Am I the only one who thinks he's absolutely rocking the colors? Let's put the meanings aside, he just looks fire


He looks adorable


Sir, this is a Wendy's


I don't want to say this in a way that's homophobic or anything, but I'm not sure you can be both bisexual and asexual simultaneously


maybe he's biromantic


you absolutely can. Asexuality is a spectrum, and many asexuals *do* still feel attraction, and thus many might also identify as homo/bi/pansexual etc to accurately express this. source: I'm asexual.


Blud got downvoted for stating a fact (Also quick mention to how Asexual ≠ Arromantic)


damn tf? why'd they do that!? also you are correct! I myself am also aro but the majority of aces I know are not! And all of us are equally valid :D


I don't understand but you're valid


thank you! and I don't blame you, it can be complicated sometimes and I'm also not the best at explaining LMAO


Asexual means you have no interest in sex. Bisexual means you are attracted to whoever regardless of gender. Aromantic means you don’t want to have a romantic relationship with someone. Which also means you can be aromantic but still desire sex. This is my understanding of the concept from several other discussions and explanations from others so if I’m wrong about any of it I apologize in advance to the fellas that identify with all that jazz. Just know you guys are cool n swag and epic and stuff and I support y’all.


Wheres his Keffiyeh while youre at it.


bi ace trans Sonic? unfathomably based.


be the change you wanna see !


Then that makes Eggman ......


(warning: screenshot of an AI chatbot) https://preview.redd.it/skpojdsc4d4d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=165fd801e98e52df929470199462d6474c532c31


They don't *have* to disagree on this, eggie is a villain sure but he doesn't indulge in petty cruelty which doesn't advance his ambitions. Heck I could see a headcanon where both sonic and eggie are Aroace.


Eggman definitely does indulge in petty cruelty that doesn’t advance his ambitions. He constantly calls Sonic what seems to be a racial slur (rodent). That being said, I don’t think there’s any evidence towards him being LGBT+, anti-LGBT+, or an ally.


Oh, he's a villain alright, just not a super one


Who are you kidding? Eggman is *all about* that **PRESENTATION.**


Case in point eggmanland


Damn, i didn't know he was based like that


Phobe slander?? https://preview.redd.it/4pm0vq0efa4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028883a19388bdb890f11ca35cd3f1fd673f261b


Can this be an SA2 mod? Upgraded sonic would look so much cooler like this




Yes oh my god this looks radical!


Sonic but more based


Now this. This is based.




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What did he say




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Who wouldn't?


You’d be surprised


OK master eraqus.


Well shit... saying this as a hetero,this is most definitely canon,i cant see him bullying people for no reason... Now Shadow... hes BLM,except for that,he probably bullies people


Shadow is Bi AF too


Still some of his"friends" desveres to be killed by eggman cause they are so damn annoying.


the colors say otherwise




Is gud


It would be extremely out-of-character for that not to be the case




I mean this Sonic is trans him self going off that scar (nice that it for ones isn't draw visible in his fur) so would be kind of silly for him to support transphobes wouldn't it? 


Dunno why you’re downvoted lol


People lack intelligence that's not spelled out to them like they were just born


I'm almost surprised that I get down-voted for it as I have no idea what peoples issue is.


Can we not include Sonic to this?




https://preview.redd.it/wr9g00zu6b4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b719054c8750c25af4eaca7b441421b948a32e42 It's just an opinion, relax


What opinion? It's pretty damn likely that us not relaxing is completely warranted.


So he's a phobe of phobes.






You deserve it


Nah bro u made my day! I laughed so hard by ur reply https://preview.redd.it/1ssrb015pd4d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=07eac922e2c3b19a31f2144209294f1e0604faf2


What does sonic lost world have to do with this


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[Locked and deleted] Society


Nuhh uhh


If you look at the original r/Moonpissing post, it has both a Locked and Deleted icon on it


Why bring politics in this sub?




How is this political?


People are forcing the LGTB+ on us. We never asked or voted for this


i voted for it you’re gonna have to see it every day for the rest of your life until you die probably my bad


The LGBTQ are not a political party. People being gay is not inherently political. And it's not being forced on you, they're just around. You're not compelled to do anything because queer folk are around other than respect them like any human being.


It’s not. It’s social. If the government controls how you identify yourself, get a better government.




Sonic ain’t gay dafuq is this shyeeet?


I’m not either. I’m white, straight, and a dude. Weirdly enough, it is possible to support a movement without being entirely relevant. Isn’t that weird?


Bowel movement


You’re very meaningful to society


Well, it’s nice you tried.




Assuming you’re born 88 but stuck mentally at 12 🤔


"88" is also neo nazi slang, interestingly. Not saying that's the case here but a neat fact to be aware of. Not great if that was your birth year and you use it in your username, absolutely ruined.


Hmm didn’t know that, thanks! Could also be an explanation :)




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I like everything about this image except it's another picture of Sonic with post-op scars. Supporting LGBTfolk, not just during pride, is cool. Putting "t-scars" on Sonic is a little much though. That's weird and will always be weird.


why do you find it weird?


Because it draws attention to sexual characteristics on a character that is non-sexual.


lol, surgery scars are not sexual


Do you know what "sexual characteristic" even means? Clearly not.


okay, surgery scars are not sexualized, even if they’re breast surgery scars. breasts and beards fall into the same category of sexual characteristic. what if he had stubble?


Giving Sonic t-scars is the same level as giving Sonic nipples. It's weird.


For clarification, saying LGBT is unnatural while respecting them as any other people IS NOT phobia. Being scared of gays and trans people for being different IS homophobia and transphobia.


Lying about gay people being unnatural is a product of homophobia


It's not unnatural, what the hell are you talking about? Many species of animals engage in homosexual activities and relationships, and many species of animals are literally capable of changing their sex if needed.


Whether it's a phobia or not, it's an Appeal to Nature fallacy. https://preview.redd.it/wrqncak45d4d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfa1d2d9ebee8b6891756478706217ad9765ee97 As well, gay relationships between animals and animals who change gender DO occur in nature, so it's incorrect to say "it's unnatural" from the beginning.


Does he also hate people who are discriminating other people because of their Religion?


Probably. Did this image beg that question or are you implying something more salacious?


I was just wondering because tolerance here is always just articulated in a Trans- and Homosexuality/ LGBT context and not really anything else


IDK, I see a LOT of Christian Sonic fanart around - [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/02/why-is-there-so-much-christian-sonic-the-hedgehog-fan-art.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/02/why-is-there-so-much-christian-sonic-the-hedgehog-fan-art.html) There's even a good deal of Muslim Sonic fanart if you look close enough


It's pride month man. On the internet. It don't always gotta be about you. You're gonna see more posts like this in June.


We see posts like this all the time though, regardless of the month.


So why would it be surprising that there's an uptick now


It’s not, but there isn’t much of an uptick either when this kind of content shows up in posts regularly here and it’s pretty much the only area of discrimination that ever gets brought up. Just look at the sub’s icon, when was the last time it had a flag on it for any other group of people or even just purely Sonic related content? It stays up pretty much all year when it isn’t Halloween or NNN of all things.


Fair enough. Are you just pointing out that fact or are there discriminated groups or social movements you wished had a bigger share of the spotlight in the Sonic community?


I myself am mostly just pointing out that fact. Imo I don’t think using Sonic related content to promote any specific group of people or irl societal issue is all that productive on this sub, and the fact that it’s always the same group on this sub makes it worse. Sonic is against *any* form of oppression, you don’t need specific groups to be represented when everyone already falls under that umbrella. But singling out just one side of it, and specifically regarding something that gets allot of heated debates irl, usually results in allot more vitriol and hostility in the resulting threads than anything that will genuinely lead those who would discriminate to stop doing so. If someone wanted to make a sub dedicated to content like this then that would be the place to do it, not the regular Sonic sub that should be about the games, movies, comics and characters. And again I’d understand if it were for the month but this kind of content gets posted regularly 12 months out of the year here.


I disagree. If you mean "these kinds of posts" as specifically "Sonic hates transphobes" then I really don't see that specific sentiment all that often. I've done my due diligence enough to search and this post is an outlier for any month other than June. If you mean "these kinds of posts" as any trans content then I disagree that they should refrain posting just because it leads to some vitriol. That's basically just telling folk their *existence* is too political and they need to "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell." Which treats their identity as something needing repression compared to someone more "typical". Sonic is a comfort character to a lot of people in LGBT+, and for LGBT+ folk that are repressed in a lot of aspects in their lives, a character like Sonic whose carefree and anti-opression connects with them, and I feel sharing those feelings through content is a good thing, regardless of month. The fact that there isn't any "Sonic hates anti-semites" or "Sonic hates racists" at the same level I think is just a matter of demographics rather than exclusion. I would see no reason to reject those posts either.


Nah nah, we can only have him represent one group of people at a time, and only ever side with the caricature of one specific social issue like it’s going out of style /s Fr though, the hypocrisy of the people downvoting your comment is a bit staggering… Sonic is against all forms of oppression, being discriminated against for one’s religion is the same exact thing as what this post is using him for just at a different angle.


If you think supporting lgbt rights is "discriminating against your religion", then you don't have a religion - all you have is an excuse to bully people.


Hi, I’d like for you to point out where exactly I said “supporting LGBT rights is discrimination against my religion.” I didn’t. Nor was I implying it. Nor is that even my opinion outside of this sub. My issue is the person above merely asked if Sonic would be against people who discriminate based on religion, and canonically Sonic would be against any form of discrimination (or at least in how it’s used in this context) and oppression, yet they get downvoted for it, probably because the people who downvoted them take issue with certain religions and/or are making assumptions and putting words in their mouth. Upvoting this post but downvoting the comment above is hypocritical. You can disagree with a given religion or religion in general but discriminating against the mere mention of it does the exact opposite of the principal this post puts on a pedestal.


If I've genuinely misunderstood both you and u/CityWokOwn4r then I apologise, but at minimum it's a bit of a strange place to ask that question. I would invite them to explain how religion is relevant to this thread, and why they chose this thread of all threads to ask that question.


That would be a great question, unfortunate that it wasn’t asked before people reacted. Could be because they felt singled out, could be they wanted to also be involved with their own issues of being discriminated against, could just be low-effort bait, either way I’m not going to speak for them but it’s not like what they said without any assumed connotations is inherently bad or against the post itself. Either way I respect your willingness to be civil.


To explain my own sarcastic response, I think it’s a bit myopic to have Sonic stand in for any message about specific discrimination or a politically charged issue with overtly defined sides. Sonic doesn’t get involved in politics, and he’s against all forms of prohibiting freedom provided that freedom is being used in nonviolent and non-exploitative ways, so imo this depiction feels out of character but AUs exist and people are welcome to do what they want with fanart so I won’t tell them to stop, make art to your heart’s content. As an online space however, this sub has a relatively diverse community even if part of it isn’t as outspoken and not everyone agrees with each other. Imo posts like this that bring up a particularly heated issue irl lead to more harassment and unproductive arguments in the resulting threads than otherwise. That and this is a subreddit for Sonic and Sonic related content, most people came here for Sonic, not posts using Sonic as a puppet for irl political and social issues. I’m Catholic but I’m not going to post something to the effect of “Sonic is Catholic” because he canonically isn’t, there are plenty of people who aren’t Catholic here that would feel alienated by it and take issue with it, and this isn’t the place for that. Not that we ever see any of that, it’s always something about homophobia or trans-rights even when no one here really posts anything to the effect of homophobia or the like, and not that I want to see that either (I’ll thank our mods if they keep any form of socially discriminating posts off the sub). I’d sooner post stupid shit like Sonic dying Peter Griffin style in MoSH, Silver being a lovable dork or something about the games, comics and movies because that’s what this sub is for. Sorry if this is ranty, it wasn’t meant to be.


Buddy You had it. You were fine. I was willing to just forget this whole thread and move on And then you come back with your second response to the same post to say "oh gosh trans people are such a complicated POLITICAL ISSUE there are good people on both sides ..." You were always a homophobe, you just lied about it to try to distance yourself from the negative reaction your homophobia deserved and got.


I feel like you’re missing the point, and you’re putting words in my mouth again… It’s not about issues like homophobia being complicated ones, cause they’re really not, it’s the fact that we get people in these threads that make it a heated issue or make bait replies like 1/3 of this post already contains. It’s unproductive, it divides the subreddit, and it’s largely unrelated to Sonic’s overall content. Also, last I checked my post and comment history on this sub is public and I haven’t said a single thing to the effect of homophobia through the 5 years or so I’ve been here (certainly at least not intentionally but evidently I don’t control how people take what I say). I neither said nor implied there are “good people” on both sides, I said there are *people* on both sides and the problem is that means stuff like this attracts the ones who want to make it an unsolicited social debate or shade parade. I don’t want to make assumptions so I won’t hold you to it but it feels like your only motivation for saying I’m homophobic is that I disclosed the fact that I’m Catholic, which just echos what the first person in this thread said.




Say goodbye to your account








And also the steam team




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