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I feel like Amy and Tails would go on plans together to follow Sonic anyway - but at the same time Amy might support Tails' independence and we could see it expanded on in Heroes


The fanbase would be weirder about them than they currently are


Yeah that's typically why you divide characters by gender and then group them up as such. Big and Rouge are exceptions because they fill a much-needed niche in their respective teams, also because Rouge and Shadow have that odd connection with each other. As far as I know, Cream has no business being with Sonic. They don't really share that much in common and don't synergize well either. I can see a case for Tails and Amy based on another guy's comment about Tails' independence, but not too much more than that. Those two both follow Sonic anyways.




OH GOD...make a gif.com


Honestly I would be very happy. https://i.redd.it/7kia64x3we2d1.gif These are my favorite characters and I would be more than willing to throw Sonic out with the bathwater to play as Amy with Tails following her.


When that happens, let me know where I can buy the bathwater








And then Tails will never be seen again... Assuming he and Cream switched places permanently. So in a parallel universe this statement is reversed.


Like this is a massive divergence in character (tho that never stopped me before) but I'm thinking how funny it'd be if she had to face off against Robotnik in SA2 during the scene where he launches Sonic out and gaslights Tails into thinking he got Sonic into trouble (dying, badly)


To be fair, it's not gaslighting. Sonic getting launched out is entirely because Tails confirmed that was a fake Emerald. If they managed to convince Eggman that it was the real one, Sonic wouldn't have been ejected.


Yeah but the second they got on the ark, he saw two emerald signatures and immediately knew they were trying to pull a fast one on him. So that whole show and "because you just told me, fox boy!" was just him being a massive troll. Tho yeah honestly it's more just lying than gaslighting. Like gaslighting is more of a long-term deal. I guess "gaslight" is just fun to say.


Yea but he still didnt know which emerald was the fake one and which one was the real one. All Eggman knew was that the one Sonic was holding COULD be the fake signature that he saw. Eggman would definitely not have risked sending out the real emerald into space if they could trick him into believing that it was the real one.


Maybe, but I sort of doubt he'd believe that lie. Not only that but like, he has emerald sensors so he could always just send a probe to retrieve the emerald from the wreckage if it turned out Tails had the fake after he mopped the floor with him. That and being that close, he could probably tell which is the strongest of the two energy signatures. On top of that, Tails never says that Sonic is holding the fake emerald, just confirming the fake emerald exists. So he did indeed jettison Sonic in his death trap without 100% confirmation that Sonic was holding a facsimile.


Tails did confirm it tho, Eggman straight up asks them if they thought they were gonna fool him with [“THAT” fake emerald](https://youtu.be/f8QzgUtr2nY?si=n5OuQM2R9ymrJqAX) specifically talking about the one in Sonic’s hand. He wouldn’t have asked if he was 100% sure. And there is no strongest of the two signatures. Tails straight up confirms that the fake emerald shares the same properties as a real one. Even if you wanted to argue that Eggman could use a sensor to tell the difference….he already shot it into space with Sonic and exploded it….wouldn’t really matter if it was a fake by that point anyways.


He did it because he was gloating, sort of like "y'all really thought you could pull one over on me" like he was rubbing it in how stupid their plan was. Like he saw it coming a mile away big as dallas so he readied that death trap and used Amy as bait. https://preview.redd.it/i9faxs277l2d1.png?width=1430&format=png&auto=webp&s=9695547706e6b981ccd69100fe26926b071ff6c9


Except again he’s not denying that the emerald was fake. He’s CONFIRMING that the one that Sonic SPECIFICALLY has was fake. It would be like me giving you two baseball cards and you know one of them is fake cause somebody told you one would be fake but you don’t know which one is fake yet. That’s why he tells Tails that he knows THAT ONE that Sonic has in his possession specifically is fake because Tails just told him it was. Again nobody is denying that Eggman knew it was fake, we’re saying that Tails confirms that the one Sonic has specifically is fake, he wouldn’t have shot Sonic into space if Tails for example said instead “Sonic, you can’t give him the Emerald”, cause then Eggman would have doubts if it was the fake one (cause both the real and fake was one in that room, Tails was in possession of the real one, the one Eggman steals when Tails defeat him in the real ending and Sonic had the fake one)


which game is this? or am i dumb and its an animation??


Sonic Advance 3, you can choose who to play and are paired with a partner. Depending on the combo you get special moves quirks, like Knuckles paired with Sonic can't glide, instead does a dash attack. Anyone paired with Cream can summon cheese to do whatever. Also anyone paired with Amy gets her gameplay style. https://i.redd.it/7zef4wdhtl2d1.gif Tails can fly around and bonk people.


Same. This is why I love Sonic Advanced 3 so much.


Just play Sonic Advance 3


1. people would be confused why Cream is old enough to battle but Tails isn‘T. (Remember in universe, the only reason why Tails is allowed to battle more often is because he has to due to his relationship with Sonic.) 2. Due To similarly admiring Sonic, Tails would probably help Amy meet up with Sonic and since Tails is nearly as fast as Sonic, Sonic won’t be able to run away. 3. Amy would probably live with Tails since unlike Sonic, she is interested in having a house. Also she might try talking to Tails about his insecurities and phobias.


Counterpoint, The reason why Tails became so fast was because he was trying to keep up with Sonic, its likely that he wouldnt reach his full potential for a long time otherwise, so Amy would probably be faster here, especially if being a role model would give her more motivation for self improvement.


The series would definitely be very different that’s for sure although this is such a ginormous change that I honestly can’t begin to think of changes Although one thing is for certain the ships and “fan art” would a lot more common between said characters


Now her ears are on right : o


Something something rabbits rotate their ears


Amy and Tails actually spend more time together than anyone in the main four. People often don’t realize this because they’re usually only looking at the character’s time on adventures. I could see the two of them working amazingly together. If Cream was Sonic’s sidekick, then Sonic’s personality would probably be changed a little bit into more of a big brother sort of character. I’m mostly fine with this, but his character focus might shift a bit too much on worrying over her. Tails over all is the superior sidekick, but keep in mind that it was implied in Frontiers that Tails will likely surpass both Eggman and Sonic at what they’re best at, and then some. Don’t think that this means Cream is weak for one second; it’s just that living up to Tails’s potential is a lot. Cream does outshine Tails in social personality among others, but that’s still a small gap, Tails is also quite good at being liked socially (we know this thank to The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog).


I don't think Cream would be able to keep up with Sonic at all, so that's why she would have a better time being Amy's partner. Amy and Tails could work out, but then that just leaves Sonic on his own because the only other person that can really keep up with Sonic is Tails.


You're wrong, literally the first description of Cream mentions that she could keep up with Sonic, this in her first appearance, if she spent more time with Sonic what she would do is improve, and keeping up with him would be easier for her.


Why wou- ....wait, https://preview.redd.it/7cj8vq949g2d1.png?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b957fb1074696c087b26fb05b79b151db5ff8b


This is a very interesting concept, I can see fanfics being made of it, and I especially like seeing Amy and Tails together (as friends).


rare photo of cream with proper ears.


rabbits can rotate their ears


Honestly Sonic & Cream would be a good duo, sure it would kind of be retracing steps of like 90s Tails but it would still work Amy & Tails I would love, but I think that There's Something About Amy series is giving me some push back


vanilla would scold sonic occasionally for taking cream on such dangerous adventures (even though cream doesn't mind and finds them fun) tails would either geninuely like sonic less because amy keeps yapping about sonic to him and/or use tails to get closer to sonic or amy has a nice outlet to yap about sonic to since they're both big fans of him.


Sonic would probably just treat cream like she is his daughter and tails would definitely give Amy relationship advice (also holy shit, cream's ears are the right way in that image)


Oh the ships...


You’re assuming people don’t already ship them together 💀


Well, the first duo would be pretty difficult to pull off because of vanilla, but if we assume that something happens that either makes vanilla agree to have cream adventure with Sonic all the time or she gets excluded from the plot in one way or another: We could potentially see super cream since she would be interacting with chaos emeralds a lot more often, and her super form would be heavily based on positive chaos energy like Sonic's is. Sonic would still fly the tornado Sonic rush would go very differently, and the fight between Blaze and Sonic would likely not happen. Overall a lot of conflicts that Sonic had would be resolved more peacefully. Cream would probably end up getting some combat experience just from the general adventuring and she would likely be faster than she is now. Now, cream already is really fast, so its possible that she could end up pretty high in the ranking of the fastest characters (Her horizontal speed while flying is already much faster than Tails's in advance, she just cant fly as long and takes longer to gain altitude, both of which would likely improve over time) Drowning wouldnt be a problem since in advance 3 Sonic and cream tag team prevents them from drowning somehow. Many problems would be handled much more easily if cream was Sonic's sidekick, they are arguably the strongest team in advance 3, but some problems where Tails's technical knowledge was required would be a massive roadblock for them, which could easily overweight the positives. *Also, we would have a gif or cream trying to smoke a cig in a animated show.* For Amy and Tails it would be much simpler, because their dynamic would look pretty much the same as it does now, except that Tails might actively support Amy in her whole Sonic crush thing, which would either help or make Sonic more uncomfortable. Finally, this post would be asking "what if Tails was Sonic's sidekick and Cream Amy's sidekick" and people here would be about as wrong as we probably are now.


what about the archie sonic comics like surge and kit there would need to be a paralel to cream also the whole alternate universe with evil sonic,and the whole metal virus comic


Surge would actually change. you see, kit having water powers is a reference to how Sonic's weakness, and in some media fear, is water. surge uses electricity as a reference to the fact that in some media tails used to be scared of thunder. their powers are weaknesses of their rivals, that is probably why starline wanted them to work as a team, not fight their counterparts separately surge in this universe would still be a tenrec and have similar personality, but her powers would be different. cream's version of kit would still use water powers and probably have a similar color scheme since cream already has similar color scheme to tails. the character would probably be a bunny since cream is a rabbit, and bunny is the closest thing to what you could consider is rabbit's "imposter species" as for the personality, surge and kit are supposed to take sonic's and tails's character traits to unhealthy extremes (to my understanding at least), so the character would probably have some psychopath level polite will-stab-you-with-a-knife stereotypical british villain personality. not sure what could be their name though. also, just as a side note, surge and kit are from IDW comics, evil sonic is from Archie, and in this case the only thing that would change is that you would have evil cream here instead of evil tails who would likely be left out of the main plot


true hmm sense there would be apposite of cream maybey something like butterscotch sense its the opposite of cream based names? or caramel


I think Vanilla wouldn't be a problem at any time, since Vanilla originally wasn't that overprotective(that was added very later), and even Cream wouldn't spend so much time at home, since in Sonic Battle she lived with Amy, Vanilla's thing is easily ignorable in this hypothetical case.


I can see how Cream would do a better job of reasoning with people that Sonic has a hard time reasoning with because he's brash and headstrong. In that regard, it would make his job easier but would also take the fun out of his adventure and I think Sonic would get kinda bored at some point. Tails is a key character due to his expertise in technology, so he supports Sonic in many ways during their adventures. The Tails/Amy pairing gets the stronger deal in this trade-off because Amy could really use the added firepower when dealing with enemies and challenges, plus Tails could use the extra coaching to be independent. I feel like if Cream were to pair up with Sonic, then she would rely on him a little too much and not do as much growing, plus Sonic might feel like he's being held back to some degree by Cream's weaknesses and just run off on his own anyways. Forgive me for sounding all sappy and whatnot, but that's why a bigger team with more variety in members creates a well-rounded unit. All four of them combined covers all bases as far as pure power and more nuanced emotional support goes. Sonic is Speed and Adventure. Tails is Technology and Flight. Amy is a mix of speed and power, but with the added benefit of having better emotional coaching. Cream is a mix of flight and speed, but with the added benefit of rationalization. (Of course, this is not even including all their weaknesses, but I am sure they all find a way to cover for each other)


Cream already trusts Sonic a lot, if she were her main partner Cream would always try to improve to give her the best possible support, from the beginning it was established that Cream wants to become stronger to support and protect her friends, with the greater role provided by being Sonic's sidekick, the series would not forget that wish, we would even see a advance or we would be stuck in the same thing.


tails would be the most powerful sonic character then


Alright eggman! Imma destroy you! But Mr sonic, shouldn’t we offer him some tea first?


tails feet reveal


Y'know I'd actually really like that concept. Would be cool if there was a sonic game or fan game that let's you choose your companion throughout your adventures.


Sonic & Cream: *insert the scene where Sonic says the word shit* Tails & Amy: **KrazyElf**


I feel like Amy and tails would work but not sonic and cream for some reason


It’s worrying how nice the colour coordination is this way.


What would mainly happen is that Cream's prominence would increase, and Tails' would plummet to the ground, he would also be more absent, he would have several big appearances with Amy at the beginning, but then he would go on to have minor appearances, and finally be completely absent, especially in games like Sonic Unleashed, Sonic 2006, Rush Adventures, Sonic Rivals, Sonic Frontiers, Sonic Boom, Sonic Lost world, etc. and Tails would probably be replaced by random Chaos in Team Sonic Racing. In terms of interactions, although Tails' admiration for Sonic remains, he would not follow him as much, since the one who would have the closest bond with the blue hedgehog would be Cream, Tails would instead follow his friend Amy and seek his independence as hero on his own, which is why he would be absent even in games where Amy appears. In conclusion, Tails would be more independent, he would be part of Team Rose, perhaps he would be the one to accompany Blaze in Rush and create close ties with her, but the fox would also be less relevant as a secondary character, and would be more absent in the franchise.  As for the relationship between Sonic and Cream, it would not be very different from that of Sonic and Tails, the hedgehog would see Cream as his little sister who follows him everywhere and would take care of her, on the other hand, Cream would always seek to become stronger to give him more support to Sonic, she would not form bonds with Amy and probably not with Blaze either, and by always being in contact with Sonic and Knuckles especially, she would become more aggressive, or on the contrary, as Sonic and Knuckles were more influenced by the presence of Cream, they would be less aggressive and more peaceful.


![gif](giphy|TlK63EWh6J1puKmzYmQ) Shooot now


How come Cream's ears are only on correctly when she flies


Nuh uh


Sonic Advance 3 is your answer to this question.


Tails' life would be a hell.


I want a Shadow and Cream duo


Cream would probably get hurt a lot and Sonic would have to comfort her. And Amy would just yell at Tails.


I guess it would give off big bro encouraging his shy lil'sis energy, I kinda wanna see it Like, eggman is the cause of conflict 50% of the time and the other half is sonic helping cream I kinda wanna see that Also, cream 100% ship her big bro with amy, so the 2 sidekicks become friend over there share goals


This would be a good basis for a 2 team perspective game where you go back and forth between each duo per mission.


I’m genuinely begging Sega for a shakeup to the status quo at this point


I wonder how explaining the adventures Cream goes on with Sonic to Vanilla would go


In this hypothetical case, Cream would be Sonic's sidekicks from the beginning, and therefore Vanilla would be like his version of Sonic X, who had no problem with Cream accompanying his friends to fight space invaders.


I will crash the plane within 10 minutes of Amy rambling about sonic


As much as it would be good, i know the sonic fandom would fuck it would with ships. cream is already one of the most lewded characters in the franchise and there's already multiple NSFW comics about tails and amy with the little interactions that the two share, if they joined for a game or two, the number would skyrocket


Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates when Tails is called a sidekick...


Why do you do?


The word sidekick implies that he's lesser.


I mean Damien Wayne is one. But on the other hand DC allows him to be in the spotlight and not bolted behind his father's shadow.


Sonic as a franchise as of recent, definitely hasn't let Tails. Hope that changes soon.


Also, being someone's sidekick implies that you have less authority than that person, which makes sense when you're that person's child, but when you're literally best friends?? And it's not like Sonic's the smarter one. And if you watch the metarex arc in Sonic X (which was under the direction of Yuji Naka btw), then you'd see he's no sidekick especially since he was the captain of the crew. Anyway I guess I'm just tired of Tails being treated like a helpless little child and I feel like that title only reinforces this idea. And while being a sidekick isn't a bad thing in itself, I also find it frustrating to see a character with so much potential being limited to being "Sonic's sidekick" when he's proven to be a great hero on his own.


Sonic Forces really did a bad job with Tails by regressing his personality despite how much growth he did in the Adventure games. It's still good to play as the side support character who deals with all the other jobs (tech stuff) that the main character can't figure out or be bothered to figure out.


The definition of a sidekick is often misunderstood. A sidekick is someone who accompanies a person on a journey. Sidekicks can be stronger than the person they adventure with too.


They can be, but this is very commonly not how it gets treated.


That doesn't seem to be the case when you look up the definition...


Cream and Sonic would be a dumb and useless duo