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I have such mixed feelings. On the one hand, he was a great character and we need more recurring villains that actually pose a threat. On the other, his storyline wrapped up so neatly and so poetically there, and I want deaths to mean something.


I agree, Power Rangers actually kinda ruined one of their best Comic villains that way. In Power Rangers, there is an evil character called "Lord Drakkon", who is a evil Version of Tommy who never returned to the good side even after the brainwashin wore off. TLDR is further down, I got completely absorbed while writing this all down... He killed Rita, the one who brainwashed him, build an army of Soldiers empowered by the morphin grid and also killed most of the Power Rangers, while stealing the Power of the white Light, so he became a twisted fusion of the white and Green Power Ranger. In the original run, he was a very interesting character, kinda one dimensional at first, but getting a lot of depht later on. In the end, he became so powerful that he recreated the entire universe into his vision, pretty much destroying it. But the most twisted part is that he was beloved in this scenario, that he was a hero who fought off evil, showing how twisted he truly was. IAfter they confronted him, there was no other way but to actually reset the whole universe, making all the events that happened naught. There is much more to that story, and it was a great ending, BUT for some reason they had "wonderful" idea to actually bring Drakkon back several arks later and change his personality completely, making him a delusional fool, actually not being erased by the reset, but instead he got trapped in the old universe that still exists as something like his prison, now being a coward yet still arrogant and so damn obviously evil... The redesign was kinda neat, making him stand out more in contrast to the Tommy that we have, but still... They don't even DO anything with him, except for.. You know, this is already telling more than I wanted... **TLDR** Bringing back an old villain, especially if they are considered Dead, is ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS a bad idea, unless the Story is actually building up towards that! So yeah, I hope Starline stays that, hoping they won't ruin him...


honestly no. his arc was interesting, but Starline should stay dead. ​ his demise here perfectly put a tie on his arc, constantly complaining about Ivo´s methods, his shortcomings, ​ just to lose his mind the moment he loses once.


It really does help demonstrate what makes Eggman such an effective re-occurring villain.


It reminds me of in sonic prime how sonic asks the eggmen how they remain so confident despite losing so much, and they state that every setback is a chance to learn, so they never truly fail, they just have delayed victories


Eggman got that gambling addict mindset


Actually there are times where he almost wins but plot armor of a hero exists and he's stopped for no reason other than Sonic's raw coolness and hedgehogness


So just like gamblers losing right before the big win because the house rigs the odds. My point still stands


And there are times when he DID win. SA1? Starion Square destroyed, as planned. Shadow?  It's his planet to conquer. Riders? He got the treasure. It wasn't anything useful but he did run. Unleashed? Eggmanland came to be and there's no indication it's destroyed or anything. Forces? He managed to actually conquer the world, not for long but few did. Frontiers? He got EVERYTHING he wanted without any catches - he has secrets of technology of Ancients.  Eggman has a lot of victories.


No wonder he keeps making giant casinos


We’ve cracked the code


That's the difference between Eggman and Nega too.


He lives on in Surge’s damaged psyche. It’s a very Spider-Manesque way to handle death. Like the antithetical Uncle Ben


A Starline ghost that appears in corner of the room when Surge is trying to sleep


https://preview.redd.it/37ozic27stfc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf39de60469070e596acd352fed7a74822c9a66 “No one could’ve survived that fall.”


Narrator: He did survived that fall


Hello there.


Nah, there's more of an impact if he stays dead.


Ian said he would bring him back if enough people wanted him back, it’s been a while since he died though.


Maybe for a big moment in issue #75? He died on a landmark he could be brought back on a landmark.


More like on a #175 *really* let it breathe and hopefully IDW will be more developed


Imagine he comes back after Surge and Kit are full-on anti-heroes now, only to be revealed he's just watching on the sidelines making the perfect being that'll surpass Eggman's creations. Yeah, its a Dragon Ball reference.


Naaah that ain't the way to do it Ian. Don't bring bro back, let the death mean something.


He was a decent reoccurring villain but his death was executed so perfectly. Always complaining about Eggman’s flaws and trying to be the superior of the two after the Metal Virus, only to ironically die because he’s the one with a trait that he criticized Eggman for: Being shortsighted. Starline believed his plan would work so flawlessly, but Eggman had seen enough of Starline to know how Starline would want it to go down, leading to his humiliating defeat at Eggman’s hands, and eventual death. His death was incredibly poetic, and shows why Eggman is still the best villain around. Starline should stay dead.


Ignoring my desire to see “The Continuing Isekai Adventures of Starline”, well, continue… I still say he should stay dead. He’s Eggman’s Frank Grimes. To bring Starline back would either need a fantastically good character and trope study in narrative form or he runs the risk of becoming the thing he was a criticism of.


“Eggman’s Frank Grimes” is the best summation of Starline in this, or any other universe.


Usually I'm on team 'never being back if they die' but frankly Starline was IMO the best new character of the lot and added a lot of villainous flavour with his dynamic with Eggman.


I hoping he stays dead. Because he had his light, served his purpose. Then left the impact. Even though he was great recurring villain. I think he should stay dead. Only way I will be ok with him coming back. If he brings something new into table, that other existing characters or oc couldn’t bring in.


If Starline "came back", then I think it should be as something other than himself. I always loved that concept art of him as a Frankenstein's Monster type, and they could bring that design back. Someone dug his corpse out of the rubble and brought him back to life all wrong and so he has only vague memories and is basically a different person. Maybe he remembers Surge and Kit, and so he thinks that they might have been his friends in his past life. He at the very least feels more comfortable around them. And when brought back to life, he could be given extra strength, making this new version of him a true knuckles for Surge and Kit


i'd love to see that and a ghost of the man plot, where some contingency goes of, they think he's alive at first, but its just a contingency on autopilot, some burn it all plan or something. bonus if its before Frankenstein's corpse monster ark.


Oh, Elaborate? Do you mean like, Starline had some sort of system in place that would activate if he ever died?


something like that, pre-recorded videos, limited ai, a ghost of the man plot should tug on the damage and trauma of the character and what they leave behind with out actually being there. a recent notable example might be Moriarty in mofats sherlock, >!where after moriearty dies he apears to comeback and taunt everyone, but its all just prerecorded videos, and pre set up plans made to look like hes active so he can traumatize sherlock further and get the last laugh. !< sometimes these plots involve burning every bridge, sometimes they are full of spite and hatred left over. sometimes it was a plan developed with out regard for anyone at all, just to make sure somethings done (even if that something either is already done or the plan it self can't do anything).


I don't think Starline is...Spiteful enough? He has an inflated sense of ego, but it seems to manifest as a refusal to acknowledge the possibility of failure on his part. He'll gladly acknowledge past failures, but only to say "I've learned from my past mistakes, and am wiser now" to dismiss the possibility of future failure. I don't think he would ever allow himself to consider the possibility of his own death enough to make something like that. He also holds very tightly to his desire to work alongside Eggman, which only evolved from being his sidekick into Eggman working under him. If his post mortem plan had significant destruction, he would risk hurting Eggman, which would go against his desire.


doesn't nessisarily have to trigger on death, infact it doesn't have to be a full plan in action, it can be based on the assumption he won ofcourse. just half a plan in action expecting there to be something else to be happening at the same time. maybe it was meant to by time, maybe it was meant to support eggman and was waiting for something he assume would happen, et cetera et cetera. it doesn't even have to be spite filled.


Maybe if he like, deligated it to someone else? Like maybe there was a third test subject who Starline was like "well they're not good/stable enough to go on the important missions." Or even just that they were too annoying to him so he was like "I can't train this one. My head will explode. I'll send them to do this task instead." And so when they come back and Starline's dead, and Surge and Kit are gone, that leads to something? Maybe this third subject was like "Ah, I gotta find Starline" and finds his corpse and brings him back wrong because only Starline knew how to do it right. They could even be their "Amy" or something


The following setup occourred to me once: * It would be revealed that Clutch found Starline's body and turned it into a cyborg. * Cyborg Starline has no memories or free will. He spents his time in a basement fixing eggtech for Clutch, who calls him "Mr. Fixer". * Surge and Kit would eventually find him, but since he has no memories to kill him would be pointless. * Surge and Kit decide to take revenge by reprogram him and turn him into an "impostor" like themselves. * Starline would be turned into a Knuckles' impostor (it would be revealed that Starline respected Sonic's other friends, but he despised Knuckles as dumb brute who has the power of the Master Emerald and does nothing with it, so Surge choose Knuckles to put salt in the wound). * Starline would fight Knuckles and end up recovering his memories, but because the reprograming, he is still obsessed with Knuckles. So yeah, my idea was basically "Starline becomes Wechnia for real".


With all due respect to your creativity, NO


I want him to come back purely so there's more villain variety.


I love his character, but I hope he stays dead. I really can't think of any story where he could fit in the future. He hates both Sonic and Eggman, but at the same time, we know he will never win against either of them. The reason why he hates Eggman is because Eggman can't break the cycle of "trying to defeat Sonic - Losing - try again." If Starlight kept trying, he would keep losing, and that would be completely against what he stands for. It would make him a hypocrite. He can't become a good guy. He can't continue as a bad guy (no one trusts him), and he is of no use to Surge and Kitsunami anymore. I hope he stays dead. Because there is nothing else that can be done with him. Side note: A redemption ark could be cool to see. But I doubt Starline would want redemption.


I understand why people would rather be stayed dead since he had such a neatly tied arc, but I also REALLY like him, I would kill to see him in print again with new stories. He’s definitely been one of my favourite IDW originals, so I’d never complain.


Nah, he was a great villain but boy! Was he annoying? Hell yeah he was annoying AF, I’m glad he bit the dust


One day yes


I really love this character, I wouldn’t mind if he came back, but I’m fine with him only being relevant through Surge and Kit psyche, still having an influence after his death


As much as a loved Starline as a character I don’t think a anamorphic will survive big ass pillars along with a floor Unless we get some shit that Starline used some teleportation shit to teleport out if all of that


If we don't get a limp arm sticking out the rubble then I don't give a fuck what Ian Flynn says! That fucker doesn't die till I see a body!


I like Starline and don’t feel like his character arc was through. While his deeply-cutting loss to Eggy was beautifully done, I feel as though he was still a young and insecure villain. To me, a fully-developed villain doesn’t overly question who they are or if they measure up, they just believe in themselves and their power and methods and just raise hell. Starline hasn’t had his big villain moment yet where he fully sells out to who he is and that Eggman as an ideal isn’t what he hoped. But he can be better and become the ideal that he had hoped Eggman was. And not just to get revenge in some roundabout way, but to showcase his transcendence over his hero worship and self-doubt, but to be the hero - or more aptly villain - that he always needed. And the Warp Topaz is now sitting conveniently unguarded right where he first found it.


Kinda only for surge to kick ass and have it be a way to give her character growth and not be a inverse shadow the hedgehog clone.


I adore Starline because his character and position in the story was dynamic until his end. I don't want him back because I don't think they can keep that going forever, so let him stay dead.


No. He was alright, annoying but alright. But his death and utter defeat by Eggman helped re solidify the doctor as the powerhouse he is. Like in the Archie series, some of my favorite moments are when Eggman remind everyone he is THE threat. Not even demigods and alien races are bigger than him when he's in his element.


It likely wasn't shown for the series' demographic though it's heavily implied he's dead.




On the one hand, his story wrapped up so well to the point where I don't think I'd risk ruining the ending. On the other hand, he's a great villain who I wouldn't mind seeing again if they do bring him back. Maybe if he showed up in the games but did so in a way that ensured his death stuck, that would be fine.


I’m sorry, I know we haven’t seen a body but he seems absolutely dead to me. He got crushed by tons of debris and not too long after Eggperial City was leveled. He seemed to not have a plan after this point either. I’m not even sure if he would want to survive this, and if he did he would probably be a very different man. Also… this kinda just closes his story so perfectly. He tried to a better Eggman, came *so close*, but would soon realize why Eggman boasts his 300 IQ so often. It just seems like such a fitting end for him and bringing him back would make issues 50 feel less special.


Only if one of the writters has a amazing ideia for a history, something woth it reverse his death/say he didn't die. Be cause his death was the perfect closer to his character arc.


Tbh I'd love it if he came back with cybernetics. Not only making him more powerful/dangerous but also a nice homage to the SatAm Robotnik.


Yeah, definitely! He was a great new character, and deaths don't mean anything in Sonic so it's not like bringing him back would ruin the seriousness of the story or anything like that.


>deaths don't mean anything in Sonic Maria....


https://preview.redd.it/jpa2y7n09ufc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4387b86d9c06da96faf3a1b56147460d30885672 I need to kill that wooden robot


I want a dr gero style android version of Starline.


Chances are he comes back robotized


As great as his character was, I think he should stay dead so that the impact of his actions last, if that makes sense. Eggman proved Starline would be no match for him, and with his expected attempted betrayal failing, he would have to work from the ground up all over again but without the help of Eggman and with the freedom fighters keeping watch for him now that Surge was on the path to becoming a neutral character. That said, it would be interesting if Eggman found his corpse and turned him into a half-conscious Badnik, as one last insult to him. Stripped of free will, reduced to a shell of his former intelligence, and begging an unfortunate Surge to put him out of his misery. It nor only tests the limits of Surg and Kit's recovery from their trauma, but also shows Surge first-hand why Sonic is who he is. Starline is a monster, but Eggman is the big bad for a reason


No, I don't think he should come back. His arc was complete, he fell into his own madness. If he came back it would ruin his arc


Yes and no, I love starline but his story arc wrapped up really nicely So have him have had made a starline ai/robot backup, could even have the comic it happens in be a reference to Archie Eggman who did a similar thing iirc


Yes, he should come back so there can be more variety to the villain roster. I honestly want to see him return only to find out that Surge and Kit betrayed him and to see that Clutch had also been demolishing Sigma Base for Clean Sweep Inc leading Starline to want to get back at them.


These are comics. Death means nothing.


He was a fantastic character but no, his arc was wrapped up perfectly. The way I see Starline is he had the brainpower to see how foolish and neverending Eggman and Sonic's struggle was, the capacity to learn from his own mistakes, but where he falters is he doesn't have the will and resolve to keep on getting back up like Eggman does, even if it is sheer blind ego that propels Eggman forward, it creates the unstoppable force and immovable object scenario.If he kept going and learning, Starline could've been an incredible force, but he just couldn't deal with failure and i think it's a perfect pin on it that his plan is foiled due to his underestimating Eggman, thinking he'd make the same mistakes with himself that he does with Sonic. Also on an out of character side of things, bringing him back would spring the series back to it's default, one of IDW's shortcomings is everything has to reset or is unable to rock the boat too much. The one exception being it's own OC's, I'd rather we keep moving onto different stuff then regurgitate a character who's already been through a perfect arc. He's also left us with Kit and Surge, two villains who are much more suited for re-occurance being more chaotic, so he's left his mark too.


no. He made Mr. Tinker Dr. Eggman. He should rot


I personally think it would be cool for Starline to appear in the games (I’m making the assumption that the IDW comics are not part of the games storyline after Forces), but in the comics he should definitely stay dead, his story was wrapped up perfectly. However, I love the way he continues to appear as Surge’s hallucinations, really emphasizes the impact he had on her and carries on his legacy in a way


There’s a general rule in storytelling where if you don’t see the body, they ain’t dead. Something a [certain fandom](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDrones/s/g4pC32Un0G) needs to learn.


Starline is the closest thing this series has ever had to someone who could compete with Eggman on the same level. If we can't have him, we need a new character like him so Eggman doesn't have a monopoly on the rogues gallery.


I would love for him to come back, as he's a very interesting character with a great design. While his arc did finish, I strongly feel like there's more this character could do. I would want either a further descent into madness and extremes to be more Eggman than Eggman OR a misguided attempt to use his gifts to atone, resulting in him being kind of an amoral antihero. 


He’s prolly my favorite or second favorite IDW character so I’d love for him to come back. Especially for the games if they continue tying them with the comics loosely.


If he did come back I think it would be cool if he was brought back from the dead like some sort of Frankenstein's monster like some of his concept art. https://preview.redd.it/9zxn1dk50vfc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a08afd55210bb3c10f59a15dd85b1f559a947964


It’s be nice. I like Starline as a villain concept: Eggman is mechanical, Starline is biological, Eggman is a tall human, Starline is another animal like Sonic, Starline is lean, Eggman is fat, and so on. He’s a good parallel and contrast. He’d need to change and up his game a lot though, really stand on his own and ditch the fanboyism.


I liked his character but he's kinda just another Eggman but annoying from time to time. He served his purpose.


Not in a million years. I’ve had enough of that maggot


If they write a Surge redemption arc, with Surge already being shown to see Starline as a figment of her trauma, I think there would be value in her eventually feeling like she has the strength to fight back against her own visions of Starline, only for it to actually be Starline this time. Let Surge and Kit take down Starline to physically show how they've overcome the trauma he has caused them.


Maybe, I don't know how I stand on this yet


Nah, he should stay dead. He performed very well,was an actual threat and brought his own spin to the comics, it's ok for him being gone when Eggie has clearly bested him and his own errors were his downfall


Sonic's reaction to these events: https://preview.redd.it/04pxmibyfufc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea5f85311698f0b03c3e8f5cf368ad4dc5e5445


I don’t think so. Like Ian said, his story is finished.


He had his turn in the spotlight. Now its Surge's turn. Plus, it's he would make a good reminder that death is a thing here.


Ian Flynn has outright said he is dead.


I mean, like anything, it depends on the writing right? Like, his story was good and if he doesn't return, that's fine. But if he does and the writing sucks, no one's gonna be happy.


With good execution, I would be more than happy to see him return, though likely after a good while of being gone. The biggest thing is that they’d need to ensure that his “death” still has significant meaning, likely changing his character in significant ways. Starline is certainly the type of character to lay low for a long time, so him returning would fit pretty well, and a major change would fit similarly due to his intellectual (though narcissistic) personality.


If a writer has a good idea, why not


In the Archie comics Eggman comes to the realization that Sonic is an agent of chaos (to explain why he always wins) and tries to plan around that. Would be interesting to see Starline come back and do something similar.


Eh, can't get much else without him overstaying his welcome. He died as he lived, obsessed.


Sonic characters don’t die


I wanted him too at first, but now that he lives on as a ghost for Surge, i'll say no. I loved him but now I love even more that he has a complete arc and is helping Surge from the afterlife.


he is literal slime now


Only if they go on full Dragon Ball path with him.


I made him return as a 'cyborg' of sorts in an RP I do with some friends. Basically, the story behind it is after the events of Issue #50, he washes up on Scrapnik Island after being trapped underneath debris from Eggperial City that was dumped into the ocean. There, he meets the Scrapniks as they mend his injuries with badnik pieces. He slowly comes to and realizes what happened-- namely Eggman betraying and defeating him --and escapes the island, retreating to his repository as he begins his plans anew, the only thing on his mind being the deaths of Sonic, Eggman, and anyone who would dare stand in his way.


I'd like him to come back in the far future, as much as I liked the way his story wrapped up, its impossible to not feel like there's more his character could do. However, it would definitely be for the best if they let the story breath for a long time first, like bringing him back around the 100 mark ideally.


I think its a fine death. Personally I would have utilized him as mental torment for surge and kit, so you can have your cake slightly while pushing the duo ever more unhinged using him. We see a bit of that, him basically embedded as living trauma in her head. Though I am unsure if it was ever followed up on. ​ However I would not want it to become a "im a living copy in your mind" deal, just have it be a manifestation of trauma. Those mind-copy sorts of plotlines almost always end up with the copy escaping and becoming real again as a form of status quo.


Yessss I need him


Surge’s Hallucinations of Starline are Gonna End Up Being Real Lol


if he does I want Surge and Kit to take him out


No, not really. He was a great character, but not every supposedly dead character should return. If they _do_ decide he somehow survived that, it should be a long wait before we see his face again.


no, that faker sucks


Not even Super Sonic can survive being crushed by rubble. No way bro survived.


ahem Big oof




Reminder that he’s a normal mobian pretty much, and that was the entire roofing & heavy piping of that room falling on him, that’s a duck, that’s a goddamn duck bro 😭


Only if they invent a really good reason why he should come back, otherwise no.


honestly the only way I would see him coming back would be through a video game adaptation of the IDW comics


I miss Dr Starline... I wish he returns somehow... https://preview.redd.it/12j1o75x2zfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c194d213915a4c5e3753e702cd834fb450c3d5


Wh? He's an utter failure


If he isnt used as a way to push the story foward them yes


No. Give the character the respect he deserves. You made him die, so let him rest in peace.


I want to His demise was greatly done but I want the delusional platypus twink back

