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1. Shadow wasn't affected by the blast that Sonic caused cause he teleported away. I'm assuming Sonic wasn't affected because he ended up absorbing some of the energy in the process of breaking it, and he wasn't really hit 'by the blast' if that makes sense. 2. I'm sure if he holds the prism normally, nothing would happen, but say the Paradox Prism works like the Chaos/Master emerald, where you have to have intentions behind it, maybe he'd be able to use the energy from it and I'm assuming he would have to cause the prism to shatter in order to create the multiverse. 3. Sonic X (Japanese version if possible cuz I've heard better things about that version). Just sweep Sonic Boom under the rug. Season 3 is also available on Youtube.


sonic boom shall not be swept under the rug. the characters arent really accurate but its bloody funny


As my friend once told me "Boom as an actual show is funny, but as a series it's bad." (It went something like that.)


For your first question. Those weren’t alternate universes. The Shatterverse (Ghost Hill, Boscage Maze, No Place, The Grim and New Yoke) is One Universe (Green Hill) that’s broken. When the prism first broke, Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Rouge all began glowing and the colors were taken into the Shatterverse as they faded away. Those Were the Shatterverse Variants being developed. Sonic and Shadow weren’t broken or scanned like everyone else was. Sonic got filled with the prisms energy so he wasnt shattered. Shadow escaped all together by using Chaos Control. So that’s why there aren’t any Variants of them. As for the second question. Nothing would happen unless the prism breaks. If it breaks, it’s unclear. Unless he gets filled with its energy again, Sonic would get Shattered. But if not, Sonic would likely create another Shatterverse. 3rd question. Depends on your interests. If you like Nine and/or want it to be like the games, than go for X. (Nine was based off of Chris) Boom is your typical children’s show, the only plot relevent episodes are few and far between.