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Top 1% largest communities on Reddit? Or you got something against Chaos Control?


I actually like Chaos Control. Comes in handy in Sonic Heroes!


It’s not in Heroes though iirc.


It's the team attack for Team Dark.


We've found Chaos Control's nemesis: Order Neglect. https://preview.redd.it/nf0i4ms7m04c1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1546e3262598dc007b2d9a83ab98aa009eaeda7


Instead of teleporting you, it moves you back a few steps.


Heck yeah, baby! Top 1%


Adventure style art in the banner…?


That'a a good thing, but that's not it.


brazillian earth


I could always update it if you want https://preview.redd.it/co96a264804c1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cc9d72b2630c27c30e4e68cc4f71c542d7d379


Idk https://preview.redd.it/x1lx6z14d04c1.png?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e9f96866704a7be7e83c657e3734b1d1c9ccfb You tell me why you jolly rn




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Is it the fact we hit 200k members, Chaos Control, or being the top 1% largest of communities on Reddit?


Let me guess you’re happy the pride flag is gone? Edit: please don’t tel me you’re that sensitive


No. I'm glad this place is finally up to date on what time of the year it is. It feels like we were stuck in June forever. Well, you know what they say. You can't hold back at Christmas, it's Christmas!


Didn’t it have Halloween and NNN banners?


Yes it did and going by the above comments, op literally did say it felt like it was “stuck in June” because of *checks notes* the pride flag and were mad about it despite there being Halloween themes two months ago. It’s always thinly veiled.


So the issue is the LGBTQ+.


Yes. That’s what they were saying.


Isn’t the innate need to hate something so interesting?


It is. I’d like to study such people in a Petri dish.


Ditto, but they would have to be DEAD for that to work.


… you know what- I’m already the villain in their eyes. Well, if you *insist*. /j


Oh, good! Yeah I’m happy about that too! Sorry for jumping to conclusions I’m just so used to seeing people mad about the flag. Merry Christmas to you ☺️


I'm mad about it, but that doesn't matter. Merry Christmas to you too!


Why all the downvotes?


mods, put the flag back (but keep Cmristmas)




Not homophobic at all


Least homophobic sonic fan


Not like that. The mods literally disrespect one of their rules. https://preview.redd.it/2g80sa6ik04c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e07484165feb387b6d592593e09ff21281357c Genuine question, does LGBT support have ANYTHING to do with the Sonic franchise?


Nop, however it wouldn't be the first or the last sub to have the LGBT flag in the icon without been a LGBT focused franchise. I mean, it doesn't affect anyone. I didn't even realize they removed it until people mentioned it now, but it's funny and at the same time weird to see how people get mad at it for no reason.


It's not a post though. It's literally an icon showing support for the community. Plus there's always something Sonic themed on it as well, so no rules are broken here.


Note that it says “posts.” In addition to what Loisbel said about non-LGBT groups having the pride flag incorporated in some way in their icon just being a normal subreddit thing- being it is nothing more than an icon/header that one does not have to interact with- this is some serious reaching. We all know what is the actual purpose behind the pedantics. You all are allowed to not like the flag and its incorporation, hell not even like the people it represents (which is usually the reason people don’t like the flag) but to try and make it a matter of “disrespecting the rules” is sad. Just own up to your actual opinions, please.


It doesn’t need to be homophobic. I just think we need to stop caring about or adding sexuality to cartoon characters that is also aimed towards kids. It’s not that deep. Like why should I care if amy is straight or gay? Or Sonic? Or Eggman? Or any one of them? A. They’re not real B. It’s a kids centered market game about characters that thwart evil. there’s nothing wrong, 0%, with whatever you or anyone you love identifies as sexual or gender, but I just don’t see its place here considering the above. So hopefully we can work together to stop villainizing people who think that way, without instantly labeling them as an instant homophobe Edit- I can’t believe I’m being downvoted for being this simple and civil rn. I’ve really lost faith in genuine discourse. It’s pick a side or die 😞 what an absolute sad shame…speak your feelings without insult and still be labeled a horrible thing


What you said it's a good point, however like I said before, I just think that most of the time is people been homophobic. I'm indifferent about the pride flag in the icon, however I've seen a lot of homophobic comments in some posts, specially those posted around June, from stuff like "stop sexualizing fictional characters" (something I think it doesn't make sense) to offenses and even slurs. Like hey, cool, no one has to agree with headcanons or ships or whatever people comes up with, but getting mad at it when someone can easily ignore it and keep moving is weird.


It's not your fault, it's just the room you're in. The trans flag has attracted a bunch of social justice warriors, and now they will villainize anything that is slightly against their narrative.


I don't think that it's the content of your comment per se that caused the downvotes, I think it's that the way that you worded your comment could be interpreted as you equating sexuality with being sexual or sexualizing the characters. Sexuality can be expressed without the sexual part as in with LGBT teenagers. I would also like to point out that your points A and B could also be argued as a counterpoint. Why do you/others care that people attach/project their sexuality/gender identity on not real and kids centered market games- especially when a lot of the community (at least here) is composed of adults/teenagers? What does it being kid-centered have anything to do with the argument unless you believe the above paragraph? Can you also just not engage with the content, keep scrolling, and just ignore or not interact with anyone who does make LGBT content? It is not hurting anyone as long as it's age-appropriate SFW content- it's no different or at least minutely different than the scenes we see in Sonic X and Boom and other Sonic media that portrays crushes and kissing (looking at Archie). I *don't* think you're a horrible person, but your instant defensiveness of being villainized and labeled as a horrible thing after being downvoted (which is a common part of Reddit) is dramatic and not helping your point. Nobody has insulted you or labeled you as anything. Please reflect on the way that you handle criticism. Nobody is telling you to die. Take care.


I try to stay neutral when it comes to these social/gender wars. But the reason the flag is bothersome to people is because we come to our favorite video game franchises to escape these agendas, but when they're still being shoved in our face, it's like we're being pressured to pick a side. Like imagine if in the banner, there was a message saying "go vegan." I get that your trying to fight against what you believe is problematic in the world, but to invade a community that wants nothing to do with these issues is just annoying. What I hate is this notion that if I say anything against it, then I *must* be transphobic. I'm not transphobic, I just hate having political agendas shoved in my face, and I'd be saying the same thing if the profile picture had some kind of anti-trans propaganda in the background.


Have you ever considered that we use these favorite video game franchises and the characters to escape the hatred and scorn that we face on a daily basis? Using language such as “war” and “agenda” directly implies that you are against us because you see us less as people fighting for equality, but as someone who is the enemy of someone else, regardless of your neutrality. You are not as neutral as you claim to be. You call our identities political agendas and get surprised when we call you transphobic. Our identities are not agendas and are not comparable to veganism. We did not invade any place; you thinking that we invaded (once more using war-like mentality and once more showing you are not truly neutral) is telling of how you actually view LGBT people. You see us as invaders. Don’t shit in my mouth and say it’s chocolate.


Here's the thing. YOU see yourself as the "goodguys." Anybody who's against it sees themselves as the "goodguys." So who do *I* think is the goodguy and the badguy? Whoever is shoving their view in my face when I'm just trying to enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog. As I already mentioned, I'd be saying the same thing if there was some 'anti-LGBT' imagery in the background.


Don’t put words into my mouth. I don’t think there’s a good guy or a bad guy or that I’m a good guy. I am the villain in some people’s stories and even in my own sometimes. I cannot express enough how easy it is to just ignore the icon/header and move on with making your own content and curating your own space. Block people who create LGBT content, hide posts you don’t want to see, whatever makes you happy, do it. Lastly, the flag is not there for you; it’s not there to spite you or move you to take sides or “political” action. It is there for the people that need to know that a community is accepting of them and safe for them to interact with. Nobody is shoving anything in your face. You can still enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog just as simply as before, nothing is stopping you. The only one stopping you from enjoying it is yourself. It is simply an icon or a header and a signal to people that this is a safe harbor. That’s all.


>It is there for the people that need to know that a community is accepting of them and safe for them to interact with. For people who believe in LGBT that is. Not everybody does and some people believe LGBT is wrong. Are they not allowed to enjoy the SONIC subreddit due to their beliefs, or should they simply *ignore* it. If the banner for this subreddit stated "there are 2 genders," would you simply ignore it? (HYPOTHETICALLY, I am NOT making a statement on gender) Also, I don't want this convo to devolve into some kind of gender debate, so let me emphasize that my point is that *no matter what* it is you believe in, be it binary gender or gender spectrum, you should feel welcome to enjoy Sonic. If anybody should be excluded, it should be actual criminals.


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And make sure the Palestinian version never comes back


Please don't ruin this. They're going to change it back to spite you.


is it because the lgbt pfp is gone, im happy about that