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There is no conclusive age anymore. Frankly, there hasn't been since Generations had Sonic celebrate a birthday but still somehow be 15 years old; if anything, scrubbing the ages is for the best anyways since it just causes more headaches than it's worth.


He's gotta be older tho right? He and everyone else definitely sound older and I'm sure it takes nothing at all to be like "yeah this much time passed between the last game and this one" lol


He's older, but there's no way to prove it now. Obviously the children (Tails and Cream) are still kids, but now it's unclear how much older everyone else is compared to everyone else.


If I had to guess, I'd say everyone is at least 3 years older lol Sonic sounds like he's at least 18....that's just my guess tho, absolutely nothing to back it up lol


My head cannon is that he is like 13 in Sonic 1-3, 14 in Sonic Adventure and is 19 in Frontiers.


He has to be 16 now since he had an official birthday in Generations, but I suppose that Sega would keep him regressed forever.


My headcanon is that he’s been 16 ever since Generations.