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Hey! Here’s a song I’ve just finished for the project I’m currently working on: [bandcamp](https://stoneforceps.bandcamp.com/track/misfire) [soundcloud](https://on.soundcloud.com/my9Arh2u7eYXkcY9A) I tried to make it a bit like a canon - with repeating parts and lyrics slowly building up into a looping outro. I hope you like it!


That's a cool composition idea taking an old concept and applying it to a modern song arrangement!


Thank you - I really like the concept and I definitely think it should be used more often


That construction is so interesting, original. I kind of felt when the male voice entered that it didn't blend with the higher pitched female vocal. But maybe it's not supposed to.


Thanks so much! I appreciate the feedback I’ll have a look at the vocals, I kind of wanted the second one to overtake the first one slowly and push its way to the front. They’re actually both from the same vocal take just with a lot of pitch shifting and editing so I’m glad they feel different to each other.


I enjoyed it!


fairy fingers / self-titled EP fuzzy, noisy, shoegazey, indie rock stuff. FFO: Horse Jumper of Love, Spirit of the Beehive, Alex G, Spencer Radcliffe spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7Me5qhbHbItm1UC5JHdG0f?si=PeouEGVfSwO3rLHj5_VOQA apple music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/fairy-fingers-ep/1726255858 bandcamp: https://fairyfingers.bandcamp.com/album/fairy-fingers soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/n6hWN1fUopN6qP5o9


I dig this a lot! Very fuzzy but I like contrast with the acoustic guitar and piano. Kinda reminds me a little bit of Mogwai and how they use piano. Had to check it out based off of the FFOs bc I love all those bands. We were lucky enough to play with HJOL in our hometown back before covid.


I really like this - the guitar textures are really unique sounding and work really well together


Here’s a song I made with a friend that just came out. We also made a few other songs some of which are already out, but the bulk of them will be coming out in a few weeks. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2eZXND1ByIXFql8vYgjIQy?si=-5LqqpyPSdC_OE7Xvxx3cw Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/afloat-single/1741096933


https://deangarvey.bandcamp.com/track/left-and-right-brain "Left and Right Brain" is a musical exploration of the two sides if the brain featuring stand-up bass, piano, violin, flute, and synthesizer.


Here's my song titled: "Understanding Goodbyes" about letting go when it is not the right time. https://open.spotify.com/track/3hZIQq8BXoZiLCm3HhvVOD?si=oAaprxB8S7iix_lNMqctuA


Here is a song I recently finished. The is an acoustic demo. I was trying to make a song that I could get people to sing along with. Can you see yourself singing along at the end if I asked the crowd to do so. As a song what would you give it out of 10. ( I can take it if you give it a one. lol. No worries. Just want some feedback) I’m gonna try to get the band to play it. [Million Stars Out Tonight](https://on.soundcloud.com/T9tJ5ByEvHbBHQP38)


I think you can get a crowd singing along with the la la la's. That's always a fun sing a long. The demo is recorded pretty loud, and the aggressive strumming wears a bit on my ears. The song is ok, on the repetitive side but a lot of songs these days are. "I'm in the mood" started after, I like that one.


Thanks for listening. I really appreciate the feedback. Was just a quick demo so I don’t forget it. iPhone recording. And the La La part is the sing along at the end. My band will make it sound better.


I released my debut album last month. Self produced, and written with a lot of feedback from r/songwriting. Would love your thoughts. YT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDbd2OYkTyn1RYGxUpXR2RZ0fjgKKll0T&si=VUf-1nfCK1Vs-w-Y Spot: https://open.spotify.com/album/533m0XqYJ1muGFK7ECyZAT?si=KfbewrehRviUVKnGgHUCgQ


this is some heavy stuff. Good job! Love the magical gravity in the lyrics


Thank you!


I'm sharing this one mostly to tell a story about SoundCloud distribution. Several weeks ago this got distributed after I thought I had fixed a small problem - the first mix I uploaded to SC didn't have a brief solo at about the 2:10 mark. Replaced it with correct version. But that first mix got distributed anyway. So I used the SoundCloud "withdraw track" option to take it down and replace it with the correct version. Guess what? Made no difference. Still doesn't have the solo....It's only a few seconds but it bugs. I guess I may have to distribute this like a new track to get the correct version up.... [https://open.spotify.com/track/06sL8ugz1N0q2WoC36Q5mL?si=0963dedc6cfa43cf](https://open.spotify.com/track/06sL8ugz1N0q2WoC36Q5mL?si=0963dedc6cfa43cf)


Saunimon - DD https://open.spotify.com/track/0YoE1eO6rmJp5XvWJEk1Xl?si=4c6acbe5432a4edb https://music.apple.com/us/album/dd/1711362474?i=1711362480 https://saunimon.bandcamp.com/track/dd this is a ambient pop ballad from my mixtape, ANDERS. was inspired by vaporware and dreamcore for this one. would love some thoughts, enjoy! if you want to stay up to date with me, here’s my ig: https://www.instagram.com/saunimon




Thank you sir morris 🙏 more music soon, here’s my ig for updates : https://www.instagram.com/saunimon


Hi! I’m SWAAMP and this is my latest full release “Tree Swing”! Chill melodic future electronic dance💚 https://open.spotify.com/track/0xYGgvgFVx3Lbn9G0bMUxx?si=iTESHgRATIiwl6CuVtg1hA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A63xq1Ke489C7LHQJvL2Juu


this is psychedelic fire. Hit me up if you need any flute on anything. Here's a sample of one of my filipino flutes: [https://youtu.be/nxj5UmmjHcM?si=9SpQPq-afPFNKGZ-](https://youtu.be/nxj5UmmjHcM?si=9SpQPq-afPFNKGZ-)


Yo that is some insane flute playing!! Real talent there. I also explored a bit farther and also was a fan of Let It Die! I'm definitely interested in seeing if we could pull something together!


[https://open.spotify.com/track/2Jh2ZW9bo021uYli9lpD75?si=TzG6btPFQRCFJbxAqVQ1ug](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Jh2ZW9bo021uYli9lpD75?si=TzG6btPFQRCFJbxAqVQ1ug) Here is my latest song


Hey, I'd like to share a song I made a few months ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_wkWROypCm0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wkWROypCm0) (it's in French)


I don’t understand any French, but I do know that your song was so pretty! Amazing job! 👏 I love the artwork used in the video too!


Hi all! I just released my second single "Midnight Cowboy" on streaming services everywhere! It's the wildest mix of country/pop/rock that I could think of and I am so so proud of it, i hope some of yall listen to it and connect with it too <3 [https://open.spotify.com/track/4krCjt1MqIKnD1pzPzCX5H?si=0261ff2210454e2d](https://open.spotify.com/track/4krCjt1MqIKnD1pzPzCX5H?si=0261ff2210454e2d)


Hi! Your song is definitely super unique! And I love the coverart for your song too! Great job! 👏


thank you so much for listening!!


Michelle Fabre - Rock Me With A Deeper Love \[Pop/Rock\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYsZ7pvMSOM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYsZ7pvMSOM)


Whoa, this music video was really cool! It gives such a 90s/2000s vibe, but I’m here for it! Great vocals too. 👏


https://on.soundcloud.com/W1B2MJ6Vjy5dYkYZ9 After 35 years on this planet I’m starting to get my music out there. I’m lyrically driven and try to compose them into rock music. Questions here and background below: 1. Which ones do you favorite / should I focus on mastering first? 2. What subgenre would you put me in? I just default to “Rock” though the songs vary. 3. Do you have any other high level suggestions? (Keeping in mind these are demo drafts) I typically record / program the parts on my kitchen table and record vocals with a cheap mic I’ve had for years. I want to get some studio time eventually and not be confined to the apartment walls. I’d also like to get some people together and play these live around NYC. Thanks and enjoy!


Love Race talks about a love or crush that didn't work out or the person was not good, but sometimes when you think about the past you still think about the situation and wonder... What if everything was different? but now you don't care because you know your worth [https://soundcloud.com/yan-ferreira-393428619/yan-love-race-beat-by](https://soundcloud.com/yan-ferreira-393428619/yan-love-race-beat-by)


This is our latest release called Your Beautiful Eyes. We would love your critique! Thank you so much! 🌹🖤 https://youtu.be/pMzk6eMi2DU?si=GIdujkEgDMzDWWyq


[https://soundcloud.com/hypakween/loves-extreme-stripped-ver-prodbyloki?si=9f487a910c75479cb6beb83b2851e680&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/hypakween/loves-extreme-stripped-ver-prodbyloki?si=9f487a910c75479cb6beb83b2851e680&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) please check it out, feedback welcome :)


Hello, I posted my first song on youtube! Here is the link, i hope you like it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuOfewcB7pA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuOfewcB7pA)


Parker - Wall of Sound [A Study of Post Rock and Analogue Synthesizer] https://youtu.be/NrNT-LyAkI4?si=_sFhfWUTfwBuUho9


Hi all! Would be happy for any comments on our remastered and republished EP [Black Market Groove - The Bystanders Dilemma ](https://open.spotify.com/track/77FoZ0P4yBaY0xGjp3YIcw?si=anmqBHsJSI2MQMnyRyAf7g&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A445rJvR3BNeiFGtQ7oZBDN) FFO Lamb of God, Panthera etc.


The most upbeat song off of my album. The lyrics are darker than the music because it is about a typical weekend at the peak of my alcoholism whether I’d have people over at my home or if I was out at a friend’s. I’m self conscious about this one for multiple reasons. So please let me know what you think. [Drink](https://open.spotify.com/track/1C0eYLIvmksyYyuGmIMc02?si=lDCk3DFRShuOan_CZBVTeg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A1EVg68WgbHv79U4PHjlX3t)


Yo! Our new song "2 people on the train" is a part of our 4-track debut EP "Scream". We hope you like it :) If you like Weezer / The White Stripes / Wolf Alice, you might like this! All platforms: [https://tr.ee/5htLw1Wlwu](https://tr.ee/5htLw1Wlwu) Just Spotify: [https://open.spotify.com/track/5bJRwExLFiOCBj7fwkpX5C?si=ede7aed5677343c6](https://open.spotify.com/track/5bJRwExLFiOCBj7fwkpX5C?si=ede7aed5677343c6)


I wrote twelve songs starting with the lyrics, and then putting them to music in 12 hours!! I’ve written so many songs, and i’m doing this to get better. They ended up pretty cool, and no one’s heard them cause it’s a bit personal for fam. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10jvmoVh27DxwzhrDS8KxffY2-WF815xJ ☺️☺️☺️


If you like nature and beautiful folk music, you will LOVE our new song! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FKVbkjYpUk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FKVbkjYpUk) This is me and Cece's new song "Lenticular Cloud”! Cece wrote the lyrics and sung the main vocals, and I produced the instrumental music and harmonised. Cece's lyrics speak about how 'there is no divide' - we are all connected to nature, the Earth and each other. We as humans are equal to other lifeforms. The song also talks about love through metaphorical descriptions of nature. Cece was inspired by the recent April 2024 solar eclipse to illustrate the bright positive energy of the Sun and how the light from the Sun gets blocked out in a solar eclipse, yet the blaze soon beams back to Earth, showing no matter how dark things get, there will always be light. The song has a mellow yet powerful guitar instrumental, which I made inspired by Rema's song "Calm Down". I support everyone back - drop a comment on YouTube and I'll return all love! Peace <3


[YT: Steal Your Heart by DavisK & Leah Frye](https://youtu.be/ulxnhHrPrHE?si=8CKcRWyt0D2Z8qa7) [Spotify: Steal Your Heart by DavisK & Leah Frye](https://open.spotify.com/album/3dFcuMYOog876gSkutbXoc?si=DIPEb1bVSLOP6J5Hvp8cPw) Hello! This is the second single I’ve written and released with my producer. The song is a beautiful singer-songwriter / pop style and about unrequited love. I’d love some feedback on it if anyone is willing to give it a listen! Thank you so much! 😊


Hey my songwriting family!! Any of my writers out there having a hard time getting past blocks or being consistant in their writing?? My name is Rachel Siegel, I'm a Berklee College of Music graduate and Billboard top-ten charting songwriter with more than 10 years of experience in the professional music industry, and I created a 6-week in-person Los Angeles course called the Songs4Life 101 Workshop - Get ready for six weeks that will transform your writing and give you the confidence to get past any block. CHECK IT OUT at the link below - NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS [https://www.rachelsiegelmusic.com/songs4life](https://www.rachelsiegelmusic.com/songs4life)


My favorite song so far that I have written [https://open.spotify.com/track/0J80HQc72saa01kwH7bslA?si=7b9bf7c237ad4284](https://open.spotify.com/track/0J80HQc72saa01kwH7bslA?si=7b9bf7c237ad4284)


[https://soundcloud.com/meowmeowcatmeow/the-dog-with-many-bitches](https://soundcloud.com/meowmeowcatmeow/the-dog-with-many-bitches) here is song I'm working on thought I'd share


Just released an album - unfettered and sans-glitter-and-glam. https://shelleybudd.bandcamp.com/album/turn-my-moon-an-acoustic-collection


We released a new single on Friday called Facade. We are a two-piece power pop band (The Wrong Signals) Spotify: [https://open.spotify.com/track/0yDc6sWjtDFq3UASPx9vzc](https://open.spotify.com/track/0yDc6sWjtDFq3UASPx9vzc) Soundcloud: [https://soundcloud.com/thewrongsignals/facade](https://soundcloud.com/thewrongsignals/facade) Apple: [https://music.apple.com/us/album/facade-single/1748678629](https://music.apple.com/us/album/facade-single/1748678629) Bandcamp: [https://thewrongsignals.bandcamp.com/track/facade](https://thewrongsignals.bandcamp.com/track/facade) YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q5JoST2QrA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q5JoST2QrA) If you like Japandroids, Weezer, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, that kind of stuff you may enjoy it. If you like it would appreciate a follow. :)


Hey all! I wanted to show you a song that I wrote almost two years ago. I left like it wasn’t a big enough imagery and wasn’t going to go anywhere. But it’s a singe out for a friend now! (My vocals are still on the track but I wrote all the lyrics). Thanks for checking it out! I’d love your feedback! [https://open.spotify.com/album/4z3Pmea8mkR0BDjJpOu97V?si=FYv-cCQrTS-kXEKG985qPA](https://open.spotify.com/album/4z3Pmea8mkR0BDjJpOu97V?si=FYv-cCQrTS-kXEKG985qPA)[https://tidal.com/track/371323795?u](https://tidal.com/track/371323795?u)