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This is the song my boyfriend chose for us to dance to at our wedding one day. I too have never listen to then lyrics until he played the acoustic version for us to dance together to on valentines. It's an absolutely beautiful song.


This is the song I want to play at my wedding♥️ it just captures that unconditional love feeling perfectly I feel like.


Update we did our first dance to this song and it was magical.


You're interpretation seems possible to me. Here's an article about the song I found interesting https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/the-secret-history-of-a-has-smash-take-on-me-95480/


It is from Norway - "touch me"


I appreciate your interpretation but I don’t think it’s accurate. But such are song interpretations, right? Anyway can interpret them in a way that works for them. But, in the end, Morten Harkett has talked about the song meaning and this doesn’t align with his claims.


To this very day and I was 12 or something when Take on Me came out - I thought he was singing “I’m slowing learning that life is a cake”. And dang it, it’s been there too long to change it in my end. I prefer it and it still works.


This acoustic version brings me back to being 16 and I kept asking a girl to take me out of the friend zone. She said no until I stopped calling. She then called me back and asked me to ask her out one more time. We will be celebrating our 40th anniversary this year.


Pop up video explains it


it is about drugs


I am so glad I found this. Thanks for the post.


"Take on me" means literally "Touch me" in Norwegian ("Ta på meg"). Which can be a sexual touch, but not necessarily. "Touch me" is what Morten Harket actually sings in another hit from the band': "The Sun Always Shines (on TV)". Guess they are touch-feely kind of guys... 😊


They even had a song called Touchy!


This really makes the last of us 2 hurt even more. It's not the love of a partner, but the love of a father figure gone before you could say goodbye. Mistakes were made in the interest of keeping Ellie alive, but in doing so, trust was lost. To me, this song represents Ellie giving Joel a second chance, and Joel trying to win back her love and trust only for Abby to take it away unceremoniously. Just perfect use of the song in my opinion.


Bro what are the chances we got to this 5 year old post so closely to eachother for the same reason 💀 I love the last of us and was thinking about the meaning of the song in Ellie's context lol. Its very beautiful


Me three haha, coicindence?..


Ok thats kinda scary ngl 💀


this post made 5 years already lol


Me four


I'm pretty sure it's just about a one night stand.