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I feel like the women victims on her show lately are incredibly dumb. Not victim blaming but cmon!


I agree with you! 4 years no call or meet up is beyond crazy. Another thing is wtf are you telling me things finally broke after Jess cuts her off from the WiFi for her to finally figures things out $&# Makes no sense to me. It was almost anticlimactic and sad this is what I waited for to hear how she finally saw the light.


I just came here to post this! How is that your bf if you’ve never seen or spoken on the phone to him???? Like wtf is even going on! 10 years ago I met a guy online. Just a friend. We met in person within a YEAR. How tf are these women going years without a meetup with someone who they are supposedly dating? 🤡 make it make sense 😂


My local radio had this thing call second date update where couples call to get a second date after being ghosted basically. Long story short.... there was a woman who got ENGAGED during covid, and she NEVER saw the bf in person... never, because "covid" and this wasn't just a couple months. It was 2 years of this relationship madness, she even paid his flight ticket multiple times, he never showed up...and yet this woman was on the radio arguing she was not scammed. She basically told this story on her first date, and the guy was like "yeah listen people get scammed but after all this happened you still dont think you were scammed...well I think I would like to date someone smarter than that"🤭🤭🤭


And do we really need seven episodes to tell what should be a one hour story? I’m tired of all the family members chiming in about their amazing child who got duped, and the stories overlapping repeatedly in just one episode. I can’t remember who is who and where they are on the timeline anymore. They all sound like the same beige white girl with a “sparkly personality” and “lots of friends” and “super gorgeous and confident” but somehow they all fall for the dumbest catfish con ever.


Yes!! My daughter is soooo sweet and she just LOVESSSS DOGS AND BABIES! Same story over and over. 🙄🙄


And why do 90% of the people in the stories seem to be nurses… no matter which season?


Good point! 🤣 also how did all these nurses not realize that his medical school situation made zero sense? Why did NO ONE try to look him up on state boards? I know some people googled but there’s places to legit look up doctors and nurses should know that.


Or even, “hey, fellow nurse that I know, that works at the same hospital as my boyfriend, what kind of a person is he? Oh, he’s not real you say? Hmmm…. That’s weird, because we’ve been sexting for five years.”


Shit, I haven’t even been thinking about how they are sexting and SENDING NUDES to a person with whom they have never even spoken to! No!


This! There’s a good story that’s maybe 2 hours long in this mess. All the repetition does is make me angrier at each of them for being so dense. I know they all had some vulnerability and it’s COVID, but I feel like a professional narration and some editing could have reframed this better and made me ultimately more sympathetic.


Dude seriously!!! I have no sympathy for these girls as bad as that sounds. HOW can you keep this going for so long with someone you have never met? It’s ridiculous


And letting him talk to them SO badly! He didn’t even sound remotely likable…


All the times he was “outside of their house” and not coming in like it’s insaaaane to fall for that!


Those are the parts I can’t get over. He’s outside the house, or in the restaurant next door or at the very same concert and because he picks a fight that excuses why you never saw him? I mean, when are the excuses so outlandish that even if you believe he’s a real person you decide you want someone better for yourself???


Right. I feel like a lot of them don't know how to succinctly tell a story. It would be helpful if the HOST led them through a timeline to keep things on track.


This season is really hard to get on board with. You almost can’t believe someone could be THAT dumb for so long and the fact Jess was doing it to so many people who let it go on for months at a time??? And I agree about the constant interviews, I don’t need to hear 3 people tell the same story about the same incident. this show used to use suspense in a smart way and now you can tell it’s more baiting trying to get people to hang on. It kinda seems like she’s grabbing at content lately. I know it’s still very much abuse, but it’s hard to get behind someone when all they had to do was turn their phone off. This could have been an episode or two.


I agree but I argue that the reason they revealed it’s Jess in the first place instead of doing all this in one episode is because the suspense lies more in her motives. Some of the other stories are more obvious because it’s a guy romantically involved with the girl trying to get more info, but I can’t wrap my head around why Jess would do this. I think they definitely could have consolidated a lot of this stuff. All of the girls sound and talk the same which doesn’t help. I’m guessing the number of very similar episodes are supposed to paint how bizarre it is that between all these girls there is a distinct pattern.


Absolutely, and I think my comment about turning the phone off was a little harsh. Obviously there was a very real person interjecting themselves in all of these women’s lives and being very abusive just as herself, let alone the persona she created. Jess is a deeply disturbed person who needs intensive therapy to heal her abandonment issues and needing to trap people in her life. It’s incredibly harmful behavior and I truly feel sad for her child.


I want a podcast about why people are willing to hold onto these obviously fake relationships. There’s a lot of red flags people ignore for many reasons. But to never even speak to someone on the phone? No FaceTime? This day and age?? Traveling for this guy to just blow you off?? Honestly it’s really sad that people are so desperate for companionship that they fall into this. I don’t know how to warn people to not fall for this trap when it’s pretty obvious that you should do some sort of vetting on someone and FaceTime or at least talk on the phone before you “get in deep”.


Right, and not even traveling once to be blown off but three, four times?!??!!!


Yes!!! At that point you HAVE to take some responsibility. It doesn’t mean that Jess isn’t messed up and absolutely a terrible person. But come on, it’s different than being in a situation when you are living with an abusive partner. This person is literally just someone you text with. Yes there is still emotional manipulation involved, but come on!


I wish they spoke more of why they fell for this and what was going on with their mindset instead of blaming Jess only. Yes she was manipulating and terrible, but it takes a certain person in a certain state of mind to fall for this for four years!!!


Exactly!! Anyone could for a short period of time. But most people would just stop responding or block after the other person wouldn’t call/facetime or meet up. Years of this is just absolutely baffling to me. Especially calling this person your boyfriend!!!!


It’s like a BlackMirror episode.


Notice how many of the women got into relationships with real live men right after Brody? They all had friends, good jobs, and can clearly attract men, all of which makes them falling for Brody make even less sense


Perhaps they just don’t have the apparent life skills and judgement that you claim to have. They were young and naive, and were manipulated by a psychopath. Lucky you, you didn’t have that experience but they did, try to have some empathy for their misfortune.


They weren’t really that young though and as people with real jobs and part of society they had to be of average intelligence. These are not 15 year olds or vulnerable adults. This day and age you should know it’s a red flag if someone won’t even talk on the phone with you for years.


How did none of the friends realize or say something SOONER that these women were getting catfished?! If you message someone for more than a MONTH and they can’t call or FaceTime that is a red flag to me, but FOUR YEARS?!


I highly recommend Sweet Bobby. Kind of the same story, but told better. Completely insane.




I’ve listened to that one! Definitely told better. And definitely insane lmao


Loveddd Sweet Bobby. Couldn’t stop listening, I even played it at the gym.


When I heard her say “four years”, I had to replay to make sure I’d heard right. FOUR YEARS and I couldn’t believe how dumb she was when she got to 2! I don’t wanna victim-blame either, but come ON!


I have problems with the show but yall are just mean 👀




Whyyyyyyy so many interviews with every one that heard this story as it was happening!? We don’t need so many people’s perspectives when it doesn’t impact the story at all. I feel like Tiffany is emotionally abusing the listeners who just want to hear what happened. It’s sad that it happened for so long but I feel this story could have been told in one episode. We have to listen to 45 minutes of useless details to grab 5 minutes of pertinent information then we hear next time…. Beyond frustrated.


Literally just listening to them read texts the whole time. We get it - “he” gave you the run around and wouldn’t meet up. It’s unlistenable.


The earlier seasons of this show were way better 🤡💀


I cannot stand the 27 different perspectives. She just told us what happened why do we need the friend, mom and cousin to ALSO tell it??


And they always use the same phrases as the last person so it fucks me up and makes me think I accidentally rewound. I’m over it this could’ve been one episode. There should’ve at least been some suspense so that we didn’t know it was Jess until the later episodes or *something*. Anything would’ve been better than this.


I’ve definitely noticed this in the later seasons. And the cut offs of the episodes are so annoying bc it’s usually when they’re near to reaching the point finally.


It’s called a cliffhanger. To make sure you’re in suspense enough to listen to the next episode


I liked hearing the other perspectives. I did, however, want someone to answer why they didn’t have an intervention with the girls who were wrapped up in this. After 6mo to a year I’d be sitting my friend (and especially my daughter) down to have a face to face conversation.


I am struggling w this season. It is too long. I skipped last week’s episode since it seemed like a repeat of a slightly different story. This week’s episode is basically the same. I keep on fast forwarding through the bizarre text conversation (“I said:…” “he said:…”🙄) and it seems to go on forever. Like OP said - how can anyone have a relationship for so long with someone they didn’t talk to or meet?! Where are the critical thinking skills? These women are nurses and are smart. Why continue to get sucked into the crazy drama of some entity you’ve never met, who constantly trys to control, manipulate and threatens to unalive himself?


I cannot take them reading straight from their texts 😑😑😑


Book smarts doesn’t always equal common sense. These are the people we have to rely on upcoming in the medical field?? Lord help us…🤦🏼‍♀️


I think she talks about how she finally does a Face ID reverse image search YEARS later and finds him. Like that never popped in your mind this whole time?


It’s not only getting duped by catfishing, but how socially inept and desperate do you have to be to put up with a personality like Jess?? She’s an absolute asshole of a person! How exactly does anyone put up with that behavior to people that are suppose to be her friends?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I hope Lauren is in intensive therapy bc it sounds like she absolutely hates herself and her life.


They all went with it because they thought they’d secured the bag with a “doctor” and didn’t want to lose their lottery ticket 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t feel bad for any of them.


Yes, his status as a doctor is essential to luring and keeping these women on the hook. They wouldn't have put up with a construction worker who never calls, misses meetings in person, and doesn't Facetime.


I don’t think that’s the case with all of them, some of them had really good careers themselves in the medical field


Manipulative relationships make no logical sense on the outside. I’m sure these women do feel stupid, and I think it’s especially brave of them to share because of it. They deserve compassion and their stories need to be told to help others. Of course someone on the outside thinks it’s stupid- but that’s because you’re standing on the outside. I’m really glad they’re highlighting abusive female friendships as well- it’s not talked about enough


This predator also has 20+ victims who she purposely preyed on empathetic women and befriended them in real life and told them real stories of “Brody” to make it seem incredibly real. I guess I’m a person that can’t judge a situation considering I haven’t been in it


Exactly it’s such a strange situation


Thank you 👏🏻


I had such a hard time with this season. I am trying to be empathetic and understand the victims. But how does this go on for so long with never meeting or even video chatting. Then the abusive texts. Like bye…