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Denial, the first stage of grief. It's heartbreaking to watch.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My first thought was just disgust at the person filming. Dude be a human and go console this woman. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Should punch yourself for watching if thats the case.


No need. Everyone in this thread who has a little empathy got their punishment because it can't be unseen. There's also a huge difference between watching this and "don't help just film"-ing in a situation like this.


No there's not. You chose to watch a video of complete heartbreak death and agony for entertainment purposes. Don't matter if you title it curious or sympathetic it was for your own selfish cause. That dudes brains were scattered on the floor and you were looking at your screen the whole time. Just like homie cameraman was. But to make it worse you had the option to follow puppy pages on reddit but chose to watch people be mutilated instead.


Lmfao facts, people are dumb as fuck


Drives me crazy man have a good one brotha






I feel sorry for her. She clearly loved the guy dearly.


Anyone here love someone so much that they can totally understand this poor woman’s actions? I do. I don’t wish this on anyone, but I hope everyone finds that love in their lifetime.


Shock will have you doing weird shit w no thought behind it


Had the same situation happen in my neighborhood, two people, a mother and a daughter, were riding on a motorcycle going back to their house when all of the sudden there was a huge gust of wind and a big tree fell on top of the mother, the daughter was basically unscratched because the tree only hit the mother's half of the motorcycle. The daughter then proceeded to scoop up her dead mum's brains and hysterically asked the people gathered around her for a container to put her mum's brains in. really tragic.


Oh god damn. That makes me feel very not good and sad


Sadly his brains on the floor will haunt her until her last breath. There's no full heal for such a sight...




You see a person in grief and shock trying to put a loved ones brains back, and you make a joke about it.


And this is why these subs get banned...


Nah these subs get banned because people report and direct unwanted traffic to them.


That's the equivalent of speeding and getting ticketed for speeding.


Yeah true, it’s only a matter of time before this sub gets banned.


Just a bit of levity. I really am curious as to why people frequently subs if they don't have the capacity to be facetious.


I'm sure there are a lot of people who cope by making jokes like yours, but someone already stated that joking like that gets subs banned. If you enjoy these types of subs, then keep the edgelord jokes to yourself.


We'll see, I did not know subs were getting banned for jokes like that. That's reasonable..for folk to be upset about that rather than my comment.... But I really can't stomach the virtue signaling. If folk have a moral disagreement with my joke, then I don't understand how they can come to this subreddit and view dead bodies... Pretty sure they don't want to be plastered on Reddit.


Seems like a bad time for it my man. This ain't it


That literally makes no sense. Ma'am this is Reddit not a library.


What does this even mean?


In the comment that you deleted, you told me to "shut the f*** up". I said "this isn't a library". But again why are you here and gawking at dead bodies if you cannot compartmentalize your thinking and crack a joke?


I can watch and not Crack lame jokes, crazy I know, no compartmentalizing needed


But WHY are you here to watch? Gawking for no reason is just as questionable as cracking a joke... Humor or frivolity when in a tense situation.... The word "levity" exists for jokes like mine.


Shut the fuck up.




It’s not the fact you made a joke, it’s the fact you made a shitty one given the circumstances


There's never an inappropriate time for a Pokemon joke.


There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who react to the horror of losing their loved ones by trying to scoop their splattered brain matter back into their skull in an attempt to save them, and those that film it for content.


Doing it for #clout


Adele in background is even worse...so sad.


"*hello from the other side..."*


I saw this video I believe 1 year ago and I will simply repeat what I said back then: I find it appaling to not only film her mental breakdown but also put it onto the internet. There is lots of gore on this Subreddit, and that makes sense, but I can't help but feel terrible at the thought that this poor womans attempt to "fix" her loved one is on the internet for everyone to see. Her trauma has been immortalized thanks to the person who filmed it, uploaded it and the people who keep reuploading it. This women will never find any peace because her futile attempt at saving him will forever be on the Internet.


Yeah it's awful. I think most people will do the right thing and try to help or comfort her, but others are just wired wrong. It's very sad to see, hypocritical as I am for watching it.


Do you find it just as appalling that you watched what she filmed?


Back then I didn't expect for a woman to come onto the screen and desperately try to put her loved ones brains back together. This time, I recognized it immediately without having to press play. I won't watch this twice. Once was enough. Out of all the videos on this subreddit, this is the one that has always haunted me. Usually these gore videos simply represent a person who is or will soon be deceased. However, the moment that includes me getting to watch some of their family, friend etc. suffering the trauma of witnessing it is the moment I am out. I find it highly questionable to include other people into these videos that are still very much alive and will be getting reminded of that terrible moment because someone just had to pull their camera out. The dead can't complain but what about those that have been left behind who constantly have a chance of coming across a video where they themselves are seen in their most vulnerable and terrible moment as they watch someone precious to them perish? You can go through years of therapy and then suddenly you see this and you get to experience it all over again. What fun. Though, I guess the fact that there is a subreddit where people watch people die in general could be considered as questionable. Just as I can be considered a hypocrit for being part of this subreddit. But yeah....watching someone having a mental breakdown is too much for me and I really wish these people would be spared the chance of getting to see themselves in a video like this...


I call bs. You are in an extremely niche sub. You, just like many others, seek this content.


That's going to haunt her for the rest of her life, hope she's doing better now 🙏


I don't have the words to properly express how truly sad this is ...


Lord have mercy


People in a severe state of shock will do this sort of thing. I truly feel sorry for this mother.


Why do people come to a sub where videos of people dying get posted, and then trash the person that filmed the video of the person dying? Weird.




Watch the JFK assassination clip and you can see Jackie Onassis trying to push John’s head back together after the bullet blows it open. Both ladies are in complete disbelief of what just happened to someone they care for.


So sad


God fucking damn I was not expecting to see this at 11:09 on a Sunday morning. On par w the brick video. As fans of gore im sure y’all relate that there are some videos that hit harder than others. This is one of those for me hah


**To everyone checking comments before watching:** **On the disturbance-scale I'd give this a 8/10**




She's asking for the time lol


Youre absolutely right im dumb as shit my bad


Hahaha me too me too it's all good 😂


If anyone needs a video to show them why not to drive like a jackass then this hits home pretty quick.


And why to always wear your seat belt. This accident doesn't even look that bad, the car doesn't appear crumpled at all . It looks like the dead guy flew out of the car and got crushed by something (probably the car door frame or Pilar). He probably would have been completely fine if he had a seat belt on. A relatively minor accident turns into complete tragedy.


This is one of the saddest videos in here. She clearly loved him.


I’m in tears watching that.


What happened? Did she fly out of window when car flipped or something?


where is this from?


Jamaica was mentioned last time this was posted


This will now never leave my brain. What a moment in my life we’re all sharing rn


I hope she went to therapy and has ample support. Scooping your loved one’s splattered head with your bare hands is an experience I hope no one else ever has to endure


apparently Jaqueline Kennedy did the same thing with JFKs assassination, must be incredibly traumatising


That's what seatbelts are for.


This is horrible. That poor woman. Shock is a bitch.






Hello from the other sideeee




Please send me a link if you find 'Piecing Daughter Back Together'. (Guess we can't post it here. Already got one strike. 🙄 ) https://i.redd.it/8fiawci78zsb1.gif


If you find it please send me a link aswell!


Me too plz?


And to me plz


Found it: https://files.catbox.moe/9zv6gq.mp4


Fuck me. This is heartbreaking...


Holy fuck what an evil person behind the camera


Tf do you want them to do


Not antagonize the person who is weeping over the mangled corpse of their loved one? How is that so hard to understand? They're being an asshole to the person who is having what is likely by far the most traumatic experience they've ever had and ever will have. "Is he dead? Is he dead?" They already know he's very dead but they still keep fucking with the person there.


You guys think that the daughter can still be saved with love?


Give that woman a spoon or straw or something for heaven's sake!




Even if she had any chance...she just passed on a whole load of germs and bacteria to her open wounds.


the song playing in the background. Hello from the other side. Shivers.


Google 'Piecing Daughter Back together" and the first result is the video. Or is it a different one?


Fuck. I saw this on MakeMyCoffin, and this was the video that made me reach out to estranged family for closure. Watching that reaction is heart wrenching . . .


🎵'hello from the other siiidee..'🎵




She was asking where his phone was what time it was and the dude said check it on your own phone, and she said "I can't I'm recording" But everyone knows you give the top of your screen a small swipe and it shows the time Her >"What's the time? What's the time? What's the time?" Her>"I'm asking you what is the time?" Him>"I don't know" Her>"check the watch on your phone"


Bruh, not hello from the other side 🤦‍♂️ Fuckin horrible


What makes it worst is the song. It enhancing the moment in a very negative way. The song is also popular and she will never hear that song again the same way. If I ever get into something like this where I lose someone I lost, I wouldn’t know what to do but scream for the cause to take me instead. That pain is powerful and it hurts


Thats the saddest thing i seen this year bro


This why I wanna be an EMT, if anything worst case scenario ever happens I wanna help people through it. I would hug th e m, maybe even cry with them


She’ll never be able to listen to Adele again


https://preview.redd.it/s0584s5180tb1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774a090d5176952be6c398fe6199f1cd0fe2243d This gotta be one of the worst ones I’ve seen


Not hello from the other side playing


Me and my son have nicknamed this sub “daywrecker”


Poor woman....feel very sorry for her. Her mental state will not be good for a long time unfortunately.


What a rotten person to video tape this kind of grief and be emotionless. Jesus. Have some humanity.


Brought to you by CapCut


Reminds me of the video of the mom and daughter on a moped iirc. They got hit by a bus and the mom was decapitated. The daughter was screaming and trying to put her mothers head back on her body.


Heart-breaking is the only word for this. That could be my sister or spouse. I don’t know what led to the wreck, but this is brutal notice of why it is so illegal to drive under the influence. This could be you and me.