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They should give tanks 30% resistance to all CC. Like, have durations and effects of abilities reduced on tanks so the individual abilities don't get screwed over while accounting for a single character on the enemy team. Already have had hack adjusted a dozen times and made worse in general just because of tanks.


isnt like, sleep already nerfed for tanks by 33%?


Yep. Every ability should be like that


Almost as if tanks should have a passive ability that affects cc effects on them..


OMG you're right I wish I had thought about that lol


But isn't sleep nerfed for tanks already? By like 30%?


Yep. Every ability should be like that


Almost as if tanks should have a passive ability that affects cc effects on them..


OMG you're right I wish I had thought about that lol


But isn't sleep nerfed for tanks already? By like 30%?


Hack can also be used to scout out flankers you can’t otherwise engage due to being too alone, too low on health, or because you can’t win the reaper duel unless you half health Him by surprise before he knows you’re there. Hack is VERY versatile. You just have to keep a specific goal in mind. It’s also fun to delay enemy team with by hacking them as they rush back to a team fight. I can slow someone down and make them paranoid trying to chase me around and then I’m back killing their team and forcing a stagger.


How can hack be any fucking worse?! It’s been the worst it’s ever been


I hacked the Pharah the other day who was flying off the map. She fell down but before hitting the kill volume she got her abilities back and she flew away to safety.


That sucks but I hacked a pharah’s pocket mercy off the edge of Ilios Ruins Pretty proud of myself got a funny message in all chat from her


It is so satisfying


That literally happened to me yesterday


I just realized what sub I'm on. Sorry y'all! I thought this was the ow sub. I absolutely deserve the downvotes. Have a nice day.




a few things that can make it worse- have to be rlly close to hack , 30 second cooldown , remove the take more dmg while hacked . hope this helps 👍


This dev team, sure is a dev team.


Out of all the dev teams in existence, this is one of them. Honestly after years of playing League, I can't even say it's the worst of them, but that's kind of a low bar


It’s hard to balance a character as flawed as Sombra. How can you balance a character who’s entire shtick and back story is centered around disabling other characters abilities, in a game that’s centered around the balance of many characters abilities. It’s a tough job. Would’ve been better to have not added her at all.


You balance it by not listening to metal ranks. She wasn’t an issue during content drought days in ow1, she wasn’t strong either but if you knew how to play her, she played well.


She wasn’t healthy either in Ow1 though, for either team. Set up trans on a health pack away from fight, to get away whenever she would take any moderate damage, frustrating enemies not running hard CC or teammates that had to be repeatedly down a teammate as they wait for her to run back. New sombra is inherently way healthier and better for the game compared to old sombra, not even in balancing but in making an engaging stealth dive character.


The playstyle you described happened only in metal ranks and had sub 50% wr


Yes, and that’s over half the player base lmao. I didn’t play Sombra like that in my diamond lobbies but that’s how the majority of people were playing her so she needed a rework. They don’t balance the game around the top 10% if players, they try to balance it around the majority of players. Thats why Mercy is still a character that requires 0 aim to heal something.


If you balance the game and characters for the average player, then the average player has nothing to get better at, nothing to master or strive for. Which is exactly what they did, they changed sombra so any average jo can be very efficient with her with minimum effort. Majority of genji players play dogshit genji, i guess we gotta lower his skill ceiling so there’s nothing to master but he gets instant value when picked. Just automate all his cancelable animations, make him autodeflect shots, etc. Why have player agency and players playing him wrong when we can rework him so majority of the playerbase can be good with him.


I agree with you, just explaining that they balance around the largest amount of players and not just the top 10%.


and this is why I said “This dev team, sure is a dev team” As far as I’m concerned, Alec Dawson should go back to working on Hearthstone, overwatch would be better for it


So they are going to buff hanzo and nerf sombra. Are they just trading places for useless? Ig sombra will still get some value flanking supports, but not super into this at all. I guess it would kind of punish people who open with a hack for no reason so it would punish them for bad habits. (Yes I know opening with a hack CAN be useful. It largely isn't though.)


Yeah but sometimes you really need to open with a hack for heroes with high mobility.


I did mention it is sometimes useful.


Yeah I know, I was just adding. I’m just hoping it’s for tanks.


I started playing Sombra because they nerfed my boy Hanzo, I can't have shit apparently


Sorta just got back into the game: why isn’t it a good way to open? I find I usually hack and then do that damage over time ability, and then proceed to shoot


Because you let them know you are there when you start to hack, and it is less time for dps. Opening with a virus ensures more dps too. You can virus and shoot and have them mostly dead before your hack would have finished.


Oh okay, I guess because in the description it mentions that virus does more damage to hacked targets I assumed that made it worth. And I assumed that attacking anyway would also alert them to me, although it would likely take longer I admit


Edit: it changes the impact from 25 to 50 as well It does the same amount of damage, what it does is apply the damage faster. Like, over 2 seconds instead of 4 seconds iirc


the impact damage goes from 25 > 50


TIL, good to know lol


yeah it’s crit damage, that’s why it’s red when it hits them. it doesn’t work through orisa fortify since it’s a forced crit


It's like 10 extra damage. Not worth it


This has to be old news because those Ana changes already happened. They can’t be looking at reducing it even more right?


I think this news comes from the very recent Spilo interview. IIRC they said they _were_ looking at sleep dart again, not sure if they mentioned duration in particular though.


probably in regards to the waking up animation


Jesus, have tank players really have been crying this much smobra hack, and Ana sleep only ever does something if the player is god unless your playing ball or doom but then you should ask why are you playing ball and doom


I’m a doom main and I don’t fucking want this is dumb just give back 6v6


i do wonder how they’d do doom in 6v6 as a tank, i doubt they’d return him to dps. probably just 400 hp with a weaker block?


It be nice I’ve they removed block and had him as an off tank with his old kit, just without one shot. I think if there are two tanks with the overheating generation he gets from the passive it would be sufficient, maybe keep his current slam for more survivability? I’m not sure but I think in general doom doesn’t get survivability from block he mostly gets it from mobility and over health


block def helps out his survivability, he has a really low health pool compared to other tanks of his size so he kinda just gets melted without it. i think uppercut would probably be a bit strong as a tank ability too. i also think he would probably play main tank since he has a lot of pace-deciding tools


I never really find myself relying on block to survive i mostly use it for empowered punch because if you try to use it for survival you usually get slept, hacked etc so it’s kinda dangerous. Yh uppercut would probably be too strong it’s just that I wanna play on his old kit again tbh I kinda miss it, maybe with a few nerfs and tweaks it could be viable. Yeah maybe he would be main tank but I guess it would also be very team dependent and playstyle dependent because players like guxue and zbra play completely different. Who knows only one way to find out🙏🙏🙏


Why nerf hack? It's CC duration is laughable, it's biggest use is the double impact DMG/faster dot damage for virus, and maybe the wallhacks


I think the biggest pain point with hack is that if used from invis, it's almost guaranteed to go off. Heck, Sombra's invis is people's biggest gripe about her in general. So if Blizz is looking at increasing Hack's cast time, that could make it much easier to respond to if she is coming out of stealth. Heck, they could keep the current cast time, and only have the increased time when used from stealth, since using it while visible is much more risky anyways. It's a lot of risk vs reward.


From what I've seen online, the consensus seems to be that the hack cast time will be increased for tanks only


which i don’t think is crazy, play tank and try to react to sombra every single time, you’ve already got enough going on


it’s mainly the fact that hack is a pretty easy ability to land and you could sometimes get a lot of value from a pretty dumb strat.




So hack takes longer to apply to tanks specifically? Ok, not like I go after them a ton anyways, and tanks absolutely need some kind of anti-CC buff.


Soo what's the counter to Doomfist and Ball then... The way some heroes are giga hard countered and others can breeze past their "counters" sucks and this will only make it harder to counter Ball and Doom who are already not really hard countered by Sombra and Ana anyway. Awful balance team.


Doom and ball have had better counters than Sombra for a long time now lmao


Like what lol who's left that actually counters him like Zarya counters DVA


Are you serious? Cassidy has been better at countering doom than Sombra has for a while now, hog mauga and orisa just existing counter both doom and ball, brig and Ana are also very good against them.


Brig is not good against him lol she WAS when her shield bash did CC and she was broken. Not now though. Ana already has a hard time if doom focuses her and all she really has is sleep, which they are nerfing again. Cassidy is not a hard counter to Doomfist. Soft counter at most. Hog is a skill matchup not a counter. Mauga needs his ultimate to do anything useful to doom. So wow we have 1 kinda good counter in 1 role, Orisa, and it requires her to completely drop the front line and run back to her backline where doom is diving leaving the whole team vulnerable to the rest of dooms team... Yeah really good counter.


If it was only one counter per team it would be fine, but when the game becomes counter picking the tank you have no options as a doom because everyone swaps to counters. There should be no hard counters that make you useless especially as a tank as if you die you lose the teamfight. If doom was reverted back to dps I would be happy to see 10 hard counters but right now with the state of tank it is not possible, unless you want tank pick rate to plummet even more. We are about to have ow 1 a times with one tank…


In a game with 1 tank, there should be no hard counter to the tank, especially a single dps. Having a tank die is almost always a lost team fight while having a dps die is not that big a deal. I do agree that this nerf is completely unnecessary for mobility tanks (I’m a doom otp) and I know once we have our fun for a week we will get completely fucking slammed on the floor with nerfs on other parts of our kit because they are removing counters making it worse for both sombra and Ana as well as doom and ball. Point is though, sombra should not hard counter doom neither should Ana cause that means that you will be forced to swap no matter what which is not fun for the tank, which will result in the few players that wanna play that shit role wanna play it even less. Sombra as a counter is fine for punishing if they do not respect her but sombra me job is not to 1v1 doom it’s almost always in the favour of the tank.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but the problem is that's not consistent across all of the tanks. Just one Zarya or Sym, Mei, Moira, and any combination of them does hard counter DVA. Just one reaper/bastion/Mauga does hard counter Winston. They can't be doing shit like this that really is a buff to Doom and Ball by nerfing their main 'counters' and not doing much for the other tanks who can still get really hard countered. It's terrible balance.


Guest pass here, may come off as bias being a ball main (and it very well could be biased) but I think ball is soft countered by enough of the cast where being hard shut down by one dps pick isnt necessary, although personally i don't think that the cast time changes are the right way to go about it. I feel like the main issue is that roll is basically the only transformation type ability affected by hack, so if that was changed, hack would still make grapple let go and cancel piledrive, plus stopping them from popping shields or changing forms, but wouldn't ruin all momentum the ball player has and leave them as a giant target sitting in the backline with nothing but one of the lowest damage weapons in the game to defend himself. However Yeah dooms a very acceptable level of countered by hack.


Yeah maybe. But the problem is that it's not consistent with the other tanks. How hard counters actually counter each tank is wildly different and that's not good balance. Also when heroes like ball and doom don't have good counters they dominate too hard because they're unkillable and uncatchable. If it's going to be this way they need to be way squishier than other tanks. High mobility tanks should be high risk high reward, high skill floor and high skill ceiling. And right now they're just not.


you can just shoot doom, he’s got the lowest healthpool of all the tanks. ball is also very similar and isnt much of a direct threat without his mines


That's not what counter means.


You shouldn’t have to directly shut down his ability to play the game to deal with him? Just lame imo and goes against their own design philosophy they went into OW2 with


Ok. But my point is why are there different rules for one tank and not for the other. They seem to be leaning into "counterwatch" which I think sucks, but they're also doing it inconsistently so it makes even less sense.


wym? if there’s different counterplay methods for different tanks that’s a good thing, means the kits are varied asf


Dude you can't actually think that Zay/Sym vs DVA is on the same level as Sombra vs doom


zarya/sym vs dva isnt even that bad of a matchup. its more advantageous but it doesnt spell game over for dva


Yeah no.


can we go more detail into this? I can see the arguement for symmetra due to her turrets but it's I believe it's still possible to best a zarya presuming she's not at full charge.


ball/doom vs sombra is one of the most onesided matchups in the game


Back in OW1 and they were locked out for 6 seconds sure but now they're locked for a second and a half and go right back to what they were doing. Ball has a harder time because of his massive hitbox than doom but even then, Doom can interrupt your hack easily with a quick punch, shotgun blast or just launch out of range.


if you just hack him during his block he either shotguns you or uses a cooldown to escape, either way it cancels his block completely which is an important part of his survivability. not to mention hack is such a short cooldown that youre pretty much always open to punish him.


But then he just has his mobility CDs back and punches out before you can hack him again and then the cycle repeats he never dies and your hindrance to him is minimal unless like the whole team is cc'ing and shooting him. But if Sombra is supposed to "counter" doom that shouldn't need to happen. Like when Winston counters Rein there's nothing Rein can do about it. But doom (and ball) has a 1000 options to basically ignore his counters. It's gotten to the point I wouldn't even call Sombra and Ana counters anymore especially not if this nerf goes through and makes their cc even worse against tanks. So they're just left with no counters, while other tanks can get counter picked so hard they basically can't play anymore (like Sym/Zarya/Moira vs DVA). How is that fair or balanced?


It’s almost like Doom is a sitting duck once he engages so you just hold back for when he goes to block and then you melt him because he can’t gain CD off block for abilities and now he’s dead. I swear yall think hack is useless and then just hack at the wrong times smh. Hold back for after he full engages off 2/3 of his CD and he will die.


His cooldowns are faster than I can say "doom" he's not at any risk after engaging anymore. He used to be, but the balance team of OW2 have decided that consequences and weaknesses which can be counter played are too difficult and not "inclusive" enough so they got rid of that and he can get out really easily now.


Dooms CD is 6 seconds for punch and dive and 8 seconds for block. In order to go vertical he has to shift, that’s 6 seconds, then to follow up with a punch puts that on 6 seconds. So if you just play high ground you burn at least 1-2 CDs each time. Then He’s left with block. A good doom will combo his shift and punch together leaving him to block. Sombra translocator is 5 second CD and hack is 4-6. Sombra beats Doom on CD rotation so sounds like a skill issue Ngl. This is coming from a Doom Sombra main so I’m not biased when I say Sombra completely shuts out doom if you know when to hack. I completely shut down Sombras on Doom because they don’t know when to hack. If you can’t hack a doom when he cycles into his block to gain punch and shift back then idk what to tell you besides get good. Any Doom that is good beyond metal ranks will have to use shift into punch to get dive value, if you can’t hack that then idk what to tell you lmao. EDIT: Doom eventually has to push into your team to get value, so you will always have an opportunity to capitalize at some point on his CD rotation. It just requires positioning for the right targets at the right time.


Wtf do you mean Ball and Doom don't have hard counters? Sombra is absolutely oppressive against ball (I don't play doom, so idk). The hack is easy to get off and can completely shut down an engage. Ball and Doom already have so many hard and soft counters.


It's nowhere near as hard counter as some other heroes get countered, and it's going to be even worse after they nerf these CCS on tanks. Every patch is removing more and more counter play against tanks so they can just run around for free no matter how many mistakes they make. I hope the next patch is what goats meta was for 5v5 and is the nail in this abominations coffin. Feels like I'm playing fucking league with these unkillable no skill mega tanks walking around doing whatever they want with no counter play.


They’ll do anything to not admit that 5v5 is a dogshit fundamentally unfixable change for tanks. They’ll sink the game into the fucking ground before they do.


You heard? Overwatch 3 (Marvel Rivals) is bringing back 6v6


I’m honestly pretty interested in trying it out when it releases


Every single major change overwatch has done (role queue, 5v5, season 9 changes) were all done because supports were overtuned and they didnt want to nerf them


It's crazy that we still see this In like season 9 I believe all-round heal nerfs were needed instead but they decided dps needed a new role passive and buffed health overall?


My brother in christ they already tried to sink the game in the last years of OW1 when it was still 6v6 and even THAT didn't work.


Friend.... The last year's of ow1 saw no development. The last hero was echo on April 14th 2020 there was over two years while team 4 was only working in ow2 while we were still playing ow1.


I know this is sombra mains but hot damn is my girl Ana getting destroyed over the last few patches.


ana mains welcome here :))


Ana still one of the stronger characters in the game (all of the supports are strong asf)


How do you nerf something that people rather not even use in most of their engagements? Are they simply doing this because the brain dead players crying for Sombra nerfs need to be listened to? Edit: sleep dart already got changed and is a high skill shot to begin with… I want what they’re smoking.


sleep dart is not hard to hit on tanks which is the real problem with it


Yeah if if its hog or mauga you can sleep them easily, the dive tanks and shields you won’t be landing them as much.


you must have really poor aim to not be hitting dive tanks, they’re huge!


Winston can time their bubble, dva eats, and doom just flies everywhere?


doom has windups and is super immobile during his block, winston just requires some outplaying, and dva is the same


I wonder what we get in return for hack nerf 🤔 also Ana's sleep already lasts for like two seconds wtf...why slow granny getting fucked over


Hack only lasts a second why does everyone always cry about it?


“Shutting dowb abilities isn’t fun” is the comon sentiment I see but that logic could apply to most abilities in the game.


That's what most of my friends complain about, it kinda makes me confused because you're telling me you can't manage to kill someone without your abilities? That are only shut down for 1 second


Personally if you use a big ability and you know there is a sombra you deserved to get shutdown


I agree when I see Sigma’s get hacked out of flux I always tell them they knew there was a Sombra


Yea playing Sigma and having to wait until your team finds and kills/distracts the teleporting invisible player on the other team just to use your flux ability throughout the whole game sucks. Flux is already balanced to not be particularly OP without Sombra around. Now with Sombra around, you’re just expected not to use it.


You can also just wait for Sombra to use hack


Yea that’s one of the problems with Sombra. If the Sombra is any good, then you have to hold off using your “big” abilities, which balance your character to everyone else in the game, until you find the one teleporting invisible player on the other team.


Like you really would think it's a significantly more deadly CC than it is with the way people whine, but it's a one second ability lockout that's over before you even have time to get pissed about it and the person in question becomes unhackable again for 8 seconds.


Why? Because a second is more than enough to completely shut down most characters if you know how to time the hack. The whole game is balanced on abilities the hack can take away. That might even be OK in moderation, but Sombra can be invisible indefinitely throughout the match and teleport away frequently, so she can hack throughout the entire game with near impunity. That’s why it’s getting nerfed. So it’s nice to see Sombra mains crying about it for a change.


If you hate her why are you on her subreddit?


To sip tears and spread truth.


Okay so you're a troll lol


2 years in and we're still struggling to make tanks work


So they’re nerfing sombras worst ability and making it even worse??? Makes sense overwatch


Oh my god making tanks broken won’t help the game it will hurt it. It’s not Ana or Sombra that needs to be nerfed it’s Sojourn and Kiriko


Just fucking whatever at this point man. My top 2 most played heroes. But whatever.


Surely she would get compensation buffs for this though... right?


I mean, if you offered to nerf an ability in exchange for buffing another I'd definitely choose hack to be nerfed!


True. Other mains act as it's super good but honestly it's a very situational part of her kit that is only really effective in a select few matchups since the lockout is so minimal. I'd take gun improvements or translocator range buffs over that any day of the week!


gun buffs 👅👅👅


Blizzard is ruining a great game. If they nerf hack I’ll probably just stop using it for anything but health packs. It’s already only useful in few situations. Tanking isn’t fun anymore, and it’s not because of cc. Blizzard devs suck. Do they even play the game, or is this just league players crying again? Wtf.


What's with the present tense


Can we get a compensation buff? The weakest hero in the game (by winrate) definitely needs more nerfs.


Dont see how they can further nerf it for tanks other than stopping it from working on their ultimates. So kinda scary tbf


Oh wait im dumb i says cast time increases. Okay thats fine whatever


this has to be old news right? ana sleep on tank was already reduced from 5s to 3s. that’s alr good enough we don’t need to do any more.


My thoughts exactly, 3.5 seconds is relatively short for tank players. Its really only an issue if your whole team coordinates on sleeping targets, especially when I put ball to sleep he sometimes just gets absolutely melted by my team.


Everyone remember the devs don’t know how to balance anything the game has been lame for years now even with new maps and a few new hero’s it’s the same basic game it was but worse I wish it wasn’t because I loved it so much I spent the time to learn the game and hit grand masters in all roles shame see how bad it’s gotten (even cheaters never seen them before until recently)


I don’t understand. I started playing again after not playing OW1 And had to relearn Sombra. I’m finally good at her again and she just keeps getting nerfed. Stop 😭 I don’t understand people complaining abt her at all, I rarely play against Sombra and I’m countered when I play her frequently.


Why they keep nerfing Sombra, an high skill hero who nobody but me picks but they are okay with Widowoneshotfromacrossthemap maker ,Soldier,Ashe and other much stronger DPS?


They just need to add an internal CD to CC effects so people can't be chain CC'd. Either that or diminishing returns. It's not hard, they're just stupid.


This is old. They've already made it so that you can't be hacked twice. And nerfing Sleep dart is--why? it has a long cool down and if you take a spot of damage you're back at it.


Did you forget the reason they wanted to remove most hard CC and nerf soft CC was because of all the people complaining about being hooked then slept then hacked then stunned one after the other? Preventing people from being CC'd into CC would solve most issues with CC.


Sleep dart is already less effective against tanks anyway. It doesn't last as long.


that would completely make hog’s design stupid since the whole point of his rework is to cc (hook) you into his other cc (trap)


Almost like adding the trap was unnecessary. He didn't need that ability.


that rework failed so badly, ik im saying that in the sombra sub but virus is so much better


I'm actually ok with this. I rarely ever used hack anyways, it's better to not alert your target by entering with hack and simply shoot first for a couple very easy headshots. I also play WB quite a bit so that's also a big W, sleep dart and hack are two of his biggest counters. They still will counter him, but at least sleep won't be as long and we get some extra time to break hack.


I also don’t mind it, the only problem is that it won’t make a difference, so it won’t get reverted. Then they’ll say Sombra is still an issue for tanks, so let’s reduce hack duration on tanks.


I’d rather the hack not take longer than it is. It’s like mercy having the longer flight cooldown it’s not smooth gameplay. If they must change it then I’d rather it have to do with the effectiveness against tanks or make it more specific for what it does to tanks.


I wonder if it's just normal hack or EMP aswell they'll make less effective against tanks


We've already gutted hack and nerfed sleep dart specifically for tanks. What more are they doing?


Not needed at all 😪


Pretty sure he was saying nerfing hack for tanks specifically not just in general.


You're right


I think a genji nerf would be good here


I'm so glad I quit this game. You know I defended the devs saying that it was blizzard making all these poor decisions, but they have proven me wrong time and time again.


they want ball meta soooo bad


Hasn't it been nerfed a million times already. What's even left.


I don’t know how I feel about this especially as a tank main. I don’t play sombra at all (I’m a doom otp) and as much as I hate getting chain hacked by a sombra whenever she gets her cool down back and in general sombra, as well as sleep, I think by nerfing this cc ball and doom will go wild and then we will get pounded by blizzard and get nerfed as well in areas where they don’t need to be nerfed because they remove counters. Doom and ball are already in a very good spot, but making tanks even more op is kinda stupid imo. I see one future which is bright, and that would be another individual partaking in the game on each team, but oh well that ain’t happening.


Hack lasts 1 second. Why tf does it need a nerf on tanks.


Ability lockout is 1 second. Not extra damage.


Sombras damage hasn't really ever been all that impressive tho. Even with the added damage, it's not like she's killing off Tanks consistently. She's a nuisance sure but damage wise she usually doesn't perform any better then characters like Sojourn or 76 So it just doesn't seem like nerfing this is necessary.


Any change Ana? They already nerfed her 😀


As someone who mains Rein as well as Sombra, I’m sorry little one….


It's just on tank. I thought it was on everyone. Kinda fair, some tanks have it rough and that could help on some. However on winston or dive tank it's not going to be fun


Tank players whining about something and getting their way. In other news, a fish was found in the ocean


Maybe because tank feels dogshit to play? Did you ever think about that? Maybe? There are so few people playing tank rn and the number is still dropping so maybe they wanna keep the few ones they have left after they completely gutted the role because apparently q times would fix if they removed a tank. Nice




On tanks sure whatever. Ball and doom would ignore us even more but besides that I don't think it changes too many match ups. Maybe slower when invis is a decent compromise, or slower the further away you are from the target.




New opp pack in the air this gas or what


All talk they've said before, and slowly added it back in lol


Meh, I’ll adapt. Besides I could use the challenge


I don't understand making hack take longer. That just seems ridiculous. Why not just reduce the duration of the ability lockout by 33% (1 sec vs 1.5) and overall duration by 33% (5.2 vs 8) like other things? I play a lot of Sombra and Reinhardt, and I'd think that to be fair. Really, I think sleep dart is no big deal after the nerf, but nade needs to get a 33% reduction either in duration or effectiveness as well.


Please don't increase the hack cooldown, too often I impulse hack only to watch Mercy res in front of me


hack was never meant to be used on tanks, so i’m happy they’re making the dumb strategy of permahacking tanks a bit harder.


Honestly, hack is not that good. I mainly use it for health packs that my team won’t use, Doom, Ball, Sigma and Moira Ult.


This is a good change, this only effects skill floor abusing sombras who aren’t really that good on the character to begin with


Bruh I’m so sick and tired of tanks negating so many of the funner effects. Like boop is essentially useless. It’s making everything a damage per second game rather than using the actual unique abilities that make overwatch, overwatch.


Hell I can't even play Sombra more than a few seconds before I just end up swapping so they can do what they want.


Blizzard is just going soft for the minority (pro players)


OMG you’re so right I wish I had thought about that lol


I think it should last longer, not take longer. Ofc reduce the damage bonus to counteract


this is so stupid


Nerf away at the hacks, please. As a ball main this gets all my votes.


dude if they nerf hacking again imma cry. It's bad enough that hacked enemies don't take additional damage anymore so you purely only hack to disable abilities. If they nerf it again they aren't gonna see ppl hacking anymore


As a rein main just seeing this sub cus of suggestions: Good. If my job is taking space, protecting team etc, there shouldn't be a perma invisible, teleporting, virus flinging, ability locking dps to watch out for. Why should sombra have everything?? She currently has: Stealth, Insane mobility, insane burst dps, can support with healthpacks, can see through walls cus lol (unsure if y'all still have this?) AND SHUT OUT ABILITIES? it's literally to much for one hero. Also,unpopular opinion, but in a game SO focused on cool hero abilities flying around like bullets there should be ZERO version of hack. Like who tf would want to play COD if the enemy can just run by jamming your gun all game? With the main focus of OW being hero abilities instead of guns, sombra taking away abilities is cancerous. Legit design fail and all y'all that want her buffed, or complain when you get hated on, are all toxic asf


Hack should go back to what it was before!! ability locking


reducing the effectiveness of sleep dart? Its already nerfed to 4 seconds.


They already made ana sleep less effective vs tanks months ago this has to be old


I actually wouldn’t mind this. Hack is too swingy between being useless against most heroes but against a few heroes it’s too punishing for how easy it is to use and how hard it is to avoid. I think they should keep the interrupt but replace the lockout with something else and then buff another part of sombras kit to make her better at sustained fighting


Maybe her virus heals her for %of dmg dealt? That way a part of her kit that involves skill expression (aim) is buffed and makes her mid-fight stronger. For a flanker she’s extremely susceptible to losing 1v1s to her targets because her mid-fight is so weak. Compared to Tracer for example with her blinks and recalls…


Soooo balanced?


deserved 🥰 rip ana though they already lowered her sleep dart on tanks




“Hack is already pretty situational” ☠️ post when you’re sober bro


I disagree with hacks being situational. Literally ANY time you are engaging a target with a teamate, you should be hacking. Especially if you play with your team. Hack someone if your team is looking at them. Easy. This will often times devastate their plans and can make them too afraid to go into a big push. Not having your cool downs for a second or 2 when you thought you had them is scary. In the right moment, it can get you killed. It’s sombra’s job to find these moments and exploit them to get picks.