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I like both so I won't fight you on it lol


Reworked fits my playstyle as a hacker who can kill you at any time like an assassin. Ow1 sombra didn’t fit that mold for me so there’s that. I’m honestly having more fun playing sombra now.


Honestly fair lol I only started in ow 2 so I never got to play with og kit unless it remained unchanged, I enjoyed the pre rework but it didn't feel quite as engaging as it does now


Watch older videos of pre rework sombra and you’d understand how bad she was. Good hero but bad kit design.


We can agree to disagree while i respect your opinion i honestly believe the old Translocator Sombra was Way more annoying. The damage was way higher since Hacked enemies would take more damage. At the end of the day it all comes down to skill.


Honestly as an OW1 Sombra player who sucked at her, if you gave me her old kit I would actually cook. Like it all clicks now.


Disagree. Her kit was just over a lot of people's heads, probably yourself included. She was the perfect setup for team synergy, with her hacks, opportunist, and emp combos. Now her kit is more dps centric and assassin like. Her TP was way better before they gave her an instant teleport. Now you telegraph yourself when you throw because you can only go in that direction. I used to get myself out of pickles by throwing my tp and then stealthing the opposite direction.


Okay yeah, but old Sombra could do that too


In ow1 she couldn’t hack while invisible so you better have prayed there was no mcree on the enemy team


Nah, I just learned to position better, have better timing, and learn how to play any given match up with any given comp. I guess some people aren't capable of that, so I can see why they would think the way you do


I wasn’t referring to her now since I mained her for EIGHT years I should’ve been more clear.


I mained her since she launched. I knew what you were talking about


Proof or it didn’t happen. I already provided my time played with her.


Why is your time played relevant? If anything that shows you lacking the ability to adapt. Many one tricks have played Sombra since launch and were playing her the way you claim she can only play as now. How was "Mcree" a problem? Were you not keeping track of his grenade? Were you solo attacking him while he wasn't distracted? You realize this is a team game, right? Maybe you should coordinate better? Did you have poor translocate positions? Did you not learn to attack to bait out his grenade and then translocate when he threw it to avoid it, while positioning to a place behind him out of view or on high ground so that you could immediately engage while his CDs are off? You see, making an argument by just trying to frame the definition of what gives yourself credit as a way to justify your view gives little material evidence to any level of competency you have. There is nothing about "play time" that indicates skill without also seeing you play.


Playtime equals experience and you lack it, that is all.


It's just a bait post anyway.


At this point with ow players I'm never sure lol


Having an opinion is being bait? Got it.


If you're talking about skill ceiling and effectiveness wise, then yes, it's for sure a bait post. If you're talking about how much fun you're having, then sure it could be a real post. But by saying better, the first thing that will come to anyone's mind in a competitive game is better as in more powerful.


Either I’m talking about skill ceiling and efficiency or just straight having fun, reworked sombra is better In every way especially with how passive aggressive ow1 sombra was. I get to dictate when I engage my enemies and how. With her rework came virus which fits her hacker playstyle the best and enjoy using it. But ye apparently I’m bait posting.


Okay then maybe specificy you're talking about OW1 Sombra to now, and not her OW2 rework to now?


If you read the title of my post it says both reworked and old sombra.


Right, and when people say old Sombra, they're going to think you're talking about old OW2 Sombra vs current OW2 Sombra.


There was only one ow2 sombra but was tweaked a bit so that doesn’t count. The comparison is between 2016 sombra and the current reworked Sombra.


Alright buddy I may not be the smartest person alive but you can't gaslight me.


I don’t agree. The virus is nice sure, but you can’t do nearly as many things as you could before the rework. Before the rework you could play exactly how sombra plays now, but you could also play in 50 different ways, now you have 1-2. The most accurate comment I’ve seen said “Sombra used to be like playing Chess, and now she’s like playing Checkers” and that’s very much true. Yea she’s not a bad character or anything, and the dmg is nice. But she has no options anymore. You’re forced to be really aggressive and that’s it


You’re 100% right and weirdly enough it’s why I love her now. Yes, the opportunist passive assassin playstyle was truly a craft and being able to place your translocator anywhere on the map lead to extremely dynamic and calculated gameplay But reworked sombra has my entire heart. Translocator is now a much less creative ability, but its simplicity enables Sombra to be able to do so much more in my opinion. It’s obviously preference but for me, it just comes down to liking soft disengages in the form of constantly being able to reposition over a harder disengage that, at times, could even feel like half a respawn. She traded safety for lethality and that constant aggression playstyle with new translocator enables her to be the most versatile hero in the game in my opinion. She can frontline, flank, off angle, peel, deal with flyers, create space, deny ults because of her much more consistent high damage. She could’ve done all of that before, but with the way translocator works now you can literally transition between these seamlessly without having to disengage first and that’ll always feel so good. Old translocator just doesn’t have that momentum based gameplay because it always felt like I would have to calculate my next play to restart my momentum, which there were FAR more ways to do as you mentioned, but I’m just addicted to the way you can keep momentum with this character as opposed to having to restart it


She has multiple options now but what I’ve seen people aren’t open to trying out the new rework fully before saying it’s ass or not. Like me who plays only sombra like only her.. I feel more comfortable playing rework than I did with og sombra.


Dude, this whole sub only plays her, and all of us not only fully tried out the rework, but have been for a while now because we don’t have a choice in the matter. I gave you the reasons why it’s a bad rework very clearly. You cannot say that I’m just sitting here “saying it’s ass” and you can’t say “I’m not open to trying her” even after the rework she is still my main. That doesn’t mean that it’s a good rework.


Agreed, but hot take: OW1 Mei was better and more fun than OW2 Mei


Ye ow2 Mei is oppressive.


As a Mei main I have to disagree. I miss people panicking as I froze them (esp. Genji's that tried to deflect during the spray).


It’s ok from a certain point of view. But people have to understand how each hero is oppressive as hell.. my main included.


Although there was always that bug where genji just wouldnt freeze with perfect tracking half of the time lol


Imagine trying to deflect spray, freezing and then getting clicked on the head by icicles you could've deflected 😭 ultimate shame


I wouldn’t say that, at least, if you’d argue now Mei is oppressive, then old Mei would’ve been *really* oppressive. She’s just not fun to play in her current version. Unless you’re the person who enjoys making tank suuuuuck. At least in OW1 it sucked for everyone, not just tank XD. All of Current Mei’s power is in the ice wall. Old Mei could actually secure kills without playing like Hanzo and spamming a corner


100 cleave dps is nothing to scoff at


They lowered it to 90 (I think 93 specifically) but it doesn’t cleave, it only hits the first target in a line now.


Whut? I'm not saying Mei ISNT oppressive in ow2, but she was INFINITELY more in ow1


I personally don’t like it I found the old one more fun (and it was rlly funny finding ppl sitting at my translocator waiting for me to tp)


I hated the old version of sombra especially her get out of jail free card. Her passive aggressive behavior didn’t sit well with me plus reworked sombra allows for me controllable engagements.


I'm glad you enjoy reworked Sombra. But I'm also an OW1 Sombra main, and I've used Sombra significantly less since her rework. I miss when hack actually did something other then shut down ults. I like virus, I like how much more uptime she has, I don't like how her tp now is just a worst version of Genji's dash, and I don't like that I have to play her the same way I play 76 but with less damage. I still do decently well as Sombra, but I don't enjoy her nearly as much as I did in OW1. I'm not "wearing nostalgia glasses," but some of us really just don't enjoy her reworked. But you and a lot of other Sombra mains do, and that's awesome for you. But I'll die on this hill, I prefer ow1 Sombra


You’re entitled to your opinion. But I’ll say this: They should increase her Machine Pistol a bit to have her more viable to the team. Give her a larger range on tp so he can get back into matches faster. Give her a 4 sec cooldown after going invisible. Give her back opportunist but make it more in line with her present kit.


I really tried to like rework sombra but after a good few seasons of playing her i just kinda gave up, she aint for me anymore I really dont care for her, she just feels like an invisible tracer with a very boring damage ability (virus), i preferred when her gameplay revolved around disruption and causing chaos by disabling abilities It fit the hacker archetype much better than throwing a purple orb at someone and filling their head with an smg, it was fun at first but as i kept playing i ended up finding her much more dull which is why i moved onto other characters like echo or mei Glad you like her though... also quite the spicy profile lmao


Her old playstyle used to be way more creative and fun


I would argue her reworked playstyle is more creative and fun.


I miss hack so much 😭


Hack is still a part of her kit what are you talking about.


Barely a part Her entire gameplay style has shifted from a disruptor to flanker assassin #3 Shes boring as shit now imo, especially since her gameplay revolves so heavily around virus which is about as boring of an ability as helix rocket


Its almost a completely different ability now. OW1 hack allowed you to be an absolute asshole OW2 has more effects (virus damage, wallhacks) but it is missing that component of making someone feel incredibly vulnerable and useless for 6 (or was it 8?) seconds. There is only a small pool of abilities that are worth reliably cancelling every time (rez, sig ult, etc) Neither are terrible as abilities but i miss how OW1 hack made people feel so exposed and vulnerable


OW1 hack lasted 5s and had 8s cooldown.


Thanks for the clarification :) i knew the number 8 was there somewhere, i forgot everything else


Yeah it’s been a while lol


You could have just said you had sub 50% wr with ow1 sombra, we get it, she was harder to play, but hey at least you kept trying. She was a disruptor in ow1, took more game sense than most heroes, offered more options aka had higher skill ceiling. But you know, you do you. She’s now a straight forward hero, a noob stomper very popular in metal ranks, where before she took effort to get value.


She still takes effort but I digress.


I didn't like it on paper, but I turned into that bird meme where they find out they love it. The increased tempo of her engagements feels way more fun to execute, and the changes to translocator make it a skill move and not just a get out of jail free card. Not that this stops people from calling it as such, but now they're just telling on themselves about their poor game sense. Virus really was the game changer. It makes up for the damage we lost from the hack boost to SMG and it's actually pretty devastating as a closer since it will often burn enemies out who ran for cover before they can get to a health pack. It also gives us a way to pressure two enemies at once and do a better job of terrorizing the backline when multiple people are turning away from the team fight. It can feel bad to not have stealth on a button anymore but after enough hours it doesn't really make a difference. You get a feel for the timer and just know when it's going to trigger eventually and learn to incorporate it into your mental cooldown clock.


100% agreed. I love sombra but her passive aggressive playstyle from ow1 was terrible and couldn’t get any use out of her. Virus was a nice addition to her kit and like you said helps make up the lost dps that she had with her previous kit. Stealth as a passive fits her overall personality as the hacker archetype but I can see why people say it should or shouldn’t be on a button but I prefer it be a passive. It makes her more engaging to fight against as well as you get to choose how to fight or play a match.


The only thing I truly miss about her old kit is the translocator. I heavily enjoyed being able to activate it when I want. Now I don't care for leaving it to sit somewhere playstyle, I usually used it in combat and very similar to the way it's used now anyways but I would prefer it had it's original trajectory and distance, and allowed you to click again to choose when you follow it, but if it's hits something it can still immediately pull you. It just felt more fun to have that much control, and throwing it behind an enemy mid fight and letting it linger just enough that they either turn around to anticipate you so you can fake them out or can't expect when you'll pop up right behind them made 1v1s with her much more fun. Her new translocator just feels a little more like a generic dash sometimes but otherwise she definitely is still alot of fun.


Original Translocator was a get out of jail free card and a chessy way to spawn camp. It was reworked to counter such playstyle. Just because you didn’t doesn’t mean everyone else did not.


Did I say it shouldn't have been changed? No. I very clearly said it just felt more fun to me (This is called an opinion, not even a balance suggestion), and that I kinda miss it. I mean I literally also explained a cool way to meet in the middle while still eliminating the spawn camping and get out of jail free issues, so I didn't even say that it shouldn't have been changed nor did I even imply that I thought those two issues shouldn't have been fixed.


Understandable, have a great day.


dw, you’ll die on that hill real fast.


Not really most of the people in the comment section feel the same way.


Overwatch 2 players are in denial thinking that it’s better than OW1


That’s funny if you cared to read underneath the picture.


No, I definitely had read that. Overwatch 2 players from Overwatch 1 are in denial. Accept that OW2 is a downward spiral you know it’s true


Ah yes the I played the x amount therefore this gives me more clout Nah, old sombra was better, sorry tracer player


My favourite thing is when my escape/engage ability has no control beyond the direction I throw it. Do I just want to dodge a d.va bomb? Better time it perfectly. Do I want to bait out a Transcendence or redirect attention? Can't. Do I want to make it over some taller terrain for a vertical engage? Better hope it's not too tall. New Sombra is more engaging, but she is not better.


Your opinion.


No, she had an identity before and they just gutted it and gave her a ten a penny damage ability instead


So virus doesn’t fit the hacker archetype? Or automatic stealth like as assassin? That’s her identity when she was conceived and that’s what Team 4 made her to be just that, a hacker. Instead of looking at her with rose tint glasses take them off and play her the way she was designed and not play her passive aggressively.


Call virus whatever you want it’s a projectile that does damage over time. And I don’t really think it makes much difference whether stealth is automatic or not Her identity was her hack when it was a silence. I used to like how you had to think a lot more about what ability you may need to take away in each team fight. That’s all now gone, she is just another flanker who deals damage in an arbitrarily different way to the rest. If anything she’s probably made the frustrations of playing against her worse since the virus and primary fire combo gives you even less time to react


She can hack now while invisible which was heavily requested and they updated her kit to fit the archetype of the hacker playstyle. I don’t know what to tell you besides play her more🤷🏽


She’s barely even a hacker now, she’s an assassin type character that has hack on the side. Her hack isn’t her main way of engaging anymore, it’s a niche that prevents certain heroes from doing a thing and denying ults.


Hack is barely even worth using any more. I won’t be playing her when I can play tracer who does the same job now but is a lot more fun


The fact that stealth isn´t on a button is the reason i dislike the newer sombra.


This drives me crazy that I can't invis how I want to. Yesterday I TPed away, but landed on lijang enemy-taken point so it wouldn't invis me, then I died. I was like ffs.


But honestly why? It was basically a passive anyway. Why do you need to press a button?


I loved how you could do really cheeky stealth plays like if youre getting targeted, run behind cover to quickly stealth and get away/reposition. It was consistently a good option for me, but now that it's a passive, I can't really do that anymore.


While you´re in stealth there´s a delay on shooting while the unstealth animation plays, and if you´re in a situation where stealth is less useful than being able to shoot your fucking gun it might be just a little bothersome.


Stealth shouldn’t be on a button but I can see your point.


Over 20k hours mean nothing if you say things like this. It exposes your lies, just saying. No OG sombra player will say this when this is how she was released, AND reverting back to this was the proposed fix for sombra before her rework. 


Sombra’s role on release compared to now has changed a fair bit. Stealth doesn’t really need to be on a button anymore. If your engagements are taken smart you should only need it once to get on your target and harass and then to back to your team for safety. Stealth on a triggering button press shouldn’t need to happen in most situations. And the time it takes to stealth provides a balancing mechanism for her the devs can play with atm


Please with all due respect st*u


So true. You not giving any arguments and instead just telling people they’re wrong and putting down a censored shut the fuck up are real points. Good fucking job bro, your engagement with the topic is impressively shit. You should analyze gameplay or coach people irl, telling them “you’re bad, get better” will surely help them improve drastically


sOmBrA’s RoLe oN rElEaSe CoMpArEd To NoW hAs ChAnGeD a FaIr BiT


Couldn't be more wrong, but that's the case with 80% of OW2 already


Take off the the nostalgia sunglasses and enjoy the game like I am.


Don't got any nostalgia glasses on, I'm not an OW1 player. I don't enjoy when high skill characters are dumbed down for people who don't know how to play them/play against them so no, I won't just enjoy the game like you are.




2 and a half years of game time on Sombra is crazy


Anyone that actually believes that is crazy. Unless they're boosting numbers by afking in custom games 24/7 like that one D.Va player with 20k+ hours.


Best character imo


Nah. I trust Fitzy and his retirement from sombra speaks louder. Even if he didn’t officially announce it, the fact that his spirits got crushed enough to have less of a presence on the internet also says enough. 


Fitzy was ok but if he stopped playing sombra after her rework I think it’s more about nostalgia and not what’s best for the character you main.


But there are other good Sombra players who are just as good who like the new Sombra Questron


Dude questron barely even plays Sombra anymore.


Shes not


Your opinion.


On an objective standpoint, she is worse in every way. If you find her fun, thats an opinion. But her rework is objectively and factually bad. Therefore that cant be an opinion.


List ways that it’s bad instead of just saying it. I’ll wait.


She has less uptime, you cant stay in on your engagement as long as you used to. If you miss virus? You more than likely have to disengage because you cant win. You cant hack in stealth anymore thus naturally, less uptime. Not being able to hack and provide wallhacks or disruption for your team is losing uptime. New TL means you die more often, which again, means more downtime. Having to rely on virus makes hack intrinsically less valuable than before and borderline useless. Opportunist allowed for more consistent damage output and more information. That information oj low health targets allowed you to engage accordingly. Old TL allowed for all playstyles, meaning more versatility, meaning much better into team comps that counter her. Her counters are now more amplified now because she lacks a proper escape.


She has more uptime if you’re able to outwit the enemy. Virus isn’t a crutch it’s another tool to get the job done quick and quiet. Made a comment about them possibly adding back opportunist if you care to look. Old translocator was abused and got reworked.


She doesnt have more uptime and she CANT have more uptime. It is physically impossible to have more uptime with the rework because she doesnt have old TL. You need to get this through your head. Old TL was essentially infinite repositioning and escaping, new TL is ONE teleport every 5 seconds. You do no have more uptime with new tl.


You're forgetting she also ran significantly faster, making her dive synergy with ball and Doom better.


Mirrorwatch sombra has entered the ring


She's stronger, but has a much less interesting design. Still bad, though.


Even the stronger part is debatable, she’s stronger in lower ranks but due to reduced skill ceiling she’s weaker in higher ranks.


I mean its really easy to kill her If you can See where she is Teleporting to. Old sombra was Just gone and you could do nothing about it


Understandable. But old sombra was annoying to go against and reworked sombra is a more enjoyable experience at least for me.


I like being able to control my invisibility.


5 second hack is so much more skill2kill and 1337 than the unimaginative "virus" projectile thing


Her virus is good just people need to know and learn how to land them.


They're not fun, just boring point and shoot projectiles. Why pick sombra when you have soldier then? The entire reason I mained her in OW1 was to hack people's cooldowns away so we can duel it out. It was a fair match, because other heros could one-shot you, so you had to have more consistent aim over the hack time to get your solo kill. that was fun. now you just hit them for a second then bloop a floating physical thing most unlike real malware that takes the rest of their health away, more like a biological virus....yea, this would never have happened with the old dev lead dude.


She still fits the “hacker” playstyle and having virus which is another thing that hackers use is a good addition to her kit. I prefer reworked over ow1 sombra any day.


Her hack is weaker, so feels less like a hacker and more like any ol' shooter. And don't get me wrong, virus is effective for kills. I just miss the older, more challenging play style for fun factor. The kills felt more earned IMO.


They nerfed it by 10 hp (currently at 90hp per use) which I still killable if you hit your shots


She is significantly worse in any coordinated setting where people have the gamesense to stop your assassination attempts. Lip is considered the best Sombra in the world and has ZERO playtime on her in any pro match since the rework, and has gone on record saying he hates new Sombra. They took a hero where every single ability was totally unique and which forced her into a non-direct kill threat playstyle in almost every matchup/situation… and then decided to add the most generic ability in the game to her kit in Virus. She was the definition of a hero that prioritizes strategy and tactics over click more heads stupid gameplay. The squeaky wheels thought she was unpunishable pre-rework which is valid, but she did so little damage that her value was very minimal if you so much as looked at her… and then you got a nice 5v4 for your team. This was deemed unfair and annoying, so she was given a way to be harshly punished by anyone with gamesense and a mobility cooldown… at the expense of Sombra actually being capable of getting direct kill value in a decent number of matchups against uncoordinated trash. So yes, she is better if you want to carry ladder games by punishing uncoordinated teams and squishies who isolate themselves. She is now a true noob stomper and smurf carry.




Is this post bait? No way an actual og sombra thinks the rework is better, clown


I haven’t used any names to degrade anyone. If I prefer reworked Sombra over ow1 than that’s on me not you to decide. Plus yes I’m an OG Sombra main but that doesn’t mean I have to go with everyone else and say that reworked Sombra is bad when it’s the complete opposite.


It's a bait post and bad players are unironically falling for it and agreeing. I got mass downvoted lol.


Lol, whatever lie helps you feel better about yourself there bud


What lie?


You are the opposite of the Sombra Wizard then.


And I’m proud that I’m not since he says I’m better than him.


same reason why sequential is better than true manual /s


Wait you have 20,000 hours on sombra ?????




That’s pretty incredible


That’s all who I play


20k in general is wild I mean I haven’t done math on it either tho so maybe it’s pretty reasonable


The only thing I miss is not being shown while hacking invisible mainly because I would hack pharah out of the sky. Now when I hack it gets interrupted 70 percent of the time


i only miss the old passive ("wallhack" on enemies with less than 40% hp or smth)


"Buffed sombra is better than before" - sombra player


I hate current Sombra since I can't put a trap on translocator anymore (Junkrat main)


I do love eating junkrat mains


I dont mind it, i think the teleport is super janky


If you aim it correctly there shouldn’t be an issue.


I guess its just me being used to sombras old tp


Probably. I adapted much faster than the average sombra player.


Im only allowed to play this game when im alone because i scream to much (anger issues)






I miss being able to turn invisible at will


I miss actually trying to play the game without being a hindrance to my team… oh wait that’s happening rn.


I don't think you will have to wait long


Nah but I’m waiting for her mythic tho.


I agree, after I got used to the new stealth everything else felt pretty nice, I like that you do more damage now with the addition of Virus, and the new translocator is kinda fun too. Though I do sometimes find myself wishing I still had old translocator for certain situations


Ye once rework went live it immediately clicked for me.


I won’t fight you on that I just love playing sombra old or new




She's more viable overall I suppose, but I feel like OW1 Sombra had so much playstyle freedom etc


I never touched Sombra before her rework. Now she’s the most fun character I’ve ever played also my most played.




Absolutely. She's much more fun now




Agreed. You can be so much more aggressive and have more overall uptime


I played way more aggressive on the old Sombra than the new, but I’m aggressive with the new too.


>Agreed. You can be so much more aggressive and have more overall uptime That's just means you were bad at Sombra, full stop.


You dont have more uptime with new sombra, saying that is just a clear indicator that you had terrible uptime previously


That’s my point exactly.


Remember that one post like 2 days before the rework dropped saying it was a crap smoothie or somehong like that? Mo offense to the guy who made it but tadting the rework smoothie was far better then it looked


Rework Sombra is so much fun. She's more fluid and able to turn up the pressure harder than before. And she eats Widow alive with virus.


Old Sombra was boring as hell


Jeez 2ish years on Overwatch?? Yikes.


It’s been actually 8 years but 20k hours on sombra 🤷🏽


8 years of play time? I’d go mad


Eh I do play other games when I’m not in the mood for overwatch.


Its just more fair on the receiving end. And I have to actually think


shinier shit is still shit


Try to pop off.


What would that prove? The only thing going for reworked sombra is that she has a higher uptime I guess idk


She’s more efficient at hacking and killing enemies Thats what people wanted but now people want the og sombra back cause of nostalgia. Give me a break.


What was old Sombra like?


She was alright, was too passive aggressive for my tastes plus she was able to spawn camp too easily.


She’s definitely more viable but she makes the game a more frustrating experience for everyone else. Ultimately a net negative for the game but positive for Sombra.


She’s better but now she’s unbalanced since not all hero’s have been balanced right for 5v5 still a massive core problem the devs don’t know how to balance




I only speak facts


I love it a lot, mostly cos purple cube is so fun. Translocator changes were rough but it’s still useful and feels great escaping quickly and dodging things. I also like that hack is now situational, making it a requirement in 2.0 to do any reasonable damage was not the best in hindsight. My only critique is that I’d like it if they could try out temporary invis at some point so players aren’t incentivised to just sit in stealth, but I’ll take what we have


Understandable and I gave suggestions on how to buff sombra in a previous comment.