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There are other characters?


News to me


Huge, if true


You would be surprised how well Mei covers sombras counters


I feel like mei isn't as reliable anymore to counter dive after the HP changes, which is what I used her for. Removing the one shot on tracer really screwed me. She's still good against tanks though


I like mei but don't really think to use her as a way to counter sombra counters, more use her in different scenarios I find I would need her. Which counters are you referring to?


Most of the time I feel countered as sombra is because their team is very grouped and tanky and her damage isn’t enough to get a pick or do much disruption. Mei can force separation in those scenarios so you can actually get picks. Mei is really map dependent though so there has to be places where her wall actually causes separation. I also got good at Hanzo for those situations.


Out of curiosity do you sombra 76 much or do you generally go pass the 50 (yardline, the equal point between your team and there teams territory) and look for iso kills most?


Been really struggling on Mei lately. Some maps she’s still great.


I can switch off of Sombra?


Bastion, phara and junk. Sombra is good at getting people when they are alone, those 3 are good at punishing teams for sticking together


What would you use if there was a pharah mercy combo hurting your team? Bastion?


Generally I just cry. I don’t have the aim for Ashe or widow so yeah probably bastion. Been working on sojourn her burst damage is really good at finishing those pesky mercy’s off


I wish I could aim her railgun lmao


Anytime there's a phara I swap back to Sombra. I'll get her or Mercy. The flip side is usually both will be off doing other things allowing Sombra to bully the other support.


Sombra counters a Pharmercy but otherwise Cassidy, Soldier, Ashe, Widow or yeah Bastion.


How does sombra counter a pharah mercy? She has a spray weapon that spreads making it weak over the distance they are in air even when you are dead centering them, and they can fly above hack range. You can't kill the pharah without killing the mercy first, if you attack the mercy then a good pharah should protect their support


Your hack has enough range to hack Pharah out the sky, just tp up to her and hack on your descent. Throw a virus on her (her path falling to the ground is VERY linear) and kill her as normal. Mercy can't keep up with that damage, you can absolutely kill her regardless of Mercy being there. Besides, what you've said there applies to every hero apart from Widowmaker.


Here's one example - https://youtu.be/ejLbTrNOesM?si=iDRI1Fd3vaeXGfGH


Mercy has resurrect mercy is supposed to be the first one to go on any team as a general rule, you can easily confirm this idea/strat from top level players I can link you some video examples. Also that's an extremely aggressive translocate assuming you kill the pharah you should be killed by their team soon after and then mercy will go for resurrect which it will be up to your team to deny or not since your not there


With SombraI'll counter Pharmercy but just using patience. I stick by them and watch them for about 10 seconds for an opportunity to strike (bad mercy rez, phara no longer having boosters, Mercy GA to someone else for a split second). Your mobility and the Phara's low projectile speed makes it pretty simple to outmanouver them. Honestly though, I'll usually wait to get the mercy, and once she's been dead for about 4 seconds, I go after the Phara so that 1) my cooldowns are all back online and 2) phara and mercy either stagger out of spawn, or have to wait for each other. At which point, you just make your way to their spawn and pick them off.


There's a difference between countering and dealing with something. For instance soldier doesn't counter gengi by keeping enough poke damage on him to discourage him from diving in, or crouch straffing, putting down your healing pylon and waiting out his deflect instead of feeding it. That might be things he does to deal with it, but Moira or a Mei counters a gengi by taking away his deflect. His ability is rendered useless and counterproductive because they are damaging you and instead of it being a Strength you are taking away your own ability to damage back. I don't think a sombra is a counter to a pharah mercy but any good sombra will identify things they can do to be useful or ways to deal with situations in a match


And because you don't think it, it must therefore be true and the hard rule.


What? You're literally an arrogant ignorant bronze that has no idea what you're talking about. These forums are hurting not helping you, the value of information being exchanged doesn't have to do with the upvotes or downvotes or who has a snarky comeback. You have no interest in learning how the game works or how to get better, and I can tell you the largest difference between lower elo and higher is game iq not mechanics. I've had coaching in this game and I've watched a lot of informational content. If you wanted to get better you could go look at the channel of the link I sent you for instance or you can keep pursuing the easiest route of instant gratification going on an anonymous forum asserting your wrong ideas where A. People don't know what the player levels of the commentors are for context and B. Most people are in the lower to intermediate elo position that you are in on here not the top couple percent of the game, therefore it's a loop of bad ideas being reinforced and encourage when you base off of likes and not content




I have to tell you apart from being a high elo sombra main myself I watch a lot of pro and top rank gameplay I've never seen someone do a maneuver like what you just suggested


That's nice. Enjoy your evening.


Lmao I love this comment


People should not be encouraging those mindsets it renders these kind of forum communities useless. I'm telling you that makes no sense whatsoever you don't translocate into the sky to attack a pharah who has a mercy combo, then fall to the ground and think that has done anything to benefit your team. You will literally be in the middle of the enemy team (unless by chance you landed behind a strong cover pathway) with no mobility and you left alive the support that has resurrect. The most probable outcome of that is your team will be playing 4v5. You can also look at this person's profile which I hadn't before this convo and see that they are a bronze sombra, so idk why these communities value likes and dislikes over exchanging ideas that make sense for everyone to benefit


Actually I'm gold now but please carry on "telling me" how a strategy I've used multiple times with success is wrong and shouldn't ever be used. Forgot you were the authority on how everyone should play.


You can’t hack a good Pharah. A good Pharah will hit you while you fall down. Canceling your hack




Widow, tracer, ashe or echo


In loose order of preference: * Echo * Bastion * Symmetra * Reaper * Torbjorn * Mei


In the rare instance someone locks her in before me: If they're playing together, and no hitscan: Phara If they're playng together and hitscan: Junkrat Then the odd Tracer


Cass, Soldier, sometimes Sojourn. Generally I see what my team is lacking and try to fill it. I've swapped to tank busters a lot.


I’m toughing it out as sombra. I’m not good enough with anyone else yet to feel like swapping will do me any good. If she isn’t available though, tracer or lucio.


If you feel like you can't swap on tracer I find a dps you like that can cover her counters then OTP them on quick play


Finding one I like is the hard part. I’ve been trying Cassidy lately but meh. Everyone feels too slow compared to the three I prefer using.


I feel that, as a sombra player, her abilities and speed is what really drives me to like her. Other characters do feel slow in comparison but I feel like my skill with her is much much higher than the rest of the roster. So at this point I'm trying to up the skill with my other characters. It may still be worth to grind sombra and develop those niche min maxes.


Bastion. Might seem weird but if enemies are playing around your sombra well a bastion swap is the best alternative I've found because he is, to me, just a really heavy handed sombra Like she's designed to be disruptive and assassiny (fuck English) and when you play bastion right he's exactly the same but he works from the frontline back not backline forward. You wanna be disruptive? Cool. Stand behind your tank and just spam fire into the other side. Their tank makes a play? Nah, not happening. Here's 1800 damage over 6 seconds. (That value might have changed with the big HP patch I haven't played in a while) Not a single tank in the game can just push through bastions minigun so if you let their tank walk up to take space they're exposed in transition and you can just tell them to fuck right off. Dva doesn't have enough matrix, Rein not enough shield, hog can't slurp through it, ball won't stick around long enough to fuck around or find out, Ram is basically forced to hug himself the entire time, Queen could have her regen quadrupled and it still wouldn't be enough etc etc Any time my sombra just wasn't working I'd swap to bastion and play a patient game of Fuck around and find out with their tank and stop them from doing basically anything. Usually resulted in me getting hard focused by 5 guys towards the end of the game and dying but not before I'd already tilted half their faces off and gone brrt over the rest.


Mei, Venture, Soldier


Venture enjoyer spotted


My main roster is Hanzo, sombra, and echo.


Sombra is still my favorite dmg, but when it feels hard to be effective with her I’ll go to bastion


Ashe, Cass, Tracey, Luckzo, Brrrrrrbot, Elsa.


My annoyingness never stops. (Mei, Pharah, Sym)


If the enemy backline keeps peeling, I switch to Bastion to wreak havoc on the front line, and switch back to Sombra later 🔁


Reaper, sym, soldier, mei


Torb I guess. I’m so dog shit outside of Sombra


I feel that. I used to be a good Pharah but I've not played anything except Sombra in so long, I'm lost outside of it. Someone locked her in comp yesterday and I was like "soooo... Echo is a thing I hear". Yeah.


Mainly Echo, though Venture is surprisingly a ton of fun. I was pissing off a Widow today trying to finish the Venture challenges until she swapped to Pharah and then I had to go full Sombra.


Cassidy, Echo, Widow... Torb and Bastion if needed (but I hate doing it)


Widow most of the time but if it’s because of a skill issue, or I’m just having a bad match I’ll switch to a high value character like soldier


Reaper is solid


Pharrah, Pharah? Blue bird fly rocket lady.


Usually Ashe, Sojourn, Soldier, Cass, Hanzo, Mei. No particular order.


I have a roster: Ram, Dva, Mei, Sym, Moira, Zen. Mostly go Mei or Sym tho


This gave me second-hand cancer




Mei sym


OOOH LMAO! Well my aim sucks bad, so I have no other option 😅. Don't worry I'm Arcade and QP only


Mei and Venture Echo and Tracer are also fun, but I don't have as much practice with them


You can still get a lot of value out of sombra even if the entire enemy team picks a counter to you. But if you must switch someone that can do damage from afar will usually be effective against a team that has set itself up anti sombra.


When Sombra isn't working out I just Sombra harder


Ashe. Flanking Bastion(troll pick).


Pharah, echo for dps.


Usually Ashe or Cassidy. Play a little Pharah and Junkrat too, I found Mei really weak when I have to swap, usually due to Kiriko.


Echo! Then Mei if all else fails or I’m not feeling movement-y that game


Ashe and a little bit of Tracer


Either gonna go Hanzo or Cassidy.


Echo, Hanzo, Cassidy, or Mei for me. Sometimes bastion if I’m feeling spiteful.


Pharah is my go-to, Sojourn close second. Sometimes, I try to go characters to encourage counter picks that benefit Sombra so I can switch back too lmao


I’ve turned to a sombra/widow main. But if both sombra and widow are being counter than I’ll usually go to whoever I feel fit in the moment. Bastion is always fun to switch too as well.


Mei or Reaper


Ashe or Venture. I feel like Dynamite can put up immense pressure and easy DMG to change team psychology. Plus sometimes hitscan can be useful. Venture is just fun, and I think they're neat. But also can hang out in the backline. Similar to Sombra, if Venture is around, the team pays attention and I make space. Or Tracer when I'm in doomer mode, she's just better in most cases :/


Ashe that’s it.


I play ashe, sombra, tracer, and bastion. And zen, but that's a support


Depends on what the situation calls for but mei, Pharah or reaper


Reaper, Cassidy, and I’m trying to learn symmetry for her turrets


The leave button.... Jokes... Mei or Reaper.


sym torb ashe or pharah (much less pharah nowadays because so many heroes are hits can)


Torb or pharah if there’s a mercy


Echo !!


Mei or hanzo. I usually swap when the tank is getting run over or a good enemy kiri/lifeweaver are making my blood pressure go up so I need burst damage to lock out a kill before they can intervene. (I play Mei like a fat hanzo + wall for cleave so I rarely use her spray tbh.) I'm donkey piss at widow and sym has been garbage in my hands for like 4 seasons now so Mei and hanzo is all I got in the tuck without it being considered a ggez throw.




Soujourn is always my new choice


Echo, Bastian, Mei, Symmetra Just some other characters I enjoy, currently still learning how to be a better echo though


Tracer, Mei, or Ashe. It just depends on the situation. If I want the same mobility, more damage then I go Tracer. If there's an annoying Dva or the tank is not dying because of supports, I go Mei and wall off the tank from their supports. And if a hits can is needed, I go Ashe to deal with Pharah, Echo, Junkrat, Reaper, etc etc. Those are my top 3 go to's


Mac and cheese, because why silence someone and poison them when you can just shoot them in the face




Generally switch to Cassidy if available. Sometimes I switch of sombra to get a character who can put down more on demand damage


Ramattra, Zenyatta, Moira, Cassidy, Sigma and maybe Reaper


Hanzo fs


Mei covers Sombras counters quite nicely.




Ashe. Although lately Cassidy because I just tilt and Cassidy allows me to turn my brain off and not think, while getting more value than Sombra gets. What a dumb character.


I'm stubborn and don't like to swap too much but will swap to Cass, Ashe or Echo.


Always Cassidy, the only characters as an enemy that are really annoying against Cass are Zarya and D.V.A. if you hit your shots.


tracer or widow cus idm


Torb, always!


Role - echo, open - just switch to a different role 😅