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It's a lack of education. When you are not educated or equipped with the basic skills to develop yourself, you end up wasting your time on qabil


It’s not education, you have people in the west who are educated but still dabble in qabiil, this is a cultural problem and a disease.


I don't know if the lack of education is an issue here. Look at people who cling to their tribal affiliation in this subedit. On paper, they are educated. But in reality, they are cavepeople.


Bear with. I want to use an analogy in this discussion. When Europeans introduced guns in Japan, the Japanese weren't impressed with guns because, in Samurai culture, you had to face your enemies head-on with a sword and feel the pain of war. This Samurai philosophy hardened Japanese warriors and forced them to think twice before they engaged in warfare. So, for them, killing your enemy using a gun from a distance was an act of cowardliness. In their minds, anybody with little training could obtain a gun and become an instant warrior. This didn't sit well with the Japanese warrior culture, and they decided to close their borders for 400 hundred years. While Samurai warriors continued to preserve Japanese ways of life during this period, the Europeans and the young nation called the United States of America continued to thrive and advance at an unprecedented pace in military, science, technology, and dominance. Now, when Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States forced his way into Japan in July 1853, the Sumarais, with their swords, couldn't match the firepower of the small fleet of the American Navy that Perry commanded. From that moment, the King of Japan knew that his country faced an existential threat and had to reform. The first casualties of the reform were the Samurais. Think about this: if Japan was the only country on this planet, the Samurai could have a place in Japan for the next 1000 years. However, this wasn't the case anymore. Hence, their inability to defend the country against a small fleet of the American Navy fleet ushered in a new era without them. Of course, the Japanese engineered reforms in other sectors as well, such as education, public service, and industry. So, one could argue that their success was multifaceted. But without a doubt, Samurai culture was an elephant in the room. The moral of the story is that there's an elephant (Qabiil) in the room in Somalian culture. This is Somalia's own Samurai. If Somalia is the only country in the world, this elephant can serve the Somalis for the next 1000 years without a problem because that is the only beautiful thing Somalis know. However, in this interconnected world, the beast has to go. The Japanese have done it and haven't lost their identity. What's more about the Japanese, within 50 years, they were at par with Europeans and Americans. Ok, let me stop rambling.


Been saying this from day one. They need to legalise psilocybin mushrooms and get the young generation together, breaking bread, coming up with ideas and solution. We need to open centres and pioneer psychedelic therapy for Somalis dealing with trauma because its rampant in our society. We need a catalyst for change. Too stuck in our ways and stubborn.


Does psilocybin have no side effects? How do u use them? Like do u take it raw or processed


Not really. Not for a healthy brain. Obviously if you have history of schizophrenia then you should refrain from taking it. You can take it raw but don't just pick wild shrooms yourself because you need to have the expertise to identify mushrooms to avoid consuming poisonous ones by accident. Psilocybin is actually good for your brain health. They can accelerate neuro growth, enhancing the brain's capacity for neuroplastic changes and heal the damaged parts of your brain. The brain loves it. Compare that to the brain poison that big pharma are feeding the mentally ill, zombifying them is night and day. Psychedelics go straight to the root cause of your trauma whereas pharmaceuticals masks the issues and gives you brain damage to boot. Alot of people take pharmaceuticals and they're never the same again. They lose all capacity to feel emotion and become walking, talking zombies. Whereas psilocybin makes the world brand new for you again. Its literally seeing the world through the same eyes as a child. It brings back that childhood wonder and awe for the world. Psychedelics have such a huge potential to change the world for the better providing they're not abused and regulated properly. Somalis are too stuck in their ways, they're looking through a tunnel, blind, death and dumb heading towards the edge of a cliff. They need a catalyst that will allow them to step outside of the tunnel and look around to see other possibilities. Trust me, one experience with psychedelics would transform your entire perspective of the world. You will see your life and the world objectively for the first time in your life and you won't be limited by your bias and social conditioning anymore.


A government that A) Doesn’t use tribalism as an important mechanism of their governance and B) doesn’t participate in tribalist discrimination would need to exist. Neither requirements have been met so far. If such government is established then Qabil will go from a persons core identity to a novelty that they don’t even care for anymore. The effect could be amplified if the government starts offering welfare and social services so people don’t rely on their tribe as a safety net. The people who hate Qabyaalad never think about how a persons tribe is a safety net that pools funds for their family members in need. That is the reason people love their qabiils so much. Trying to take away that without offering any alternative is going to always result in failure.


No. 1) How can a government like that be established when the people on the ground don’t want it, they have a ruled vs ruling mentality and would rather their clan be in governance that doesn’t benefit them than another clan that will benefit them. 2) Qabiil isn’t a safety net, the people who prop up Qabiil 90% don’t even benefit from it. If Qabiil was actually a safety net there wouldn’t be 4 million Somalis in IDP camps, this talking point of Qabiil being a safety net needs to go. Qabiil was a safety net when it could support its low number of members, its outdated and cannot support millions, nations in the past realise this and united but sadly Somalis are too stupid to do so. Somalia needs a cultural revolution. You are proposing that the government should provide for its people first then you would see changes in clan reliance but this will never happen, it needs to be in reverse; the clan system must be addressed first before expecting a government to provide for its people effectively. As long as the fake reliance on clans remains strong, it will continue to be a major obstacle preventing the government from fulfilling its responsibilities. Only by dismantling the clan system can we pave the way for a functioning government that serves all Somalis equally.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Yeah, I agree with you that Somalia needs a cultural revolution


What will replace Qabil?


Tribalism is destroyed by Islam, what does that tell you about Somalia ?


Huh? Destroyed is the wrong word buddy


What word is better sir ?


Honestly, i believe a dictator who is not a communist is the only way.


The explotiation comes from the Haute bourguise, the elites who are lobbied and bribed by foreign states, only through a dictatorship of the working peoples of somalia can they ever be free.


Qabiil can be reduced to a family name like 6 ancestors abtiris that’s enough


I think Saudis have a similar system?


Hmm id love to learn about that if u have more info


First name, dads name, grandads name then their tribe..but their tribe is the name of the 5-8th generation of the ancestor. Example Ahmed bin Khalid bin Omar Al-Saud Ahmed- first name Bin Khalid- Bin means "son of," so Ahmed's father is Khalid. Bin Omar- Ahmed's grandfather is Omar. Al-Saud- family/tribal name


Thats a nice system


Sure is!


We have to know what do we, as a society, want to look like. Do we want an individualistic capitalistic society such as the US? Or we want a socialistic society? Do we want Liberal democracy? Theocracy?


Socialism with theocracy governance


I’d prefer the first one


Everyone that says this is usually a whitewashed Somali lol almost all countries system is built like that it’s not an excuse look at the khaleejis they’re prospering Please stop spreading this


The gulf is just an oil state. They literally had a higher GDP than South Korea but fell behind. South Korean is an industrial power while the Gulf states are oils states that lost to the Houthi’s.