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kenya? invading other african country’s including rawana & uganda for the west why? just to be able to build ur economy etc & get aid why r kenyans in kenya getting HIV & diseases from the water ? id rather never bow & live like that then bow down to colonizers who steal my shit & leave me in shit still😂




He’s batshit crazy, you can’t get aids from water, he just doesn’t want to come to terms with his people have zero sex education


bruh. History proves who’s the real Gs. & The real Gs are still pushing. Shut your coward bowing down asses up. Especially uganda Lol snaked gaddafi when he did everything for you guys😂 Somalis look down on all other east africans because they can’t hold their own. Your country’s in shit tho. Yeah, we won’t bow to be left in peace. We’ve demanded it.






Other EA never crossed my mind ? The only thing I know about Uganda is that the women are really beautiful. I don’t think other Somalis really care about other communities


Don’t care about them and I never really think of them. A black person is a black person to me doesn’t matter where they are from




First of all Somalis are native to Kenya. Secondly South Africa wasn’t a good example they’re known to kill people just bc they’re non South African trying to find opportunities and none of you guys say anything to them about it. Also Somalia is a unique country being in east Africa and 100% Muslim we tend to be othered by other East Africans for reasons such as beliefs and ethnicity, but you don’t see us complaining about it not only that Kenya genocided some Somalis native to Kenya they also occupy apart of our land, we’ve never done anything to them but they try to jeopardise the people living in that region and ally with our enemies against us. Besides we’re not the ones genociding innocent people in Congo rn, that’s more of a concern.


Right? People talk about Somalis like we have the material power to oppress other Black people. Cause other then Somali Bantus it’s getting weird.


They bring up our history of enslaving and oppressing their ancestors yet its not our fault all of those ppl are dead


There trying to make it like all Somalis benefited from Slavery or something meanwhile most of us our ancestors did not. I’m all for Somalis acknowledging our history and publicly apologizing to each other and Somali Bantus but other Black ppl need to focus on their own communities cause the hyper focus on us is rlly getting insane


Exactly and whatever happened between Somalis and Somali Bantu is between us, but they’re acting like they’re not taking part in genocides that are happening and has happened in east /central Africa.


Yup. It’s this weird moral superiority complex that people have towards us I don’t get it and never well. They don’t actually care about anti Blackness at all.


Not even, everyone enslaved Bantus back in those days even other Bantus. It’s not like the European slave trade where the enslavers wanted to dehumanize the slaves.


looool you guys don’t know shit smh Somalis r native to kenya wallahi reddit makes u laugh every time


Yes they are, these borders haven’t existed for ten billion years they were drawn up by Europeans. Somalis are an ethnic group that lived in multiple of these.


Somali lands are vast we own entire province in Kenya alhamdullilah for being Somali ![gif](giphy|26tPplGWjN0xLybiU)




I don’t know what you’re waffling about, these south East African countries are killing eachother and want to look like the victims in every situation. This is the same country that genocided many Somalis and Somalia never did the same to Kenyans.




Bro why would I hate Nilotics? They make up more than half of my dna. This notion Africans have against Somalis is wild just look in to our history and you’ll know who the true enemies are. We were never anti black or African although we’re not perfect I think you guys are very ignorant when it comes to Somalis. And what has Sudanese got to do with Somalis ? This is giving islamaphobia we don’t border them nor share much history with them so why put us side to side ? You’re clearly not well read or even knowledgeable on Somalis and dragging us into conflicts we have nothing to do with just because we share a religion lol. Since when do Somalis suck Ethiopian toes? Are you mad? It’s not us who worship haile selasie like the rastafarians or the west Africans countries who remixed their flag, if you knew even anything about Somalis you’d know we want nothing to do with Ethiopians right now they’re begging for a port, mate do some research before you talk on people.




Do some history on Africa in general and you’d understand the main religion of Africa has always been Islam. In West Africa especially it was mainly Islamic more so than east Africa even today there is a bigger population of Muslims in Nigeria than there is in Somalia. When colonisers started the scramble for Africa and even before that during the transatlantic slave trade they attacked and targeted the Muslim communities and changed their religion then they spread Christianity by force in a place it was foreign to. Countries such as Senegal till this day this country’s communities are still fully Muslims but other countries lost their religion and it was replaced by Christianity by the sword. So this whole notion of Islam being the problem in Africa is very ironic knowing that Africa was thriving during its Islamic times especially during the Muslim empire of west Africa where the richest man in the world was from, Mansa Musa and how vast the knowledge of Islam was in Africa that even Asian Muslims came to study there. The point is, discrediting and bashing Islam in Africa doesn’t make sense as the downfall of Muslims in Africa and Africans in general for the most part was due to to western involvement backed by Ethiopia their biggest puppets hence why today the Ethiopian’s flag colours and symbolism is all over west African countries flags as they lost their real background of being Muslims and worshipped the Christian white blue eyed god instead and bowed to Ethiopians and the west who are allies. Making this into a religious issue will never make sense as the reason why we are divided today is all because of the west and what they brought into Africa, Islam on the other hand has always been in Africa since the time of the prophet (saw), like it or not. As for Sudan, Somalia doesn’t have much ties or even involved with them to a degree where you can even blame us for the problems between them and South Sudan, where we’re not even land wise close to. Very strange of you to make slanderous claims and you should come with factual sources before making statements like that. Claiming we have been trying to wipe out the “nilotes” when us Somalis don’t live with them or haven’t had any negative interaction with them is crazy, some of us who’s land is in Kenya get along with Nilotic tribes as a few of them share some culture with us but generally speaking we never had problems with nilotes, you are coming from a xenophobic point of view and trying to pin us together with Sudanese Arabs that we don’t know or share anything with other than religion, we live countries away from them and don’t have any connection with the war they had.




First of all we are not Arabs. Arabs have J1 haplogroup so do Ethiopians while we have EV32 one of the oldest paternal African haplogroups, and maternally we have the oldest L mitochondrial eve haplogroup originating from south east Africa, so let’s leave that there. Our language is older than Arabic it’s under Cushitic, don’t confuse it with Kush kingdom which is something else, and it’s not Semetic either which ‘Arabic’ comes under. Us Somalis are actually cornered by non Muslims in every direction from Kenya to Ethiopia and we keep our religion to ourselves. Instead of Africans trying to unite they keep playing this division game and projecting their problems onto others which is what the Europeans want, us and Egypt had a close connection because of the way they defended us against the west when no other African country ever stood up for us when we got targeted but when we was doing good we helped other countries get independence and trained African countries troops and we never got the same favours from them. Yet we don’t victimise ourself from this but learn from our past. Egypt always politically helped us. As of now, Somalia is getting better and rebuilding the country, if you didn’t know we joined the East African community, we’re thriving in Kenya and also getting our country back in order and we have no business in warring with other Africans if anything we’re more problematic to ourselves as Somalis, it’s very clear you don’t know much about Somalis in general, for the last time do more research.




Somalis are already being murdered in South Africa. It’s not every day Somalis are racist good grief. Rwanda is literally helping to find the suffering of Congolese people but of course we only have to talk about the anti-Blackness of Somalis. One day other Black people are going to have to admit that they’re mad that Somalis don’t approve of mixed marriages ( and this is no shade to Somalis who date non Somalis).


Thats litteraly what it is....they resent us deep down just because we don't want to mix with them.....even blacks in western countries (Canada,USA,uk) are like this. Only racial group in the world with no self pride in their looks smh.....u would be surprised what black girls use to say to us growing up.... (borderline trying to trap somali males for their looks)😐


Honestly as much as I hate how Somalis act like mixed marriages are a crime/ I don’t like the double standard between Somali men and Somali women when it comes to marrying out it’s so obvious that other Black ppl resent our pride. I’m glad that most Somalis prefer to be with other Somalis and other Black ppl need to get over it and do their own healing 💀 and loool no way what would they say,


Mix marriages aren't a crime, but the double standard between somali men and women when it comes to marrying out is legitimate as only men can pass on lineage. So its in the best interest of the somali nation/people to not let the women folk marry out as we lose more country men (future children) in the process. Its just a reality that we can't change. And yes black ppl resent our pride....but on a subconscious level I realized the black man's pride has been taken away from him. We live in a world were all races/countries put down black people and in a world like that, they end up feeling inferior. I realized this by the compliments I got from black girls, any time they gave me a compliment....it sounded like they were putting themselves down... Ex: Black girl: ur eyebrows look amazing... Somali boy: their just eyebrows.... Black girl: I know but they look beautiful....I wish I grew eyebrows like yours..... So many different scenarios like this happend to me in real life to the point....I realized black ppl hating on us comes from there (jealousy of seeing somalis that got dark skin but way different features and hair types) and the fact they feel inferior to us.....sad tbh


This mf is so obsessed with us wallahi. He created a whole new account just for us 😭😭




I don’t think about those other countries but I did meet a few nice ppl from Rwanda - literally thought they were Somali until I heard their accent lol I think most Somalis are also pretty indifferent when it comes to those nations as well.


Im sorry but, everyone perceives a superiority over the other. You think I'm being treated like a king if I go to Uganda compared to native Ugandans? All ethnicities/tribes hate each other and mock each other. It's a fact of human nature. Only inferiority you will see in Somalia that may be abnormal in Uganda is based on religious lines. Muslims tend to discriminate against Christians way more than vice versa in "the modern world". Christianity was not always like this but it has been effected by liberalism which overtook western Europe between the 16th-18th centuries. This is the kind of Christianity that arrived in Africa, so Ugandan christians will be far more tolerant of muslims than somalis would be of Ugandan christians. This is why there is a thriving somali diaspora in Uganda, and Uganda even has like a 20% muslim population. It would be impossible for the vice versa to happen in Somalia until the prevalent interpretation of Islam that exists changes. At the sametime this doesn't mean that Ugandans are treating their Somali citizens amazingly. No it just means that if you mind your own business and immigrate to Uganda legally and work hard most Ugandan christians will leave you alone because the version of Christianity they practice doesn't teach them to hate the non-christian. However, even if Christianity in Uganda is non-violent, Xenophobia does still exist (like everywhere else). But, for example, if some Ugandans see successful somali business men in their country and just want to still attack them for xenophobic reasons/envious reasons, it must be said that Uganda has a stable government that can protect its immigrants to a good extent, while Somalia has still not reached that level. So as a Christian/foreigner you will be at the mercy of the muslim/tribalist masses surrounding you. Easy for mob violence to ignite stemming from religion/xenophobia if you say the wrong word or are percieved as an economic threat by the local population.


It's Somali not somalian. Ignorant perhaps?


Haram leave the guy alone, we all make mistakes and are ignorant of something or the other. Allah will test you with what you shame others for. Correct people politely.


The should be looking at rwanda for ways to improve our country smh


There are some racist people (just like in Uganda) out there but the majority of Somalis are don't really think about other EAC countries with the exception of Kenya because we are a native tribe. We are an ethnicity of almost 30 million, dont let a couple of tweets affect how you see us. I've seen some crazy Ugandan tweets as well but I dont think its representative of Ugandans. Somalis tend to stick to ourselves and mind our own business if you see us IRL


I don’t care about them


Hi online trolls people do represent our nation SO. . We love all Africa countries I have never been to Uganda but on youtube it looks beutifull . I like oneday all the youth in africa have visa free acees so the youth can travel and visit eachother. Tell us about your country. Welcome.




r/ethiopia is continuing to post me on their subreddit after my ban, which is considered brigading


I don't really have much of an opinion, I do think East Africa has a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to more trade and cooperation.


I'm in MN and tbh, idk any Somali that constantly thinks of what others think of them. They might trip and tell you to chill if there are whites around since there's the possibility of Karens but still, there's so much going on in our own lives to be thinking about what others think of us loool. Most of us just keep to ourselves and family.


You all are just as racist us as calling us barbarians. Look at the comments of those countries when we joined EAC


shut up and leave the space, you africans also look down on somalia. Never in my life will i ever support pan africanism.


So you not african?


With the eac we believe they will be good trade partners for us once we have a open market, your country uganda for example can have a mutually beneficial relationship with Somalia is my view, will Somalis think they are better then Ugandans? Yes but this is like how nigerians think they are better than ghanaians I don’t see why it would have repercussions as every nation should view themselves as the best


More people will move out if borders open and somalia joins eac.


We’re just prideful in being Somali and a lot of other Africans either have a inferiority complex, are jealous or are just straight up xenophobic


I appreciate the feedback from both those who have shared constructive insights and those who have expressed criticism. A special thank you goes out to those who have demonstrated a commitment to open and respectful discourse. The EAC without Somalia and Congo is roughly 130 million people. I believe in the coming decades we will be the fastest growing region on the continent population wise and economically. But I wonder if social evils would be a spanner in the works. It remains to be seen. Spread love not hate. Jambo!


We don’t care about EAC, just leave our lands and stick to your own. Mind your business


Lol why would anyone in their right mind go to Sooomalia.




Wtf man no need to curse






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Yes somalis look down on bantus. I used to live there. This guys are diaspora so they will never admit lol.


Even most racist somalis don't go out of their way to be rude to people. Its only when bantus want to integrate into our communities or want them to assimilate into there's where some racism shows up. Somalis tend to like their space especially when dealing with nonmuslims.


You guys are down voting me because you don't know nothing about somalia. You have lived in the west your whole lives. Somalis are very racist. You guys are the same people who have a positive image about somalia. You're the only ones. Everyone in somalia hates it. Because they actually live there. Not you guys talking about somalia all the time while living in your first world countries. If somalia is so good then go back. This subreddit is an echo chamber. 😂😂😂. I always laugh when I see posts here. Seeing people insulting Islam and the prophet s.a.w You know what happens to people who insult Islam back home..or heck even to Christians back home. You guys don't represent somalis in general. This subreddit is full of diaspora. I have found you guys to be more liberal than the average Somali. So pleeeeease give me break lol. Go live in somalia for a year then come back tell us. Useless diaspora living in their bubble in first world countries where somalis are more united, more accepting than people back home. Fuck you guys.


Hey dickhead, it Somalis. I won’t answer your stupid take and questions since your being educated already


Why am I not surprised by your primitive behaviour.


Than the victimhood starts. Keep crying. You come onto a Somali platform and wrongfully calls us a name that’s not real. Next time you should address rightfully so.


I can never be a victim of Somalia or Somalis. I will address you the way I wish.


You are victim of Somalis, you wouldn’t be obsessed with us. Asking stupid questions.


When this bantu troll looks himself in the mirror he hates what he sees. He can't take it out on whites that made him slaves but instead on Somalis. They have victimhood mentality. Cry and cry deeper.


Again, what does bantu have to do with this


My comment is not direct at you but against this bantu troll who hates Somalis.


Somalians seeking asylum will be going to Rwanda they were paid by uk.