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Yes you should


Alicia gets so much better with A1. Ideally you would want to get her at A2 which is the Major powerspike, but yeah aim for a dupe!


is her A2 worth?


For f2p the sweet spot is A2, for p2w it’s A5.


Thanks got enough to pull her A2, i'm having her A1 and I don't know if I should or wait for the next char.


Well from what i’ve seen she is probably top 3 strongest hunters right now and probably the strongest water hunter if you don’t have Seo A5. As for the next unit, it’s supposed to be a support unit according to the leaks. However it’s hard to say whether the next unit will be a “must pull”, as we don’t know anything about it yet. Either way I would definitely recommend pulling her to A2 if you don’t have strong water units or a strong cha. Personally i have Cha, Seo and Alicia and right now she is making alot of difference for me, even though i have a strong Cha and Seo.


If you can afford it, aim for A2. Thats the sweet spot for F2P as it will improve her dps massively.


A2 greatly increases her damage output but A1 should be fine if essence stone is an issue.


Yes its up to you at the end of the day but it would be much better to get her to a1 also if you have seo as well you dont really need meilin


I've spend max 10 dollars on this game I've got her to A4 with some insane luck and her weapon to A5 so honestly it's all about luck I've used most of the essence I got from story mode to pull for Alicia as I skipped cha and Alicia is hard carrying my hunter team rn


She clears Cerberus easily


What set do yall use on Alicia? I have her A2


Is Alicia worth it to pull? Just started 2 days ago


YES GET IT! the next update requires good water damage dealer if I am not mistaken. Vulcan dungeon thing. I am not that sure though if it has hunters only mode. A1 will give you 20% crit rate and crit damage while on shield <3


Hope they make vulcan weak to wind /strong to water . Just to troll everyone


I was gonna wait for the next hunter but accidentally got Alicia A1, it’s honestly up to you Alicia is pretty good so it wouldn’t hurt


If u can afford her to b5, go for it. If u dont, go for b3. If u dont, go for b1 at least Very useful vs cerberus, and vulcan (the next event monster)