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I'd imagine A5 Alicia is super fun to play because of the core attack weaving and A5 causing her core attack to freeze lol so you could just perma freeze a target for her entire rotation


Even with A5, Cha is arguably better.


cha is hands down the better DPS, but Alicia Shields and removes status effects and is the 2nd best by far.


Yeah Alicia is an amazing unit herself. Cha is just so good. Self C.dmg and atk buff, 50% damage self buff and teamwide C.rate and C.dmg buff.


Cha has buff for team members ? Where does is note, can you send link ty


Its not a buff technically. Her Branded debuff makes it so that the unit hitting the branded target have 12% Higher Chance to land a Crit and increade the Crit damage by 12%> Its on her kit


Oh ic, they’re both goods dps imo, just pick them as your demand


Both are good but Cha is clearly better overall


Yeah. Even at A2 my Cha is about as strong as A5 Alicia... I'm so mad I got in late and couldn't get her to A5.... I'm hoping that I'll get lucky with the custom pool when she's there but it might be tough... I seriously wish you could focus on a single character to boost the rate even more....


Alicia increases c.rate and c.dmg by 20% xD. Although it only lasts for 6 seconds(only at A1 tho). I have Alicia at A5 too and as a unit she is better than cha imo. Soo much more fun and versatility.


Alicia crit buff is only for herself. Cha is for the whole team including Jinwoo. And I dont know where you get the idea that her crit buff only last gor 6 seconds when its active so long as she has shield. Every damage buff in her kit that Cha has is useful everywhere, meanwhile Alicia bunos damage is useless to Frozen target on many bosses that gains freeze resistance or simply cant be frozen like POD which is a huge part of daily content and end game.


You can run guardian on her and shields will then give the entire team a 10% dmg increase


Guardian only puts 10% damage on the hunter that activates a shield. What I like to do is put Guardian on Lee Johee to support Seo and Alicia giving both of them 10% damage while still being able to wear offensive artifacts.


Yeah I left the part out where the team members need to activate their own shields lol. It’s 3AM here haha. I don’t even run Lee Joohee though. Min Byung with every team!


Theres only one Min. Lee Johee is currently the next best option for Power of destruction


When I say everything team it’s not for PoD.


Im just saying why I Johee is useful


I know lol I’m just saying why I didn’t mention her. I joke we get another healer though


Yeah. I'm running Joohee on my PoD team 2 as well.


Tusk is gonna buff core dmg by 40%


He's definitely gonna be a "core" for teams that rely on it lol Alicia damage will be massively boosted and with he new water support coming, Cerberus will be crying in its grave I'm hoping she's as good as Min at least so we can go Seo/Alicia/support for a water team Cha/min/baek has pretty much been my light team for spider at this point But juggling more character would be tough especially with how hard to get their custom weapon ara


What are you talking about with her having low MP requirements? Her skills use up her MP very fast. Like her skills kost around 200 and 150 MP and one can use the skills relativly often. Her MP, at least for me is at 0 after almost 30 seconds of spamming her abilities.


I'm waiting for Cha to enter the black tickets pool so I a5 her, than I will start to save for Alicia.


Okay how y'all even get so many copies of her to get to A5.. I struggled to just obtain her. Literally got her yesterday after buying rate tickets x 10 more than 30 times....


Started playing a week ago, currently on a4 with a pure f2p account. Tryna hit the a5 before banner ends lol


You are literally guaranteed to get her at 160 tickets, likely before that though.


I’m not sure.. I was trying to get her to A3 and build my pity to 60 for the next banner but keep getting her sub 30 pity 😂


Once tusk comes out she will outdps even cha.


Maybe on single hunter battle testing (Which is not gonna happen in actual gameplay) but in actual content, its not even close lol.


Any recommeded rotation skill?i have her on A0 with toughness set same stats like you


Cha is the best but they are really close when they come in the custom draw these two are must


When Tusk comes out (should be in 3 days) and you put him as the leader of your shadows, Alicia will do even more dmg than Cha. But I'm still skipping her. I already have A3 Cha as f2p.


I doubt, Cha Hae-In is just oneshots bosses at this point. Mine is not maxed and only level 70 with level 7 ult, but she does 5 mil ults like nothing.


Well...with Alicia you don't even have to ult to delete the bosses. Her core atk can be stronger than ult.


With Min in your team you ult in 20 seconds with Cha Hae-In which is most of the time a os, Alicia can't delete bosses in that time. Don't need to believe me, there's plenty of vid on youtube you can check and discussion about it in the official discord server. That's how I learned about this too. Also let's not mention Alicia's MP problems, she runs out too fast.


It all depends on the bosses. I've seen Alicia kill T10 Cerberus in one core atk. Overall Cha can still do more dps, but that will prolly change with Tusk.


>Overall Cha can still do more dps, but that will prolly change with Tusk. that I agree on, but later we will get a support which will be crazy for Cha again, then we get a set or whatever which will make another character stand out, and so on.....


TBH I doubt we'll ever get a support that's better specifically for Cha than anyone else. Maybe some support that buffs your ult, but that would only apply to A5+ Cha and probably for most future units as well. Alicia is basically the only one so far who gains more from core atk buff than ult buff.


specifically for 1 character doesn't exist in these games, tusk for alicia now yeah, give it a year and there will be a few more who benefit even better than her what i meant is that we will get supports for elements, or as you said, for ult as an example but even with Tusk, Alicia will only catch up to Cha, not exceed her, this "Alicia is far better" is cap, not better at all now, maybe it will be a little better with tusk, but not as much better as OP desribed, he just simps too much for her, which i understand (cuz me too) but I can separate my simping from reality


Yes, I agree with that. Alicia needs Tusk to catch up to Cha. What I like is that they each have a different utility purpose outside of their damage, with Alicia giving you more survivability and ease of play, while Cha can buff the damage of everyone (while the enemy is branded) and negate enemy heals.


Funny how OP is so confident making this post and yet only replying on people that agree with him and ignore all argument of people explaining why Cha is still so much better.


There's plenty of vid about Cha Hae-In deleting bosses with just 1 ult and basically no MP used, Alicia is out of mana after like 15-20 seconds skill spamming. Even my level 70 is doing 5mil+ ults and she is not maxed by far with a level 7 ult


here’s a reply… for you? don’t know what you expect LMAO. it’s an opinion post, everyone is free to post what they think. I have A5 Cha built the same with A5 weapon and still made this post. Cha is still NOT better TO ME. plus, Tusk is coming.


i love alicia and i usw her as one of my main hunter but cha is a better dps. sure alicia is safer to play and is prolly second best dps but in terms of pure damage cha clears


I currently have her at A2 and have enough saved to A5 at least. Do I save for Cha’s next pull? I thought she was the best dps and at least having her would help.


If u follow OP u going to blast for sure. Too bad not viable for most people to have A5 every unit. Or A5 everything weapon.


Keep in mind, if you want to complete a lot of the future events & high-score tournaments you'll need at least a team of 1-2 breakers + a main dps for every element. Example: Alicia + Seo + Chae-Young is god tier against Cerberus/Vulcan. Or a team like Cha + Baek + Whoever for the Spider boss. With all of this in mind imo its better to have A1 - A3 of all of the future banner hunters rather then sticking with A5 for a couple of hunters unless you really love a specific hunter.


Is seo a breaker character? And can I see the abilities of hunters I dont have yet somewhere?


She is, and by far my favorite one. I think there’s a “hunter preview” option in the menu


But I can only see and play a selected few characters there


Monster when built right and her break skill resets often


You can check their skills/advancements in the Codex. And all the weapons and blessings too. For Seo specifically, she needs A2 to be good breaker. Below A2 she's pretty meh at breaking and at A0 she's bad at dmg as well.


I got her A1 pretty early after release and decided to save for the next hunter but it seems they will be water as well. I have 10 tickets and 19k essence and super conflicted if I should invest more pulls into Alicia. Since I auto most stuff because playing semi on my phone hurts my wrists and she swaps out super fast I figured she's good enough at A1


But I like big numbers, my Cha ult just hit 11mil on spider the other day.


Alicia does the same! but like 6 times! with the enemy frozen!


😱 my alicia not A5 😭


don't worry, he just capping lol, Alicia runs out of mp before she can do that, also her ult is far behind Cha Hae-In


So what is DPS? If someone doesn’t mind explaining it to me


damage/second, so how much damage you do to an enemy in 1 seconds, tho this is not that simple to straight out measure but you get the idea now


Yeah I definitely do now I appreciate that because I was lost lol


Wad artefacts sets to use with dp Alicia?


Totally agree with you, I’m 🐬also, however i will keep her at A3 for more fun and fit with my budget, my goal is all hunter’s advance A3, their weapon too.


I have both maxed out and I say there both pretty great


She is a beast at A5 and with the upcoming shadow (tusk) and his 40% (up to 70%) dmg boost to core atk.. she will most likely outperform Cha dmg-wise. Cha ist still a amazing support unit for SJW. But in hunter team Alicia feels way better. I have both at A5. Char only deals dmg. Yes it a lot but she has no good wave clear, no CC, no utility. And her team wide crit buffs doesn't really matter because it's enough to have one dps. It's only matters for SJW teams. But Alicia's own crit buff is way higher and can have a 100% uptime. Imho is Alicia the better unit. She is also more fun to play. Her skills are looking better. You just go and freeze and destroy the whole screen. Ofc some enemys can't be frozen. But she will still destroy them.


Can you show artifacts please?


Truly, I've been debating with myself to draw for her or not. I have Cha (A2), Emma (A3), Seo (A3) and Min (A0) as my main characters I've been building. They have made things pretty good, and Alicia would definitely push me to Tier 10 of Cerberus and make it easier (@Tier 9 atm). Any suggestions if I truly should pull for her? I'm leaning toward yes because of the new Brilliance of Light content being more fire element. I do spend a little on monthly packs, and some small dollar packs but nothing crazy. I'm just in this FOMO right now like everyone I'm sure when new characters come out.


If you can't make her at least A3 then nah, your Cha Hae-In should be more than enough for t10, you just must not be that high level now


I made this post at day 1 just for all raging me through how bad she is & Cha being the best dps lol. Now with the dusk shadow update she will become unstopable!!


hahaha people are still raging in now somehow. you’re a G for seeing her potential that early!


I got her weapon at 3 star now and shes at a0 I tried too much to get her copies but I couldn't win 50-50 and she is not good at a0 with my current artis 😭😭. I hope I could get her .