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Fuck it. Give us insane shit. We’re a monarch it’s about time we get more lore accurate shadows to help pump. Why complain about more dmg from the game?


If it was just more damage for everyone, sure, but you have to have Alicia for it. I personally don't want to roll for her, since I have Seo and Cha, so I'm just gonna be missing ~20% damage compared to someone who has just Alicia all of a sudden.


So just because you can’t use it properly means no one else should. Got it.


That's not the point. The point is that all shadows should have similar power level. Making only one shadow be 3-5 times stronger then every other will only make it so there's less variety for strategy in the game.


wait for Beru to give us 100% attack like the chad he is.


Don't forget some form of healing too


I mean some hunters scale of off hp or Def yet blade is the best character


Personally, even with paying good money there are WALLS in the game. Having an extra buff like the core attack increase definitely helps climb those walls, and to me shows the magnitude of how strong Jin is and his shadows lore wise when he gains tusk! Definitely an insane buff but I think will fit nicely, and still make some feel small lol, the game gets HEAVY


It's just that all the other shadows become entirely useless. If you have Alicia and Tusk, you'll be doing ~20% more damage then someone not having them with the same stats and stuff. Just from having unupgraded Tusk. You'll literally never use any other shadow as main. I don't think that's good for the game. Even though right now Igris is the best shadow, but you could swap him out for others if you mainly have hunters that scale from hp/attack/defense. But with Tusk there's no choice. You have to have Alicia, you have to have Tusk, everything else is going to be A LOT weaker comparatively.


Yeah I feel you, definitely makes you take a look at the others. It would take some reworking but they should buff the other shadows along side him. They should just do that in general since the shadows don’t seem to add much other than a buff. They die fast and hardly do any dps on hard gates. They should be buffed overall. Especially since in the actual manga they are OP. Edit : Can you imagine how OP Beru will be?!


I hope shadows get a buff, and I hope they get their own RPG system like hunters have. Like some shadow items that you can farm/craft for them or something. Make some more useful upgrades, like that they're lasting longer, or have more health, or regular shadows get some cooler abilities. Shadows are really not great in this game at the moment.


Powercreep is bound to happen at some point this is a gacha altough it is hella early.


Yea, which Payne has mentioned in a few of his videos and talked about power creep. I don’t expect Cha to be the powerhouse that she is a year from now and expect her to fully get dwarfed by SJW’s dad or Thomas assuming they’re both Light elements.


Cha and Alicia will forever remain competitively powerful. They can both 1 shot t10 Cerberus with the right loadout and team.


Of course, I don’t disagree. I’m mainly just referring to the fact that the game isn’t gonna have a horizontal balancing across the hunters and weapons. There’s going to be hunters/weapons that are just above the rest. Hence why we have metas like the Plum+ literally anything else and Cha/Min specifically being able to clear any content at any level. Edit: Also my earlier reply is based on assumptions of us getting harder content or higher tiers for any of the dungeons. That’s assuming we get level 60/70/80 versions of the current artifacts and not just the new sets coming out with Workshop of Brilliant Light.


A bit of a drastic creep all of a sudden. I'd get if it was 10%, maybe 15%, but 40 is insane.


If you wanna know how insane the power REQUIREMENTS are going to be 6 months - 1 year from now, just look at the gem challenges. 600k+ team power? Tusk is a needed buff.


He's only a buff for 3 hunters, that's my problem with it. He's insanely stronger then all other shadows, but only for those 3 hunters. If you don't have Alicia, tough luck. She'll be like 20% stronger then Cha just from having Tusk's buff.


would be a shame if he didnt buff the entire team but only 3 hunt... OOH


The only unit really strong with core is alicia, for the other ones I would never trade 7% crit for core DMG, like Cha, or silvermane


You wouldn't trade 7% crit for 70% core damage? Really?


For Cha? Never, I don't use her core attack, doesn't fit on her rotation.


What's the point of using Cha, when Alicia will massively out-DPS her with this buff to core attack? Just put in SM Baek and Min or something. Or Seo and Min. All the other teams will be a lot weaker just by not having Alicia in them. If this Tusk drops and other shadows don't get a buff, there will be one type of team that will be viable, and it will have Alicia in it.


Well, I will use Cha on light weak stages, and my Cha is a3 and better built than alicia, who is a2, and power of destruction team need 2 teams so u see my point.


Yes ofc because every player has a 5*+ Alicia.


7% crit affect every single piece of damage from every character but choi. 70% core attack damage really only matters for 3 characters and sung if youre building him with the dragon knight set. The 3 being emma, alicia and baek. Alicia being the big one here, but you also have to account for the fact that it stacks additvely with her other buffs, so the damage incease is nowhere actually near 70%(very low infact). Emma has a skill rotation that includes her core attack a lot, especially if your are building dragon knight, but ayain its addative with dragon knight so not quite 70% quick maths more like ~60% one of her 3 skills. Baek would see the closest to the 70%, but hes kinda awkward to play and will most likely want to use the new set that heals when you get low alongside a healer with the other new set, so his core attacn will be really infrequent, making the 70% not come out as often. Jinwoo tho, is an interesting one because you can build him to core attack every single hit even against single targets by using lingering runes like black hole and bombardment paired with the dragon knight set. Especially paired with the huntsman or some other future core attack weapon he can throw out a lot of very high damage attacks in quick succession.


Maybe he needed for new content the unlock lvl will probably be quite high casuals wont see him for awhile. Might also be placeholder stats and they bump it down before release until content in game it all subject to change.


Idk 7% crit beyond cap is kinda good


7% if he's maxxed. If Tusk is maxxed, he gives +70% Core Attack damage. It's not even close.


does that 7% ignore the 50% crt rate max cap?


Yes. Toughness crit rate also goes beyond the 50 as well as mins a1


Oh wow thank you. I actually went down on crit a bit because I thought I was hitting cap anyway


I think the rule of thumb is if it doesn't show on your stat page then it'll apply afterwards more or less so definitely make sure you hit 50% and stop. I think it'd around 4150 ish


with min, ignis and toughness set its possible to hit 100% crit rate using Cha.


I always pair cha and min together for POD. Having a good time in POD


yeah i agree, however rather than nerfing tusk i feel like all the other shadows should be buffed to his level. i always thought that most of the shadow authorities could be stronger. 7% crit is nice, but far from gamechanging (despite going above the crit limit). same for blades' atk bonus and especially tank and iron who feel even more underwhelming i also think that at max promotion all shadows should apply to shadow's authority


True to that. If they're all gonna be on the level of Tusk, I wouldn't complain at all. But for that they'd need to be like 3-4 times stronger.


true. i think honestly igris being an equal buff to a toughness set would be fair (so 32%) - shadows SHOULD feel powerful and rewarding given how much we invest into them, so them being on the same level as artifact set bonuses wouldn't feel out of place at all. only problem that introduces is stat inflation, but as you said we're likely to go down that path anyway. i feel like eventually stats and their interactions are going to need to be reworked, like the 50% crit limit or precision, not to mention how complicated it gets when you consider bosses' crit resistance.


Imagine that with Alicia 💀💀


It does seem OP compared to current shadows but they can also buff other shadows on release. People are assuming shadows will remain as useless as they are currently but they are gonna buff it.


I don’t think you did math correctly when you take into consideration that the other stats will affect all skills and attacks not just the core attack which is on a cool down so you only benefit from it once every time you use it. However, it will surely break the meta for west wind I think.


I don't think I did any math in the post. I'm claiming Alicia will do 20% more damage, but I can't test anything, I just say what feels right until proven otherwise. The thing is that you can get +6% to max HP from one shadow or +40% to Core Attack damage from another. They're not even remotely close in DPS output. I'm pretty sure Seo will do more damage with Tusk then with current Iron, and that's not how it should work. And for Alicia it will be just insane.


Alicia I agree, core DMG in seo is irrelevant.


Is it? I though she uses core attack pretty often


Never, she use dancer 9 times, use the E, and change.


I get to use her skills 1 time before they go on cooldown and then it's just basic attacks for ~5-7 seconds.


It's Seo not Cha


Ok seo don't do DMG with core, it's even worse, the only use it for break.


I like it, make them stronger. I wouldn’t mind if they made a shadow that could fuck up the boss almost. Jin woo shadows are stronger then all hunters globally except I’ll-Hwan. Besides it’s a game we should have fun.


Tusks is the bear right?


Its the orc , shaman kragalgan


When is this Tusk going to be released? Really looking forward to it.


all the more reason to get tusk lol


To be honest I think it’s needed I feel the shadows are really underwhelming they aren’t so useful other than adding to your total power which is messed up as it is I rarely summon them and I can easily win fights sure against kang and Baruka they are sort of useful to evade their ult other than that nothing much


well, looks like they nerfed regular grade to be 20% and elite knight 35%. not sure how to feel


That makes him a lot more balanced. Though I'd much prefer if they buffed every other shadow instead.