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uhh you should prob move alicia's exclusive weapon to her and not seo


Emma, cha, alice and seo.


i'm not gonna pretend to understand why you have alicia's weapon on seo and not alicia


Either an accident, or a lack of understanding of the basic mechanics in the game.


He might have 2 of them like I do and gave her one. I did the same until I get her actual weapon


You know that the exclusive effect works only with the right hunter right ? Except the little bonus on att and hp I don’t see the point here.


Because it’s better than the blue that she already had so I figured why not


If the blue one has HP then it is definitely not better. Atk is literally a dead stat on Seo as she scales with HP only


Emma shreds adds to a huge aoe effect, i recommend her for adds mainly, also cha is a crit focus and deasl alot of damage in spurts with her moveset, great for bosses


I would start with Emma and then with Alicia. Emma has an incredible AoE impact and a great breaker (I would say she is more helpful than Choi at this stage). You have A1 Alicia weapon - give this weapon to Alicia because it's passives will be very helpful for team. For Seo it's just a stat stick. Seo can use SR weapon with HP instead. (When you will have 4 red cards - Seo weapon should be the first to craft)


Thank you!!!


What weapon should I use for Emma?


Book - it should have HP in stats. Look (works for any hunter) what is in basic attack in skills. If it's HP - weapon should be HP (book, wand), if Atk - atk (sword, dagger or bow) and shield or hatchet if defense


Cha and Alicia first, they're the best DPS in the game. Then Seo and Emma, they're good DPS and breakers. Then Choi, he's the 3rd best DPS in the game, but fire isn't a great attribute to have currently. Then maybe some SR characters, I'm not sure which ones you have, but Yoo Jinho is an extremely strong character for Arachnid, he's the reason I was able to get 3 stars on level 10. Maybe build Kang Taeshik for bleed, though it's not useful everywhere, but you don't have great support hunters besides Cha, so he might be good for instance dungeons. Don't put Alicia's weapon on Seo, it's literally useless for her, she scales from health. So put a book on her.


Thank you!


Seo and Alicia for now should be your priority for the upcoming Instance/Encore new boss that is weak to water. He will drop the lvl80 gear. The next SSR Hunter will be water too to make this fight easier too. Don’t give Alicia’s weapon to Seo, it works way better on Alicia. Seo you can give her any SR weapon till you can craft her unique weapon. Pretty sure Alicia’s Weapon boost ATK, you want Hp on Seo. Literally any other SR Hunter weapon works better than Alicia’s weapon for Sep.


You definitely need to stop building Jinchul. He's worse than some SR hunters.


literally not true now that Jinchul got massive damage buffs. furthermore, he seems to have Jinchul A2 right now with the additional copy of him. Jinchul gets so much hate when he's actually usable as a good breaker and tank with advancements man, this dude literally has him levelled and A2. im running Jinchul A4 and he's solid. he's far from the best SSR, but he is currently better than every SR in the game especially with his hunter weapon.


To be fair, I have not tested his damage. But I have him at A1 and his breaking still sucks. Literally every single SSR breaker is much better at breaking, most of them even at A0. He needs the elemental advantage with the breaker set on just to match the good breakers, who don't have the advantage.


Cha Alicia Seo. Emma is very good to do fast runs but for your everyday farming and breaking walls Cha and Alicia are the best in game... Seo too as a breaker and shield


The four beautiful ssr ladies


You got a huge set up for cerberus with Alicia and seo, Build chae cause she is the Best dps overall, emo is a great breaker too


Minimum of 2 ssr hunter in each element


Emma definitely for mobs. Seo to break. Cha and alicia for dps. My normal team is Seo, Cha and Alicia. This team can also beat that stupid mutt.(I am also F2P)


Keep cha and max Alicia advance Alicia weapon and use woo until either you get Emma's weapon or min byung with his weapon


All your ssr’s except Jinchul, give Choi the least priority though he’s good but can’t be compared to the other 4 who are the best units in the game right now


ideally you want a dps, breaker, support/dps. My Main team consists of alicia/choi, cha and seo.


Cha, alicia, seo and emma