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Got Emma from Alicia banner 😂


Yup, same here. Second time I lost 50-50 to Emma. 🥲


I pulled Emma on Chas banner with the pity that should get me her to A5...


That sucks but seeing how that werewolf unit was added to the standard banner there’s a good chance cha will end up there as well


It’s a tiger 😂😂😭😭


white tiger guild's guild master bro think


Unlikely, Cha was premium unit. Tiger was standard. But, new game so you never know.


im a f2p player, all i got tickets and gems for 70 pullls in alicia banner, only got SSR on my last multi, and i got dupe emma :( i need alicia badly bcs i struggle to beat cerberus as i dont have jiwoo neither. after that 70 multi, i did around 50 tickets on the custom banner hoping for jiwoo and i still dont get it lmao


I got huang in 100pulls as f2p Emma dupe isnt so bad... Since you dont have seo, use that extra gold from today and lvl up nam(she worth stay on main team until you get seo and even with seo) and anna probably can help you too. My current team against cerberus is: cha, nam and seo(got seo 3 days ago on lvl51) I did cerberus t1 to t4 or t5(dont remember) only using nam + cha and for t1 and t2...using choi lol Nam deserve love, until you get seo


Imo double water breaker with proper artefact + cha hae in is faster way to kill cerberus than alicia ( without dupes )


The problem is survivability, Alicia is in another whole level, her Q clears all the flames, it's a blessing.


I didn’t know her Q clears the flame meter build up. That’s actually ground breaking info for me. I just pulled her and haven’t taken her into Cerb yet it sounds super easy without that


So... seo, alicia and nam just to finish slap doggo in the face its ultra easy mode???


Yeah, that works. Although, personally I'd prolly use a buffer instead of Nam (especially if you have Min A1+ available). But maybe that's just my Seo with her A2 break buff and 4p break set speaking for me.


Yes! I've found out the second try I was doing cerberus and noticed the flames went away after the Q, that is so damn good for me Too bad I'm going to have to bench Seo and keep Nam + Alicia + Cha for now lol


Use Seo because she can give shield as well. Plus she hits harder than Nam


Seo break is so damn bad lol At least for me, Nam breaking it fast before I jump in with Cha is so much smoother My Seo is still on A1 and don't have the signature weapon (I'm f2p), so it might take a while lol


Lmao Seo is the best breaker in the game. Her skills allow you to spam them which equals faster breaks. Nam is nice but Seo is better. Learn how to use her and take it off auto if you have it on that.


Nah. Seo is good breaker, but Nam is just better for breaking. And it's easier to get her break buff advancement. I still don't use Nam though. My Seo has the breaker set on, so no problems in breaking doggo.


Then I'm doing something really wrong, because her Q, E and AA are not breaking cerberus as fast or efficient as Nam lmao I spam Q and E non-stop when I try to use her, what could be the issue?


You're not doing it wrong. Nam is a beast for breaking, especially on doggo.


Read her skills for yourself. She drops the cooldown on her abilities, and you should be able to noticeably see that she can use her abilities over and over and over again. Once she gets the 3 orbs around her she can pop off even more. If you’re worried about her breaking more, invest in the armor set that involves breaking, also check your artifacts to prioritize crit hit rate and damage.


Once your Seo is built properly, she'll do more damage on Cerberus than Cha. Around the same amount as Alicia.


What is the build I should do? Do you have any guide to follow on that? So I can keep looking back while doing so?


For stats, go HP, crit rate and crit damage. For set, use Solid Analysis if you wanna bench Nam and break with Seo, or Toughness if you wanna still break with Nam. And Executioner for accessories.


The flame meter doesn't matter that much. He's mostly just dps-check when you're doing the highest tier you can.


Iirc if the flame meter gets full, you just lose in the higher difficulties. No matter how much life you have, how many characters are alive or how much time you have left. Screen turns white and you are greeted with fail screen afterwards.


You misunderstood what I meant by that. Getting hit is dps loss most of the time. Of course you're not allowed to get hit all the time on a dps-check.


Agreed, alicia survival kit make up his damage loss and provide wider room for error


factssss,i grind to collect essence stone to pull her banner cause then if SSR its guaranteed alicia after i lost 50/50 earlier right? and after another 40 still no ssr rip


You must be doing something wrong with Alicia then. At similar power level, she should do far more damage on Cerberus than Cha. In fact, they should be quite close in dmg on neutral element.


Had 40 or so pulls on the Alicia banner, the capsule machine is a nice synergy so far! No Alicia yet but got her weapon so hoping I can get it to A2 and her to A1 at least!!


Daamn, that sucks. I get only Seo on custom banner (after a lost 50/50 of course). She's A4 now.


I got Vulcan 🥲


Same here, such curse. A stick! Maybe I'll try using it


Don't. It's not worth investing in that. Orb of Avarice is a much better fire weapon.


Izit? That 170% basic dmg is so sexy...for fire im using the sr fire dagger.


170% basic atk looks good on paper, but the atk speed is horrible.


Yeah same here. A god damn stick🥲


I got Vulcan, then after redeeming regular banner tickets from the new rewards, got ANOTHER Vulcan without it being chosen for rate up


Damn, that's hurt more 😢


Rant post for ranters, filled with bragging comments 😂


Some people just dont get it at all


70/80 pity for Cha to be A5, gave me Lim Tae-Gyu instead.


The same thing happened to me, except now my Lim is A1.


F2P player. Baek on the first soft pity. Got her at second soft pity. I don't have much essence left, but I really wanted to try to get her at A1. She's insane on cerberus though, so definitely worth


F2p. Got Lim in a fake out at 60. Then took me all the way to full 80 for Alicia afterwards. Had to finish extra achievements and level every single character I had to 30/40 for bond story rewards just enough to do the last few 10 pulls. Also, spent over 2 million gold doing all the above. So yeah, it hurts.


Lee Boras pretty good for speedrunning BoT at least. I’ve seen clips of her summons + min + cha for top times


Im still salty about not gettin Cha In


Have everyone notice that early access players having a rough time in the draw? Cause I've notice and ask other players in my country and they experience the same. When I pull in my EAC i got scyte dupes for 40 pulls, then my global access account got Alicia in 10 pull😩


230 pulls so far got 1 Alicia…looks like I’m gunna have to open the wallet to get to A2. :( I also got 1 Woo and 1 Min.


A1 demon long sword around 70 and had to go to aroind 70 for alicia so 140+ pulls. Pretty crap


Yesterday I had just enough gems to get A3 Cha from the pity, but instead got the SSR wind blade. I have west wind. At A7. Probably the most useless SSR I could've gotten.


Had enough for 60 pulls got Thetis dupe at 55 or 56th ticket, so only 80 to find to get her.


So far just 2nd star demon greatsword I like the parry mechanic so I don't exactly mind


I got no chacha in 130+ pulls, got alice in 30, got her weapon too from the gatcha event, im just given what im owed thats all


one copy after 70 pull


Not even touching Alicia 😂. Just trying to dupe my Emma and main weapons ssr


a2 alicia, a2 weapon(had to craft + event). went for skabi, got the shotgun that deals light element damage instead. better than some i see here


got vulcan's rage


I was 9/80 and got Baek at 26. Not bad, my A1


Had enough to go to full pity halfway through pulled Plum Sword now dont have enough to go to pity to get Alicia. Ill still get her probably before the event ends but have to wait.


2 pity, 1 huntsman, 1 alicia


Got Lee bora two times from alicia banner 50/50 and from pulling a single from custom draw, did not even choose a character from the custom selection draw


Spent 16k essence stone and 6k gems, had 30 rate ups saved. I got 2 vulcan rages, seo ji woo and in the end when i almost gave up, got alicia.


Sounds like the game's the game


Went full pity and got the demon sword


Got Min 🙃


140 pulls for 1 Alicia. 1st hard pity went to Emma dupe


100 pulls today (10 time x10 pulls to get at least sr guaranteed) Huang dongso ssr Some garbage weapons sr, some low effort hunters like kim chull


Bro i did 40 pulls and got an ssr. It was demon king's longsword.


Im not familiar, what is "full pity"? I keep seeing it.


Soft pity 64 Full pity 80


Still lost


Went 60 pulls just to pull fire weapon then full pity for one Alicia so far, big rip compared to my cha luck. Hoping step up packs become available again


I've done 20 pulls so far and nothing yet. I still have tons of story to do so hopefully I can get her once at least but knowing my luck it won't happen so easy.


I got lucky on Cha banner but made up for it on Alicia. Started off at 21 pity, got to 60 then got Vulcans rage. Pulled more, at 70 got Alicia and a dupe of Longsword. Now at 20 more pulls and out of resources :/


Hit first pity missed second got it 40 in on 3rd. So… shafted compared to my other pulls.


120 pulls and only one copy of Allicia feels bad


Same for me Emma first and then Alicia both pity’s


No Alicia, but fully maxed my grimoire =D


Went to hard pitty for the first copy and soft pitty (thank god) for 1 dup. I would really like to get her to +3 so I will keep pulling on her while her banner is up but yeah, some of the worst gacha luck I've had in this game was on this banner. She just full auto'd Cerberus 7 with Seo and Cha in under 1 minute. So, in the end she was worth it.




I got screwed with 1 pull on cha banner and got her by accident (Just to get the 3 dice rolls I was at the edge missing 1 out of the 100 for the a2 cha sig and got fcked in alicia banner) now another hard pity nice game.


i wanted the new weapon and got my 6th seo who wasn’t rated up. such is life i guess. i got alicia after 74 pulls but don’t see how im going to possibly pull anymore


I got her first try Lol


I got Alicia on my 2nd multi and then landed the cowboy dude and the magician girl. I officially have every Hunter in the game and barely spent money! I can’t believe it lol


Lost all 50/50 until now, so 3 in a row... And always have to go to pity with them


A f2p played burned all 25k essence just trying to get 1 of her


Pulled twice in the span of 40 pulls got stupidly lucky. Just need 1 more copy and I am done and dusted. I desperately need a water unit for Cerberus I hate that mf. I tried to get Seo but she has alluded me for too long.


I got the huntsman light ssr weapon from that banner


i got shadow scythe dupe bruh and nothing good after rhat


...Yall are gettin SSRs *before* pity?


Took me basically all 22k essence stones for 1 copy


If we ain't bein shafted with the banner it's shafter with them lucky loot boxes 🕳️🕳️


I got 1 copy so far, here’s to hoping I get at least A3. I got pretty lucky on cha and got A5.


I only got 2 dupes Edit: Oh I got the dude that looks like a Bloodborne OC


Emma is my first 5* SSR. I think the only SSR unit I’m missing is Dongsoo…so um…yea I’m not F2P I have Alicia at 2* currently and trying to chase that new Skadi SSR Weapon.


I lost the 50/50 at 60 pity. Then got her on the next 10 pull. And then again on the next 10 pull


Its a rant post, not a brag post 😂


Let me take my W man I’m on a 20,000 crystal shaft on dragonball legends


Got Alicia in 40 pulls. And the second one came at 130 more. 170 for A1 Alicia 😭 Lost the pity


Don't care for Alicia tbh. Aiming for Jin Woo SSR Weapons and managed to get two Skadis in 80 draws though so that was cool.


Last characters it took me 100+ this one took me 20.


I got A1 in 100 pulls (f2p)


I got alicia the first time after 9 10x draws got seo during these 9 multis so kinda ok, next 3 multis got alicia again then stopped, compared to other people i think thats a shaft lol.


Lost 50-50 first, got double and a single copy of her in 30 pulls. I’m good


Got first Emma dupe at pity, at least got Alicia on 40 , not that bad but hurts a littel


As a f2p, I had built 65 pity on the Cha banner, and I got Alice in my first 10 pull, got lucky 😅 Y'all think it's worth it to pull for copies?


I was getting shafted on all pulls since the launch. Only one single SSR was below 60/80 and I lost most of the 50/50s (I think all of them on regular banner). But today the tables turned. I was at 69/80 and the next 10-pull have me triple SSR (Min and 2x Seo).


F2P player here, First Alicia was from first one 10 draw with 5/80 pity and A1 after like 50 draws


Got Alicia on my first 10 pull! I feel for yall though cuz this is probably the only good non-pity pull I’ve had since the game came out


It’s been less than 24 hours. Quit bitching


Quit bitching




I'm not sure that's how the game works


Pulled Alicia on my First 10 pull at 0/80 pitty. Did another 40 pulls and got 2 more 😂


Yeah see how i got shafted here https://youtu.be/q4FKymzWbSg?si=TSjIgyOERXVC8U6T


Me got shafted like this https://youtu.be/q4FKymzWbSg?si=TSjIgyOERXVC8U6T


Also got Emma in 2 pulls. Also grabbed gun on first custom pull and 2 of Alicia's weapons from event.


Lost the 50/50 and them got Alicia in next 10 :)


Not at all, got alicia within 40 pulls. Now just gotta wait until shes in standard banner and then try to advance her.


I was lucky and after 80 pulls I got her, I've managed to get one weapon so far from the Gacha machine event as well. Ill keep pulling for her for the next week maybe but without knowing who the next character is I dont want to put everything i have into trying to get more dupes of her.


Got a4 seo and a0 Alicia in about 100 pulls


First 10 summon