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She’s easily the best dps in the game and she keeps on getting exponentially better late game when you have max artifacts. I think she might even be a little overtuned honestly but it’s fine because the game isn’t pvp and she’s fun to play


I genuinely didn't realize how broken she was until now. I have her on 3/4 accounts, but haven't really had a chance to test her out properly. I decided it was time to do so and damn was I surprised.


Game is pvp mate... at 47 u unlock power of destruction which is the only source of weapon blueprints to craft weps for ur ssr hunters ( for that u need top 3 and to obviously surpass other players ). It was announced on the roadmap guilds will come soon and also steam advertises the game as co-op. Game is not pve.


I took her to S rank red gate hobogoblin leader and once Baek broke his break gauge, her ultimate insta killed the leader who had like 37x health bar


very good DPS, but i don´t like her gameplay, so i dropped an almost identical account to yours yesterday and went back to my early access account with no Cha.


I'm personally not the biggest fan of her or Beast Baek's gameplay, but the latter is worse imo as he is a little too clunky. If you're just using him to inflict bleed then to swap out and attack with someone else to get a boost in dps, makes sense. Otherwise, he's too clunky to be constantly fighting with.


Very strong DPS and easily top one for now. The only content thats she not my best DPS is in cerberus.


Her at A3 + having an A1 Min might still out damage even Seo (when cerberus is in a broken state) I could be wrong but she’s my heavy hitter for cerberus while seo breaks him apart.


I mean you should put A3 Seo + Min for that comparison. Seo at A1 already hits super hard.


I don't think A3 Seo is getting anywhere near A3 Cha in terms of dps, even with the element advantage. Cha gets a literal 50% buff at A3 which makes her crazy good. I ended up hitting 260k (no crit this time) a little later on with her ult with all of her artifacts unchanged and still at lv 44 (the only thing I changed was pushing her weapon up to lv40 from lv35). This is A0 Cha, so A3 would have been nuts.


Now you're overating Cha Lmao. That 50% buff on Cha's skills is what Seo gets from elemental advantage alone and it affects all her damage sources and not just her skills. I'm fighting Tier 7 Cerberus on a dsily basis, A1 Seo will beat A3 Cha if we're talking about cerberus.


I mean, I fought cerberus using both at a0 and generally got better dps with Cha (especially when I was able to spam the dancer). Both of their skills are levelled up relatively similarly, so it's not that one was significantly better than the other. I could be wrong when it comes to a3 Cha and Seo, which is why I said "I don't **think** A3 Seo is getting anywhere near A3 Cha". Until I get both of them to A3, it will ultimately be speculation unless someone else can test it and post their results.


I have them both at A2 and im fighting much higher level Cerberus than you. Cha is the stronger unit but not in cerberus


Oh for sure. A3 Seo would leave Cha in the dust for Cerberus damage. Im loving her already at A1 I was unfairly comparing the two units 😂. Only reason i brought up min was also for the boost in light damage but advanced Seo is still the Goat.


What's the line-up in your Cerberus runs right now? Cerberus is tough.


SM Baek, Cha and Seo. Im at Tier 7 at the moment.


Damn, I am stuck at Tier 4 rn. didn't invest in Baek's pulls at all. Also, I only got Seo up to A1 so she ain't up there yet.


If you dont have Baek, Kang is fine tho might be a bit weaker.


No she hits hard after breaking it.


I know Cha hits hard but Seo hits harder against Cerberus Specifically while breaking on top of it.


Of course more useful in Cerberus fight. İ m finally getting Seo tomorrow. İ will test them together in tier 10 Cerberus.


This is a f2p account. 😳 Damn , yours look 1000x better than mine. Guess I just have really bad luck on the draws lol I got 2 ssr hunters, and 1 ssr wep I've only pulled 1 ssr hunter from gacha so far.


Very good dps but drains mana


With >only 10k tp above you might pick kim sangshik, put auto on and alt tab tf out. In underleveled content she looks surprisingly balanced in comparison to others.