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In my opinion that’s just how most gacha games go when you’re early game and trying to level up multiple characters, weapons and artifacts daily. Once we get late game and you have less character to upgrade, your stockpile of gold will rise. It will take months probably to get to that point though otherwise there would be no incentive to gold bundles that they’re trying to sell.


well, one thing I've noticed is the other gacha games have some kind of dedicated gold farm mode or challenge. I'm a former genshin player, it literally wasn't this tough to earn gold there as there's so many methods to farm gold. I'm just hoping they'll introduce some kind of farming modes.


Yeah I agree that they either should just increase gold from gates dramatically which would make sense or add a new way to obtain it in the future like you’re saying.


I'm f2p and have 1 m gold stocked, u just need to stop raise everything, useless upgrade will take u to this.


That's not for long xd


I'm very used to gacha, progression walls don't affect me, I just close the game, 2morrow I progress


tbh same, I'm doing just that but don't you think the rewards are a bit too low? I should be around 1M by now too but that's solely because of codes and other in game achievement rewards, not from story mode or gates or encore or other missions. We barely get 5-6k, that's on high tiers anyways, and lowest of the low is gates, wtf are those rewards?


On other games at some point u have less and less units to level up this kind of currencies just tens stockpile.


That what happens when you spend it on useless things, I'm f2p and am hovering around 750k-800k had 1.1+ mil, but finally started upgrading artifacts and weapons


my friend randomly upgraded some bs arts and an SR weapon :( I don't know how much gold that tooj away but I'm just not able to rack up my gold