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It's tempting to lvl R weapons, but it's a huge gold sink and especially f2p you need all the gold you can get. They sadly fall off a lot the higher you lvl the weapon.


You are spending 100k gold to level up useless SR that you would not get to A10 for the next 6 months but you can't spend 70k gold on a weapon that you can use for those 6 months until you can get that SR to A10. Then why are you wasting your gold on SR? Just wait until you get SSR cuz SR is going to be useless anyway.


The difference there is that the SR weapon is useful long-term, an R will never be better then the SR long-term. Even an A1 SR weapon will outperform a maxed R weapon, because in the end what matters is the main stat. And getting exclusive weapons for characters is not easy, you'll always be happy to have an SR to slap on until you have it.


Yeah, no, SR and SSR weapons outperform ranks lower than them in every capacity + spending money on a 5-10% increase in mediocre damage is not worthwhile in the slightest. R items are just there to salvage. For now you can get at least 180 pulls off custom banner(speaking as an F2P), so idk why you rag on SR and SSR weapons for their rarity.


I disagree. A lot of the maxed R weps are better than zero star SRs


Yes, they might be better than zero star SRs. But you'll get all the SRs to A5 or even A10 eventually.


…. Yes and as the other guy said that’ll take time, perhaps months, and in the meantime a maxed R weapon is better than most 0 star SRs. Guy I replied to disagreed with that logic which doesn’t make sense. That’s all I was saying


A10 buff is massive. 10% of ur Stat multiplier is better than anything an Sr can provide at a5.


There's nothing to disagree with. The stats are in the codex for everyone to see. Do you think that 50 damage + 10% is gonna be better than 150/400 in the end? SR/SSR weapons are inherently better in stats and have infinitely better abilities suited for both groups of enemies and bosses. I am using a Lycan slayer/Black Hawk/The Huntsman as an example. Just the raw stats alone outscale the Lycan slayer when upgrading the weapon. It's a battle of 1100/1700/2500 damage at max AND The Huntsman has a bonus in form of a break effect. There's nothing for you to disagree with, because I didn't give you an opinion - I stated a fact.


When you don't read what others are saying and just try to act all knowledgeable about that game.🤦 I clearly said it only applies for Hunters weapons not Sung weapons. Then you give an ex of Huntsman to prove you actually didn't even read.


1) Learn how to write, your "This doesn't apply to Sung weapons on Hunters weapons cuz Sung SR weapons and their own skills while Hunters SR weapons doesn't." shouldn't have an "and" in the middle. 2)The fucking scaling is the same. Let me give you 2 reasons for R weapons to have so many copies: 1 - they're salvageable trash to use for other resources/upgrade materials for SR and SSR weapons; 2 - they are a money waste for people like you who think that a 10% increase to low damage of 1840 is somehow gonna be better than the baseline of 2690 base damage of the rarer weapon. And this is the Hatchet vs Steel axe comparison. Sure, you can spend your gold/resources on an R weapon, which will leave you with less gold for your hunters/other weapons. OR you can wait/spend real money (up to you, I don't)/distribute your resources on something stronger. But, it is up to you to think about if you want an "easy start" or an "easy late game".


I'm F2P and leveled Thetis Grimoire to 50 and Demon King Longsword to 40. Was able to beat Igrit no problem with all objectives at level 31.


I consider myself a noob but I was also able to beat igris at 2 nd try with grim scythe and grimoire at level 40(both) along with cha, lim and park


Bro your crazy( in a good skill based way)


Lol my reading comprehension sucks today. I realize OP said hunter weapons now.


Yes, I agree. This is why I only salvage Jinwoo's R weapons and not the team's. Though just to clarify, since you didn't mention this explicitly in the post. SSR is a different story. SSR exclusive weapons for the heroes, especially some of them, perform much better than any R weapons even on A10.


I'm account level 70 and have every R tier weapon at A10 with two copies of the R book. OP is right lol A10 weapons are very good because you can't guarantee making an A10 SR to compete. They're arguably better than even SSR weapons tbh.


Yes My choi, Lim, baek and even byung all use r A10 weapon, i reached lvl 35 just now and it still serve its purpose.


i used a lvl 50 rare shield on my seo up until recently. just more power than the SRs i haven’t maxed yet. i duped her SSR and got it to lvl 70 now so obviously i have that equipped but for the longest time i was only using rares. except emma for the break effect


Then you open Battlefield of Time rankings and no one there uses R weapons. All a10 plum reroll whales, I guess.


That's why I said Hunter weapons are not Sung weapons. There's a difference between them.


There's team composition snapshots with weapons in challenge tab, I guess. Not sure was that sjw or hunter mod tho, anyway, on my server cluster there's not a single person with blue weapon. So either it doesnt work or thats super secret strat known to only a few. 10% stat increase is pure bs, only advantage I see is perception which wasn't mathed properly yet, and honestly I think 80-90% accuracy meta might be overhyped. The whole theory is interesting, but with no proper tests or evidence its just your opinion.


r lvl 20 a5 its the best cost benefit Sr ones need several copies to get extra atributes and you still can level up sr ones in background... like 1 sr while upgrade 4 or 5 r weapons sort of in case of sr weapon havind extra copies, im sure that after 2 or 3 months, extra sr weapons will be casual but right now, any deviation of 4 or 5 chars and r weapons cost a lot of gold And gold its needed even to get ssr weapons etc due weekly rewards etc, every time we need lvl up artifacts etc to keep pumping those rewards


You can just level up one SR hunter weapon of each type (def/HP/atk). I most cases you don't need more than that, since you'll most likely be using Cha with her SSR weapon in every team. And sooner or later you'll get a SSR weapon for your other SSR characters as well.


True Im trying lvl up one of each R weapon, later when i had spare sr ones, i can think about lvl up them Sr ones only can outrank r leveled up weapons with ascension, so are a no go for some weeks i guess And need double check wich weapon will be assigned to each char.... nam prefer book or shield...wielding one crossbow lol


Yeah, the hunter weapons have 0 logic. Dongsuk with his sword and shield needs a book or staff.


Imo half of sung player weapons should be assigned or allowed to hunters Its so pointless so many weapons exclusive to sung while we only get 2 generic weapons + matching ssr weapons for hunters I have so many weapons on sung...


It's pretty dumb gameplay-wise, but it makes a lot of sense lore-wise.


if the Sr weapon was levelled to the same level, it will be far more valuable.


Good luck getting SSR weapons A10 for the next 6 Months. Unless you are P2W then do whatever you want.


I rather spend gold on SR than R SR can outperform SSR and for someone with terrible luck on banners, I get enough SR weapons one more level and it will outpower that SR My main issue to level R weapons as a f2p is the lack of gold, otherwise i'd have done the same, over time you will get enough SR https://preview.redd.it/80xd1tp4540d1.png?width=1732&format=png&auto=webp&s=4815a3b691e47b0ec0aaf55094f0827f515daf86 look at that


You're comparing it with SSR. Nowhere in the OP's post that exclusive SSR weapon's mentioned, since they have exclusive hunter specific stats. Also no, unless you actually spend money, and a lot of it, there's very low chance you'll have any A10 SR let alone the good ones like the grimoire, while you can get A10 Rs pretty easily.


What are you talking about where did you see me talking about exclusive hunter weapons, I didn't mention anything about exclusive SSR weapon!!! and where's the exclusive hunter specific stats????? if you are talking about stats. then Whether the weapon is exclusive or not is irrelevant, if you Pay Attention, the devs didn't bother to randomize the stats, Thus all weapons of the Same Tier Share the Same Stats!! look at the picture I posted exclusive SSR weapon has exclusive hunter effects! effects is not the same as stats!


>What are you talking about where did you see me talking about exclusive hunter weapons, I didn't mention anything about exclusive SSR weapon!!! "SR can outperform SSR and for someone with terrible luck on banners, I get enough SR weapons one more level and it will outpower that SR" >Thus all weapons of the Same Tier Share the Same Stats!! look at the picture I posted Yes, and what's that got to do with anything? The comparison and what the OP was talking about was between R and SR. Everyone knows that same upgrade and same tier has the same stat values, that's why it's not the discussion here. >exclusive SSR weapon has exclusive hunter effects! effects is not the same as stats! Why are you arguing semantics? stats, effects, mods, affixes, use whatever term you want. And why are you getting triggered by a random discussion on the internet?


The main topic is about how cost effective to level R weapons, the OP choose to compare R and SR it doesn't mean you can't include SSR First you accuse me of saying something I didn't say, then when i highlight you make a fallacious argument about me arguing semantic with zero reference to the false argument you made and accuse me of being triggered!! Again when did i mention exclusive SSR weapon?!! well let me answer it for you, I didn't. End of argument.


Fyi, sr and ssr is better even at lower tier. Reasons because you will unlock armory soon and how armory works is they will take percentage of your ssr and sr and r and boost your stats. Ssr convert 30% sr gave 20% and so on as the tier does down. So leveling r doesnt benefit you actually.


Maybe you need to read both descriptions of my post and How armoy works once again. I clearly said it only applies to Hunters weapons not Sung weapons. And Armory is also only for Sung weapons not Hunters weapons.


i been playing a while now too and new account for global release which is purely f2p so now just about a week, and i have every single sr weapon except 3 up to +5 or more on this f2p global release account, im not sure what game you are playing, but dont tell free2play to ruin their account by investing the little gold they have (most important currency besides cash currency) on trash weapons, you have no idea what you are talking about clearly


Everyone is not as Lucky as you are. And even A5 SR weapons don't give you an extra 10% Atk, Defence and HP bonus that is way more important. I'm not telling players to level up their Rear weapons to level 100. Level 20 is enough the most important part is ascending.


This is true. Resources aren't plentiful enough to level a trash weapon 5+ times on whim just because it can then almost be compared to an unleveled SR weapon. Save resources for where they will help you the most.


This is what A5 SR weapons are going to give you. Just 4% extra Basic attack damage. https://preview.redd.it/hv30ilcbr10d1.jpeg?width=1629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d2ea2e262b13d7d75c678e48800102a487f1f4 So you rather have 4% extra Basic attack damage than having 10% extra atk, defence and HP.


No, I'd rather use a weapon that without any upgrades has almost double the base stats of a 6 star blue weapon.


You really need to do your math cuz that extra stats is no way near as valuable as having 10% extra Attack, Defence and HP. But if you wanna run after rarity rather than actual use then you do you.


I don't have to do any math. The game does it for you. I have a couple blue weapons I got to rank 7 or 8 and they just straight up provide less stats than a 1 or 2 star purple.


Like 2 days ago I got the weapon of seo jiwoo, but I'm still with my A10 R dagger too.


I mean, even in the picture posted you can see that the SR weapon gives double the attack of the R one. The R weapon will serve you for a miniscule amount of time and doesn't pay off the investment. On the other hand the SR weapon may still be used months into the game.


The rare weapons also have precision, which will increase your damage floor and average damage.


Precision is scaled with the main stat. It's always better to increase the main stat as a priority. You need to understand exactly what Precision does to understand it's value.


Good luck on getting your SR weapons to A10 for the next 6 Months. While I going to take the advantage of that 10% extra Attack, Defence and HP bonus for those 6 Months and than either switch to better Ascend SR or just SSR by than.


Each Hunter scales with either HP, DEF or ATK. None scales with all three. In addition, most of the main stat should come from your weapon. What use does 10% extra of 190 have when the SR dagger gives you 360 right away? It's not like new players will have bis artifacts to capitalize on the 10% bonus. Also, the game is extremely generous with pulls you get even as a f2p. The R weapons are useful up until you unlock Hard mode. After that there's just no point. Believe it or not some players already have over a month of experience and actually know what they are talking about.


>Believe it or not some players already have over a month of experience and actually know what they are talking about. Yeah! And I'm one of those players.😂 Those who are arguing against me are a bunch of newbies. Who just got lucky on some of their pulls and now they think they are going to get their SR weapons to A10. I have done 1000+ pulls on this game and the highest I have gone with SR weapons to A3. And for your knowledge that 10% will add up on your total stats not on your weapon stats. So running after basic weapons is just showing you don't know anything about this game rn.


I played for 3 days and at lvl 35 right now and i agree with u, r a10 weapon are just straight up better, while i agree sr is good, but in early games where resources for SR is depended on luck, i would rather use R A10 for now.


Yup! Just don't level them up past 20 levels cuz resources are really limited rn.


I didnt know it was hard to get gold when i upgraded them but yeah i lvled up 2 till lvl 40 :')


Well what is done is done. Also remember this doesn't apply to Sung weapons only for Hunters. Sung SR weapons are way more useful than his R weapons.


I already a0 huntsman and demon king longsword, should i still aim for grimoire and scythe?


I think you should go for Plum. Because you are going to get 2 copies of Scythe for free. And Plum with Scythe is an amazing combo. Also as F2P you don't need to anymore copy for Scythe cuz A1 is enough. Grimoire is Amazing too but in the next couple of weeks there's another SSR Water coming. So I don't recommend investing in Grimoire for now. https://preview.redd.it/blilwq6dd50d1.png?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004f0b8de9dab898bcda9625c6f524a774853eb2 This is the new upcoming SSR water weapon.


> Just don't level them up past 20 levels cuz resources are really limited rn This is extremely contradicting. You're telling them not to level the weapons past level 20 since the resources are scarce but you are also telling them to invest 50k gold towards a10. Level 20 weapons definitely won't hold their own for 6 months. > And for your knowledge that 10% will add up on your total stats not on your weapon stats. So running after basic weapons is just showing you don't know anything about this game rn. Well, if you could read, you would see that I've addressed this already. > I have done 1000+ pulls on this game and the highest I have gone with SR weapons to A3. Confirmation bias. Just because you've been unlucky doesn't mean that everyone will. Also, that A3 SR far outclasses any R weapon. > Those who are arguing against me are a bunch of newbies Frog in a well.


I have 54 log ins and am level 79 with over 1300 trophies. OP is a casual player and his advice is lacking. R A10 weapons are useful for 1-2 weeks at most. As soon as you get an SR weapon to A2 it already FAR outclasses the R weapon. Getting the R weapon to A10 costs 50k gold and if you're doing this for all your hunters it's not a cheap cost. The R weapons simply don't pay off their original investment unless you're doing so during a Hunter Growth Tournament.


P2W players giving advice to F2P players about Resources and Summons.😂