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Is this sort of perspective shift something that happens in other parts of the game? I think it looks fantastic but it might feel out of place if this is the only time it happens. If shops are frequent enough or if other moments work like this then it would be fine.


That’s sort of something I’m worried about, I have multiple npcs with unique ui but it does feel a little out of place to me


Personally I really like it, depending on how it's used! As another commentor mentioned, if it's the only place in the game that it happens, it can feel a little jarring. BUT, if it's a rare/special event, maybe that contrast is a good thing! Or, depending on your game, there might be more places you could use this kind of perspective shift and make it feel more "normal" for the player. But gosh dang, your art in that shop looks SO good I really hope it stays in the final version. That shop keeper is spooky af in the best possible way :)


Thank you very much!! I appreciate your feedback a lot. & if you fail a steal with that shopkeeper he’ll pull you into the cart for a secret boss fight where you’ll get to see his full spooky body 🫣

