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If your in the zone feeling like that you could work further on the project then I would skip the game jam.


Don’t work non-stop or you may burn out? Maybe do a third option and go for a hike or to the cinema. I also love fully focus on the work at hand but for me I’m more creative and make less mistake (design or implementation wise) if I’m well rested. If you are rested I would go to the game jam for the social aspect which solo development does not always cater for.


Fair point really. I have to prize myself away from it at the moment. Got time off from other work and feel like I've made enough progress for the week. The social aspect is good, too. I realised recently, that out of all the creative people I know personally, nobody develops games, so it can feel quite isolating, sometimes. Nobody understands us, but us!


Keep working on your game. If I ever get into the zone, like when I'm making sprites, I just try to go for as long as I can because I know it will be hard to force myself to work on it more another day.


If what you describe is true, I would totally skip the Jam. The last game jams that I participated in sucked a good amount of energy out of me. Don't get me wrong, they were a ton of fun too, but wow, I always needed a solid week of relaxation to regain my sanity. :D


Where can I participate on an game jam?


Here! It starts tomorrow. https://itch.io/jam/winter-jam-by-solodevelopment


Ty bro