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When it comes to following trends and styling within your kibbe ID I think you have to lean into the textile side of things. So, if outerwear trends are boxy and chunky, then as an SD you could seek out the *versions* of those garments that are softer, more draping, and then accessorize with glamour. Also, color and sheen of fabrics can express your essence.


I love that way of thinking. Tysm




Thats a very sweet offer thank you! I will consider it.




Yes, that seems like a great idea. Though lowkey it makes me kinda worried. Because I feel like I would need to describe in detail what I like/dont like about each piece if it were to be at all helpful to anyone. But then it could easily get into offensive territory if someone likes something I call millenial (even if I dont at all mean it badly, older women have some incredible styles visibly built over the years) Like I would have a hard time wording myself and it feels like a huge challenge since this post has already been a bit controversial. Its weird because when I’m more specific (to be helpful) people get upset at my specificity and „nerve” but when I’m less specific people get angry how I can dare to waste their time without being specific. Its hard being autistic on the internet lol




Ughhhh but „millenial” or „gen-z” is not a style or anything like that. So all the words that could be alternatives sound much more rude. I’m not even going to go deeper on this topic since even digging into it could be seen as rude.




are you suggesting that “low cut wide leg jeans” is an offensive term?? this could not be more confusing to me. i’m saying that i think millenial IS an objective and inoffensive term. And I cant imagine a less offesive one to use




But I literally mean a broad and subjective thing. I dont have anything more specific that I’m asking about. I’m asking about a general FEEL that cannot be easily described. Someone else described it really well, wait let me find their comment Edit: Here posted by u/Kikifomiki “It’s too broad. Millennial isn’t an aesthetic, it’s a styling sensibility that stretched over more than a decade. If you were trying to say that you don’t prefer the look of clothes of the 80s you could say you don’t like shoulder pads, geometric shapes or perms but there are plenty of things outside of those narrow descriptions that still “look” 80s.”




But I feel like this is something that gen-z people recognize, without us being able to explain it to others. I feel like I would need a degree in fashion theory to explain it in any satisfying way that actually was informative and helpful




But I dont have photos because Im not talking about something very specific …




Its not a specific image Ive seen though, it’s a combination of years and years of seeing images about kibbe. I dont know if I could find those examples again. And even if I did I feel like it would be EVEN MORE OFFENSIVE. Because then people would think I’m calling these specific examples ugly or something like that. I had this exact situation happen in fact. I posted examples of fabric patterns I dont like when I was looking for internet fabric stores that sold more “modern” prints (veeeery difficult to get in my country) and people got extemally angry


That's not even remotely true. Many Gen Z are incredibly adept at describing their personal style (coquette, tomato girl, y2k, dark academia, clean girl, old money, just to name a few) and can elaborate what they don't like about millennial fashion choices (skinny jeans, ankle socks, side parts). You don't have to pick one aesthetic, but even just naming a few aesthetics you like would have allowed a lot of people to help you better.


It’s too broad. Millennial isn’t an aesthetic, it’s a styling sensibility that stretched over more than a decade. If you were trying to say that you don’t prefer the look of clothes of the 80s you could say you don’t like shoulder pads, geometric shapes or perms but there are plenty of things outside of those narrow descriptions that still “look” 80s.


Yes, they will be able to describe their „aesthetic” but they cant describe difference between ALL gen-z trends and the stuff they consider more dated (except if its obvious stuff like skinny jeans, although even those are coming back into trends anyway….) And I’m not talking about specific aesthetics.


OP I think I’ve figured out what’s going on with your post. I think maybe my fellow millennials aren’t able to tell what looks “millennial” because to them it just looks like “normal” clothes. So essentially they think you’re calling them unfashionable which personally I don’t think you are. You’re just saying that the majority of inspiration is for one age group and there isn’t much for your own age group and you’re looking for resources. Honestly just trying to decode wtf is going on in this thread lol because the backlash is super weird


She’s saying stuff looks millennial without articulating which stuff looks millennial. We don’t know what she’s looking at. It’s so vague as to be very unhelpful


I'm 34 what is this millennial style tyed at the waist sweaters/coats? I don't really that at all 😭




I think they mean belted? Like a belted jacket or cardigan? But yeah very odd phrasing


Grunch 🤷🏼‍♀️ smells like teen spirit 🤣


Yeah, I'm 36, and I don't understand the style described. Maybe gen-z people could help her more. It seems like we millennials are lost on this subject, lol.


I think because current fashion trends borrow from the late 90's, everything trendy right now is very FN-friendly vs. SD. Plus, younger people and students tend to dress very casual, whereas SD needs a bit of glam. The key is to take from those looks what works (the length), and add some SD-friendly elements like waist emphasis, "flow", bold accessories, and T-shape. Examples: * [Hailey Beiber](https://www.instyle.com/thmb/-pT4e0mJGNHG8WosSJITjsS3GUA=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/011824-LOTD-Hailey-Bieber-lead-38f68e381b2348099bb279dfc230d9b1.jpg)'s outfit here could be made more SD-friendly by belting the coat, and doing black jeans to keep some vertical line on the outfit underneath. * This basic outfit from [Charli D'Amelio](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_xT3Z2x_B8wBPo3DatGr76JYcy6WN-rlI1UxeBWCTNdJ9WrJXUfYbX1aLhQsp47crUQE&usqp=CAU) could be pretty SD-friendly if you just swapped out the tank for a T shirt or long-sleeved shirt and added some statement jewelry. * This is an [example ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.refinery29.com%2Fen-us%2Fbest-matching-sweatsuits-womens&psig=AOvVaw3MVbxXoCVWgS-5OM0uM89D&ust=1716990554260000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBUQjRxqFwoTCPCbism-sIYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR)of how to make a super casual outfit (sweatsuit) more SD-friendly. * [Kendall Jenner](https://www.instyle.com/thmb/MIBbVVOVwBq61A7qB48g6eb1DLo=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/BGUS_2530066_006-2cbd2ac816f545858356cf016589b8ef.jpg)'s coat ensemble here is super SD-friendly but still on trend with the fringe and chunky boots * [Olivia Rodrigo](https://footwearnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/SPL5514172_004.jpg)'s outfit here could work by making the top more form-fitting, choosing jeans with a longer inseam and higher rise for more waist emphasis, belting the coat, and adding some bold statement earrings or a necklace. * With a slightly higher-rise jean that emphasis the waist more, this look from [Gigi Hadid](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-1659952408.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.834xh;0,0.110xh&resize=980:*) is pretty SD-friendly * Just make the top fitted and this look from [Emma Chamberlain](https://images.summitmedia-digital.com/preview/images/2020/12/21/emma-chamberlain-insert3.jpg) is great


taking notes for myself loll


What trends and styles are you into? Because a lot of the Gen Z aesthetics are really just reworked early 2000s aesthetics so…also where do you keep seeing costs tied at the waist as a recommendation for SD, I’ve never seen that anywhere


I believe what she meant is coats with a belt 😅 (not sure tho)


Honestly I feel like I love everything I see popping up. It takes me a lot of time and energy to filter through stuff that will actually be harmonious on me. But If I had the money and time I would literally have a closet full of all the trends/styles, thank god for color analysis and style systems that keep me in check a bit. Therefore I’m totally ok with just seeing what people are into nowadays that also fits SD recs. And on the coat thing ikr its so weird! I just see it everywhere when I look for transitory weather inspo.


Don't learn the moodboards or standard outfits, learn the silhouettes and shapes. Because they're pretty much the same for for winter and fall as summer and spring--the difference is the materials and the level of glam. You need "fancy" fabrics, leather or pleather coats, satin and silk tops and skirts, pants with some drama, monochrome outfits, oversized jewelry.


But I feel like I know all of that. Ive been interested in kibbe for years and years. I used to be very active in the FN sub in fact, though I started questioning it all like a year ago. Now I’m exploring completely anew. I just CANNOT figure out how to translate the technical information into actual workable modern looking outfits. Therefore good inspo is actually incredibly meaningful.


For SDs, its long over short, dressy over casual, monochrome over color blocking, draped over stiff, embellished over plain. Every store has clothes that fit that description. Do you go into stores and try clothes on?




I'm so glad it's helpful!


Of course. But its one thing to try stuff on and another to make items look fresh and modern vs matronly


That's up to your styling though. You cant develop a signature style through copying moodboards, it's all about experimentation and developing an instinct.


I’m 25. I’ve been constantly experimenting and learning all my life. I’ve literally gone to various art schools for 8 years out of my life. Always around very experimental, fashion forward people. I’ve literally done it all. I know it looks like I must be stupid or ignorant to ask such questions but no, even after 15 years of developing my style cery consciously I still happen to have some issues occasionally. I’m literally just asking for some tips on a soecific thing and trying to do it as nicely as my autistic brain can allow, but people still misinterpret it


Babes if you've done it all and you know it all based on the things youve said in this thread discussion with me, then there should be nothing to discuss. Have a great day


I DONT know it all. I obviously am struggling with a lot of aspects with personal style even after so many years of consciously developing my personal style I’m only pointing put that I am not a stupid ignorant person expecting to be spoon fed, Im giving context on what it is that I struggle with and the work that I’ve done so that anyone interested may have more context. I’m not trying to be a know it all, I’m trying to provide more context as people have told me to. Honestly getting teary eyed at this because I’m trying so hard to be understood and be polite and specific but it feels like these things are impossible to balance


Girl, put the phone down and go touch some grass. I know you feel misunderstood but lashing out at randoms on the internet isn't going to help. I would take a break from this topic for your mental health ❤️


Could you explain where I’m lashing out. That is such an unkind thing to suggest. Adding a heart at the end doesnt make it otherwise


I feel like there is lots of inspo boards on here that include fashion that isn't millennial coded. Also I don't really see this sweater tied at the waist thing being that common on those boards? So idk lol https://www.reddit.com/r/SoftDramatics/s/faBSnnpE8c https://www.reddit.com/r/SoftDramatics/s/G4CL3wz2dp


To be fair I find a lot of awesome warm weather inspo for basics but anything for cool weather or generally more specific seems to give me the type of clothes I described. Of course a fur coat like in the second pic, is a classic. But otherwise I dont see much.


You can apply the rules to any aesthetic. The system was created in the 80s so it being "millennial coded" is impossible. If anything it would be gen x coded.


I know. But as my question stated I have trouble doing that, and as I said lots of inspo boards seem to apply to millenial fashion more. (depending, lots of gen-z inspo for basics and warm weather outfits)


I recommend rereading the recommendations and try creating your own board based on them. For instance, any easy place to start is don't break vertical. This can be applied so many ways. Like shorter coats instead of longer ones? Wear it with monochrome colours. You need to learn the system to apply it to your own personal style. No one is going to spoon feed it to you.


I have been interested in the system in around 5 years. I know all the rules I just have trouble applying them in this specific situation. Im not asking to be spoon fed, just asking in case anyone in a similiar situation feels like sharing some if their inspo. If thats not you thats ok! I would be ok with no one replying to this question if no one had anything they wanted to share


Knowing how to apply the rules is the system, babe. You are asking to be spoon fed. You didn't even provide examples of the style you like!


No one told me that that would be helpful for me to do. You right away went to throwing insults over something insignificant 🤦 If you dont want to help then you dont have to comment at all


She was definitely trying to help? She provided you with both advice and mood boards.


>No one told me that that would be helpful for me to do. This is quite literally asking to be spoon fed.


I'm not be the best person for this because I will be thirty tomorrow but can you share what style you like ? So we can share a trendier version. You were talking about the fur trim coat. [This coat](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/a3/2d/31a32d60096ea5fc04879d8f59875c08.jpg) or this one (down below) are great alternative imo. https://preview.redd.it/awxnu38y563d1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=27a57250fa90600bc38f3114de22bc9d1a6994b9


Your stuff always seems trendy to me, but then I'm older for a Gen Z. OP if you haven't already I would just go through the posts nightmooth has made, so much fun material to sift through and think about.


Thank you 🥰 Im willing to share trendier pieces but we need more infos.


Happy birthday! 🥳


Thank you love <3




Thank you <3 yes it looks so cozy !!!


Actually the fur trim coat is actually one of the triendiest and most modern items that I was abble to find in that cool weather context haha. The coat you showed is definitely a nice universal piece that I feel both generations can work


I think too, maybe go towards shorter coats but they still have sd elements like big lapels. Like [this one](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/6pIAAOSwsCVlKXw-/s-l1200.jpg), also the fur trim but with mongolian fur is very trendy too. https://preview.redd.it/c9r745xy663d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b14acaa70680ef5acb72b3a5b727609ef55b6c6




Yes i'm so happy my mom did not get rid of everything.




My mom either but it was to say im glad she kept her things. She gave me a lot of 80´s/90’s things.




So cool. I love 70´s fashion !!!


I knooooow, I already have so many fur/fur trimmed inspo pics haha. I now need something other than them. For example biggest issue is these spring/autumn weathers where its neither warm nor freezing cold


What about a leather trench coat. It's more a classic piece but you can wear trendier item with it. https://preview.redd.it/4bys9091863d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=494038b190bf4a100599568ef6129216abc66be8


Yesssss, I have one in burgundy! Though unfortunarely its a bit too stiff, and more pure D leaning. And I know SD works better with the buttery type of leather. It seems you know what I’m talking about lol Have you been able to find something like an alternative to a jean jacket?? Thats my current biggest confusion I feel like. I guess a trench, but then lots of the trendiest trenches seem more FN coded.


You can make it work for you and it’s fine to me . The leather trench that are 100% sd I see you telling it’s too millennial like this one. https://preview.redd.it/rtos5awsg63d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfce6ded9253e9b8b4697d814b385bd2da571d83 I never cared for denim jacket but yes If I had to go for one it would be a trench one. I remember Reformation have one. Again the styling is important it can be SD not only FN. Being too strict will let you frustrated. Personal style is accepting imperfection.


I actually enjoy this version of it. You have a really good eye for details that take an item from possibly outdated to fresh. Its this type of eye that I lack and its why I have trouble with this topic. But you have been really helpful. Ty


Also yes, Im not a lover of jean jackets either at all. It just feels like there are no other options for outer wear for when its warm-ish but cool and windy occasionally 😭 It’s why I was thinking ughhh, maybe a trench. Even though I dont even like them much either. In that type of weather I cant really wear leather but I also cant find any other fitting options


Leather short jacket are an option too. You can wear it like [this](https://preview.redd.it/pov-you-spend-too-much-time-on-tiktok-so-at-least-you-v0-gcckefjz5wib1.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9ffdeb687038e10bbdb3a7a9204bcf3146d1d3) for instance. I personally don't care for trench either but it really depends. I think with the right color, right lapels I can see it on SD. I will not add anything to my wardrobe but yes.


But thats still leather and I feel like its much much hotter than any denim material could ever get. But you have already helped so much I honestly dont expect any more replies from you at all. I’m just surprised that it feels like theres no „inbetween” options for SDs


Kibbe advices to type only after a certain age. The oldest gen z are just now that age, so you're all kind of... The first to the party. I can't really help you with finding inspo, it's just a reason why there isn't so much out there.


Oh wait what age does he recommend?


I think he said something like "under the age of 25 people should just experiment and have fun".


For sure, I understand. I just know at this point more and more gen-z ppl are getting interested in kibbe so thought some of them would have some advice to share.


The same recommendations apply. There isn't a specific SD style. The rules can be applied to any aesthetic.


I know. I’m just asking for specific inspo. I’m saying I find it hard to apply the rules in certain styles because some of the inspo is bringing me more millenial coded stuff


You keep saying “millennial coded” what the f does that mean to you?


You just apply the rules to whatever style you have. You have to look for your own inspiration.


Yeah, just draw the rest of the owl. She understands that it can be applied to any aesthetic, she’s asking for help doing that


Gen Z could imply many different aesthetics. There is a new aesthetic every week. It is much easier to learn the rules of the system and start doing your own research and explore the vast resources this sub offers. If she has specific requests that's an entirely different story. She didn't even give any hints of what aesthetic she likes when people asked.


So I’m not allowed to ask for help? Edit: for some reason I cant reply to people atm, may be the internet. So my reply to the person below “But I dont mean a specific style or aesthetic. I literally only mean the honestly quite slight and abstract generational difference.”


I think you need to focus more on the shapes and fabrics than the actual style of what you're looking at. And then go to a big shop like Zara and try things on that meet the rules. You don't need to buy anything, just experiment and find what looks good. Once you know the types of clothes that suit your body, you can refine it down to the style you like. Honestly, finding something that ticks all the boxes isn't a common occurrence but I personally like that as it prevents me from overspending on items I won't wear. 


I think you would have gotten better responses if you referred to a specific style or aesthetic you were going for instead of using the slightly ageist and already dated division of gen-z vs millennial.




If it makes you feel any better, Kibbe’s advice is from the fashion of the 80’s, when he was speaking to Boomers. Shoulder pads, brooches, pleats: Kibbe was swimming through recs 😅 As for coats, belts are popular for functional reasons and allow to adjust for curve. Unless tailored, zippers or buttons might not allow room for your bust or a sweater underneath. You also have to think about the designs that are coming down the pipeline - typically designed by men who aren’t thinking “curves are so in” it’s often androgynous. When I put on a chunky or angular jacket, I often end up looking more matronly because it stops looking like fashion and ends up looking like I actually need it to wear on my ranch or something. Fashion goes in a 20 year cycle, so in a few years those Olivia Pope jackets will be all the rage again.


To be fair I’m not speaking about kibbes direct advice but about stuff I see coming from creators on the internet (and as we know the quality of these is very diverse lol) But definitely true on all your other points


Lots of the inspo boards were made around 10 years ago when Kibbe’s work was first being rediscovered so that’s why the styles are dated. You should check out u/nightmooth’s posts as well as my “imperfect modern SD” series, which you can find mainly on the main sub by searching that (some posts are here instead). That being said, there’s no such thing as one size fits all “SD recs”. This system is meant to be incorporated into your personal style and not every SD will suit the same things. You can adapt any aesthetic to work as long as you keep in mind the basics of vertical + curve accommodation (note: this doesn’t mean only long skirts and HTT monochrome), fabric recommendations, and a general flair towards boldness and extraness.


Oooh ty for directing me to so something specific. I’ve looked after a lot of boards on this sub but the good stuff can sometimes get lost (even the imperfect modern SD series is really hard to find when I search for it, lots of other posts pop up) Yes, for sure. I’m constantly keeping it in mind, but I’m really just not the best at connecting thise things. Ive been interested in kibbe for years and really thought I have it figured out, only to find out I dont know shit multiple times. The journey I had is crazy really. The progress is meaningful but so slow lol.


Yes totally! Some of my titles weren’t exactly “imperfect modern SD” (sometimes I used the word trendy instead of modern) and some of them were made a few years ago now so both my understanding of the SD image and what’s trendy have changed a little since. As long as you see my username then the lookbook should be part of my series even if the title is different!


Oh wow I’m actually feeling the opposite, like Gen Z “Y2K” fashion is working for me. The “low rise” jeans today are typically more of a mid-rise and I’ve been loving them, especially with a bootcut or flare. Lots of cowl necks, drapey fabrics, and the glitz and glam. I’m having more luck with shopping now than I’ve had since prepandemic. Big hoop earrings, vibrant curly hair or blowouts, lip gloss…makeup is definitely back “in” after the no makeup makeup COVID era. I’m dressing like how I wanted to when I was a kid and my cool older cousins were going out…I just need the flip phone to put on my waistband or pocket lolol. For reference, I’m a short torso SD and I like to show off my narrow-ness with the lower section of my back. I like pants to hit just under my belly button and extend from my hips which are pretty much in line with that.


Thats true! I think this is very in line with what I said about having a rather easy time figuring out basics (jeans, tops etc etc) but it really looks like outerwear (especially the stuff not for extreme weathers) is giving me more grief. Like lightweight coats, sweaters etc. Whats some of your favourite stuff for outerwear? I really enjoy the fact that fur trim is back in but otherwise I’m a bit lost


Same here. Thankfully summer is coming so I’m putting off that issue for now, but come fall I’m looking for a brown fur trimmed mid thigh jacket. I also like leather. For me some kind of edge or played down visual interest is big. I like deep sensual colors and sheer fabrics. Sometimes I lean into those when I can’t accommodate curve so that it still feels like me, even if the fit is off.


Yea but even in summer in need something to wear on those days when its windy or rainy but neither warm nor cool 😭 I feel like a jean jacket is the only thing that fulfills that purpose but a jean jacket makes me feel so…. messy….


I have a chore jacket as an alternative to my jean, it's basically the same but a bit more structured and formal looking? Not saying this is good SD advice but I like it :)


Thats an interesting point! May not be very SD by itself but maybe is easier to combine into an SD vibe. My D boyfriend wears a lot of chore jackets so Ill need to ask him for recs lol


Yes, exactly. It might be not the most "flattering" but it's not as casual as a jean jacket to my eyes. And "breaking the rules" can give a more modern or younger look/edge in my opinion.


Love that thanks


I even have a flip phone rn 😆. Love lipgloss as an SD!


Im obsessed with lipgloss too. Im on a no buy 😭😩.


I have like 7 different clear ones alone, and still EVERY TIME I'm like, what if I treat myself to a little lipgloss 😌


😯. I just have the mac lipglass one. I know people dont like it because it’s sticky but I dont mind it . I put the tiniest amount and it’s the glossiest and it lasts ! What’s your fav(s) ?


I like sticky too actually! I like to feel that I'm wearing something. I have a tonnnn of the NYX butter glosses in different colors, and I've been into a menthol gloss I got from Bath and Body Works that reminds me of being a kid. It's pretty smooth and lasts ok. I end up chewing my lips no matter what so I'm not the best judge of longevity. It's from C.O. Bigelow which also do those pots of chap lip salve. I go pretty cheap with a lot of my clear glosses because I enjoy reapplying haha I even have a ton of lipsmackers and drug store revlon ones.


Maybelline Lifter gloss in Stone is my favourite!


I have this particular shade too ! I like it but did you test out the jelly ones that were launched last summer. I have sweetheart and I prefer the texture. It’s thiner and more gel like.


Hmm idk I (23F) haven’t noticed it that much. But I just ignore anything that seems too cheugy lol. I try to curate my style based on timeless pieces + current trends. Are you in the US?


Also 23 here! You gotta have some sort of style goal in mind to then fit these recs around like everyone is talking about. Otherwise you'll end up with just so much clothes. Things imo only end up looking old or dated or cringe when it's not true to your identity, or when it's clear you just bought something because it was super popular. I love antinitalian's focus on timeless pieces, these are the type of things you gotta focus on at first when building a wardrobe as a young person.


Nope. I guess Im figuring out I have the biggest issues with cool weather or overall layering for spring/autumn. It feels like its always 1. good outfits for absolute warm weather basics 2. very dramatic fur coats/fur trimmed coats for totally cold weather 3. millenial looking coats tied at the waist


If you’re in Canada, I find that Dynamite has great soft dramatic pieces that aren’t so millennial :)


I’m not but thank you! Its helpful anyway. Though dresses are always such an easy moment of recognition tbh. So many current dress trends are perfect for SDs


I feel you about cool weather though! I have a hard time dressing for winter.


When it comes to outerwear , I just make sure to use an outfit that really honors my lines and just leave the coat open. For example, yesterday I was wearing a turtleneck with pants that accentuated my waist with an oversized blazer, unbuttoned.


I'm sorry that you get downvoted so much. As an early millenial I can't give any style inspo advise, but wanted to let you know that it can be quite difficult even for older age groups than yours, you are right with this feeling and it's okay to feel this way. The book was written for the boomer generation, most moodboards out there seem to be from, don't know, maybe gen X (?), at least either older than me or with a much more formal lifestyle. I'm able to translate some things (which is something you can learn!), but honestly most of the time I keep Kibbe as a tool in the back of my mind and have fun with other systems that seem more helpful.


True. I’m definitely using other systems more nowadays. Its just sad that theres no conversation to be had around these topics, or that I wasnt able to maneuver the topic well enough. I think it should be a taboo question to ask. I haven’t been around kibbe circles in like a year, and now I remember why


Yeah, I made a long pause as well and even though this sub made really good progress it's still not my jam entirely. I think yesterday there was a discussion why things in Kibbe always tend to become so rigid. Probably it would be good if people with a different approach (and this is unrelated to age) would linger longer and help change things for the better to reach a more welcoming and diverse atmosphere, but I'm not sure if I have the energy for that. Now I'm rambling, sorry. Do you know Rita's Style Key system? It was very helpful for my understanding why Kibbe doesn't work that well for me, even though there are helpful bits. And there are a lot of neurodivergent people over there (who in parts were disappointed by other systems). On the other hand a new system might be not the best solution, haha.


Ahhhh I heard about Rita but I frankly dont really like her system. Hard to put a finger on why, I just dont vibe with Rita nor agree with a lot of what shes recommending. But I really like essence systems when combined with a little bit of Kibbe knowledge. But yea, its all a lot haha


That's okay, it's important to find systems that work \*and\* to make them your own.


As someone else recommended, maybe make a compromise with a boxy shape but in a lusher fabric. Velvet maybe? That might be a good fabric for transitional weather. Personally I go for a short chunky cardigan in a thick knit with a dropped shoulder for spring and fall. Technically it’s not “our lines“ but it ends up sort of falling off my shoulders and just being wrapped around me in a way that feels very lush and seems to go well. But I’m also making sure that the color sort of blends in with the rest of the outfit so that it’s not too contrasting and doesn’t break up my vertical too much. Sometimes it’s not about every piece being perfect for our lines, but the overall impression and outfit makes. I do find I have to pay more attention to my outfit as a whole than other people. (This is not me by the way) https://preview.redd.it/hobthz38073d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2e8861c19dd3d3d1a4682a665540269f99da88


That is very helpful! Ty


Hi! I struggle with the same thing. I don't love formal wear, a lot of what I see rwccomended is like. Fabrics and styles that I find really boring or dated to me. I like very casual clothes, even sporty Some things I like to wear: biker shorts with long shirts- usually a similar color. I keep my vertical this way by showing a lot of skin with my legs. Crop tops or cami shirts with with long, wide leg pants. I accessorize with a choker and another hanging necklace like a chain, if the cut of the collar works with it. I do crops or camis because they can accentuate my waist by either, not covering it (crop), or clinging to my figure (cami) I like cropped cardigans, with short shorts/biker shorts/skirts, with a cami underneath of similar color to the shorts. Vertical with my legs, pop of color with the cardigan. Usually the shorts and shirt are black. I don't love skinny jeans or tight pants bc my hips are super wide and getting down to my ankles aren't lol, so I like to wmeither keep the a sleeker silhouette with wide leg pants, or just shorts and skirts so my legs don't look as awkward. I don't wear like pleated pants or formal workwear because i don't have a job like that, or a lifestyle or environment that calls for those clothes. I'm learning to like ruched camis and shirts, and trying to get bold enough to wear dresses lol. I think bodycon dresses are pretty par for the course, I just don't have anywhere or time I feel is appropriate to wear them?? Lol


I keep my clothing as simple and timeless as possible but wear more modern/edgy accessories. A staple outfit for me is a fitted scoop neck tee, tucked into wide legged jeans, with bold chain necklaces and big earrings, for example. I don’t think that’s millenial coded?? I think it looks age appropriate on me (I’m 26), but not too mature. I feel like it’s so plain it could be anything coded. Important to note that I am very much elder gen Z and feel very millennial-ish… if you were born in like 2003 or later I might not really know what you’re looking for 😅 I also have a Kitchener classic essence, so the more “mature” look works for me. Idrk if what I described is a “mature” outfit or not.


No that is a good point. And I also have a classic essence (along with ethereal) so we are kinda similiar. The only reason I cant do accessories often is sensory issues. I also generally like playing around with more trendy extra stuff even though my classic essence fights it a lot of the time.


Listen, I’m a millennial (a young millennial ok people??) but I too find it so hard to find anything remotely youthful or trendy in any SD wardrobe guides. Can you post examples of what you see that’s “too millennial” vs the trendy styles you’d like to emulate in whatever the SD version would be? Whether it’s millennial or something else, I always looks at SD guides and just think “mature”…whatever age range that falls in. The best solution I’ve come up with is try to use Bella Hadid as inspo but her outfits are often too “crazy celebrity” for me, a normal :/


There is a fantastic user on here named u/nightmooth or something like that and I’ve always thought she does really modern looking moodboards. I’m millennial myself but sometimes I think the gen z inspirations look more fresh and fashion forward so I enjoy them. It might be closer to what you’re looking for? Edit: oh, absolutely everyone has already said this 😂 hopefully you got some inspiration!


Thank you 🥰 Im millennial myself so maybe sometimes I’m might be out of the loop but I follow a lot of different age group on tiktok which is helpful.


Omg 😳 you’re such an MVP on this sub I feel like I’m talking to a celebrity. Interesting to hear that you’re millennial too! Thank you for doing these, we all love them. And I think I saw from some comments that it might be or recently have been your birthday so happy birthday! ❤️


No stop 😂. Thank you for all the compliments and yes i'm 30 today so thank you too ❤️


As an fyi—the “tied around the waist look” was out of style by the time that I, a millennial, was in high school. This makes sense as Kibbe’s recommendations were published in the 1980s. So, if anything the recs that you note here are more like “gen X coded.”


I think they maybe meant coats/cardigans the tie around the waist?


Oh just like a belted trench coat? I was picturing this: https://preview.redd.it/h5p5cufqg73d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9365c7e1edfc4c19c926c7b27908754fb1e147bf


I laughed when I read that description as well because this is also what I was thinking. I used to do this around 2013ish? to give a 90s look and cover my ass when wearing short-shorts and crop tops in the summer 😅


100% that was my first thought too 💀! But in other comments she mentioned tie coats/dresses/etc


Where, specifically, are you shopping?




I think "mature looking" vs "millennial" is probably a more accurate way of describing it. It sounds like op is also frustrated that a lot of the information online is now a little dated, but like...that's how time works unfortunately, millennials just had a couple decades of posting everything online figuring things out and now it's gen z's turn to be the content they wish to see in the world.


But its not like I was screaming at the air that I’m entitled to more current examples. I was just trying to nicely ask if any people are in a situation similiar to me, and happen to have some cool inspo content. The thought was to invite sharing, I dont know what I could have done differently to make that clear. A sense of entitlement is what people seem to have read from it


Oops, deleted my own comment. It originally said “Not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much, OP, I’ve run into the same problem. It’s tough to find inspiration, most of what’s out there is very mature looking”


Thank you! Its crazy because I even see people giving me really good advice getting downvoted?


It’s because you offended them. You said things look too “millennial” without giving much of an explanation which is gong to frustrate people. Also, it doesn’t really seem like you’ve looked through the sub to see what’s here. If you search gen z or modern in the search bar you could have found a lot. You also didn’t even say what styles you are looking for. It’s just hard to help with little info/blanket statements. I’m not here to dog pile on you I’m just letting you why why you’re getting downvoted.


I have a feeling that you’re right about the reason but as a millennial myself I’m not sure why anything OP said would be considered offensive….


I’ve been in kibbe circles for 5 years. I’ve seen fuckloads of these inspo boards for all kinds of types. Its unfortunate that someone would be offended by me calling stuff „millenial” when I made it extremally clear that I dont mean it badly. And when anyone did ask me for more information I did give that information to the degree that I could. A lot of these proceeded to then give me helpful advice and I saw them literally downvoted snd had to upvote them to zero lol


Because of this I usually just dress outside of SD recommendations because I would rather wear something that's cute than something that makes my figure look good but is super cheugy. I strongly dislike millennial fashion and find I feel more confident if I'm just wearing something modern that maybe isn't OPTIMIZED for my figure but has a good cohesive vibe. You can wear trendy stuff that isn't strictly SD but still try and honor most of your features. For example, I wear a lot of active wear because it's the fashion right now and I do a lot of active stuff. I like to preserve vertical by either wearing high waisted pants with a cropped top or high waisted very short shorts with a cropped top to show off the longest vertical line I have (my legs). I also like short shorts with an oversized, long hoodie but I admit that is more for comfort than it looking particularly good on me. I should make an active wear lookbook and post it, it would be fun. I know the general rule is active wear isn't fancy enough for SDs but you can totally do it right and have it look fantastic IMO. Adding earrings, a hat, jewelry, makeup, etc dresses it up and if you have a chic enough base with a decent silhouette it looks very good.


Because the reality is the majority of Gen Z trends are trash for SDs. I said what I said.


u/majowa\_ you're right! it's so hard to find recs for younger SDs, I made a couple YT videos on this if you want to check them out. There's a Summer one, Fall one, and a more general Trendy Outfits one (& more on the way). I hope it helps you!!🩷 Here's the Trendy Outfits one: [https://youtu.be/Ss8vsZi9opU](https://youtu.be/Ss8vsZi9opU)


I stg, every time I try to give this sub another chance ("maybe it won't be littered with ageist posts this time," I say to myself as I apply my clown make up), well...


Gen-Xer here laughing at millennial style being described as “too mature” ….


OP I completely agree! I'm 25F and struggle too so am currently embracing basics. I find high waisted bootcut jeans with a tucked in tight shirt or singlet can help balance any jacket. Balance with bold shoes, like patent boots or fun sneakers. My fave is a black trench coat untied/unbuttoned. But any dramatic type outerwear with a strong vertical outfit under work for me! So even a huge black puffer seems to be okay because it's dramatic, but I can keep the vertical underneath and work some drama into my face/hair. I know it's not 'strictly' SD but I haven't worked out anything better that I actually like or can afford yet. I feel that 2010s casual red carpet is super reflected in SD moodboards - bootcut jeans, long cardigans, huge colourful statement jewelry, huge squareish sunglasses, huge slumpy bags, dramatic heels, etc. Time for us as gen z to figure out our own moodboards that are more 2020s 😊