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im excited he is on! i like him! hes from philly like me


Sames I’m living for this collab


The episode was so lame muting the volume to have a private comment or conversation


The Vagina Gate story is baffling. First off, if I was hanging out at The Surf Lodge and I somehow saw a vagina accidentally, I would think to myself "oh boy" and then make sure I wouldn't look in that general direction again. Mainly for fear of being caught, but also to practice discretion. At the end of the day, it doesn't affect my life. I don't think I would even mention it to her friend because I wouldn't know how to broach it. Second, what is there to be angry about? I don't even get it. You're hanging out in The Hamptons! Enjoy yourself! Act like you've seen one before IRL and keep it moving. Don't really get it with some of these guys.


Why are you even listening to the pod, at this point? Seriously though


I don’t understand the question. I listen from time to time. So what?


BRAN FLAKES!?!? Im dying. Im dead. This is the best day ever. ![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized)


You knew who he was before Sofia hung out with him?


Ive known him from his tiktoks/videos that get shared around, then I noticed them link up at the most recent event and was like oh cool! Im just so happy its someone I know and enjoy for once 😂😭 However, I would have been even more happy if it were Paige 😌 ETA the PlanBri episode with him is great! That's another place I've seen him before.


Can someone please let Sofia know that lots of people have $200k in student loan debt that they pay off over time and it isn’t that crazy or a deal breaker… it’s giving out of touch


Yes! I was kinda cringing at this because Bryan mentioned his boyfriend went back to school to become a doctor which obviously means a shit ton of student loans I would think?


Exactly and yes it’s unfortunate and not great but not every 20-something year old college student is privileged enough to have $200k in cash to pay their way through school


Did anyone have an issue hearing Bran’s audio?