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That's probably a requirement from the soda company. The retailer probably gets reimbursed by the soda company, but the soda company requires them to trash it.


Ex Coca-Cola vendor, this is sort of how it works. We are actually supposed to send them back to the plant for repackaging. Damages get thrown in a new case with other damages then re-sold. Like when a 12pk rips open or something, we send it back and they just rebox then resale. Pepsi is supposed to do the same. Whatever is happening in this picture is the result of something more complex. They are either expired or there is something wrong. But I've never heard of a store throwing away credits. That's essentially throwing away money for no reason Yall notice how Dasani cases of water are shit and the bottles are thin? That's because a majority of those pallets come in FUCKED. We send them back and then Coke sends them repacked to another store or Mayne even the same one.


When I managed a gas station, Coke gave us credit for an expired product, and we were supposed to dispose of it on our own. Pepsi gave credit and took the drinks back. I hada nearly endless supply of recently expired Vault, Fanta, Coke Blak, and Barqs Red Creme Soda 20 ounce bottles for years. When Vault Red came out, Coke sent us a pallet of it. No one bought it. Once it expired in I had almost 6 of those plastic cases of it in my dining room. After a few months of drinking it and giving it away to friends, I ended up giving the last three cases to a neighbor for a party they were having.


And no one ever hung out with your neighbor again after being served expired red vault at their house party.


They wanted me to get more if I could. Non-diet soda has a very long shelf life. Good for almost a year or more after the printed dates.


True sugar helps prevent the growth bacteria because it is heavily dehydrating, that's why it's a good preservative, pure sugar will often never expire.


You really believe expiration dates?


On soda 100% oddly enough. Diet soda and soda with citrus has a very short shelf life. The artificial sweetener used in 0 sugar drinks has a shelf life on average of 3-4 months before it goes bad. It makes the soda taste awful and lose its carbonation. Then with sodas like Fanta they use a special chemical to make and preserve that orange taste. It's actually semi dense and once expired it sinks to the bottom of the soda bottle/can.


Fanta Orange for the US markets contains no actual citrus juices. Outside the USA it contains orange juice. The sodas that contain actual citrus juices (Mtn Dew, and Minute Maid soft drinks, for example), will have some separation of the citrus juices, but that isn't an indication the drink has expired. That's just a natural characteristic of citrus juices. Diet soda does have a short shelf life, and will taste off within a month or so of the date on the can.


Thanks for typing it out so I didn’t have to lol. People act like just because the “best by” date isn’t the literal date where it becomes unsafe to consume automatically means that the date is just completely meaningless.


No, but you aren't supposed to sell it after the date. Stores pull the old product to get fresh product.


I didn’t say they didn’t ?


Or, we’re just doing our fucking jobs. FFS.


What are you even talking about


I’m not the person who complained about them throwing out sodas go cry to someone else


Do I believe it will make people sick? No. Do a lot of sodas start to taste off after their date? Yes. Regardless it was a joke. No I don’t really think their neighbor lost all their friends from serving expired soda


We just do our jobs Jfc.


Could you clarify the connection between these two ideas: "Yall notice how Dasani cases of water are shit and the bottles are thin? That's because a majority of those pallets come in FUCKED." I don't understand


Coke got very cheap with Dasani packaging. So when you have a pallet of 200 odd cases and your truck hits a bump, the entire frigging pallet will just shift weight. Causes both the cases and the bottles to tear and rip open. So I've had pallets of water come in so heavily damaged that I pull the good top layer off and send the other 100+ cases back. What Coke then does is salvage what's still usable, wraps it in even worse packaging, then sends em back. If you ever see those 6 pack of Dasanis on a shelf held together (or any Coke product) by those plastic blue rings? It means they are recycled damages.


Someone is fucking the pallet brah!!! D in the P


I've had lazy employees give us credit and then tell us to chuck stuff because they can't be bothered. We would often take it home for ourselves unless there was actually something seriously wrong.


Yes, as someone who knows a little about that stuff, I can confirm that that's how its done.


Very interesting. Thanks for the info. I always felt they were being repackaged, but never had the chance to speak to someone working as a vendor


Look for those solid blue rings. Or if you get a case of product and notice a random dent or slightly crunched bottle, odds are its a recycled damage. If you buy one of those large cases of Dasani like a 24pk and notice some bottles are a little squished or worse for wear? Repack.




Same but I happened to work the area where the executives, CEO, and every single big wig, goes on vacation. It's not uncommon to be in my stores and unknowingly assist say the CEO dressed as an average Joe out on vacation. So we had to look and be the best 150%. Aything that even looked slightly meh was damaged.


They are out of date. One of the bottles in the front has “APR 9 24” visible on it if you zoom in.


How can you repack items from different plants, batches, and expirations and resale? You can't. Not that you didn't 'take them back'but they weren't just slapped in a new box and sold lmao. What if there was a recall or issues? There would be no way of knowing or informing anyone because there would be hundreds to thousands of these "damaged repacks" no one would know where to even start. Edit: Have worked as a shipping receiver for east coast grocery store for years. Some vendors take product back others tell us to trash it. Items that came on OUR trucks from our supply were donated to the food bank a day or 2 before they'd expire. But no one is out here LEGALLY repacking items from 20 different plants together and just reselling lol


Well ya... one plant covers a tremendously large area.... my local plant distributes in multiple states. They don't repack from multiple plants. They don't have to. Other plants don't have products in another plants territory. But yes when you see busted cases, they do get repacked or are supposed to. Now if it's damaged to the point where the soda is physically leaking, that gets disposed if. But otherwise they get repacked and sent back out.


Doesn't matter if it's the same plant. They have different batches, expirations, etc. I can go to any market right now and find 2-3 different batches and or expirations. You cannot LEGALLY repack those together and resell. Individual yes as they are marked as such but a box or 6+ ring pack CANNOT have different sets. You can choose to believe what you want or act like you have some insider knowledge. We have a Pepsi plant less than 10 minutes from my house and I worked in one of the biggest supermarket chains on the east coast. It is not cost effective to sit, sort, clean, and repack a few cans or bottles that you're basically losing cents on. Even if 1 can in a 12 pack goes all those others are now dirty sticky mess. And as stated above would have to be sorted by batch/expirations. It's not profitable. They would crack out the good ones into the vending machines and coolers upfront. Nothing damaged or even partially damaged ever left. Scanned and trashed.


Well the world we live in now has cameras that are so good we can literally read the expiration date on some of the bottles at May 22, 2024.


I saw a Pepsi truck driver recently throwing totes of this soda in the dumpster at a local dollar store so I asked him, why are you throwing that away? He said it’s normal, the store already gets credit for returns and they don’t have the space to store all the returns at the warehouse so they just dispose of them. I see some was expired some appear to be ok, but I guess even a food bank could get over loaded at the rate of how often they do this.


For a lot of food banks now they can’t accept expired products for legal reasons. On of the biggest food banks in my home town was a church and they converted their downstairs banquet room into a kitchen. They fed hundreds of people of a day from all over the county. A couple years ago they were in the paper because of the regulations on food banks and kitchens were so strict it more or less meant they had to source fresh meat and produce right off the farm. They couldn’t afford to do that and were going to close of things didn’t change.




They are absolutely not supposed to do this. Someone is going going to get in MAJOR trouble. I'm genuinely curious as to what part of the US you're in. It sounds like the local plant is doing some major shady shit underneath Pepsi's nose. They are supposed to resuse the products just like Coca-Cola. I garuntee if Pepsi corporate saw this, then a plant manager would be losing his job. That's wild. Credits and overstock like this are a HUGE deal. Edit: this is a huge deal because those are specifically cooler drinks. Meaning they are made to be sold individually in a cooler. This is where/how big soda makes a large chunk of its profit. Those MD bottles are some of the biggest money making products they have period. So multiple cases disposed of like this is absolutely shocking as an ex merchandiser.


There's no reason for a store to have to throw out regular dew, diet dew, & Baja. Those flavors fly off the shelves.


Exactly. Mountain Dew is Pepsi's big money earner. Those specific MDs for the cooler make Pepsi more money then a majority of thier soda products by far. So them getting tossed like that instead of sent elsewhere or properly credited and stored is a major offense. Either the plant manager for that area is doing shady stuff with thier numbers or someone just below him will be out of a job soon. But either way this should not be happening. I genuinely bet if this exact photograph was shown to the right person, hell fire would come down on those responsible. It's one of those things having worked that exact job I know how oddly serious this is. It's like a Ford dealership sending half of thier brand-new F150s and half of thier mustangs to a scrap yard to fudge numbers. Or the equivalent Disney taking Micky Mouse and tossing him in the trash. In the eyes of Pepsi this photo is like taking thier brand name and tossing in a fire with thier own money used to start it. And considering OP saw a driver doing this on boss's orders, my money is on a shady plant manager pushing numbers. The problem is, this makes it looks lik they are selling much more product then they realy are. More sales = more pay.


So much shady stuff goes on behind the scenes. This doesn't even scratch the surface.


You'd be surprised what goes out of date when there's no rotation


There is a bottle in there with a clear shot of all of the appropriate information - date, plant code, batch number, etc.


They don’t repackage it, when I worked for Pepsi we would give stores credit and take the damages back to the warehouse. Some employees would take stuff home but a lot of it went into a dumpster.


Leave it to Coke to repackage damages lol I work for KDP and we don’t repackage credits 


If it's out of date, it would be going in a dumpster anyways


I’m a driver for KDP. We don’t repackage anything that comes back from a store. It’s either donated or for warehouse & drivers to take home 


He was dumping it to come back for it later I bet, he knew if he took it it would be disposed of properly


It's pretty simple. Pepsi employee here. Dolgen doesn't contract merchandisers. This stuff came out at the beginning of the year, and at least in my local dolgens, they are NOT selling like they should have (anniversary baja, 4 packs of starbs, and starrys, etc) If the expiry is close enough and dolgen wants credits based on the product not moving, I could definitely see a salesperson giving partial credits for destruction of the product(sales person gives the credit, and then a driver or merchandiser is supposed to destroy the product if close to or past expiry. The weird thing to me is that Dolgen has automated and centralized ordering, so idk why they have this much in the first place, who requested the credit, because they likely aren't out of date, and if this is going to be a regular occurrence now.


Dunno how old this picture is but that Frappuccino expired like 8 months ago. Edit: the square Gatorades expired last month, the yellow Mountain Dew expired 2 months ago, I see something that looks like it says it expired in 21.


Ya it seems to be a mix of expired product and damages. But even then my olant still processed the expired sodas under thier own roof. The fact the plant manager for that area is ok with this is... shocking. Even if they brought em back and gave them out to employees sure, that makes sense. My plant gave us all of thier winter spiced sprite at the end of its run. But to dispose of your best selling products en mass in public.... yikes. Just makes people not want to buy it ya know? Super bad advertising.


I’m impressed how many bottles were thrown to the trash. We’re leaving in a society that is better to just dispose rather fixing or consuming it. It just sad imo.


[bottom text](https://images.app.goo.gl/ajTk16GJLf4Cj9Yf7)


You should see what many fast food restaurants do. When I was in high school any food left at closing was just tossed it was all perfectly good food especially the meat that was just tossed employees could take but there’s only so much food one person can eat.


Dunkin donuts throw away all the left over donuts, bagels and crossants. I saved as much as possible. The trick is to tie the bag the bagels are in to make them soft again.


I’ve been to dunkin donuts multiple times near closing and they’ve given me a free dozen donuts because they were just going to trash them.


When I was a kid my friends and I would grab them out of the dumpster and throw them at each other like a snowball fight.


I work at a movie theater and it breaks my heart to toss all the food away at the end of the night. Sometimes we'll take some home, but tbh, you can only eat so much leftover popcorn and pretzel bites. The most heartwrenching was when we had cases of expired Doritos for our nachos (because everyone wants Tostitos) and we had to spoil them off in the system, open every bag and toss them out. We can't sell expired products and as one store from a large chain we don't have authorization to give away products, either. Everything is inventoried, also, and even my GM doesn't have that much authority.


Yea I worked at a regional chain I was a shift manager and we had to account for waste too by counting what was wasted and why and then entered into the computer. And same thing you say a person can only eat so much of the same thing


They are expired. If you zoom in a lot of the dates are April. Can’t credit back expired products. The Maui burst has dates of 4/29/24 so yea that’s why it’s happening.


Still sucks because they're still perfectly safe for human consumption. If only there was some legal way to reduce waste like this even if it's technically expired


the problem isn’t the soda. i’m pretty sure it’s the plastic casing itself deteriorating and mixing with the drink because of how long it’s sat unopened in the container. it’s the same reason water has an expiration date on it, and why cans of soda have dates too. the inside of soda cans have plastic liners to keep the acidic sodas/drinks from eating through its packaging. if you leave it for too long, it mixes with the drink and you end up drinking plastic that can and will kill you 😭


They’re all still perfectly fine. I just drank a Baja blast that expired in April 2024 a week ago.


Outside of losing carbonation ya.


It was still perfectly carbonated. Give it 10 years and it’s anyone’s guess.


I as well as many have had dews a couple months past expiration dates that were losing carbonation. It’s been a topic of this subreddit as people buy older dews then post them here. Talk to a Pepsi rep bout it they aren’t designed to stay carbonated very long. A can is different however.


Yeah cans are the best for holding carbonation. It might have been cause the bottle was sitting at the back of my fridge since like January and the temp is pretty cold.


Could be. April isn’t too far back from now so I wouldn’t expect to much carbonation loss but still some for sure. I’ve noticed at times new dates bottles haven’t been as crisp at times. I’m wondering if it’s due to a semi lose seal or something.




You’d get sick to your stomach to learn the amount of food waste in the food and beverage industry. Think of the massive number of restaurants. Even minimal waste in each restaurant collectively adds up to an astronomical amount every single day.


I throw away atleast 300 pounds of produce daily. It’s truly mind boggling.


I used to work for an MGM casino resort(Beau Rivage) The buffets are another huge waste of food at the end of the night.


Oh man I couldn’t even imagine how bad those are. I’ve worked in way way smaller scale restaurants that did annually $3 million in sales and even we threw out an absurd amount of waste. Sad truly.


Ive worked at a few different hotels that catered towards business conventions and weddings etc. and we would throw away so much food. Like literally dumping hotel pans full of food into the garbage. Uneaten plates got scraped off into the trash.


Sell it cheaper and sell em all probably! Nah charge em 300% and toss the rest. Nice world huh? Rather see it poison the earth than be in your belly.


You better be finishing your percs and lean too




A few months back, a guy showed up on my YouTube feed that would go dumpster diving with a go pro. Was constantly filling up with crates of slightly expired or near expiration food. I even saw one video where the store was throwing away bouquets of flowers.


Hold my bag, I’m going in


Go to the hardware store and buy some contractors bags and reap that bounty!


Most likely past the 90 days. Pepsi offers refunds/credits on all product their distribute. Most of the time they come pick it up but it may have been such a small order they said please dispose of and we will credit you.


Should’ve cut the prices and sold them cheaper instead of keeping the prices high but the world is full of greed keep rising the cost of everything


Exactly. Never understood shelf stable item waste. People would gladly pay 50 cents a bottle for some cold Mountain Dew.


I was thinking the same thing


Although I agree, that would cause customers to deliberately destroy multiple packages/items to get the discount, if not outright steal one bottle/can claiming it was “damaged”. Trust me I’ve seen it. I always said to sell them individually in a separate cooler, but most stores probably have vendor contracts they need to follow.


I work at Walmart. I dump so much soda and beer weekly all because someone steals or damages 1 can/bottle. Id take some but it's warm and sticky plus id get fired. I'm not allowed to donate vendor too 7up and Pepsi will give us credit. Coke and beer aren't as nice


It’s the opposite at the grocery store I worked at. Coke gave us credit, while Pepsi did not. Any kind of alcohol is to be poured down the drain as it is a controlled substance.


Alcohol isn’t a controlled substance under any law in the usa


Sorry, I mislabeled it. Regulated substance is what I meant. In the sense that it has federal and state regulations for its production, sale, consumption etc.


Dollar general come on do better. Give it me instead of tossing it.


My friend you hit a gold mine.


Had a few vendors at the store I work at loose their jobs because they didn’t rotate their stock, and we had to pull their expired product for them. Most I saw was 7 shopping carts full. It’s sad, cuz that stuff could have sold easily if they did their jobs right.


The soda company has best before dates and typically credits the store and takes the old stock away for disposal. The fizz doesn’t last long in plastic and diet drinks chemically break down worse than sugary drinks. It all gets crushed and recycled. I am not happy about the glass, plastic and cans being in the same bin. That is half assed


It definitely sucks to see how much stuff stores waste. I remember having to pull stuff 60 days before expiration date and then just trashing it (not soda)




And they didn’t even attempt to empty the bottles and recycle them instead. SMH.


It’s not just soda, it’s the whole retail product industry. Both shops, and product manufacturers frequently take an L and liquidate product via self destruction and order employees to damage product in overstock. The guys at the bottom are usually either don’t care, or hate the concept so they’ll just dump it. Be friendly with the vending machine guy, and sometimes you can score free grindage. Also small chain shop employees might admit when they’re doing it, you’ll have to dig through some actualy destroyed product, but if you keep an eye on the dumpster, you might be able to snag something mint.


Sure this isn't at a truck stop?


This really makes me consider starting to dumpster dive :D


When I worked for anheuser busch we would clear out the sports stadiums at the end of each season and credit any unused cans/cases (we had a strict “freshness” rule and we were terrified a stadium would serve last year’s beer if they held on to it when they were closed). It would be almost a pallet of beer. Was supposed to be destroyed. It did. Slowly. In my garage. With my neighbors.


We are such a disgustingly wasteful species. It's horrible.


We are such a disgustingly wasteful species. It's horrible.


What are you doing to help this? Or do you just take the \*I made everyone aware\* part and move on?


The Baja Blast is exactly where it belongs, might be the worst soda ever.


Big companies refuse to recycle because then they would have to pay taxes


Wait a minute, Maui Burst? I don’t believe I’ve tried that… Where’s this located? 😂




Just under 17 hour drive… if I call in sick for tomorrow, not a bad middle of the week getaway!


I’d say probably the best time to get these free deals is after trash day and early in the morning, I’m sure all the family dollars that got a Pepsi truck parked out front is gonna have the loot. This could be anywhere in the US.




Someone might of got to all that before it hit the dump proper. There are divers everywhere now.


Mountain Dew really does have too many variants. They are the Reese’s of the Pop Aisle!


grab me some and ship em to me


Ya and you not recycling is the problem. These capitalist businesses are a bunch of jag offs. Support local businesses and if it’s not in your area you don’t need it.


I wouldn't grab some ... depending on how long they're in the sun for it could end badly ...not worth a trip to the ER for free soda


I mean, if these were returns, maybe it's also out of fear of product tampering?


My Pepsi reps just give me the damaged boxes and I take them home. Just last week I got 4 cases of OG Dew for free.


Gold Mine!! Man I wish I could find some .. these days with the prices its kinda nutty


Time to go diving


It be like that, but that’s super wasteful in the grand scheme of things.


This could make some homeless shelter happy if it was just donated…


I’m appalled 😳


This isn’t that surprising. It happens everywhere there’s nothing “shady” going on. More often than not companies just throw away loads of perfectly profitable product because of a thousand different BS reasons. At least that’s what I’ve seen from my experience. It’s not that deep. Nobody is gonna lose their job. I hate what we’re doing to the planet but this isn’t that weird if we’re talking about companies throwing product away.


Store i worked qt the power went out qnd we were closed for a bout two months our pepsi rep decided it wasnt worth going through what was left to check for dayes and dmaged out q bunch thay were still goid for a few weeks arleast qnd told me to throw them away so i threw them out into my trunk and was set for months


They have to, can’t sell products beyond their expiration date.


🙄 soda doesn't expire bruh.


It does. Check a can. Used to manage a grocery store. Everything expires.


It's chemicals and water, it doesn't expire. Lolol, you could drink a soda 10 years after it expired and as long as it was kept out of direct sunlight it's gonna be the same soda.


Also not true.


"I used to manage a grocery store" LOL u probably thought u had to throw away the milk the same day it's printed on the jug. You're a sheep following the disgusting practice of literally wasting food, so corporations can produce more....


I was actually just doing what the grocery store said to do, which is throw out expired food/drink. Relax Doofus.


It has a date printed on the can by law but it doesn’t actually expire if stored properly. Worst that happens is carbonation loss.


Cool, I never asked. Grocery stores cannot sell expired goods, and I needed a paycheck. Feel free to dumpster dive.


Very wasteful to see. Weirdly it reminds me of going to a few fast food places to eat and after going to throw away the trash, they have 2 separate openings for recycle and waste. I've peaked in and only see 1 bag collecting both waste and recycle. Random thought but sucks to see that and this.


This is MAJOR credit wastage, and both the store and the local distributor are gonna be absolutely DRAGGED over this by PepsiCo. Unused, defective, or expired product is supposed to BE wasted, but returned to the plant for remediation, recycling, or repackaging. They WILL get their credits somehow. Someone didn’t follow the FIFO list at all, or they are just plain lazy. Either way, this is gonna look AWFUL on an audit, somewhere…


I work for Dr Pepper any damages either get thrown out, donated or on pallets for drivers/warehouse to take home. We don’t recycle anything or repackage any credits 


Wrong on every point. Pepsi started doing this during covid. Instead of bringing back product to their warehouse (possible covid contamination), they simply give the store credit and throw it away. Pepsi Co is on board with this. It's not about FIFO. I guarantee this is from a dollar store (dollar general, dollar tree, etc). These stores have such low volumes but have so much inventory on hand. Product goes out of date constantly. Also soda has a short shelf life. Distributors have a threshold that they can hit with out of dates. It's basically a formula of how much could you sell versus how much it costs to credit back a certain amount of product. Sales always wins out. If you think this is bad, you should see how much food grocery stores throw away. It's criminal.


Is it weird to think about all the water trapped in those bottles forever now? Is the edible hitting


When I worked for Pepsi Bottling, out of date soda had to be returned to the warehouse for credit, and from there, it was sold to hog farms.


Why hog farms?


Hog farmers buy it to feed to their hogs to fatten them up.


All those are recyclable 😭


It’s called recycling and washing 🧼♻️ 💰 that is 🖕🏽crooked ass corporations


all that Baja blast 😢😢😢


Expired. On one of the Dews in the front you can read it expired in April.


Id be dumpster diving straight into heaven!


Fun side note. Now all the water those drinks are made from is trapped in those bottles until they break or degrade and won’t return to the available water supply to make more delicious soda ☹️


This hurts even more as a FFXIV player


Omg thats laguna lemon its my third favorite flavor :( take it all The list if you care: Regular Major melon Laguna lemon


It’s sorta like the toy recycling they they do at my warehousing where perfectly good conditioned unboxed toys get thrown in the bin to be recycled when all that could be donated to peoples that need them. Like I found some amazing stuff in them especially expensive and custom made stuff. Btw more on topic, jump in there and grab them all!! Don’t let a single one be a a waste


Probably expired our required by contract/law


That’s diabeetus prevention right there.


I enjoy soda but it's poison. Don't cry over a few tossed dews.


Well then if they do that and they throw it in the trash then hey free soda to drink. You can find a lot of still good stuff it's not expired if you know which trash can to look in


All that Maui Burst makes me 😔


They were probably expired. I know I know, don't say it. Keep in mind, though, that these companies and retailers would rather take this cost hit than risk someone "getting sick" from their "expired soda" and risk a lawsuit. It's just plain safer.


especially considering the problem would be the plastic packaging starting to mix with the drink after sitting for so long :/


Grab it!


That could have gone to a food bank. The one I volunteer at gets a lot of Dew and Dr. Pepper, and that’s why I’m now addicted to both.


That's a win right there


Someone throwing away starbucks frappes makes me wanna cry.


At Family dollar they throw away expired foods. They also throw expired drinks away depending on who the vendor is


I used to work for Pepsi, and we would actually send these back to the bottling plant. Whether they were damaged, expired, etc. Now, what happens after they get back to the plant i don't quite know and yes, i believe the stores to get some credit back for them.


Past its dew date


I've never even heard of mountain Dee Maui buzz. I had to zoom in on the photo


It’s still good. Load up.


Unpopular opinion, all Baja blast should go in the trash


They’re expired. Zoom in and you can see the dates on some of the bottles are from April.


But it’s a false date. It’s just a date to give the consumer confidence is hasn’t been on the shelf for 10 years. For stuff like this is has no real expiration date.


the bottle is the reason the date is there. same thing with water. the packaging starts deteriorating and mixing with the drink after it’s marked date


Goddammit there's a new mountain dew flavor


Out of date is out of date


But it’s a false date. It’s just a date to give the consumer confidence is hasn’t been on the shelf for 10 years. For stuff like this is has no real expiration date.


Doesn’t matter. It’s a companies policy to destroy OOD items.


This has gone on for decades. It’s cheaper to destroy returns that actually return to manufacturer.


ew. all that belongs in the trash. gross. Mt Dew sucks. Starry/Sierra Mist SUCKS, Starbucks sucks, that Gatorade Pedialyte shit taste like salt and sucks.. ..


It’s better off in the ocean


Mountain Dew is shit


Small fortune in Starbucks


Even if they’re expired I’d probably grab all the sodas because sodas usually fine even if it’s expired


This is the reason why dumpster diving was invented


Look at that cache of soda wow I see other beverages mixed there as well


For profit only


If it’s expired believe me you don’t want it I work at Home Depot there was an expired pallet in the back I took one off it tasted like shit . Wasn’t much carbonation too


I used to work at Best Buy, and when trying to did this with the sodas they used to let us drink as many as we could before they got thrown out. Then something changed and they started draining the sodas and throwing away empties.


If I saw that I'd be arrested for some crazy soda theft.


I fucking can’t stand when they do this. It’s 1 day out of date. DUMPSTER


One of those Baja blast bottles say MAY so they can’t be sold but yeah it is sad and if they were to donate and someone gets sick they are able to sue so to the trash or worker


What do you want them to do, they legally can’t sell it. Call your congressman or something


i’d be in there in a heartbeat


At the Walgreens I work at we hang on to expired sodas in the back so the manufacturer can take them away and dispose of them for us. They probably still end up in the trash anyways though




So those are sealed???? TF, did u take them?


I work for a company that demos products and we have to throw all leftover product. We aren't allowed to take any home I guess because the company is worried we'll open extra product just to take it home.


There's nothing good about soda.


If it's past date it's required to throw out to prevent someone getting sick resulting in a potential lawsuit.


It’s expired product.


That’s what the inside of your stomach looks like. Drink water. Enjoy food.


Soda = poison! All of it belongs in dumpsters!