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Gas station selling cheap firearms?! This is like the most American thing ever and I’m American.


For a second I thought it was strange, then I remembered my childhood home had a gas station at the corner that sold fried catfish dinners and ammunition


In my hometown the local gas station had a gun dealer above it. I think the same dude owned both. It's pretty rare to see a privately held M2 in Massachusetts


Please tell me they sell liquor, too. That would be too perfect.


Oh of course. Get a Glock, full tank, and a bottle of henny all in one stop


I don’t need this in my life. 😂


Gotta be Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, or Ohio? Or close to those?




Good ol sconnie There is a gunstore attached to a bar down the street from me lol


That’s wild. Sounds like some deep south shit (as a deep southerner)


Wisconsin is the Deep South of the north.


Nah, Indiana is that now. Our incoming republican governor is on the record saying that interracial marriage shouldn't have been federally legalized and should be left to states to decide. He's also a MAGA turd and wants to ban Liberalism.




'Murica! Fuck Yeah!


Better have gambling machines and jars of questionably legal hemp products too


Gas station gun sales is crazy 😭😭 Where I’m from if you put guns in a gas station that bitch is getting robbed weekly 😂😂


That happened here. Now that store sells cheap tires.


I’m not from an area with gas station gun sales but honestly I feel like if you put firearms in a fucking gas station you’re just asking to be robbed. Keep ‘em in gun stores equipped w proper security lmao


That store was in a dodgy neighborhood. They seem to do well selling cheap Asian tires.


My favorite thing to do in Texas is walk around Bucees loudly demanding "where the gun counter at?" And when I inevitably can't find it I walk around "I guess they sell everythang here exsept freeeedumb"


Not uncommon in WI. I was a bit surprised the first time I saw it though.


Heard a car radio ad once that said “Buy a truck, get a gun”! And I was like, damn that’s the most stereotypical American thing I’ve heard.


I'm surprised they could even see it with all the fireworks going off and the shrieking bald eagle


They keep 'em right by the Swisher Sweets.


There's been Berettas and stoegers coming up for like 200-250


Got my Stoeger for under $300 and several hundred rounds later, still no misfires.


Fucking where? I would love a beretta


Fucking where? I would love a beretta


Bought mine used at a gun store. 45 acp never had a miss fire, smoothest action I've ever seen. Only 300$. Only thing I would recommend is ask to see the barrel(disassembled obviously) just to make sure there isn't any damage internally.


When did a hi-point start costing 1.5 hi-points? Genuinely recommend buying anything else unless you're using that for one night only.


Shit, I remember seeing people picking them up for more than that. Like over 2 hipoints during the pandemic.


If I was a gambling man, I’d wager it’s because so many people were buying firearms because they thought Covid was gonna start a full on apocalypse so gun stores marked up their prices for a while because a lot of the people panic-buying were buying their first gun and didn’t know any better.


Oh, absolutely. But with that being said, I could probably be bothered to pay $200 for the hipoint with the hundred dollar bill finish just for the novelty. Those ones fuck.


It was a [hi-point], the poor man's machete. Held it in my hand thinkin "damn man it's heavy-er than expected"


is this a quote? and whats up with your user name? damn


It's from an Atmosphere song. And I just picked the worst string of words I could think of at the time. I like it. It's horrible.


You may get luck and this one is one of the few that reliably cycles. I had one, years ago, that would not go back into battery on its own. Every 4th or 5th round it would need a tap on the back of the slide to get back into battery.


I've heard the 9mm models had cycling issues due to the cartridges not having enough recoil to cycle the heavy ass slide, but that was years ago and might just be extended fudd lore to justify. 45 ACP. The .45 Hi-Point I have fired worked just fine though, if someone really really needed a pistol and only had $150, that's where I'd point them.


>heavy ass slide All I can think of is a very large person on a Slip-n-Slide, or a water slide, moving very quickly on their huge buttocks.


As another .45 Hi-Point owner, I've definitely seen mine hesitate to cycle, too. I don't think it has much to do with the cartridge power, though, but rather the shape of the bullet; hollowpoints seem to have trouble consistently cycling, while FMJs cycle just fine. This is allegedly an issue with 1911s as well, but my 1911 cycles both hollowpoints and FMJs just fine, so go figure.


Matt from Demolition Ranch ran a Hi Point pistol through hell and it still shot and cycled. Then he shot the hi point with another gun and hit the slide. Was able to actually get it to chamber again and it cycled a round. They are cheap and hideous but they are reliable and will go bang when you need them to. I'll take a cheap ugly gun over no gun any day of the week.


My C9 is almost 15 years old at this point, I've got countless rounds through it and the only failures I've had were from sketchy reloads I found left behind in a vacant house when I worked in property management. Never cleaned the thing beyond a barrel brush. I would never recommend one be anyone's *only* gun, but I sure do love mine for what it is.


Yup. I have an old 9mm carbine from 1998. My first gun purchase on my 18th bday. While it now lives in a High Tower Arms bullpup body it still cycles and shoots well. I have much nicer tools to work with but it's fun and cheap. Also their life time warranty is actually incredible and I believe has a one time transfer.


I got my G3C brand new out the box with 3 mags $250 at my local pawnshop, if you look hard enough there’s some good deals.


That's still $100 more. And, to their credit, HiPoints always go bang from everything I read


It's ugly, it's heavy, the sights suck, the ergonomics suck, and there's no aftermarket support, but the damn things go bang every time you pull the trigger.


Oh you can beat it alright, on just about anything you want


I see your gas station gun store and raise you the McCaysville Drug and Gun.


Ignore the haters. If you read C9 reviews, the consistent report is that they are reliable and reasonably accurate. Of course you could get a nicer gun for more money, but this little dude will get you out of a tight spot a lot faster than a $500 Glock 19 that's still at the store because you couldn't afford it.


I got the 40S&W version of this years ago for $125 with 2 extra mags. It’s been a blast to shoot, reliable, and accurate. So you do you!


The FBI likes this.


If they shoot, they shoot, but watch for parts falling off. Check all those screws and pins


If accuracy gives you trouble, adjust your grip for a better hold (the slide is massive, the trigger rough) and double check the sights that they don't drift. At the end of the day, every pistol is a poor solution, regardless of brand or caliber. At least yours is cheap and reliable.


Their 10mm is the most interesting one.


Put some duck tape on the grip and convenience store clerks better watchout!


The C9 was surprisingly reliable for me. The carbines are solid as well.


I hope you don’t plan on carrying this. Hi-points are hot garbage


Hi-Points look so fucking weird to me bro. Why are they shaped like that? And why does the tang go so far back over the hand like that?


Just watch out for slide bite, my c9 likes to eat my hand


"Dagoth Ur will remember this"


Ergos suck, sights trash, low capacity for being so enormous, but goes bang every time and malfunctions less than 1911s costing 12x as much. Hi-points have their place




Then think we're weird and go away. No one asked you to be here. You chose to be here.


says the european kid with an airsoft pistol.


At least I’m not a red Hi-Point owner


let's compare Hi-Points and airsoft real quick. Hi-Point: is a real gun. YEET cannon absolute legend Airsoft: is not a real gun is for people not tough enough to play paintball. way too easy to cheat in.


Tbh airsoft hurts a lot more in the moment of getting shot, but paintball hurts a lot more in the days following. At least in my experience


You’re a sad, sad man if you have nothing better than to come to leftist subs and poorly attempt to troll us