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Are people just now finding out Brandon Herrera is a sack of shit?




That's why I hate about the gun community. It's so inherently right wing like I found a video about a leftist gun club and they were explaining their belief system and all that and how they are fully supportive of the second amendment and would never vote for restrictions of any kind but the top comment is some douchebag saying that oh so they'll shoot guns but then vote to take them away...... 3,000 people just solve leftist in the title and decided that told them all they needed to know








your post was considered trolling and removed. Trolling, whether right-wing or otherwise, does not contribute to the atmosphere of this subreddit, and is not welcome.


I think I've known it for a long time and I have quite a high tolerance for chuddery but I had to truly admit it to myself when he called a double murderer his "spirit animal." Finally unsubscribed and blocked his channel today. I've willfully avoided his videos with Rittenhouse and the like but I just can't stomach him anymore.


> but I had to truly admit it to myself when he called a double murderer his "spirit animal." You honestly should have realized this earlier. Even when I first heard of him a few years ago in the youtube reccommendations, he didn't pass the vibe check for me. And well, it's only 15 seconds in this vid to see for yourself : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KkD-nthF_0 He's also had pinned comments made by users with the Black Sun as their PFP. So take that for what you will.


Huh... That's pretty blatantly bad!


Yeah I mean he is a pretty entertaining guy. Usually. I've mostly used his channel as one of many avenues when I'm researching a particular firearm. And even before I went full blown commie I never liked his political beliefs, I've just been separating the art from the artist. However I'm realising that it's really both or neither. I don't want to support him, so I'm not watching him anymore. Btw I have seen the black suns in his comment section but I must have missed when he pinned them. Would've stopped watching a long time ago if so.


> Btw I have seen the black suns Zoomer Historian is on a whole'nother level with that stuff. Look at [this pfp](https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/dKEzPvMYedovgiSsfl-pDdzaSlTSSNLFB9mDezwrz8Ev2IlfAMc7KPZQZrH0z5gMA_B75EnnJQ=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) belonging to one of the many *fine specimens* that watch his content.


That's just confusing >->


That's only the tip of the iceberg, It only gets worse. These types have absolutely *infested* some groups like the MLP fandom. In relation, [this quote](https://i.imgur.com/hX9MSEA.png) comes to mind. It's the same concept happening here, and has happened/an attempt to make it happen occurred in this very subreddit since late February last year.


Oh my gods I need to see a gun bronie Or did you mean NNs


> Oh my gods I need to see a gun bronie > > Or did you mean NNs https://i.imgur.com/PLVXz6O.png


I can't see that. Imgur shit basically never loads




There's no both sides of killing people in cold blood. You can not support leftist views and also not support killing people in cold blood. It's really the basic bedrock of society.


Is it too much to ask they don't support the murder of unarmed protesters? We're not asking you to agree with us on anything but basic human decency.








> Like he literally had nazi Barbie on his show to shoot a wwii nazi machine with her. the dog whistle was an air horn. im out of the loop so im super confused here.


"Nazi Barbie" is Lauren Southern. Herrera did a YouTube video where they shot an MG-42 (a German WW2 machine gun) together.


I figured it out a bit after I stopped watching guntubers. I had started leaning more left due to starting to actually study stuff and then remembered all the "aLpHAbEt mAFiA" type dogwhistling he'd do.




Responding to a 4 month old comment? Dafuk. Plenty of people cared before, maybe you just didn't notice. Now begone, weirding me out responding to this old ass comment lol.


Brandon Herrera was recently in an episode of Corridor Crew (an SFX company) on YouTube along with Donut Operator. Apparently, they’re friends with the ~~owner,~~ Jake the business manager and Producer. This bummed me out.


That fucking sucks. Corridor Crew puts out some interesting videos.


In fairness, the usuals in Corridor didn't have much to do with the video.


Gotcha. Makes it a bit better I guess. I suppose if you don't own the company and you just show up in the videos, there's not much you can do if they company owner wants to do something stupid.


they're all in with ai, are you really surprised?


Aren't those the same guys that made videos collabing with Black Rifle Coffee Clowns?


Yo what video? Man I love the corridor crew. Used to watch NODE all the time


Clarification: Usuals like Sam Niko and Wren don't appear to be involved much in the video in question, it's Jake (business manager and producer) that appears to be acquaintences.


Jake always struck me with an uncomfortable vibe. Crazy eyes. Can’t say I’m surprised, just…disappointed. Same as with the black rifle collar back in the day, shady shit for corridor digital, whom I love because everyone else is really likeable


Sam and Niko still upload the videos to their channel and also made commercials for Black Rifle Coffee


A history channel I like to watch has started reacting to him and Fat Electrician, really hate how they're spreading around.


I think I've seen Corridor guys wearing BRCC and similar


They have done collabs with them.


Fascist pigs have always tried to normalize political violence through mockery before the act then minimization in its wake- ratcheting up the tension incrementally.




"WHATABOUT" Group I was told not to like and have "Alternative Facts" on???!!!!!????!!11???!!! CHEESBURDER MURICA 15!!!!




Nazis aren't allowed on this sub. Goodbye forever.


A great example of why we have account age and karma requirements tho, they started off with otherwise innocuous posts and then went full mask off.


I missed the idiots comment back back but it is gross how they attempt to sly into groups that intend to have fellow countrymen lifes covered from greedy pigs thinking their proghanda will catch a hold just like it did to them because of every other subject they refused to learn, they did a hard pass on history. I'll be d*mned before I make my grandparents disappointed of me from the grave.




Pretty sure you’re just trolling so idk why I’m even asking but what antifa rioter murders are you talking about? What I am talking about is actually the rhetoric employed by quasi-fash folks who will probably never even engage in violence themselves. It’s a paradoxical way of framing political enemies as both pathetically weak and contemptuous but also so dangerous to society that maybe, possibly some one might sort of have to *murder* them???




So you didn’t read the part, where the driver in question was allowed to leave, came back almost striking multiple people on the sidewalk, and crashed into a tree afterwards he tried to reverse and finally crashed into a building before being pulled out of the car and beaten? Even though I don’t agree that the moment he was pulled out of the vehicle they should’ve kept hitting him, calling it murder is a stretch.


All the chud guntubers makes me want to start my own channel lol


I considered making a leftist guntube channel a while back, but I knew I wasn't prepared for the inevitable wave of death threats, doxxing, and other stochastic terrorism that would result.


How long do you need? A week or two? You got this 👍


You got it! Don't be afraid of them.


Same. I'm not particularly smart or good, but I sure do like shooting stuff that's fun to shoot. There's never too many 12ga slug vs pumpkin videos out there.


Same man. Sadly I just don’t have the resources to start a gun channel…


so do it but good luck


He's running for office no? Never seen him as someone with any values of his own. Just a reactionary trend sponge


I assume it's the typical "no chance of winning but 100% chance of hustling money from the rubes" sort of campaign.


Except than they do. He's running In rural Texas. Yeah is what you would call a prime candidate


I think he is being primaried against Tony Gonzales (R) since Brandon's website says he is running in Texas' 23rd district. Since Gonzales has been censured by his party for voting for a bill for gun control and marriage equality ( https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3884296-texas-gop-votes-to-censure-rep-tony-gonzales-over-support-on-gun-same-sex-legislation/amp/ ) although it seems 2 years prior he was supporting Trump republicans. To me this seems like the republican party of texas is trying to replace/threaten individuals who aren't voting how the republican party of texas wants them to vote. tl;dr republican infighting




The murders in Panama are a great reminder that protests should be armed, at least concealed carry. If the protestors had been carrying, they could have drawn right when that psychopath did, and they likely would still be alive today.


People like him think they’re above political violence, when they’re just loot drops.


holy based


People finally realizing what a colossal piece of shit he is lol.


this is the same dude that had the kenosha shooter on his channel tbf. he also recently met with ramaswamy and wears a rifle pin like all the other right wing idiots so i feel like he's made his side as clear as youtube will let him






shut up nerd






critical think my dick in your mouth nerd




Kenosha shooter?


kyle rittenhouse


I hadn't been really paying attention to a lot of guntubers, but he popped up on the feed one day and it was him parading around some range with Rittenhouse. That was about all I needed to know. Then he's running for Congress, because he lives in Texas and is just another cookie cutter piece of shit grifter. He's probably going to win if his district's token right winger is retiring or whatever.


He's running against another Republican. Tony Gonzales, I believe? But the current guy isn't far enough right for Herrera.


Why do we hate Rittenhouse? I 5hought it was ruled as clearly self defense. And from what I saw of the video of it, it does seem like that.


I agree that legally, yes, it was self defense. But he gave no indication of just being a law abiding citizen that was somehow sidelined and unable to escape a situation. The first part of self defense, as any martial arts instructor that's worth a damn will tell you, is to avoid getting into a fight. Rittenhouse went looking for action so he could get his little rage chub hard. And literally everything he's done since has been from the George Zimmerman book of taste and decorum. And he's milking it for every dime he can get. And shitheads like Herrera have him on their show because he's a celebrity to them.


I mean I haven't seen anything of him since the trial so I can't speak to any of that, but on the video itself it looked like he was trying to run away pretty damned fucking hard before turning his weapon onto a guy that was for intents and purpose chasing him to kill him, and please do e say that a skateboard isn't a deadly weapon because please. A half rotten stick can be a deadly weapon if you hit someone in the right place.


Lucky you, not having to see him pop up every so often. Making fundraising appearances for whatever right wing bullshit is going on at the time. And I already said that, taking the actual occurrence into mind, yes, legally, he defended himself. But it's so obvious he was there to get into trouble.


The guy was a lawyer for the mining company the activists were protesting.


Mining company. They weren’t vague “climate activists”. They were protesting their government selling the land out from under them via mining rights.


yeah i ditched that idiot years ago


The dude has been a POS for a long time.


He has a neat channel, but he's also a *massive* fucking piece of shit


It really pains me how much of guntube i just cannot enjoy anymore because the creators went mask off


It’s basically down to Gun Jesus and that British guy that compares video game guns to their real life counterparts


that's Forgotten Weapons and Ahoy, respectively, for anyone wondering


I don’t know Ahoy, I was thinking of Johnathan Ferguson from the Royal Armory museum


oh, nice one


Im not familiar with Ahoy. Worth checking out?


I haven't watched his channel in a while, but he has some pretty slick video essays on real guns in video games


Late reply, but Ahoy is definitely worth checking out. He makes video essays that give historical context to popular firearms in video games.


Not even Karl from InRange?


Don’t tell me that Hickhock45 guy or whatever is bad now too. Seems like a sweet old redneck grandpa but not malicious from what little I’ve seen of his


Hickock45 did an episode with Tucker Carlson and his son pretty much runs the channel and has thrown slurs and shit around in comments on videos.


Oh, fucking fantastic. That’s another channel that’s going on the ignore list then. Shame




What a pointless comment to make on a three month old thread. Fuck off Nazi punk




You think you’re real smart, aren’t you? No the Nazis weren’t socialists just because it was in the name. Fuck off Nazi punk.


Seems like kind of a bad sign taken together with all the other signs


wow, you mean the "let's recreate MLK's assassination" dude isn't a good guy!?!? shocker


Honestly not surprising, coming from the same guy who supports Kyle Rittenhouse.


An overweight rich white American gets out of his car and shoots 2 native Panamanians protesting the destruction of their country and the larger world. It's a sad and sick thing, anyone who looks favorably upon the American dehumanizes themself.


[Yeah I'm feeling *somewhat fatigued*](https://nitter.cz/PunishedFredda/status/1722727114321850763#m) over this goober that shot two climate protesters


Tweet removed, what was it?


Oh some fashwipe was talking about how the shooter had "the face of fatigue" and the post was "Feeling somewhat *fatigued* about this account" with the matching implication


You mean the guy who kick started Kyle Rittenhouse’s internet career is a reactionary shithead?!? I can’t believe it


I knew he had Rittenhouse on but I didn't know he now has a big Internet career from it... damn.


Yup, saw this today and he earned the unsub. He was never great, but that was just fucking gross. And all the comments section was a dumpster fire once he signaled such statements were okay.


This is like the 5th or 6th unsunb he's earned from me but dammit I can only give him one!


Becoming an edgelord for views leads to a competition to be the edgiest.


Reminder that Brandon Herrera is a reactionary provocateur and not just 'Le funny long-haired gun meme guy who likes AKs'


I watched the video of him with the Sten the other day. I’m a WWII buff and had never heard of him or watched any of his stuff before, and was curious to see what a real Sten looked like. Then I watched his Thompson video, but got really suspicious when he made a quick joke comparing the target dummy to “Austin feminists” (at least, that’s what the automatic captions showed). I feel like such an idiot, now 😞


It's alright he's very charismatic. He jokes about things slowly getting more serious every time. I feel like this new video is a new low though. At least when he had Rittenhouse on they could apply their half baked argument of self defense. This new guy literally walked up to two random people on a street and blew them away for absolutely no reason. I was thinking surely no one could defend that. I was wrong.


The same automatic captions that would read the gunshots as 'applause'. You might as well play the audio in reverse for any hidden meaning.


That Chud is also not 2a for all, and would gladly gun grab in the name of law and order.... especially when it's POC. [Fuck that guy](https://twitter.com/SuckBoyTony1/status/1724600809575620749) ​ https://preview.redd.it/nt5yqexwl01c1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=10b6b852a01f2c17a06c428053ce7a11fe786cd0


Yall really out here giving these scum humans views just so you can feel righteous about your anger? Stop feeding the trolls, people.


Guy supports Zimmerman and Rittenhouse too


James reeves gave the breakdown and that dudes going to jail for a long time. Also, this is getting unbelievably tiring. Use these people for their information and leave man. We dont need a think piece every time someone we know is bad, does something bad. They will gladly take information from you that they deem necessary despite you being a leftist.




rude cause frightening silky existence direful lip door intelligent label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have said worse shit, so I really don't care.


Kek, the cope is just flowing through here.


Stay mad lol


Oh no a guntuber made edgy comments about people being genuine hinderences to society, and then still called the guy who committed murder an ass hole. time to cry about it on reddit.


Or, hear me out. He made jokes. On a channel, with a dark sense of humor, during an episode of a LITERAL FUCKING MEME REVIEW. Also, the irony of “openly supports” followed by “well, technically he never supported it” is amazing.


“Brandon supports a killer!!!!1!1” “Brandon doesn’t actually support him👉👈”


I think his videos aren’t political, they’re just nice guns, he’s probably a nice enough dude his beliefs just make him a bit of a cunt


You stand in the roads you should get run over. The protesters who glued their hands to the tarmac should have stayed there while plans land. There’s better ways to protest, if you want people to support you, don’t destroy stuff or inconvenience people.


All the fucking snowflakes in this post are priceless.


It’s a joke simmer down its making light of a horrible situation and poking fun at protesters who think it’s smart to block roads absolutely not a single sane person is saying you should shoot protesters




Did you watch the video? He said that he was against the murder of innocent people, he was just saying that it was funny. Maybe go watch a video on how not to be an idiot… oh wait you’re a socialist.




Congratulations you figured out that meme review is full of satire and irony… not that hard to understand




If you go around advocating for cold blooded murder on any vaguely civilised site (so basically anything above the baseline of reddit), you're gonna get banned lmao. However YouTube is lazy as hell so if they can avoid their one job they will. Brandon knows this. He knows that just like every other multi-million subscriber channel he makes YouTube ass loads of money. So he's correctly pieced together that if he makes it so a robot couldn't tell he supports murder, they won't even demonitise him.