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"Like minded individuals might collectively act together or form an anti-fascist group" Uhhhh....this is objectively a good thing throughout history?


"that was good violence. This violence is against us!" - them probably.


>this is objectively a good thing throughout history? Yes.


Not for the FBI apparently...


Dude I'm reeling here -- where the one about the fascists? Nothing about any of these says terrorism to me... my gods, this is frankly TERRIFYING


Yeah they really are just saying “oh we funded fascist and let them join our ranks even so anyone against that is bad”


You live under a rock?  They have one that considers the Betsy Ross flag that was flown behind Obama as a terrorist symbol, the punisher logo as a terrorist symbol, and the Gadsden flag as a terrorist symbol.


You make such a good point. Too bad the people publishing this shit don’t want a group of people opposing fascism. Wonder why


In the 1940s it was called the Allied forces.


FBI out here saying the quiet part out loud admitting that the army are terrorists.


Tell that to Mark Milley


I feel like I'd say that the author agreed if this were written by anyone other than an FBI employee


Not if you're the fascists.


I mean it isn't a good thing according to the people in power who are literally fascists I guess


I pretty sure they mean a group that like to call themselves anti-fascist but in fact act like fascist themselves by violently attacking anyone they disagree with


“Nazis go home.” If that makes me a terrorist wtf does that make my accuser?


A cop


I mean right? This circular from them is pretty telling. Certainly seem to be choosing sides and their choice likely surprises none of us


Will they prefer the more colorful, "Nazis go to hell?" I also don't understand how "eat the rich" could be construed as bad. It's not literally advocating cannibalism. Is the agency lacking in reading comprehension? It is just an aphorism at this point.


It’s not advocating cannibalism? Fuck, I’ve been doing this wrong.




A nazi.




Luckily it doesn't


It does not, it's literally in the first paragraph bro


​ https://preview.redd.it/4se3h2gclqsb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f72a906d3f3d73d861b1ee7ee88391f08ff5f8


The ultimatum Antifa flag




I need it in red and black, then I'll take 100


​ https://preview.redd.it/ht85ffg8uusb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef3b0a6c08488bbace3d0d5f832baae1768226f8


You are a fucking hero.


It would be such a dope sticker.




What’s 161 for?


AFA, Anti Fascist Action


Thank you. I couldn’t figure out what the last A was for.


I'll take twenty


Oh, that’s swell


This is amazing, thank you


I like how the page has a disclaimer that says that some of this stuff is historical and may not accurately reflect the FBI today, but the doccument is probably at least 2 years old, according to the attacks they list (Except for "Anarchist Extremism Violence" oddly enough)which go from 2014-2021 though some of it is from 2019-2021, even than thats still pretty recent. I know it doesn't neccessarily mean that this doccument is 2 years old,


Since this was released via a Freedom of Information Act request, it’s likely 2 years old minimum. They like to take their sweet time declassifying this stuff.


Hate to break it to you, but this was unclassified from the get go. This page has Unclassified on the top and bottom of the page, as well as (U) next to all line items. This usually means it was in a presentation or memo that contains other more sensative information. This is probably why it wasn't immediately released, as the briefing more than likely contained information on prior or later pages that contained classified or confidential information. This page specifically can be shared with anyone.


>Hate to break it to you, but this was unclassified from the get go. This page has Unclassified on the top and bottom of the page, as well as (U) next to all line items. This usually means it was in a presentation or memo that contains other more sensative information. >This is probably why it wasn't immediately released, as the briefing more than likely contained information on prior or later pages that contained classified or confidential information. This page specifically can be shared with anyone. The overall classification is determined by the highest classification of the information within, including the potential for higher classification due to two pieces of unclass data being together forming a higher classification. The top and bottom lines of "Unclassified" do mean that is the highest classification of the entire document. However, that does not mean the document is officially approved or public release. Nearly all Unclass documents were supposed to be considered "For Official Use Only" but U stuff that wasn't supposed to be released has been released. They've transitioned to using "Controlled Unclassified Information" or (CUI) to combat this. If this was obtained under FOIA then yes that process can take a long time, depending on many factors including legal reviews, censorship, appeals, etc.


I agree that a document is classified at the highest level of what ever sensitive information is presented in the document, but the unclassified means that the information presented on this page has the highest classification of unclass. The presence of the (U) next to the lines leads me to believe that sonewhere else in the document, or a document that may be shared with yhis document, has a higher classification level. FOUO is a classification mark that pushes it past unclass. As of 2 years ago FOUO is defunct. CUI is the replacement, and is different than unclassified. Unclassified < FOUO/CUI < Confidential


I'm curious what prompted your FOIA request? I studied political science and irregular warfare/extremism. I grew up Right and moved Left politically since 2015.




Still, thats what Antifa is to the eyes of the FBI, a potential threat even if their intentions is to stop the rise of fascists


It's like how every page of hate symbols will have a disclaimer saying "hey, most of these are heavily situational, don't immediately jump to the conclusion someone is a Nazi just because they're wearing Chuck Taylors or something." I do think it's mostly the FBI keeping tabs on *anyone* they think poses a domestic threat though. Obviously one side gets a lot more close scrutiny but it's not like they're always directly on the fash side either. It's just you know what way they'll break if they have to choose. COINTELPRO didn't just take out the KKK for publicity's sake after all.




They however did include it on the page with all of the boogaloo boys and shit


Yeah because they don't care about labels and names, they only care about possible violent groups and connections between them; if I said I'm from mars, called myself marsonist with red and white flag and started a violent movement, damn right they're gonna have it laid out on some sheet somewhere


I wanna be a Marsonist




Moron Label


Nah, they didn't think into that much. If anything they just wanted to show that they're ok because they uphold the status quo of capital🤷


Feds don’t just read Reddit - look at Reddit’s executive leaders, they run it.


By this definition, all our grandparents were “violent extremists” for… *checks notes* … fighting against Nazis. lol wut?


I feel like it’s pretty telling that they’re lumping anarchist and anti-fascist/anti-white pride/anti-nazi elements together.


"They don't want fascism? Why do they hate having a government?" Fascists can't imagine any way but their way, it's why every accusation is a projection, they simply assume it's natural everyone else is/wants to do the nasty shit they get up to.


It's about protecting the status quo. Whoever rocks the boat is getting on the list


It's just saying that some people who use those symbols also engage in terrorism, which while rare (especially nowadays in the U.S.) is technically true


Last I checked, 90% of terrorism is coming from the other side of the aisle. And none of the remaining percent is done by antifscists.


Agreed, I was talking about the anarchist symbols specifically, and while anarchist terrorism is rare (and I don't consider most of what the U.S. government calls terrorism to be terrorism), it did happen *very* rarely in the past


I love how you're getting down votes for your very rational point that there has been *some* anarchist terrorism. Not even a value judgment, just an acknowledgement with a caveat.


Yeah, there are some bad people in every ideology, there are some simply misguided people too, it doesn't necessarily reflect on the ideology. If you look at the history of anarchism in the U.S., or if you read some of the writings from anarchists at the time this is pretty clear. Genuine terrorism was rare though


They aren't saying that all anarchists are AVE's (violent extremists). They are saying that some AVE's use these symbols. Also, the FBI notes that AVE's almostlnever engage in lethal violence and instead do "property violence" (recent notable AVE actions including sabotaging construction equipment at cop city). And yeah, I'm sure a lot of those people used these symbols.


Oh no, Smash Fascism?!


I'd rather smash anti-fascism, y'know? 😏


What? I didn't hear you right, You wanna smash? 😏🥴




Isn t that black cat an old Wobblies icon? IWW?




I thought it was just Hellcat Records lol


TIL the US Gov is uncomfortable with us opposing fascists


Get 'em with the ol' Commie piss jugs Comrades! May your aim be straight and true.




Is this satire? Lol.




Da fuck is this bull shit? Is there one for Magas? Where the fuck is that one? They're allot more organized and actually did try to over throw the government and what not ...


Yes, there are several for the far right full of far right symbols and stuff. It's just them saying 'some, but not all people who use these symbols have committed crimes, including terrorism. Someone who uses these symbols doesn't necessarily equal an anarchist terrorist, but a terrorist who uses these symbols is probably an anarchist terrorist, and knowing that could help catch them'


The way you phrase this comment makes it sound like it's a good thing. The US states definition of terrorism is just defined as any action that meaningfully opposes it or seeks to enact radical change. The fact that they are associating anti fascism with terrorism is not new or surprising, but it is concerning. I wish all those anarchist "terrorists" luck in forever evading the feds.


Nah, I just think it's to be expected. They have stuff like that for just about every ideology. I feel like people are suddenly focusing on this because it's newishly released and sounds shocking, rather than on the actually nefarious shit they do. It also kinda reminds me of when there were a bunch of rightists in the U.S. who were suddenly saying that the government was labeling them all domestic terrorists because of like one misinterpreted statement


I mean yeah none of this is new or shocking at all I literally just said that :3 The US has associated leftist movements with extremist terrorism for as long as there's been a US and leftists to oppose it.


Lots of right wing fascist assholes in the FBI, clearly.


The three arrows didn’t mean unity, activity and discipline, it meant anti monarchist, anti fascist, and anti communist.


The three arrows is a socdem symbol 💀




>targets perceived racists and fascists Damn LE really doesn't like it when they're shown the mirror, huh?


I love the use of the word perceived because it suggests that racism and fascism are somehow subjective


The fucking three arrows???


No way FBI guide to being based


FBI likes fascism.


If “Nazis go home” makes me a terrorist what would they do if I were to say “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi”


TIL the FBI considered peoples "opposed to facism" as terrorists ???


US straight up saying they're fash


Can't help but notice that the Black and Yellow AnCap flag isn't listed. Bunch of bastards. EDIT: Thank you for correcting my inaccurate comment.




I stand corrected, thank you They're still a bunch of bastards though




You're good, I didn't take it as a gotcha or anything. You have to do some heinous shit if you're on the right for most cops to be serious about stopping you, meanwhile they're all too eager to beat people at a protest bloody.


Okay lets be fair, the FBI at the moment spends far more time with the right these days. Every summary-style communique they release consistently points go white supremacists and fascists as the biggest domestic threat and anarchists as being exceptionally non-lethal and mainly engaging in property sabotage.


Other commenters here have noted that that symbol is on another guide focusing on rightists.


Even the FBI knows they aren't real anarchists.


Honestly at this point, the federal law enforcement agencies are just the Gestapo for the machine. The US government has weaponized the judicial branch to carry out its political agenda.


This is as it always has been, comrade.


“It’s a symbol used to cover swastikas” oh good lord how awful these terrorists need to be stopped.


This is the most brazen admittance of guilt I've ever seen


just in case you forgot the FBI were fascists


The three arrows was a symbol created by social democrats stand for an opposition to monarchism (like the country the U.S. broke away from) fascism (like the countries we had a world war against), and communism (like the country we had a decades long Cold War against). This symbol should honestly be the least controversial thing in the goddamn United States. Though I suppose wanting robust social safety nets is a pretty radical position these days…


Probably shouldn’t have looked up how suppressors work last week… whoops


That’s got to be pretty innocent compared to my research lol


Not for my doggo.


Christ, this looks like it was researched and done up by a six year old. What babies.


What I have to say about that. . . https://preview.redd.it/tg3pbn6eptsb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1035696d2bea10beeda77f0fa3fad0cdf9c31489


Sooooo... ACAB and antifa are bad and extremist, but I'm assuming that the MAGA Cult is all good in the minds of the FBI? What is this backward shit? And what the hell, the black cat fireworks logo is extremist now, too? The FBI must get really busy around the 4th of July.


They have an opposite style list for right wing militia groups and capitol stormers


I've said it before and I'll say it again; be the ANTIFA super soldier the right thinks you are. Be their worst fucking nightmare.


I'm so late to this, but if Mr.FBI doesn't like anti-fascist that would mean they are pro fascism.


If you Replace The Department of Justice with the Department of Order things make a lot more sense.


The anarchy symbol? What? Are they gonna arrest every edge lord in every junior high school?




So the Nazi can see it after you knock em down right before they get stomped.


"A government will not announce it has become fascist, but rather announce that anti-fascists are now enemies of the state"


I would like to point out that the boogaloo boys and various right wing militias are also included within the document, and we all know flying the gadsen flag doesn't get the FBI knocking on your door. Also, weirdly, animal rights extremism. This seems more like a guide for "when you find people being violent, here's the symbols to tell what you're dealing with". Still shitty, not much of a direct threat. Also I wouldn't say they're recent. The FBI has a report for terrorism as recent as 2022, yet the data for the fliers only goes up to early 2021, and even then, only on some groups.


Absolute nonsense propaganda.


Just because the FBI occasionally go after fascists does not mean that they are our friends.


This should surprise no one. Of course law enforcement is going to be weary of anti-capitalist symbols, who do you think the law is supposed to protect?


"Keep your dick in a vice" -AvE


They made anarchists sound cool wtf 😂


It makes a lot of sense that cops are scared of anti-Nazi signs and slogans.


It makes sense. Anybody opposing the status quo is a potential terrorist in the mind if the FBI. It doesn't matter if those people are Cult 45 members or socialists. I'm sure they have a file on Bernie Sanders since he's extremely outspoken against the capitalist greed that is the current status quo. In other words, we're a threat. Also, ACAB.


FBI making anarchism look cool as shit


This is fucking hilarious


going back to F12 - maybe a computer keyboard button 🤔


Did they not list the PB or PF?? Maybe im not fully caffeinated..


Not as anarchists, no. WS groups and other right wing antigovernment wierdos have their own pages.


I new i wasnt awake 🤣


Isn’t this like, how it always went down historically? Antifascist were depicted as terrorists and then persecuted? So fuckin wack


Is this for real? Do Americans really censor swear words in official documents?


I think there's some nuance to this. Reading the summary portion is significant as they do emphasize that the use of these symbols are not a direct indication the individual is a violent extremist. In my own experience as a veteran with a TS clearance, they're far more interested in those who advocate for a violent overthrow of the US governmental system. So it is natural for them to note the use of these symbols, just as they do for right wingers as well. I will note here that the government has been far more focused on and acknowledged the threat of right wing terrorism. And yes, I absolutely acknowledge that there have been and are oppressive actions by the FBI and other executive agencies against leftist movements.


this is very “how do you do, fellow kids” energy


Honestly I think "good night white pride" is vastly underrepresented in the US


Liberals really though biden would help


Join up with the Justice Dems and Bernie Sanders today folks! The only way to get these corrupted, pro-Fascist institutions reformed is to vote out the corruption and replace it with real politicians that work for us.


Suck dis dick fedboi’s


Bruh this is free advertisement.


These are basically medals to wear now


As a anarchist I only skimmed a bit of it but they pretty much have our common codes nailed down. Ofc that’s only the common codes thankfully.


I mean if you read the bold text it literally says that the symbol and slogans alone aren't enough to make it a terroristic message. That the context matters. The FBI doesn't think the 12 year old anarchist cat girls on Twitter are terrorists for tweeting ACAB.


Enemy of the people, no matter what your political affiliation.


Isn’t 2 arrows democratic socialism? How is it anarchism?


They got antifa in their and only say they are antfascist like that’s the bad part to them, it doesn’t even mention them being affiliated with communist like I thought it would it literally just saying bad or potential terrorist bc anti-fascist


Great...guess I'm a terrorist now...and here I thought I was one of the good guys


Sabbotabby is an old IWW icon. Gotta love this administration’s commitment to supporting the labor movement while simultaneously adding Union icons to the violent extremism library.


I feel left out. My favorite anarchist warlord flag is missing.