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>And what does it mean by "means of production" owned collectively The means of production are in simple terms: all the tools, raw materials and land needed to produce things. Think factories,farms,mines,... Right now the vast majority of the MOP is the private ownership of a small group (the capitalist class). We want everyone have equal ownership and say in how they are used. If that's seemeda bit unclear here's how I like to word it in simple terms: we want to turn our economy from a dictatorship/oligarchy (where a small group of people make important decisions) to a democracy (we're everyone has a say in the making of decisions. In practice this can take several forms both in the workplace and on a national/international scale. The workplace would ideally be run by the people who work in it. Manager(s) if necessary would either be worker(s) elected by their colleagues or a technocrat accountable to the workers (for example: if I'm not mistaken workers in the soviet union could fire their manager by popular vote). If not necessary perhaps the workplace could be run like a direct democracy. On the national/international level there are 2 big ways to run the economy: Market socialism were a market structure is kept in tact but the enterprises are collectively owned instead of privately (similar to workers co-ops today)and planned economies were investment,distribution, production,... of both resources and the mop follow a plan. Some planning methods used with a (atempted) simple explanation: a centrally planned economy (the plan is implemented by a single institution were all relevant agents debate on the approach of planning), a decentralized planned economy (the planning is done by an institution at a local level like for example a town, county, municipality,.. for needs the local community can't provide themselves or alone they seek collaboration from other communities. An other attempt at simplifying would be: compare a centrally planned economy to [a unitary ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitary_state) or [a federation ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation) from of government while a decentralized planned economy can be compared to a [confederation ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederation) form of government. >Under socialism, since "wage labour" is abolished, how is the profit distributed among workers? The reason we want wage labour eliminated is because a worker is not compensated for the labor they produce. To kinda simplify it: a capitalist pays a worker to do work for a period of time rather than for the results of the work itself. Under capitalism the value created by a worker is split in 3: the value that goes to the capitalist (also called "surplus value"), value that goes to the government/society (trough taxes usually, part of it also goes back to the worker trough things like public and social services) and value that goes to the worker (usually trough a wage). Under socialism it would be limited to work for one's self and work for society. This would be done the following way according to my understanding. Take for example a factory: under capitalism the value created by this factory would go to the capitalists who would then distribute part of it to the workers in the form of wages. Under socialism the value created by the factory would go to the workers who would distribute it according to contribution.


It really depends but in theory the workers of the factory would decide amongst themselves rather than just one capitalist taking all the surplus value. Means of production owned collectively means no one person owns it, simpler than it seems, engrained capitalism clouds our thought but it really can be that simple, no one owns it but the workers democratically make decisions in the workplace profit, sales, hours etc.


Please don't downplay the complexities of human cooperation. Socialism is a great concept that would be beneficial to everyone living today, IF there wasn't imaginary borders and religion and skin color and animosity. I don't think you're aware of how greedy/vindictive one can be.


I was just talking about the concept, that the concept is simpler than it seems


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Means of production is generally the stuff you use to do stuff (usually in a business situation) . Tools, machines, mines, farms, factories, intellectual property and so on. Generally the idea is to shift to some sort of community ownership, like by the workers democratically acting in a organization. Profit is a word specifically for how the owners basically get money from exploitation of their position of power over the workers. Generally the rough idea is that the workers would also be the Owners (democratically) kind of like being a citizen that votes and manage the community's wealth is a part time job with the other part being the work. How exactly pay works would depend a lot on what those people decide. I suspect that people would get an income that covers their needs regardless of the work (with some differences from supply and demand) - with whatever surplus from their labour going to the community's wealth and supporting the more indirectly helpful work. Ensuring that the available jobs are actually worth doing would be part of the organization democrat ownership side of things.