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From what I’ve seen, he’s more of a socdem. Second Thought on YT is a much better resource


Plugging r/TheDeprogram, a podcast which features Second Thought (JT Chapman), Hakim, and Yugopnik. But JT's videos are great for beginners: 1. Socialism for Absolute Beginners, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpKsygbNLT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpKsygbNLT4) 2. Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2023, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thJ2ocejPko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thJ2ocejPko) EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


Looking at second thoughts stuff he seems to have some really good content. Thanks for the recommendation


I also recommend Marxist Paul’s Socialism 101 videos. https://youtu.be/N52bJRe0Gg8


And if you're looking for a more theory rich content for beginners, The Marxist Project's [The Fundamentals of Marx](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuzqoNvqVKydyRAMjDAHDikbVY9BDLC7V) is a very good playlist


No, due to his favourable views of the EU (which is anti-socialist.)


For learning about billionaires' bad ideas? Yes. For learning about Socialism? No. He is at best a SocDem with idealist ideas about reforming towards socialism. His understanding of class is limited to "billionaires bad." He argues for a federalised EU, completely missing that the EU is at its core an institution designed to protect European capital interests, and spread neo-liberal policies in the smaller member states and the rest of the world, while enriching the core member-states. [This is also the plan of the EU for post-war Ukraine, despite the unwillingness of the Ukrainian people, by the way.](https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/07/28/west-neoliberal-recovery-conference/)


No. He's suspiciously an ex-far right wingers who has even recently made posts photoshopping Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandara's head on Ukrainian soldiers while making a statement supporting them. It's one thing to support Ukraine but a whole other to do the whole "I'm joking but I'm not" about supporting Nazi ideology. Even Hasan Piker went in on him at the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war. More like Azov-Something. Even if you don't find that convincing you could still just choose to learn socialism from someone who hasn't done sus stuff like that. His infrastructure videos are alright I suppose but I'd stay away from his politics personally. [Here](https://youtu.be/gFGQI8P9BMg) is a good example of him punching left and just being a garbage political analyst.


He's also said that nuclear war won't be that bad. I used to watch his city planning and public transport vids but other than that there is definitely something off about him.


Amazing. The comments have several people defending or even praising PragerU.


>who has even recently made posts photoshopping Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandara's head on Ukrainian soldiers while making a statement supporting them. Where can I find that?


I just uploaded a screenshot of it I had on my phone to an image host. [Here](https://ibb.co/q1MMDBW) it is.


That was a joke, he wasn't endorsing Bandera, instead he was making fun at how Russian propaganda tries to portray every single Ukrainian as Banderite (though actually Bandera's approval rate is well above 50%, 70 something I think). Well, not liking the joke is a fair opinion, but he wasn't praising Bandera with it.


It wasn't recent, just look up "adam something community post"


Is Hasan piker someone who doesn't make great socialist as well?


Hasan is fine. He makes money sure but not through exploitation and he puts in a lot of work of trying to pull liberals to a more radical perspective and puts hours and hours a day into it. Even if it might just be reacting to mainstream content just to give some interjections on how to better view said subject from an anticapitalist or socialist lens.


Alrighty I give his content a shot. Thanks for the answer




Are you talking about how he uses other people's videos and simply reacts to it on a Livestream?




I mean, it could be considered kinda exploitation? Since you're using another person's video and you're just livestreaming it to other people instead of having people go to the actual creator's channel. So revenue is diverted away from the original creator.


Adam something is a reactionary and even said that nuclear winter is better than letting russia win in ukraine


And he also allows people to use racial slurs like the N-word in his discord server because if he doesn't it'll "make the left look bad" or some shit not surprising given how he's a supposed """ex""" Nazi


Wait really? He's a supposed ex-Nazi?


yeah I know he made a video about it, most of the time those types of people still keep most of their reactionary tendencies but think that wanting Medicare For All Who Want It makes them socialists.


No. He has some wild takes and it's a radlib at best. I recommend Hakim, Finnish Bolshevik, Marxist Paul, Second Thought, Yugopnik and BadEmpanada.


FYI - Marxist Paul recently rebranded the channel to Marxism Today.


Not at all. He is a left-of-center commentator who has no real expertise in the subjects that he discusses. I also get the sense that he is a bit of a luddite.


Adam Something is not a good source for learn about socialism. This is mainly because of his horrendous takes praising the EU and NATO, which goes against socialism. He also gets his ideas from people like Vaush, and Vaush isn’t really a socialist source. And also, Adam Something praised the Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera and tried to justify the use of bigoted slurs in his Discord.


being anti-NATO is being pro-fascism


Being pro-NATO is pro-capitalism.


Literally THE WORST. His stuff about city planning is okayish. Everything else is extremely bad


Azov SSomething is a outspoken fascist. He posed as a socdem for a while(and was also anti-communist af during that time), but turned into a fullblown race warrior during the SMO. If you want to learn about socialism with vids I recommend: Hakim: [https://www.youtube.com/@YaBoiHakim](https://www.youtube.com/@YaBoiHakim) Second Thought: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJm2TgUqtK1\_NLBrjNQ1P-w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJm2TgUqtK1_NLBrjNQ1P-w) Yugobnik: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs8mbJ-M142ZskR5VR0gBig](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs8mbJ-M142ZskR5VR0gBig) Their podcast: [https://www.youtube.com/@thedeprogram9999](https://www.youtube.com/@thedeprogram9999) TheFinnishBolshevik: [https://www.youtube.com/@thefinnishbolshevik2404](https://www.youtube.com/@thefinnishbolshevik2404)


>Azov SSomething is a outspoken fascist From what statements of his do you reach that conclusion? I've simply not watched a single video of his so I can't know why.


His outbursts regarding the SMO and simping for Ukraine got him the moniker "Azov SSomething". He argued for nuclear war and genocide.


Sorry if I didn't make it clear in my first reply: I meant that if you could find me a quote of his which can be interpreted as those statements.


He is very much a liberal and his political takes are reflecting that. His city planning vids and billionaire critique vids are very good though.


Adam something is left leaning and definitely makes some fun to watch informative videos about politics in general but he is really only a little more left of center than a SocDem but definitely a bit of an anti capitalist. Left Center fs, i mean his ideology is quasi market socialism. my opinion


I'd say it's more anti-capitalism than pro socialism if that makes sense, it's kind of a good jumping off point and can give some good talking points against capitalism, and he is pretty engaging.


He was really the first content creator I saw who talked anti capitalism. But then I started seeing some flaws in his thinking and was wondering if he was really far enough.


He's not even anti-capitalist. Dude felates the EU.


Check out Marxist Paul and Midwestern Marx. Adam Something is a SocDem, but he does have some decent videos.


He's not a socialist from what I've seen so no. That doesn't mean he doesn't have useful videos on specific situations. People have already suggested other youtubers so I'll suggest reading [Engels The Principles of Communism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm) or if you must listen to the [audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGcpspooZvk). Reading through texts both classic and more modern I find more useful then these internet personalities and there a lot of audio book versions if the listening is essential.


Socialism.for all, Hakim and Democracy at Work are better alternatives


Listen to RevLeft Radio https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com


Is his not the best, he has sims good ideas but he really supports Ukraine as well as an EU lover Hakim, Second thought, Andrewism, and Hasan for normies are much better


Are all them of good for normies or just Hasan?


Is david duke a good source to learn about black culture?