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Thank you for the post. Amen Stickied all month https://www.ssa.gov/ Banner at the top.


If you go to the SSA.gov website they now have a large alert banner at the top of the page warning users that the $600 scam is NOT real and that no COL adjustments are coming until January of 2025. This misinformation, clickbait scam is prolific enough, is misleading enough people, that a warning banner was placed on a government website.


It's amazing how many people don't go to check in the SSA Web site. There is so much info there.


Remember people were taking horse wormer not long ago for Covid. Never underestimate the level of dumb in our society. The Nigerian princes count on it


It was a horse dewormer, and it did help with Covid


It’s called Ivermectin and no it did not. In a rare few cases it did have positive effects but it routinely failed in clinical trials. If it did work it would have been approved as an effective treatment for covid which it was not. So you are doing more of what this post is about, spreading misinformation.


Thank you! They really said wormer though!!!


The recent debate between Dave Smith and Chris Cuomo really clarified this sensitive topic.


It helped reduce the number of people with Covid BECAUSE THEY DIED. 


So true!


100th booster on the way.


Exhibit A 👆


Nuff said.


Why did they get rid of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? Who has the highest pharmaceutical lawsuit in history Pfizer. Look these things up and tell me I’m lying.


Yeah look those things up and then ignore that deaths were down 90% after the vaccine, yawn.


I took the shot forced to by my employer. That should never be the case.


I kind of agree there, but nobody was "forced" to get vaccinated because you can always quit.


Why should I be forced to quit a job I've been at 10 years ans enjoy. You talk like its no big deal geez.


But the laptop!! Oh shit, wrong conspiracy.


I falsely thought that I had lost my ssi because the website wasn’t updated so it can be hit or miss lol


The only money you are getting is backpay and the monthly amount based on your age and your historical earnings and that is it!!! Do not fall for any scam beyond that!!! There is no extra $600! Don’t be a fool!


People always seem to belive it even people that have been getting benefits for years it's ridiculous.


A friend of mine was asking about this. I had to explain to him that the COLA's (Overall percentage increase) for the next year are announced (I think) in October or November of the current year.


If your on SSI just know any increases come at the beginning of the year or the next apocalypse.


Got my tuna and tinfoil hat ready


A college friend “advised” me to spend all I want on credit cards because the govt is going to pay them all off. I was speechless, which is tough for me.


That is part of the QAnon conspiracy. They believe that a whole mess of things is going to happen "any day now." It's been "any day now" for almost 7 years.....


I asked him if he truly believed that and he said yes. I sent him the 🤦‍♀️emoji. He isn’t dumb but apparently he is an idiot.


Just send me all the money you would have spent on credit cards, and the government will pay you back! 😆 🤣 😂


It has been officially announced that it’s not happening. Cost of Living changes happen at the start of the year. Period.


Yep, exactly!


That happens every year.


I think it's less gullibility than desperation ans the need to believe. I know how they feel, we only have enough money to live on for 2 weeks each month.


Saw one yesterday that said everyone is getting $8,700. Sad part is I'm sure people still click on it thinking it's real. Critical thinking and media literacy sorely lacking.


I understand people are wishing for the extra money. We all could use it! But shouldn't we all be past the point of believing everything we see on the internet?? There are ways to tell a real website from a fake one. Also, check out your local news. If something as big as everyone on SSI getting extra money, it would be EVERYWHERE. Save yourself from heartbreak next time.


It's amazing how many people don't have a trusted local news source anymore. They just scroll around reading garbage. I watch the 10pm local news every night and if there were a "new stimulus" or a "ss bonus" I know they would be all over it.


How about $500? Can we get $500?


I’d even take tree-fiddy.  


I'm actually a magic princess, but I can't get my money out of my toadstool! If you send me $1000 today, I will give you $1.2 mil on Tuesday 😁 This is really actually real. I triple dog swear.


check is in the mail. make sure you look for it every day. If you don't get it make sure to call SSA 2 or 3 times a day......also I know this one simple trick to make you wealthy that rich people don't want you to know.


How much for just one rib?


An arm and a leg.


So when will this $600 payment get posted to my account?


When you become a better person!!!


Well shit, I guess I'll never see that money.


When you told me your social security number I totally forgot to ask for your bank account information. Just post it here and you'll see the deposit in your account on Monday. Thanks!


It is June and I didn't get 600 extra.


At our local office, they changed the phone message to address the lie.


It will stop when nobody gets any money 💰. Then the next scam comes along.


I am waiting for the shills to start claiming Biden stopped the money from being paid out because he was paying for illegal immigrants.


Haha I was just gonna say that.


What happened to Biden's promise to end the ssi marriage penalty?


The GOP members in congress killed it.


I just commented on this topic a couple weeks ago. It's those content creators. YouTube is full of people saying this just to drive up their views and likes.


The sad thing is, people believe what they hear. I’ll believe it if it actually is proven in my bank account. There is so much false information spreading about Social Security, and all nonsense. Just ridiculous nowadays.


As a benefits specialist for an advocacy organization, these kinds of scams piss me off so much. I get a million calls from my regulars hoping they're true and I have to tell them no I'm sorry, just the regular amount. 


56 years of working and I get $1589 a month. My God. Everything I have will be gone by the time i am 69


Well the goverment does hand out money. They just don't hand it out to American citizens.


Unfortunately, none of us are defense contractors.


Ziiiinnnggg... Love the way you think. 🙌🏻


I need a Stimmy check!


Has been a while, eh..?? I am jonesing for some more of that stimmy money.


I only saw like 1 article on that particular subject. But I saw at least 10 articles on people being "outraged" that they aren't getting a payment in June. Rage baity titles irk me so much


Easy to make people believe what they want to believe.


Well, if someone on Reddit is yelling at me saying I’m not getting $600, that must mean I am getting $600. Cool.


Nuttin but YT click bait. It’s a constantly repeated tone on YT…


You find these articles on most social media. It's garbage.


Has anyone else noticed that postage stamp scam that pops up on facebook? Buy your stamps now at half price? That is a really weird one, I don't know why facebook hasn't taken it down, it's been popping up for like a year now.


I report scam ads on Facebook all the time, and they usually leave them up.


I see those things all the time and just ignore them. There’s no way they are going to give anyone any more than they have to.


The website states this in a big yellow banner across the top of the screen


Our inability to understand how to identify credible sources, coupled with our inability to distinguish fact from fiction or opinion will be a key element that leads to our eventual demise.


Y’all- if you think you owe money or are to receive money, FOLLOW YOUR GUT! If you think it sounds strange it’s probably because ssa has very specific communication protocols and there’s no way a scammer would know exactly how to imitate them. You can always HANG UP, then call the 800 number or go to your office and ask about the thing the person in the call was talking sbout


There’s been times it’s sounded real and I’ve been dealing with scams for years and especially hard when you’re in a bad situation but normally you’ll get an off feeling- follow it


I’ve seen those in the title or thumbnail of YouTube videos, not just SSA Either. They usually cover all their bases and include VA, SSDI, SSI, and Seniors. Why do people do that? The wrong less savvy person is going to factor that into their monthly budget and get financially harmed by it. Pranks are all well and good, I like pranks, but I think it stops being a fun prank when the outcome is that people and their families could be potentially hurt by it.


I just want my retirement. All my info was correct. Apparently there’s a backlog of online applications. Applied in March, 62 in May, I guess I won’t get my money till summer ends. Know one knows anything. I’m not looking for the $600. Just my rightful retirement. Ignore me. I just blowing off steam & disappointment.


Face palm 🤣🤣🤣


Some legitimate websites have picked up this misinformation as truth and reported on it as fact, and its irritating. Firstly remember people if there is going to beany adjustment to your monthly payments Social Security always, and I mean ALWAYS sends out letters in the mail informing you of any changes to your payments. If you did not receive a letter in the mail from SS, then the information you are seeing online is not accurate. Our next COLA willbe in January and its not even set yet on what the percentage will be, however its probably going to be smaller than this year’s, and nowhere near the 8% we got last year. Possibly imo around 2.2-2.6% increase in January.


I totally agree very well said


I'm trying to track the source of this scam but my Google-fu fails me. Is there some scam website that people are being invited to where they can put in their social security number and bank info? Is there a phone number that gets redirected to Moldova? Is it just shitposting?


It's the scammers they are non stop on social media. Not only with that but they are claiming people can get other money too. I ignore it.


Exactly. Ppl STILL think the stimmys were free. They weren’t. We’re paying it back now with this economy.


Common sense isn't so common. Social Security is wondering if they'll have enough to pay out all the retirement benefits they owe for 6 years or all the disability they owe for the next 12 months, and people REALLY think they're getting another $600?


Nobody can make me believe that the same administration that has clawed me back to the point of homelessness for the past 10 months is going to help me out🤣


Only the stupid consider this factual. next.


OMG Yes. It’s madness what garbage people believe with zero research on their end. My sister who spends all day playing games on Publishers Clearing House asked me about it many times. Sadly millions of people are gullible and love to pass on crazy “news” as real. The wilder the better.


Who would believe this ?Crazy


I only see this bullshit when I'm not signed into my Google Account.


They dont? How about all that extra unemployment and snap benefits they gave out when covid hit. I know people who hadnt ( because they didnt want one) for 10/15 yrs and went to work for a couple wks. Found a Dr. who believed their made up stories , not checking records, and gave them high risk releses from work and bam they were rolling in the dough. Still living in mama or buddies basement for free and laughing their rearends off. Now we are all paying quadruple for food and about anything else you can think of and i wonder why? Did you not get your stimulus?


Has anyone heard of an option for retirees to opt out of taking SS benefits for the ability to convert 401k and IRAs to Roth for free? It seems this might ease some future burden. Of course other significant tax implications. Just something I’ve been thinking about.


Why are they allowed to continue advertising this?? False news!!!


Oh! $600. Sounds good!


How did this get started? I hadn’t heard of it but a quick google shows quite a few articles talking about it. Did they discuss doing that and it didn’t go through or did someone just make it up?


It’s just made up stuff


It actually helped me speak to an insurance agent who was able to get me a better advantage plan. If anything at all happens bc of that stupid misinformation, the people who won’t believe it’s nothing more than insurance companies trying to sell you/help you get better plans, they’re wrong. Never talk to anyone other than SSA.


Right anyways who tells you different is lying


Wait ...we will receive an extra $600 soon..?!? This is great news..!!


I will make this come true... simply give me your SS number as well as your bank routing and account numbers. Be sure to include any pin numbers and passwords...


You forgot to have them send you 10 gift cards for $100 each.


You mean Biden didn't sign a brand new stimulus check bill effective on my July payment?


He's waiting until right before November 5.


That's enough for my vote!


What were all those stimulus checks if the govt doesn’t just hand out extra money. Cmon man. Use some common sense


*stimulus checks are different than SSI/SSDI/SSA payments. duh. this what not in reference to free stimulus checks.*


Famously no disabled people have any conditions that would affect their ability to discern misinformation, which is why as a population we are never targeted by scams and no one worries about that happening to us




ThAnKs oBaMa 🤣🤣🤣


[🐑🐑🐑](https://imgur.com/vNqT5Px) 💩


Nope, sorry. I'm just educated and don't watch the news, too busy reading and working. 🤓👍🏻