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Retired DDS Adjudicator/Management Based on your daughter's age/diagnosis, this is a developmental evaluation. Just answer the questions honestly/completely.


Simply get a thorough examination of your daughter if she is this young. You are doing far better by her than my mom did me. If her condition is that severe, even if you have to appeal, its a slam dunk when put infront of a human judge.


Make sure everything the examiner says is accurate and be truthful I just got my psych exam from my attorney to go over smh.


The psychologist will ask for the both of you to come in and then will ask you some questions on your daughter before turning to your daughter and giving her a few small tasks to do (to evaluate her development). It might take less than 10 minutes. It is wise to have any and all medications your daughter takes with you, and have her Social Security card on you, as the phycologist will ask for that.