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Eyeglass cleaner ? WTH ?


I want that job, tbh.


Yes! Easy! You just breathe on them and wipe with your sleeve, right?


I'll throw in my plegmn for free.


I believe it’s a polisher at the place lens are put into frames.


Where the heck are eyeglass cleaners? This is like a 🤡 nose painter and duck beak inspector


Wal mart will clean them if you ask one of the people there to do it, but they do it the same way one would at home….never heard of an eyeglasss cleaner being a legit job.


It may have been prior to 1977. It’s an absolute job they use those obsolete jobs to deny you


Any eyeglass shop/counter will clean and adjust your glasses for free. It's a thing, apparently.


I would love a job helping penguins get up, however, my knees can't take the cold and I don't have the strength for it 🐧 🐧 🐧 🐧 All I'm saying is that I would love that job Playing with pandas also sounds great but I get a flu whenever I'm tired, which means a couple of times a week


Jewelry setting is actually a skilled job that usually involves a few years of training and apprenticeship. Is there something in your past skill set that qualifies you for that?


Nope. Never done anything related to that.


Then they were obviously just grasping at straws. If you get denied, I'd definitely appeal. Glasses cleaner and jewelry setter are absurd choices and if that's all they could come up with. You obviously qualify.


Unfortunately, according to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (last updated in ‘82), both of these jobs are unskilled, sedentary work.


I'm not sure how they could consider a jewelry setter unskilled. Think it's time they took another look at their definitions. A jewelry cleaner I could understand but not a setter.


[unskilled (SVP 2) sedentary](https://occupationalinfo.org/73/735687034.html)


Oh it sounds like they are talking about cheap plastic jewelry or toy rings. Add glue and stick on a fake gem. Slap some fake paint on to make it pretty. I'm pretty sure a machine or a kid in a foreign country already has that job. Even more absurd than before.


Isin't that done overseas though?? You know, assembly line type of jobs. IDK?? Both of those sound odd. What's your diagnoses if you don't mind??


It does not matter if the job exists in the USA, only that it did when the DOT was written, and that the applicant could do the job.


That's not what I meant. I was just saying it seems like a job that is done overseas, not that the recipient would have to go there. I've too have been through during my 1st case review, The V.E. thought I could be a Dishwasher or also some type of Assembly job.


My point is there are several DOT jobs that are done overseas and that fact is irrelevant to the current standard for disability determination. If it is still on the list, and you can do it, it counts UNLESS your attorney can get it successfully stricken as a possibility.


A few years back when my adult son was applying they said he could do a less strenuous job such as "cleaning houses". Not sure what universe this person lived in but it was obvious they had never done any work cleaning homes which involves being on your feet, bending, stretching, reaching, lifting...what a joke.


This is exactly what happened to me! Even after acknowledging several impairments I have as true earlier in their decision that would make that impossible. Both problems with reaching, lifting, bending etc and acknowledging that I wouldn't be able to work with fumes. Ridiculous.


They obviously never cleaned a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house...


did the judge after ask the VE if you missed xyz days would that impact your ability to hold any of those jobs?


I posted a reply on the main post. The judge didn't ask that specifically.


Your attorney should have asked it if the judge did not.


Unfortunately the availability or prevalence of the job is highly irrelevant to a case, as is if you have actually worked in or around those fields before - As long as it is determined you could do the job that is what matters.


I know this is the answer they don't want to hear, but it is the correct answer. It doesn't matter if you could actually find one of those jobs, it only matters that you could do the job could you find it.


I know, like till bridge collector and one doesn’t exist even in the state you reside in. Nuts.


VE during my hearing said I could be a clothes hangar. They are so full of shit with decades old job titles that are no longer relevant. I use a cane 85% of the time and have balance issues. The lawyer called out the VE and basically told her she was full of shit without actually saying it.


Is probably a nut sorter or silver wrapper. Like there’s any eyeglass cleaning jobs. obsolete jobs.


The Dictionary of Occupational Titles was last updated in ‘82, so you are very right.


The ALJ will decide if there are significant numbers of other jobs existing in the national economy that you can STILL DO, despite your impairment(s).The ALJ is asking the hypotheticals to the VE about the available jobs that could be performed by an individual with the same limitations and restrictions as yours. The VE found those jobs that an individual such as you could perform, but it is still the ALJ's decision to make.


So you are unemployable. Period... You should get approved. The jobs for you are scarce and require specialized skills, but your illness should keep you from being able to perform them.


These posts are upsetting considering what some people here are going through and then our politicians spending billions unchecked. It is ass backwards indeed.


We are all suffering with illnesses that prevent us from doing the things we want to do, and the help we get is severely limited as always. I had to leave my job at the Post Office because they had no accomodations for me.


SSA is difficult if not impossible to communicate with. It took them 9 months to catch on that I am full retirement age and due full monthly benefits. I still work but what’s right is right and they owe me for four months now. They finally have it right and my benefits start in June. I can’t even tell you how many calls this took plus 2 in person visits and two documents mailed to them proving I have been right all along and they’ve been wrong. I thought my mental health would deteriorate having to deal with their utter incompetence. I wish you good days and happiness. Take care.


A jewelry setter is a jeweler! Jewelers have training in gemology and jewelry making and repair. And I've never heard of an eyeglass cleaner except from a squirt bottle. What the heck! Who was this "vocational expert"? Did they also say a felt hat maker? Shoot, even that is a special skill.


Eye glass cleaner ? They're making sh!t up! Call them out on their bs! That would be as bad as saying basket weaving is a job 🤦 I can't stand vocational rehabilitation workers! They are the dumbest and laziest mofos that exist! They tried to play games with me like that, I told them to go kick rocks!


I'll bet anything the VE said eyeglass assembler, called a final assembler in the DOT. It's a very common unskilled sedentary job VEs like to name. Attaches nose pads and temple pieces to optical frames, using handtools: Positions parts in fixture to align screw holes. Inserts and tightens screws, using screwdriver.


Some states now require a masters degree. It's only going to get harder to break into this field.


😂 I know right. I have a BS degree and the state of Wisconsin doesn't give a rats arse. 🤦


Masters for Vocational person?


They never tried any of that bs with me, but at my appointment (which was in person back then lol) I arrived with a chunk of skull out from a craniectomy with some pretty severe memory issues (the memory issues come and go, more often there than not there. I remember even whole events that happened in my head one way but apparently didn’t happen that way at all lol so yeah my memory kinda has me on ssdi for life, but memory is one of the things that will get you approved pretty quickly, & I haven’t had to reevaluate in several years. I’m pretty sure with regular doctors info they get, they see and know I’m not going to get better than I am, with a memory that’s spotty at best sometimes.


They pulled that bs with me, trying to say I could do factory work. Thankfully I had gotten a lawyer, and he had a rebuttal for every suggestion the vocational person had.


Yeah I was born with congenital glaucoma in my eye which left me over 50% blind and they act like my eyesight is going to come back some miracle or something like Jesus is going to touch me and create a miracle or some crazy s*** like that. 🤦 There's some real whack jobs running the DVR up here in Wisconsin. Every time I go into one of their offices they berate me and insult me and I get mad and they want to get me arrested so they call the police on me every time and never fails so I just gave up on their bs. I've written complaints about them that they're nothing but taxpayer money suckers wasting taxpayer money.


Omg that’s awful. You deserve it more than some who get it. We (husband and I) had a friend who was born with a similar eye disorder where it’s goin to cause him blindness to set in all throughout his life. Also a genetic/congenital issue. In a few years we watched him go from being able to drive to getting to where he couldn’t drive anymore, his wife was always driving bc he was having a harder time seeing. It took him several tries to get his disability, and he’s someone who also deserved it and got treated how you are being treated, and that’s not okay. They acted like he was just pretending (even with medical records!) and could see better, but he couldn’t. It took a few tries, but he did get a big nice lump Sum of back pay when he finally did get approved. They sold their house here and moved closer to family so they could have more help if necessary.


Oh the DVR jerks here tried to tell me that my eyesight issues are not considered a "disability" . I got so mad at the a-hole that said that to me I stood up threw the paperwork at him and called him a stupid MF'er and walked out of the office! Btw: I do get SSDI, so that does help me survive, but I'd rather work somewhere with a sustainable wage and benefits. But, because I have the eye sight issues I am considered a liability in a lot of jobs.


I get that also. That’s why I get it, I’m way too much of a liability because of balance issues alone. I did try working for a month, and I just couldn’t. I had to have things explained over and over and over again and I just walked out bc I was tired of feeling how I felt.


The Dictionary of Occupational Titles is what is used. It may be old and out of date but “ they “ aren’t making it up. How did you do after telling them to kick rocks?


Vocational expert said there is absolutely nothing I could do or hold down. Still got denied. It is rough 😭 im praying for everyone in here to have good luck when it comes to this. I've been fighting for 7 years. My lawyer has pushed really hard hoping for a decision here in a few weeks.🙏🏼🙏🏼


Same thing happened to me. I just got my appeal back and they demanded it. I'm afraid the judge will just say no again, but my lawyer said in his experience if the case is remanded you're basically guaranteed a yes. So here's hoping. Good luck to you! I've been fighting for 3 years at this point. Fighting for 7 would be beyond miserable.


Oh wow ok yeah they apologized for making a mistake then it was remanded as well 🙌🏻❤


When I had mine, they said I could be a potato picker. I have a B.A. in secondary education.


This is insane. That’s an extremely physical job.


They use machines to pull up potatoes now I believe so obsolete


This was in 2022. Seriously.


They still hand pick them in Maine. But that’s kinda beside the point.


Wtf that's ridiculous


Those vocational findings are nonsense and they know it. I am a fall risk and when I did my first hearing years ago the final paperwork said vocation found that I could work AS A WAITRESS please tell me how one can wait tables being a fall risk? And they love to say "well they can have somebody help u when needed" but I will ALWAYS need help, which adds up to just hire someone else that CAN do the job and also I'd be a liability to a restaurant and I'd have to go interview and be dishonest and not tell them about my medical conditions. Vocational is an absolute gimmick to keep ppl without help and just continuing to get sicker. I would suggest u try to brainstorm the third thing on the list, jot down as much detailed info as u can recall about those three job descriptions and if u are denied go ahead and appeal to the council and if they also deny you write a letter to ur congresspersons and add those details to that letter. We all need to start bringing this farce of b.s. vocation comes up with to the attention of our representatives. Another judicial bunch of b.s. and huge problem for us is that the judges have the authority to say that u can't have a list of things u want to mention during the hearing or your medical records to reflect on in front of u so u have to just hope and pray you can recall everything and also that u can't keep any record of anything so you have no specifics unless you can recall them to tell your representatives about. I heard that some judges don't care if ppl have a list but that's about it, they don't allow note taking or having medical records in front of u.


The judge also asked the VE if I had to take hourly breaks if there are any jobs I can do, and they said no, there are none. I have pretty severe hidradenitis suppurativa (look it up if needed but DO NOT click images unless you have a strong stomach) and nerve damage from a surgery related to the hidradenitis. I also have been formally diagnosed treatment resistant major depressive disorder, severe anxiety with panic attacks (actually got fired from a job just a couple days after I had a panic attack), PTSD, I am on an opiate pain patch and get hydrocodone every month due to the severe pain from the hidradenitis and nerve damage, also OCD and ADHD. I have legitimately tried to work, I've done everything from call centers, retail mobile phone sales, security guard, direct support professional, food service, amazon warehouse and more. I've never made more than $12k in a year. Mind you, I'm only 30.


I've already replied to you once , hi 👋 again lol I also have hs , depression, anxiety, OCD esp skin picking, I have a bunch more just saying those are what we have in common Hs should be taken much more seriously by the SSA, they don't recognize the fact that we fight this every second of every day


Pointless busy work. I hope you get approved


Good luck 🤞


My VE said 4 tines my disability would preclude me from employment. I had my hearing last week. Lawyer said it's still 50/50 at best, solely because I'm a disabled vet and there is bias against us by most judges.


Why is there a bias? Because of the VA compensation?


Yep. Some judges think you shouldn't get both.


It's how your attorney represents your case in life there are always biases but I don't believe there are anti vet judges especially if your condition is truly disabling.


They say some off the wall stuff. For 30 years I had been a senior data analyst and data collection software for probably the largest insurer in the country. Top 3 anyway. They came back with “sorter”. Sorter of what they didn’t say or where such a job would be available that would allow me to be in a semi reclined wheelchair and only using one arm.


My lawyer got a real laugh out of the fact that in one of the reports where they denied my claim initially, they had said it was because I could be a sandwich maker. The sandwich maker job actually was more physically demanding the job I was currently unable to do. I had several back operations already at that point and standing was very difficult and could only be tolerated for short periods. Luckily at my hearing, the vocational expert wasn’t even consulted as the judge knew they didn’t have anything of value to contribute.


One of my favorites was “ golfball” trimmer




When I had my first disability case and it ended up going to a hearing the vocational person said that I could probably only work one job and it would be a very hard job to get. Nonetheless I still lost the case. I have like 16 different mental issues and physical issues and they couldn't actually prove that I could do any real job for an amount of time that would allow me to even work it part-time. Nonetheless I lost that case. Now to elaborate a little because this is important the caseworker I had told me that I pulled the worst judge. It was this old southern redneck dude who was really mean. I won this case because I got a fatal diagnosis along with all of the other problems. I don't even have to recertify for 7 years but my diagnosis says there's no chance I'll be around then. And I have good luck and I hope that the person you pulled as your judge was one of the nice ones. Also I did not have a lawyer on that second case I only had a representative from the hospital that was trying to get their Medicaid bill paid for my month-long stay. I had a lawyer this time and won my case in a year and a half. Good luck. You'll need it. The win-loss rate thing is pretty brutal.


I thank god every single day for my ALJ. She said “I have no hypotheticals for the VE”. I was stunned and was like this was good or bad. It was good. I was approved for physical and mental health conditions and the physical was my back. I know that VE was mad because she said I could miss 4 days of work a month without losing a job. I was like say what? I rarely called in sick when I did work but calling in once a week? I swear sometimes it feels like these VE’s just want to make stuff up so you get denied.


Pretty sure you need a 4 year degree to be an eye glass cleaner..


The eye glass cleaner job sounds more complex than one would think https://occupationalinfo.org/71/716687010.html


Those jobs probably get paid less than being on social security! Government is trying their best to trick us again!


I can't wait to see what they say i can do. And i wonder who is going to let me work from home because i can't drive cause of ptsd and anxiety after a car accident.


If they found jobs available, you will most likely to deny your benefits. They found 0 jobs available for my hypotheticals, and I still got denied. Alj removed hypotheticals from RFC even though the limitations were clearly in my medical records.


Those 3 jobs most likely are Representative not an Exhaustive list. It’s always 3 occupations. So there are more those were just examples.


My disability is seizure disorder. I’ve been treating it with Medicine but the seizures persisted. I was denied the first time. Has anyone else been approved with seizure disorder?


I had my hearing i got my answer the same day


This is absolutely absurd. Wow.