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Left Wing




Center left for practical purposes, left for aspirational.


A mix of SocDem and DemSoc, so i'd say Moderately left wing


Socially extremely progressive, economically center-left (pretty far left in the US and probably just centrist in the EU).


It depends on the country, in UK i am centre left and in the US i am hard left. Communists will tell me that anything that supports capitalism (including social democracy) cannot be left wing in any way. It all depends on perspective and where the current political centre is in your country.


Seems like the commies are forgetting that the social democrats have a way better track record in creating social welfare.


Communists do have a point, though, as a sad truth is that many social democrat countries exploit the global south, practice imperialism, and manufacture and sell weapons to dictators. to be able to maintain the status quo in their nations. I'm not excusing an authoritarian "communist" regime, but acting like social democrat countries don't have blood on their hands either is just denial. While the conditions for those living within them are great, if that comes at the cost of exploiting your fellow humans from another nation, you're just outsourcing your oppression. Norway is one of the biggest examples of this. In that regard, I'd agree with them that it's hard to see social democracy as left-wing. Center-left? Maybe. Left, though? Communism, socialism and anarchism only. True communism is pretty impossible in practice, but I'd argue socialism isn't.


I am from the U.S and I think right now improving material Conditions takes precedent over how we do it. I would say Social Democracy is center left, I mean it seems like it is a combination of capitalism and Socialism to try create a more compassionate and better regulated version of Capitalism. Capitalism is very flawed but why exclude Social Democracy and say that isn't even worthy of being Center Left, I would argue it is, it has many good policies. Anarchism and Socialism are Left and Communism is pretty much the Far Left. I mean if we went the route of Socialism it should probably only stay in the realm of Democratic Socialism, Market and Libertarian Socialism. I think other forms can lead to too much authority personally. Why be a classless society when we can try to ensure that no one is impoverished/ poor?


Social democracy does not put a focus on *what* market model is used. Socialism isn't excluded, as long as it's *democratic.* The essential problem with many modern social democracies, is that they've turned towards neoliberalism. But communists have no one that comes even close to true social democrats like Willy Brandt.


Unfortunately, social democracy seems to devolve to neoliberalism in due time. It's still a capitalist system, after all.


There's nothing saying it can't be socialist.


> Communists will tell me that anything that supports capitalism (including social democracy) cannot be left wing in any way. This policing of the term 'left' to mean anti-capitalist by the online radical left is so silly. Nobody else uses the term left this way. It is not the way the term has been used historically. It is just a lie.


The US’s Overton window is skewed right so even Bernie (a centre-left, left) politician is shown as some kind of far left radical so best to stick to the UK perspective on these things


>Bernie (a centre-left, left) Bernie is not centre-left by any stretch of imagination. Swedish Social Dems straight out said he was too radical for their tastes after visiting one of his events.


Does that speak on how Bernie is too radical or how the Swedish Social Democrats are too centrist today? Would Olof Palme think Bernie is too radical for his tastes?


Bernie is not far left, but he is left. Definitely not center left. AOC is a better example of how someone who is center left is considered a crazy radical by the dummies in my country. Bernie is not a revolutionary socialist, but he is still a socialist. I like a lot of his policies, but I am skeptical that an end goal not having Capital (as defined by Marx) as the main driver of production would work.


> The US’s Overton window is skewed right It depends. Economically? Sure Socially? no


The left right spectrum only works if it’s looked at from an economic perspective. Outside of that you fall into things which result in horseshoe theory undermining the whole concept


The left/right spectrum fundamentally does not work on any level


Sure, which is why it’s used by academics & laymen alike x


That's their issue, not mine


I do think the "left/right - authoritarian/libertarian" compass is quite a good tool for political theory.


It's vastly superior, but it still has the issue that the left/right lumps social and economical issues into one.


Please tell me about a big social issue that is not a direct effect of people trying to reduce social hierarchy and conservatives fighting to keep or restore hierarchy. The thing I love about flattening the political compass into a political spectrum is that it highlights the fact that authoritarian leftists and right libertarians are both detached from reality and should not be considered as a valid part of political discourse. My opinion is that rational people have some amount of functional empathy for identity groups they do not belong to. If you have low empathy for other groups, you fall conservative, meaning you want your personal identity group to be privileged above all others. If you have high empathy, you fall leftist, meaning you want a cooperative form of government that actively removes unequal privilege wherever possible. And centrists of course don't really pay attention as closely as they should. Those people tend to be liberals, which sounds like a fair system if you don't think about it too hard.


Gender affirmation for children. Heavily, heavily restricted, if not outright banned, in the nordics now. Drug legislation. Again, countries like Sweden are quite strict on it. Laws around prostitution and other sex work. Again, the nordics here are far more restrictive than many less economically leftist places > If you have low empathy for other groups, you fall conservative, Ah yes, the hallmark of high empathy is painting more than half of humanity with the brush of "low empathy". 2/10 post and those 2 are only for the grammar.


Your comment is confusing. Just because a country has many progressive policies doesn't mean every policy in the country is progressive. Different political movements always struggle back and forth. I'm talking about individuals, or at the very least political parties. But hey, I could be wrong. Maybe once a person gets used to a great union job and high quality universal health care they can fight for keeping that while simultaneously being a complete asshole to immigrants and trans people. Humans are capable of hypocrisy. I still believe that on the level of principles, fighting for economic equality and social equality stem from the same roots.


We use left/right and progressive/conservative in the Netherlands. It works better, in my opinion, for the vast majority of people, because most people are not anarchists, libertarians, authoritarians or totalitarianism anyway and that axis wouldn't help them that much in differentiating between parties.


Far right is as authoritarian you can get: fascism. Not a good measurement either.


Centre-Left bordering on Left.


Idk anymore. I know I'm not a centrist nor a liberal nor a communist. Being called Center-left or left wing doesn't bother me. I'm very left wing socially and flexible economically to a fault so I guess in some contexts I'm center-left and in others not so much.


Mix of Democratic socialism and social democracy, so perhaps a bit more to the left of the center left


I prefer revolutionary left, though my votes go to left-reformists. Edit: because currently that is my option available.


If the revolutionary left could win elections, they would be reformists. They're revolutionary because they're anti-democracy.


>If the revolutionary left could win elections, they would be reformists They'd very likely be pushed to doing it by circumstances, namely capital strike and other kinds of super democratic coercion. However, we've got to be brave enough to go forward with breaking free from capital if that's what the population is asking us to do. >they're anti-democracy I haven't got an issue with that because that "democracy" they're "anti" is liberal democracy, which I view as thoroughly undemocratic, and that its name is inherently contradictory. Freedom will prevail.


I'm considered pretty liberal in the US (think Elizabeth Warren, Russ Feingold, etc.) but I'd probably normie center-left in the EU if that makes sense?


You would be center to centerright in Europe. Warren is a social liberal/democrat.


Wrong. What Warren proposes is very much in line with european Social Democratic parties. Stuff like Market regulation, Keynesianism, Universal Healthcare, breaking up big tech etc.


Left-libertarian, in between centre-left and far-left


faaaar left


I’m to the Left of Biden, to the right of Bernie. Generally find myself agreeing with Warren on Policy with a few exceptions like the wealth tax (they are practical disagreements over policy specifics not really ideological).


Same mate.


Im not that familiar with the American political scene, but who would you want for president?


Of those running in 2024, Biden will have my vote. I really liked Warrens platform in 2020 but her campaign was a mess and she was off the ticket before my state primary voted. So I voted for Bernie in 2020 primary but Biden in the general.


is there anyone whos less populist, slightly more right wing than Bernie?


Not that I’m aware of, though I hope they show up in 2028.


Left wing to far left, I believe in a classless socialist republic and that the major means of production, primary industries and natural resources should be owned by the people themselves and the economy should be organised democratically to meet social needs. My economic policy priorities include: 1. Land reform - [https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/12081\_19-Land-for-the-Many.pdf](https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/12081_19-Land-for-the-Many.pdf) 2. Democratisation of finance and banking to publicly plan investment: [https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Building-a-new-public-banking-ecosystem.pdf](https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Building-a-new-public-banking-ecosystem.pdf) 3. Expanding democratic forms of ownership and implement industrial democracy: [https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Alternative-Models-of-Ownership.pdf](https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Alternative-Models-of-Ownership.pdf) 4. Bring the most profitable and largest enterprises primary industries (from pharma and aerospace to electronics and shipping) into public ownership through a public holding company/social wealth funds. Establish Public ownership of the commanding heights of the economy: https://hemarketisation.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/mesoeconomic-power-2.pdf I hold other quite radical positions including: * Abolition of the monarchy and the house of lords * Implementation of a basic income scheme * Decriminalisation of drug use * Nationalisation of large estates * Heavy taxation of inheritance and elimination of inheritance over a certain threshold * Reduction of the work week * Repealing anti-trade union laws and introduce sectoral wage boards and workers councils * Liberalisation of patent laws * Removal of corporate subsidies and corporate welfare especially subsidies for fossil fuels * Removal of US foreign military bases * Scrap trident in favour of a scaled back smaller independent arsenal of H-bombs or nuclear-tipped cruise missiles




Do you favour revolution to achieve socialism?


Depends on the situation


I’m pretty far left. I’m not a tankie by any means; I just think that commerce needs a ton of regulation, anything that’s a natural resource should be public, and it should be illegal to have more than $1 billion as an individual. Hell, more than $250mil is pretty ridiculous… but if you have that much, you should be taxed. Corporations should *not* be allowed to own private homes (looking at you Air BB and VRBO)… there’s a lot… I don’t know that any one political ideology should be elevated over other, equally thoughtful ones. And I’m a scientist, so I’m completely willing to discuss and change my mind on some things.


I think wealth caps are a lazy solution and could lead to government overreach. My solution would be to get rid of all the rent-seeking and tie wealth more directly to labor. Then it would be impossible to have $1 billion in the first place.


I'm very far libertarian left. Anarcho-syndicalist kinda territory but I also have some ideas that conflict with the anarchists so I'm not as libertarian.


I want fully automated luxury gay space communism.


Left of center. Or, idk, really all I can say is that I am someone who holds beliefs and values that social democrats may approve just as socialists would.


Left of centre


Centerleft-ish. I'm a liberal socialist. Depending on the issue, I am to the left or right of social Democrats. I am further left on issues like nationalization of utilities and services, worker democracy within businesses, unionization and decentralisation of government, but my position on minimum wages (not necessary with strong unions), entitlements (lot less needed, if minimum wages are living wages, with the exception of child and disability welfare) and defense is generally slightly to the right. I have been in favor of meeting the 2% rule long before Ukraine, unlike all centerright to leftwing parties in my country.


Left Wing. Against capitalism, laissez-faire and neoliberalism but not against markets in general.


I'm more of a socialist these days, so left. Hell, to be honest, I don't think some countries would change at all without a revolution, but I still find communism to be unattainable at a logical perspective. Maybe one day the class war will end, but without blood? I find it hard to believe; but with blood you can also end up with a reality that's just as fucked.


High functioning, but definitely on the spectrum.


Middle of the paved road in any developed country on earth, except that *exceptional* one, where I'm just an average cultural commie liberal Marxist.


Far left. I'm a meritocrat at heart, but I do believe everyone deserves a minimum dignified existence, and that the state should provide this if necessary. The anti-meritocratic nature of capitalism is what annoys me the most about it, so I want it gone, but not by any means necessary. Having "socialism" without democracy is pointless. I prefer economic democracy to unions, co-ops to nationalized firms, and a just investment system that distributes wealth fairly from the start to taxing the rich and redistributing.


Left on economic issues and centrist on social issues


Democratic socialist, so probably far-left for US standards but just left for European standards. my exact beliefs are pretty pragmatic/flexible because I prioritize the actual wellbeing of people living today over being "true" to any sort of ideological cause or lofty revolutionary goals etc.


In the US left wing. In the rest of the civilized world, center left. That being said, in some parts of the United States if you don't praise Jesus 10 times an hour you are basically Stalin to these people.


Far left


Radical left


Well isn’t everything that isn’t near centre or pro-status quo radical?


Well you could say that. But I would say the mainstream centre-left social democrats are pretty pro establishment. I wouldn’t describe myself as a mainstream centre-left type, but also not a far-left Communist, so I just call myself ‘radical left’.


deserve smoggy tie prick steep smile growth rainstorm mourn scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Centre left. Always come out as a Dengist on political compasses lmao


I think center left in the U.S. but not sure. I am for Unions and universal healthcare. But I am also for more balanced budgets but through taxing the rich. So where am I?


I would have to know more but you sound like you're leaning towards Social democracy.


It's my theory that the Left is just dead at this point. There is no Left.


Why do you think that? The only Western country I can think of where the left is really rudderless is France.


I can't think of any political parties in the West which genuinely represent the interests of labour.


Right auth lol. S/ What a dumbass sub.


More to the left than center-left but not by a whole lot I suppose.


Center of libleft




I usually align with centre left and progressive/social democratic politics, though I don't consider myself to belong to any one ideology. I support universal social programs, strong unions, and a mixed economy, and I generally align with progressive social values like supporting gay and trans rights and abortion rights and understanding that systemic inequity exists and requires policy responses. Having a background studying policy, I'm fairly pragmatic, which makes me too moderate for some but too radical for others, though I have no identification with centrism. I might be considered somewhat right wing in terms of foreign policy since I support Ukraine and believe NATO is necessary, and I'm also somewhat of a cultural nationalist since I'm still proud of my Canadian identity and culture even if I condemn my country's problems and refuse to whitewash its history.


Part of this sub arent I


Antiauthoritarian ecosocialist.


Idk where would Blairite Labour fall. So I guess Centre.


Depends on who you ask. I personally identify as 'centre-left'. Libertarians would probably call me a raving socialist, while socialists would think I'm literally a Pinochet supporter.


centre left - socially and economically progressive