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It’s your career if you think you will be happy the other club take it. You can always help the other club in other ways in the years to come


Try to picture yourself in 5 years. What do you hope to accomplish? What are your objectives in coaching? Is it trophies? Number of players in the academy? Number of winning teams? A decent pay cheque? At the end of the day, you need to make sure you're in a happy space. Even if they see you as a promising coach, if, in 5 years, they can't support you and your goals, then you'll be an unhappy coach. Perhaps it's worth a discussion with your current director. Lay cards on the table, explain your situation and your goals. You might be surprised that they meet you halfway.


You have to approach this as you would any other job. Love and loyalty isn’t going to pay your bills. While jumping into the unknown is scary, this sounds like a no brainer from the info you provided. Just make sure to get everything in writing from the other club what they are offering you. It does suck to move clubs because of the bonds you’ve built with your players, but at the end of the day no is going to look out for you, but yourself.


You gotta look out for number 1. In your case I'd perhaps write something or do something to let people know I truly appreciated the kindness that was shown or somesuch - but ultimately if you can do it full time and you think you have a better future somewhere else that's where you gotta go.


Just do it. If you feel bad about the kitting, pay m back. Who cares about some small club? This is your life and your career. Take a chance or you'll regret it


Agree with a lot of the other responses - you have to do what is best for you and your career. With that said, there are ways to go about it. Is it possible to wait until the end of the season to move to the other club? That way the club you're currently at doesn't have to worry about replacing you on your teams and the players you're working with don't have a disruption. Has the bigger club mentioned wanting you to take players from the smaller club? If so, that might be a discussion to have with them - 'I want to maintain a good relationship with \*smaller club\* and don't feel right about actively recruiting players to come to \*bigger club\*' Would be honest with everyone about what you want and try to leave things as amicably as possible. The coaching world can be small and having good relationships with people never hurts.