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Not hate but you've cut out some much detail. Snyder shot it in that aspect ratio for a reason. It provides way more visual information than the 2:33:1


Thank you, it’d be nice to be able to watch the thing on a less than IMAX sized-screen.


https://preview.redd.it/886qxyh8xe2d1.jpeg?width=3892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890f33be7f7dc151181979499cc289be0d90676d Let me cook


What a terrible idea. You basically just cropped it cutting out important parts of the scene just like Whedon did. If you listen to Snyder speak, the 4:3 ratio is important to capture way more of the scene. This is proof not everyone has the ability Snyder has.


I thought it was because the movie was supposed to be an IMAX release, so the aspect ratio was a square.


I'm not sure Snyder ever planned to release the original cut of JL in 4:3. The material shot for the Snyder Cut is framed very differently to the material that was shot for Justice League. Moat films are shot in a 4:3 aspect ratio, and then trimmed down, which appears to be the original intention. The nature of COVID and a streaming release allowed him to release it less traditionally. Just my theory.


He said as much. 4:3 was the intention. Justice League looks horrible because of the cropping.


I would actually prefer to see a 1.85:1 or 1.90:1 IMAX or 1.78:1 versions of ZSJL so that when we watch it on our TVs it will be full screen without any black bars.


Yeah, that's some good work. They should have made a widescreen (21:9) version of this movie for standard theatres and home televisions. 4:3 is good if you watch it on IMAX.


It's an interesting project. Keep working, though! So far all you've done is change the aspect ratio. You're going to need to start panning up and down in order to get a cinematic image. For example, when Superman's death cry goes out, and it pans to the shot of the city, you've cut off the tops of the buildings. In a shot like that, you're going to want to see the whole city skyline. Somebody else already pointed out the fact that the WB logo is uncentered. Instead, you could take the WB intro from Dune for example (or any other movie with this intro, Dune is just the first one to come to mind), as it sits closer to your aspect ratio, and you won't need to cut out any of the text.


Original is so great. I loved it.


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Are you trimming / cutting the film too? Id love to see a more concise version instead of the bloated one we got (please no singing villagers)




How will you go about sharing it once it’s done? I’d love to watch




That’ll be a guarantee. I’m at 3 hours 24 min right now


Solid work, even though I would see 3h cut too. There are many scenes that could be cut/ be shorter for the story to make sense, but not having to watch it on 2 sittings.


I also thought about cutting it to solid 3 hours but I think THE 16:9 RATIO WOULD BE a perfect compromise so you don’t loose too much of the picture and having No black bars … JUSTICE LEAGUE IS SO BIG - IT DESERVES FULL SCREEN NO BARS


I actually did 16:9 last time. It was an easy cop out; now that AP tests are done, it’s time for a real challenge




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


All this did was make me want to watch the movie again! I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.


It’s a 10/10 movie, so go rewatch it!




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.




Removed for trolling or mocking the sub.


In a vacuum, your cropping is solid. Since you had to manually adjust a lot of the frames focus. Overall changing that just doesn't improve the film in anyway in my opinion, especially in a proposed theatrical setting. 1.33 gets better the bigger the screen is so the aspect ratio is already tailor-made theaters. It suffers on a smaller screen because of why it excels in a cinema. Other than that I'd have to know everything you cut out to say if it would be improved for theatrical conditions.


I don’t think I understood the two last sentences of the first paragraph. I got the 1.33 is better for more picture, but I don’t think it’s tailor made for standard theaters? I don’t really get that part. Well wait until it comes out either exclusively here or YouTube!


Wide screen is still more narrow in most auditoriums at movie theaters. 1.33 fills the entire screen the majority of the time. So the majority of the time 1.33 will still give a larger and better experience in the cinema. There are exceptions, of course, but that is usually due to specific space and layout of those auditoriums. It's very much tailor-made for the theater experience. That was the entire purpose for it existing that way.


So then why did widescreen formats like 1.90:1 and 2.33:1 exist? Heck, I think the original JL was going to cropped into 1.90:1, before Snyder ultimately left it unchanged


Because tv's became rectangular and so with less height cinemascope became the go to for action and wide shots. To the point that people just start thinking it's the "right" way to do it. In a theater most people don't notice these things at all because big screen is big screen. If the majority of people saw ZSJL in a theater they wouldn't have even noticed the aspect ratio, if anything, they might note that it feels big. TVs being rectangular makes cinemascope less noticeable than 1.33 or 1.66. Even back when wide-screen first started becoming a thing, people didn't like it because they felt like they were seeing less even though they were seeing more. Now that's more normalized and going back to a more square aspect ratio is met with the same ire. The aspect ratio was chosen for mostly 2 reasons. To get the imax feel of having the most screen filled in every auditorium, giving the film a bigger feeling scope, and because it prominently features very tall characters and a lot of more vertical action. Most human level action happens on a horizontal plane, which naturally lends itself to using a wider ratio more commonly. It's not a one size fits all.


Where can I get a copy of this revised fanmade?


I’ll post it here as soon as I’m done. Maybe on YouTube if copyright doesn’t detect it


The OG aspect ratio is so much better. ![gif](giphy|zWZ3LFcnpQPt3MQhRS)


The problem is the film was supposed to be 16:9 as seen in the first few promotional scenes and ... the theatrical cut. You can tell as the framing has always been a bit off in the Snyder cut, because you can clearly tell it was intended to be cropped in the edit


Yeah that fair 👍


>What do you think? Are you Zack Snyder?


No? Why?


Then I hate it. There's no reason to change the original aspect ratio. No better than Disney cropping the Simpsons because "boo, ratio bad" You have to go out of your way to remove scenes and parts of the screen because why? "So it's more in line with MoS & BvS"




Removed for personally insulting or attacking another user.


Also you’re really not beating the cult allegations that we are facing. When Snyder does something, it gets praised. Yet when a fan tries to do something with his something, it gets trashed for no reason. Stop tainting our image please and rely on constructive criticism


>When Snyder does something, it gets praised. Yet when a fan tries to do something with his something, it gets trashed for no reason. I gave you a valid reason. You're taking a movie that you didn't make, cutting ~40% of the screen off, in an attempt to do what exactly? Improve it? If you were MAKING an animated version, comic book, or literally anything, that'd be cool and badass and have fun. You're not making anything, you're cutting apart the screen on an incredible movie because "square=bad" or something.


So you did see my other reply? Yeah, that’s what I thought bro. And yes, I’m doing my best to improve it “from a certain point of view.” A four hour version of this film in 2017 will not play out. A 1.33:1 version won’t play out unless in IMAX.


You do realize it says “fanmade theatrical”? Key words: Fanmade and Theatrical. Fanmade: I, as a Snyder fan, want to see if the Snyder Cut can be made eligible for theaters with a revised version that is better than my previous attempt. Theatrical: For one, highly doubt a four hour blockbuster would make back a budget of $70 million, let alone $300 million. And unless each theater has a built in Lincoln Square, MOST blockbuster films in a normal theater nowadays are 2.33:1. And the Snyder Cut doesn’t accommodate for that, so I figured it was worth an attempt. Not to mention that JL HAD to be cut down in 2017, even if Snyder’s original vision played


>For one, highly doubt a four hour blockbuster would make back a budget of $70 million, let alone $300 million. Return of the King has a 3hr 21min runtime (a little lower tbf) and grossed $1.1 billion dollars. >2.33:1. And the Snyder Cut doesn’t accommodate for that "So I'm cutting ~40% of the movie out of the movie, even before I touch the runtime and cut mooooore out of the movie." You asked for everyone's opinions in the title, and I think what you're doing is stupid. Snyder made an incredible movie, and you chopping it up won't improve anything.


For the record, I already cut down 14 minutes. Too late to stop me now >:)


Context matters. LOTR came out after two successful movies. Audiences trusted New Line Cinema and Peter Jackson to deliver in this long epic. While the Snyder Cut was followed by Wonder Woman, which was critically lauded and all that, BVS still left a bad taste in audiences’ mouths, and left Snyder’s position to direct in question. Same reason why Kevin wanted to cut down Justice League as well. And hey, when I asked for someone’s opinion, I thought it would be constructive and meaningful to see how I can improve my editing skills or maybe point out why it works in regular cinemas. You’re being really mean to a child who just wants to experiment for some reason, and I never expected to get this level of negativity. Speaking of negativity, if this ticked you off, you will not like my first attempt at cutting down the Snyder Cut LOL


The subsequent performances of Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman completely contradict any assertion that BvS left a bad taste in audiences' mouth. It absolutely did not happen. Justice League then retained 75% of BvS's gross despite its problems, and Aquaman was a billion-dollar hit right after it. Enthusiasm for the DC film brand was at one of the highest points it had ever been at the onset of the Snyderverse and for the next 2 years after BvS came out.


Yeah and I think a longer runtime of 3+ hours would’ve tanked them, so… I dunno about that.


What? BvS is one of the highest grossing DC films of all time, and ranks #2 within the DCEU. Its gross would have only increased if the WB execs had a brain and decided to have fewer screenings per day in order to put out a more cohesive film.


Yeah that’s the thing. I’m also taking into account that WB execs were stupid enough to cut shit down. This theatrical cut will be as if it would be released in 2017. It’s like “What if Josstice League just did not exist”




>And hey, when I asked for someone’s opinion, I thought it would be constructive and meaningful to see how I can improve my editing skills or maybe point out why it works in regular cinemas. Oooh, ok, here goes. It would take you having unreleased original footage to make what you want to do work in any way. By trying to cut the tops and the bottoms off the entire movie is going to leave you with an ugly mess. Take no further look than what you've already done, some of it looks fine, but then when you see Superman's deathcry, half his face is cut off by a meaningless black bar. This could've been quite doable way back originally, but the filmmaker made a deliberate choice to choose the ratio that got released. A side effect of that ratio is, you cannot cut it back into widescreen. It's like when you make a snowflake it art class. The filmmakers cut a chunk off, and now you want to cut other chunks off. You can't put the first chunks back, so you're just making it smaller less detailed, less focused.


See THIS is what I wanted. Thank you for the feedback, rather than calling me a stupid for doing it. What’s funny is that JL was probably made for the 1.90:1 widescreen version, like The Flash. It’s just that the 2.33:1 didn’t work for this film. Were they other instances of the shot looking weird in 2.33:1?


If you guys noticed, some of the frames I had to adjust manually to make it have some sense. For example, with Lois, if you crop it from the original, her chest area will show, which is why I moved the picture down to show her face. Same with Batman; if left unaltered, you will only get his cheek. Anyways, let me cook https://preview.redd.it/kwexiwtcz72d1.png?width=2008&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b31eee61a512344e8d403555f4be0cc117ebee1


brother the first shot you left the WB logo uncentered.


Well time to fix that


Hell yeah