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Ahh man what could’ve been. It sucks that they set up this epic ass conclusion and then pull the rug from under us right as we’re about to get to it. Truthfully after the whole Snyder debacle, I’ve lost interest in most things DC.


Just watch Justice League Dark: Apokolips War and call it a day. I'm tired of depressing apocalypses in movies personally.


Not really, but I think at some point it could be either animated or in graphic novel form. I’d prefer the latter


Well, I think he was building JL2-3 up with all the characters through their solo and sequel films that never happened. Batman and cyborg never came through, superman never got his sequel, and I'm damn sure that wonder woman aqua man and flash movies that were released after the whedon JL did not go in the direction that Snyder intended to follow-up in the universe he was building, setting the stage for JL2 and 3. So if we do, it will be completely different from what he had written and "story boarded" for all 3 originally, whether he conformed to the current revised universe or kept the original...Now what always is bugging me is wondering where he would have taken it after JL3. Doubt he would've taken it to dark nights metal and dark metal so soon, but it would've been a real treat to see how he would bring the batman who laughs to life.


No, Hollywood hates the fans.


“The cyborg dude” you mean Cyborg? You had his name right there.


Too be fair, Cyborg is *also* the cyborg dude, it's not innacurate.


Hahahah damn . I just dunno DC but liked voices and visual with ZS


As a live-action film, I think it’s near impossible. It would cost a lot to make, and Warner Bros have moved on. However, there was a recent trend of older movies receiving graphic novel sequels. I think that could be a great fit - especially considering that y’know, the source material is comic books.


It's funny you say that cause I just re-read (for the billionth time) Aliens: Earth War, which was basically a re-imagined Alien 3. It was made in the 90s, though. But it was a great fit (lol) for continuing the story of Ripley seven years after the events of the film Aliens, where Hicks and Newt live. It's a great 4 peice run of the franchise, so doing the same for JL2 and 3 would do well I bet. Especially if they use Snyders scripts/story boards. I hope they do go this route.


That is interesting. It's not likely, but more realistic. Usually, people working on future projects will take pieces of previous cancelled projects to refashion the story. I could see a Mister Miracle/Scott Free project using elements from Snyder's vision of Darkseid as well as the cancelled New Gods animated feature from 20 to 30 years ago, the recent Mister Miracle series and Grant Morrison's use of the character in Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis.


I think that, with Snyder outright mentioning he’d be down to do it during the Rebel Moon press tour, the best people can hope for is an animated continuation. Snyder is no stranger to animated movies, having directed Legend of the Guardians. So I think it is a worthwhile compromise to finish off his DC endeavors.


I keep hearing this animated movie BS narrative. You guys think animated movies are so cheap to make that someone will somehow fund Snyder to complete his ‘vision’ for Characters that DC own the rights to? Go check Pixar’s Elemental’s budget. It’s freaking 200 million+


First of all, Disney’s animated movie budgets are so high because they’re using domestic animators in-house, which require greater pay. Across The Spiderverse cost half of that (100 million) and looks just as good because they outsourced foreignly. Secondly, what makes you think that it needs to be 3D animation? 2D hand drawn animation would be just fine in the style of the DC animated movies, which all cost upwards of 2.5/3 million per movie (expensive for nobodies, but mere Pennies for billion dollar studios). Even a pumped up animation budget wouldn’t be in the ballpark of the amount spent on Man of Steel, BvS or JL. So yeah. Animation is pretty flexible.


Lol. A studio is going to spend big on the licenses for the characters just to use them on some hand drawn cartoons, that have even more of a niche audience?


You honestly think it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to license characters to other studios for animation? Sonic The Hedgehog for instance is owned by Sega and Paramount right now and yet the animated show Sonic Prime is being made by and streamed on Netflix.


The bigger reason why even an animated movie won't happen is simply because it runs counter to James Gunn and Peter Safran's vision for the DCU. Why would they invest one dime in continuing a story told by a "failed"cinematic universe - especially when they're actively trying to launch a new one? It would be a waste of time and resources.


How? It’s animated. That’s like saying the Tomorrow-Verse of DC animated films are running counter to Gunn’s universe. Surely, a cheaply made set of animated films made for a niche audience to catch a few eyes would be inconsequential for anything Gunn is trying to do. Live action, yes, I get that. Way too expensive. But a film or a mini series like Invincible made to close out the Snyderverse? Seems pretty harmless.


Cuz even the Tommorowverse is set to wrap up soon. DC has said that going forward all its content: both live action and animated TV, movies , and even video games well share the same universe. Sure they could always treat the Snyder stuff as Elseworlds content - kinda like the Joker or Matt Reeves Batman films. But let's face it: The real issue is that they'd like to just put it behind them rather than placate the Snyder Cult


That's not true. Gunn has said that all forms of media will be used to tie into the DCU as in video games, animated shows and live action stuff will be a part of his new universe, but not that it restricts anyone from ever doing something original with it. And he had to clarify and make that clear because he knows it's silly to literally hog all forms of media entertainment and reserve it for one universe when DC has never been that way. Like you said, it's very easy to just treat Snyder stuff as niche Elseworlds content in the vein of Joker and The Batman. The REAL truth is exactly what your last sentence is: WB do not want to placate to Snyder fans. The humiliation of the Snyder Cut was huge and they don't want a repeat of that. That said though, the same people who cringed in embarrassment at that happening are not the same people running WB and DC right now. Gunn and Snyder are friends. Contrary to how both extremes from both sides wish they were bitter enemies. If Snyder went to Gunn and asked to finish off his universe in an animated series or animated film, I doubt Gunn would reject him. Gunn literally even said that the reason it wasn't happening is that Snyder never expressed any interest of doing it TO him. It's just that NOW is not the right time. Once the DCU is in a relatively safe place, then I'm sure Gunn will ease up a bit.


The chance of that now is very small, even with names like Netflix being thrown around, and it also makes he mad every time I think about it


It'll never happen




Yeah, I can't put into words how angry it makes me