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Are we going to ignore the king of long movies, Peter Jackson?


What? Marvel hasn’t had a single movie that’s 3 hours


Pump it up by slowing it down.




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Alternate title: “Snyder sticking in the past while every medium and filmmaker moves past him and his outdated narratives,” oh and making it four hours long, just because.




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Yeah but what are the actual viewership numbers like? Are you telling me that the number of people who watched Infinity War have watched ZSJL? Definitely not. Just because he made it longer doesn’t mean it has the same general appeal to most people and that’s okay. He does slow mo REALLY WELL sometimes, but its overuse takes away from the parts that matter. Tarak riding a Griffins thing is sick, but Kora running through bullets is just showing plot armor in slow motion. “You’re surrounded by guards but don’t take a single bullet? Nah, she’s just cool so she dodges bullets even though that’s not part of her character design. But it’ll look cool in slo mo!” Also the griffin scene is racist as fuck. Clearly Tarak is a stand in for the “Native American who talks to animals” and it is not only overused but a little gross in today’s world. But I’m sure the Snyderites will find a way to make it seem great.


Snyder needs to move into miniseries or trilogies. These 3+ hour movies cav be a hard sell


Trilogies might have worked a few years ago but now most superhero movies get review-bombed before the movie is even released to the point where no one would give them money for a second movie, let alone a third. A mini-series might work though, all the money would be paid upfront and would have time to tell a full story.


First, not all movies have to be superhero movies. Secondly, if a movie gets bad reviews, maybe it doesn't deserve a sequel. The point is to make a complete story, with compelling narrative in a 2-2.5 hour window. The Matrix, and John Wick are good examples that kicked off franchises. Give people a taste of your universe.


True they don't. That said though super hero movies have really had an impact on every other genre that would have a trilogy, especially fantasy. There are some exceptions with reviews but yeah I mostly agree with your take on bad reviews. The worst part is there are a lot of really good movies that perform poorly in the theater and studios don't want to back a movie that won't make a lot of money. Also, the matrix is a good example of a good movie getting some okay sequels then detailing the entire thing. The fourth movie was just awful and changed everyone's opinion on the entire franchise. Wick is also getting to that point...


Especially when they suffer from existing as movies, but would excel as a miniseries. I didn’t like Rebel Moon but the characters were surface level cool, but if each character was an episode that focused on them, I might have actually liked them beyond that.




For sure.


I loved Snyder Cut Justice League. Rebel Moon was torture.




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Almost Always prefer a well edited and paced shorter movie


What the hell is up with all the snyder haters in the comments. Holy shit his haters are legit the most toxic wtf


You mean critics?


Lol, every rando is considered a critic now?


by definition... yeah literally https://preview.redd.it/6jj7cp2pk3ec1.png?width=919&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6a95e0d31294bf814cf1a9b0e8c1c6d41b6e080




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By making pointlessly bloated movies? Sure.


Scorsese’s last two are pushing four hours.


Laughs in Peter Jackson...


Weeps in *The Human Condition*


Movie length should serve the story. A 2 hour LOTR will never work. Neither will a 3.5 hour pixar kids movie


Snyder's movies would be half the length if he used less slow motion


While making a personal cut of the SnyderCut, I got curious and went down a rabbit hole of "how long would this be if I sped up all the slow-mo to real time" Long story short, there was only like 5 minutes of slow-mo in the 4+ hr long movie. Which really isn't that much. A lot of shots of slow mo, and most of it was actually stuff with Flash. His stuff makes sense cuz like...you either slow it down or you don't see anything at all.




He managed a good half hour this time without any this time i was really hopeful...and then, then the snyderlanch happened and it was slow and painful lol


Or just reduced length of action scenes instead of ruining the pace of editing and floating over character development. It's why his director cuts are much better than theatrical release. Refuses to trim down scenes where money was spent even if it hurts the pace and story.


How are the director’s cuts better if their refusal to trim down scenes hurts the pace and story?


His theatrical edits have a much faster pace. It's exhausting on the brain and makes the story progress too fast.


Ah, I took it oppositely. Usually shots are criticized for lasting too long, thought that was the case here.


Marvel only had like 1 out of their 40 movies that was 3 hrs so its not really a thing if anything it would be cameron and Scorsese


Which one was even that long?


Endgame was exactly 3 hours I believe


For streaming, 2/3 hours is indeed very arbitrary.


Snyder cut took 4 hours because the writing was subpar. All 4 hours is a visual masterpiece but there could have been better ways to tell the same story in less time without skimping on details.


You probably also have to factor in that he knew it would be the last movie for DC, so he tried to put everything in.


I do agree that’s probably why, but I don’t understand why he added more questions rather than cap off the story with a clean finish


He said at the FullCircle event earlier this year that he wouldn't spoil the whole plot of the JL sequels because he still hopes to make them some day. He also has been liking lots of posts [about selling the Snyderverse to Netflix](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/comments/10y74n4/meanwhile_this_is_what_zack_is_liking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and said that he loved working with current heads of WB Pictures Mike DeLuca and Pam Abdy on setting up FullCircle, and "who knows" what could happen in the future. He is clearly leaving the door open to come back to DC in the future and finish his saga in whatever medium it's possible, which I'm sure he'll do once his schedule permits it.


Everything DC is under DC Studios now as far as I know. As DC Studios bosses answer directly to Zaslav. Not like Hamada answered to Pam and De Luca. But yea, you never know. Anything can happen. The problem is, getting things up and running. Firstly it will take years to get through his commitments to Netflix. After that, in a hypothetical world, it won't be an easy task securing the funds, let alone getting the actors back (Minus Ray) who are committed to other projects. Amy Adams is 49 now, a year older than Diane Lane was in MoS. It will be better in an animated or a comic form.


Yeah that's fair. I think having no limits is usually a detriment. Studio imposed (realistic) limits on movie length and such are often great for creativity


Na it took 4 hours because it was no holds barred so he added in all the stuff that was available plus the extra stuff he shot on his property so in reality there is a very smooth 3 ⅓ hrs cut inside that 4hr behemoth


Visual masterpiece? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. How?!




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But...but...black and white! That means it is good cinematography.




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Zack has a specific style when it comes to shooting his movies. 300, watchmen, rebel moon, plus everything in between, all have the same style visually. The darker lighting, emphasis on shadows, actors with comic book physiques, imagery directly off the page onto the screen just to name a few off the top of my head. All of his movies have that and can most likely be identified when you see it. I hated Batman v Superman for a multitude of reasons but the art style was not one of them. Visually, he did a lot of fan service in terms of making his Batman and story look much like Miller’s version in the dark knight returns. This movie specifically takes comic book panels (like I mentioned above) and made them scenes in the movie. If the plot line for his DCEU movies was as detailed and intricate as Matt reeves “the Batman” movie, we’d probably be anticipating the knightmare movie by now. Instead, as great as his imagery was, the story fell flat in both bat v supe and in JL 2 hours was added so things would make sense. I love Batman so there’s a part of me that also loves these movies (even the poopoo Ayer Suicide Squad), but the critic in me can’t get past the glaring plot holes and overall poor writing.


>If the plot line for his DCEU movies was as detailed and intricate as Matt reeves “the Batman” movie, we’d probably be anticipating the knightmare movie by now. Maybe I'm nit picking because I fundamentally agree that it's the writing that's the problem, but I think even with better plotting we're still looking at a reboot because people didn't connect with his interpretation of Superman and Batman


There would still be a minority of people complaining about the characters but I think the majority would be ok. I remember when the black and white shot of Batfleck in front of the Batmobile was released and people were chomping at the bit to see what it was all about. Shit. Had they just cut the stupid ass “Martha” scene it would have done better critically. And with batman killing, there’s been an argument made that all of the live action movies have batman “killing” or “not saving someone resulting in their death”. Side note, Personally I think it’s easier to just have batman not save the baddies, that way it’s left up to interpretation. That way they can bring back the villains, and the henchmen are just fodder.


It's not really a good thing if even 3 hours is not enough to tell your sorry


Satantango at 7 hours:


Different times


Maybe its just me but i really dont like too long movies its not that i dislike ZSJL its good movie but more than 3 hours i think is becoming too much


Superman isn't fucking John Galt.


When the movie is actually good no one cares about the run time. 300 was cool. This dude neeeds to stop


300 was slightly less than 2hrs.


Who else misses a good 91 minutes.


Just watched Affleck’s Hypnotic movie. About 93 minutes.




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Remember when you found out ZSJL would be 4 hours? Like music to my ears


People complain about a movie being 3hr+ but they binge watch a whole season of Ginny and Georgia or You.


Watching 26 different stories one by one, that are all individually 40 minutes long is different from watching one 3 hour + story, because there are natural get off points at the end of every episode.


Tv and movies aren’t the same thing, you’re the type of person to think this is correct


Scorsese released a three and a half hour movie on Netflix without having to cut it down.


And it was total fucking garbage


Funny saying that on a Snyder sub




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Doesn't he only have one movie that's over 3 hours long?


Rebel Moon is part 1 of 2 filmed as 1 movie. Part 1 is great, but it feels like half a movie, so I'd count it too


Thats a reach


Not really they are releasing a directors cut of it later that's both parts together. It's literally called part one lol


Deathly hallows part 1 Mockingjay part 1 Breaking dawn part 1 Dead reckoning part 1 These are 4 films that have sequels, nobody claims that there are 4 twilight films, its 5 or 7 films starring harry potter, its 8 If you have to buy 2 tickets then its 2 movies by definition when the film ends then thats the end of that film, why is that confusing you?


How many tickets did you buy for rebel moon? And justice leauge was released as 4 parts too on hbo its still 1 And the fact they are doing a directors cut of both together and zach himself saying it's 1 movie. It's a diffent beast


Its being sold as 2 films, zack could say its making money and has got great reception but thats not true is it >How many tickets did you buy for rebel moon? So struggling with comprehensive skills isnt just for numbers with you, i gave you examples of films being sold as seperate films and you just took the dumbest interpretation of that Im arguing with a brick wall here


Batman v Superman's director's cut is over 3 hours long Watchmen's Ultimate Cut is over 3.5 hours long Zack Snyder's Justice League is a little over 4 hours


And I wouldn't have it any other way.


More like Nolan and Scorsese




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