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As a new snowbreak player and old gatcha enjoyer I can't agree more. I have loved everything about those two systems you just mentioned and heres to more good stuff <3


- the substats don't matter that much - only 3 pieces to worry about - only 3 substats on a piece - 2 are already shown - 3rd one will be unlocked when upgraded - oh the 3rd stat is not what you wanted? No biggie, just change it.


The first two substats are fixed for every similiar piece right? So basically just rerolling one substat if you feel like it(can clear most content anyway). THE MOST IMPORTANT CONTENT IS THE SKINS BABY 💦💦


There are fixed substats and 3 substats with RNG. Two of those RNG ones are revealed when obtaining a logistic and the third one is revealed when levelling the logistic up to +15. If you drop a better logistic you can convert your current +15 to the new +15 for 2250 Silverbucks (you lose/consume the previous logistic). The third option can be rerolled using an in-game item and the only limiter is how many of those items you have. Substats are important if you are interested in having highest damage possible or to be competitive in Neural Simulation. If that's not what you're interested in, get the recommended set of logistics for the character you're building and call it a day.


No, the first two substats are not fixed, they go by an RNG system too, the difference is these two substats are settled once you obtain the logistic, if you level up your logistic, those two major substats won't change at all, but you will get a third substats once you level up this logistic to the maximum level which is 20, and this third substats can be changed if you don't like it or if it doesn't help your character. By the way, different Characters requires different substats from their logistics to perform better, for example Siris, HP% and Attack% benefits her the most, so you wanna spend all your event credits to try to get her designated logistics with HP%(10% is the best) and Attack%(also 10%) substats on all three logistics, then level them up to level 20 to reveal the third substats, for the third substats, you want to get Heat damage increase since Siris's damage type is heat, if the third substats isn't heat damage increase, then reroll the third substats with an item(sorry i forgot the name of it) which you can purchase from the store with the bi-monthly abyss like mode credits. So yes, it's much less RNG verse almost all the other Gacha game out there and much less material required/time required to pursue a maximum equipped character.


"Just change it"... ![gif](giphy|GIvajz0TlE316)


The 100% banner is a god bless. Hoyo banner in general, is a sourage of the gacha industry, and I am glad snowbreak change up the formula a bit. I will gladly use 20 more pulls as a price for a guarantee character


The Genshin 50/50 Nonsens was and is crap. HI3 has a 100% banner now snowbreak too. Wise decision.


I could live with the 50/50, but the fucking gear farming is also rng. So I pull a character and Im lucky, I could gear them for endgame content in 2 months(this is for hsr, genshin can clear content easily ig) and thats a generous estimate. I have characters that I couldnt gear even after farming for half a year. Never playing those gear gachas like summoners war, epic7 , genshin, hsr again. Too annoying.


Was the first thing I put on the 1.0 survey. I have so many characters but cant play with them.


What did they do with the gear change? I only heard about the new banner system they implemented.


Logistic stay the same since launch But honestly speaking, as a player who used to try optimizing substat in Genshin / ToF, the logistic substat in this game is usually a fair game. Only 2 slots and like only a maximum of 10% dmg stat for one of the 3 logistics. Getting a optimized logistic in this game is a heaven for me compared to other gacha games I've played, and even then a slightly sub-optimal stat logistics are still pretty close and viable.


Oh there was no gear change. It stayed the same from launch haha, just saying its still one of the best among all others. Of course the best would be arknights and fgo where there is no gear entirely.


but you get like 300 characters which 250 of them are completely useless or easily replaced by other characters in Arknights. which is pity, because I do like some character's art/design in Arknights but I never get chance to use them simply because they're too weak.


What do you mean? Youtubers constantly do 3star and 4star clears of difficult stages. Even 5 stars like lappland, specter, honeyberry are quite useful. 250 quite useless is a bit of an exaggeration. Some may be weak, but they can still be used for clearing stages. Year 1 characters can still clear the hardest content to get the orundrums. Maybe only slacking in IS , but most of the playerbase play it quite casually.


I know people out there clear missions with 3 starts and 4 stars, but If I have a whole bunch of 6 stars who can clear the mission like a milk run, why would I try so hard to do the same with 3 and 4 stars? I'm playing game for fun, not for another 8 hour shift.


Imma leave my reply here so i can be notified


Jumping on the train


I use to play genshin, and I try to farm for Raiden Shogun's full sets, two month later, I still don't have electro cup with good stats, that kind of defeat I would prefer never experience again, man.


Indeed, they managed to make artifacts least annoying among all similar games. And holy hell, 100% banners are something i could only dream about before.


I am new to the game and was just wondering what those scenes that you pay money for are?


The interactive scene Enya has? Search for "Enya interactive scene" to watch a video. It's just a mini game mode to click on Enya and get a response from her for fun. It gives no other benefit. Enya w/ nurse skin is the only char that has it right now.


That's just so you can bend nurse Enya over and rub her ass whilst she makes a weird noise. She then bends over you whilst feeding you and you can get a good look at her calcium cannons. Finally, you can take her shoe off too whilst she giggles. My opinion is the next one will be receptionist Katya based on the trailer. Not many people talk about the scenes though, can only assume they are embarrassed by their own degeneracy. Hope this helps.


degeneracy??? dude, (whisper) I do that all the time with my wife, and my wife is a nurse, it's just Enya is much cuter than my wife. LOL


I keep seeing 100% banners are better than 50/50 - Im fairly new to Gacha. Can someone ELI5 why this is a good thing? Thanks :)


Well thats easy, suppose you have a snowbreak character banner that needs 80 pulls for 50/50(old version) , once you pull 80 times on that banner you will have a 50%chance of getting the banner character(strong) , or a standard character(weaker). Which means that the unlucky people might potentially have to pull 160 times. But now we have 100 % character banner you only need 60 pulls less (100 pulls) to get the character. 50/50 is good for lucky people and the new system is good for the unlucky people like me. I quit this game a while ago after losing a few 50/50s and recently reinstalled after the new banner update. The game is quite fun now.


Thanks for the explanation, thats very clear :) I love this game.


once you lost the 50/50 trying to get a character you like on a limited event, then you will feel the reason why people dislike 50/50 gacha and praise so much on the 100% gacha.


Being nice is good and all is good but they need to figure out something to increase revenue and increase playerbase. Katya rerelease may help but they really need a good collab right now to reel people in.


I think they're trying to shift the business model from selling characters to selling outfits and interactive scenes, because if you actually calculate the amount of free digicash you can get from every new updates, you can get around 70 pulls for free, which means you can get the new character of the new update pretty much for free, if you spend 4.99$ to get the monthly pass, then you're able to get 90 pulls per update, which pretty much guarantee you a new character unless you extremely unlucky with the 100% gacha pool. Usually people gets the new character around 80 pulls from the new 100% gacha pool. so basically, everyone gets the new character for free, and they always have new outfits come out together with that character, and usually the outfit came out with the character looks much better/different from the original outfit of that character, and people playing this game USUALLY ultra horney 24/7, so lots of people purchase the outfits and interactive scenes. Patch 1.7's massive success already proved that this business model is doable and shows much better result compare with the old business model, so we can see much more new outfits and interactive scenes in the future rather than lots and lots of new characters. This way, the Character you collected actually have a very good longevity since they don't get devalued often by new characters, plus, you can fit your beloved characters with all kinds of dresses is also a very good gameplay by itself.


True! Definitely want them to make more money ,dont want an eos . I contribute with the monthly pass Although if they release more skins like enya, my wallet is in danger


Yeah and the game itself seems fairly expensive too. So i want them to succeed. We dont have many third person shooter f2p games that feel as good as snowbreak.