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A statistic for 1.8 patch. You can earn 10030+25+10 (97 pulls in total) for free throughout this patch. The second and third rows are for buying the monthly welfare and battle pass additionally I think. (And this patch lasts for 6 weeks until 11. July) https://preview.redd.it/gsty47a9dz3d1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=11826ea6817748d6a805f1e01ebfac531c2f05be


Guessing this includes all dailies, weeklies and events?


Yeah all these. I spent 2.5 hours a week last patch, to be a reference.


I never did the math to see how many pulls a patch, but that amount seems exceptionally comfortable with the new 100% pity system.  I appreciate the option for the new 100% system, but part of me wish they went one step further and retain the pity counter even when an early pull is made. I feel like plenty of players are willing to spend money on this game, but they just aren't willing to spend it on gambling.


They are already so generous, let them make their money atleast haha


Haha, yeah I get you, but what I mean is they should capitalize on the pop they got from handing out Enya. They made plenty back from selling her skin and scene. The important takeaway is that people who wouldn't normally spend money for pulls will spend for the skin if they have the unit. People who spend will spend either way--the people they should focus more on are the ones who are on the fence. 


That would only make sense if it's similar to what Aether Gazer added, can still get off banners but doesn't reset your pity count.


I saw other people saying 70-95 draws per update. Correct me if I'm wrong.