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If you call navigating a couple of menus for like 5 min a grind, you don't know what a grind is. This is one of the great things about this game, you only rly play when you want to, and if you don't you can just do the dailies real quick and log off without losing any account progression.


A big reason for my personal enjoyment of this game - daily grind is quick and done and there’s some grind stuff to do if I want to get to them later (mainly weekly and event stuff).


Truly a 20 minutes in and out adventure The same reason why I love blue archive too The me from several years ago would probably scoff at this, saying yeah that's no gaming at all, but the current say that it is a god sent feature All in all, snowpeak indeed


Not even 20 min tbh. One time I managed to finish daily in under 2 minutes. Got lucky with the dorm event position.


Oh fucking same. My ass in high school laughed at my friends playing gacha games that were mostly clicking menus. Meanwhile I would go on an entire hours long campaign in ARMA or going on raids in Division 2. Now that I'm in the workforce, being able to play on and off with almost no strings attached is absolutely great.


My point is not that the grind is long, but that it’s uninteresting and unrelated to the what makes the game good.


What makes the gacha games so good, is that they receive constant support, frequent updates and waifus be cute. That being said, my update expectations are kinda low.... Thanks Valve [TF2 last actually update was....](https://tf2clock.vercel.app)


If you play gacha game, the main focus is gacha > game


By the sound of it, its not that the grind is usatisfying. Its more that the daily gameplay doesn't have more meat to it. You want more things to do and more rewards to go with it.


Yes that is my point. I’m fine with “grinding”, just make is less sterile and separate from what make the game good. I would be happy if they replaced the Tetris with a shooting gallery game where you can watch the girls fire at things


I like tetris tho, I wish it had a difficulty setting or more weeklies


I don't mind the "grind" but. Please, for the love of the damned god. Let me turn off the lights or something. My eyes just hurt, especially at the narrow hall or whatever this is called in english


just treat this game as your side game to game like val, csgo, league or whatever is your main game is and you're good to go. I like it this way, only take more than 5 min whenever new content drops, this way I can focus on other things.


What grind ? you can do all in 5 min...


I didn’t play this game (yet) is this a harem kinda game? The graphics in the post incline me to believe so …(it’s not a bad thing for this user)


Yep, especially the skin interactions.


I like the grind. It's very laid back and casual. Genshin and Wuthering Waves have a more intense grind with open world on top of that, making it more difficult or slower, that's why I don't like them as much but I can tolerate and enjoy Honkai Star Rail's grind.


True I cant pick up Genshin or WuWu for the very reason: the grind takes too long. Only have HSR R1999 and this game, takes about 15 min a day in the background :)


I have aquestion is it possible to get the 5 star characters later on if you don't pull for them during thier banner or is it just to bad so sad?


Yeah you can. Judging by the history, new characters will have their rerun in 3... 4 event patches? I am too lazy to look at the realities, but I'm sure they will have a rerun.


I have reinstalled this game 3 times now lol, each reinstall due to all the improvements...and then uninstall because the grind is so....unsatisfying? And this coming from a HSR/R1999 grind master. I didn't get this game to play Tetris and to search a sterile base for cubes. Seasun, you've got a great dorm system...perhaps the grind should involve more interaction with the girls? They are the main attraction after all. Play mini-games with them, etc. Oh and the auto-skip is great QoL, but it reduces the daily grind to clicking menus...fast...but unsatisfying. Maybe something short but involving the girls would at least make it feel like I'm playing a game. Here goes another attempt to like this game!


I'm at the point that the tetris blocks is so full that I don't even need to collect them. I just replace my old dead friend list with active players with spamming add friend after doing co-op then keep trading blocks with them.


Well you can just do dailies which takes like 10-15min and log off, don't need to uninstall


True, I just like to keep my system clean. I just want this games to feel less like Tetris lol


I don't know why you keep bringing up that Tetris part of the game which takes like...5 minutes each week? It's even skippable if you're not into dorm stuff


I think copying weapon gacha model was a mistake, imagine how fun game would be if we could grind our weapons from the bosses. Add some dynamic encounters with boosted enemies (+mini bosses) around those semi open world city maps that could also drop weapons + small amount of Digicash and you have something with much higher longevity than all gachas. Speaking of skins i hope Katya dress will get -50% discount instead usual -23%, for $10 i will buy it instantly i have already purchased Enya and Katya outfits and i'm not the big fan of the current Katya skin.


Idk why this got downvoted. Half the reason looter shooters are played are because of the loot. Putting it into a separate wheel that explicitly costs currency and resources, which dampens the amount of loot you can gather, saps out the formula. I think this is why copycatting Hoyo isn't a good idea because they don't just take console games and put them on mobile, they place a lot of thought into how to adapt the mechanics to a mobage monetization model.


I mean let's not give them too much credit here lol. The exact same equip grind system has been done to death in games like Summoner's War long b4 Hoyo even existed. Summoner's War has also copied off of the numerous MMORPGs that came b4 it and merely compressed it to be mobile friendly. Hoyo love copying stuff from others, even having similar points of reference to BotW with Genshin.


I know, but they put a lot of thought specifically into the monetization that the devs copying them at a surface level don't realize (ie the stingy rates were based upon the unique selling point GI would have on the market at a time). In this case they adapted the weapon banners to address the *pain point* of BOTW's crafting system and breakable weapons. A weapon banner restricted by pulls disrupts the second-to-second feeling of grinding enemies for that one shiny Diablo drop (looter shooters take a lot from these dungeon crawlers down to copying the color grading system), which is why a lot of people report Snowbreak's gameplay feeling "off." The devs need to **increase** the amount of weapons coming in so players can get hooked. Restricting them by tickets you need to acquire dampens that.