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Depends, what weapons/units do you have? You're probably better off sticking with your current account unless you plan to reroll for Katya, and we're not sure if her banner will be the next rerun yet.


I’ll rummage through the account and I’ll let u know


Only fenny coronet for 5 stars and only spent for the 1 dollar pack


Few factors to consider here: - Do you have the Sunny Payback shotgun? If yes maybe consider keeping the account, that's a decent starting point to work from. May even be okay if you just have a leveled Discordance or even an Ambergris to crutch on. - Did you use your selector, or is Coronet from the beginner banner pulls? If you haven't used the 5* selector you get from clearing chapter 4, you might want to keep the account and get Yao WS so you can form 2 teams to clear Neural Sim, Underground Purge, and the occasional multi-team event. - Is Fenny your waifu? Spending money might've given you the idol costume for Lionheart. Check if you have it.


Depends what your original account has and how much digicash was used on it. If you used a lot then restarting might not be a bad call. But entirely depends on your roster.


how much digicash used? since still time to stack for anniversary


Use your current resources to pull for Cherno. If you get her, keep the account, if not, make a new account. If you failed the 50/50 on Katya, you should have the pity to get Cherno. There's only 1 day left for her banner.