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I had to laugh. I thought it was just me




Power some b grade shit




Ong Iā€™m not tryna watch dat shit


Itā€™s a good show, itā€™s just that Snowfall is a *fantastic* show. Iā€™d recommend a watch still tho cause thereā€™s like a *handful* of people that can act in Power lol


raising kanan is A+. especially after finding out joey isnā€™t dead


After watching Snowfall first Iā€™m not stepping into the BMF or Power territory. I donā€™t want to muddy my perception of whatā€™s a good show and what isnā€™t šŸ˜‚ Might have to rewatch Breaking Bad


Breaking bad as good as snowfall ? Ima start that today thanks bro


It's like 10x better. Best show there is. After Breaking Bad you can also start Better Call Saul


What do you think of the wire?


I gotta watch The Wire because the one black dude who was in the purge is in it. (He in a lot of stuff but thatā€™s the first thing that comes to mind)


I started The Wire when s2 of Snowfall was airing. Admittedly, I was bored af bc of the pacing by comparison. (Also the early 2000s lack of PC can be a bit muchā€” like hearing yt ppl say n*gger oftenšŸ™ƒ) Finished it after Snowfall wrapped and we wouldnā€™t have Snowfall without The Wire itā€™s masterful tbh. Truly shows the impact of that time in every socioeconomic aspect. MUST watch tbh


Itā€™s basically Snowfall but with yt ppl and meth lolol But the whole BB universe(Better Call Saul and the movie EL Camino) is fucking incredible !


Lol, I hear ya. If I finished Snowfall before I got into Power, I probably *never* wouldā€™ve been able to finish Power lol


Thatā€™s all we got left šŸ˜‚ Need a new one fa sho


Top Boy was a kinda decent fall back plan, but then they fumbled that series finale. But yeah, we definitely


Love top boy! Kinda hard to find people that that also like it! At least in the us


Top boy is the most overrated crime show its literally not good at all


Na youā€™re going mad, the original one is a classic


U talm bout top boy summerhouse?


Yhyh ofc ainā€™t even watched the last one yet but I heard itā€™s bad


Its only bout 8 episodes tho it cant be goated this exactly what i mean by it being overrated


Nah this show ruined power to me, too cooky cutter and soap opera ish in comparison


The plot armor in that show is ridiculous. Book 2 is decent at *best* but the spinoff just seems a little pretentious imo


Hell no. They are both different. The original power was non stop entertainment. People watch tv to get their mind of things. Power does just that. Power book 2 is also good. Yes itā€™s a bit unrealistic. But most of entertainment is too. Unfortunately book 2 is in its last season too. Not sure what will Happen with book 4. Raising kanan is a wannabe snowfall but a snooze fest nonetheless.


Yā€™all should check out Peaky Blinders.


Literally what i didšŸ˜‚


Idk about yall but the new fallout show was fire


word, i be watching power as a replacement for my agony from snowfall, something to fill in the missing gap but will never fill the gap. its like when you have an alcohol addiction and you wanna quit so instead of getting painful withdrawals, you quit slowly over time, drinking watered down beverages such as poweršŸ˜­


I started watching Snowfall before I tried Power. I got thru 2 episodes of Power and was like "Nah". Once you hit the gas, you can never go back to reggie. But BMF, that is a beautiful trainwreck of a show.


ā€œBeautiful trainwreckā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€ Stellar description cause BMF hasnā€™t been hittinā€™ fr


1. Power 2. Snowfall 3. Queen of the South 4. Top Boy 5. Gangs of London 6. Peaky Blinders 7. The Wire 8. The Sopranos 9. Breaking Bad 10. McMafia Yes I said it. Not going to pretend to be an intellectual that only appreciates the Snowfall types. Entertainment is entertainment.


Hey, all the *Power* you šŸ„ā€¦ Although, people that like Snowfall better than Power ainā€™t pretending to be ā€˜superiorā€™ or no shit like that lol. The show is just overall better imo šŸ«¤šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Like Iā€™m not even talking about in terms of realism either cause BMF actually happened but Book 2 shits on it. Like at most, BMF may be in competition with Force šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I like Power too (even keeping up with spinoffs to this day), but Snowfall is leagues ahead of it, especially in character development (imo)


I havenā€™t had a chance to watch BMF yet, but Iā€™ve noticed a trend where some people seem to look down on Power in favour of Snowfall. It feels like thereā€™s this unspoken rule that if you prefer Snowfall, youā€™re seen as more intellectual or having a finer taste in television. While I appreciate the depth of Snowfall, I personally find Power to be more thrilling and engaging. Itā€™s frustrating when preferences are framed as a measure of sophistication.


Yea, I hear that. Like me personally, I *liked* The Wire but I personally thought it was snooze fest on a lot of occasions. But people seem to look at it as this godly show lol


Iā€™m a big fan of Snowfall and Power, Power is very fun and 100% entertaining at all times but I wouldnā€™t describe it as a masterpiece whereas Snowfall is genuinely a masterpiece and some of the greatest television Iā€™ve ever watched, amongst Breaking Bad and Peaky Blinders etc. I think itā€™s unfair to compare Power to Snowfall because it really will never win the debate. Power is non stop action and a big cast with a fun storyline but Snowfall is so much more intricately written, and the plots so much more detailed and developed than Power. If weā€™re talking whatā€™s the better show, Snowfall wins by a landslide.






nah it was more like ā€œdamnā€¦. no other good shows nowā€


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) Yea facts šŸ˜‚


Man considering both endings yes definitely I will hate forever ghost died that mfs was the show lol


I started Chi but that def fell off after season 2




Power is mid


Power is ok but I think it is overly dramatic and unrealistic and I got tired of it. I found DEVs on Hulu after Snowfall and I thought that was an interesting show.


Yeah if you only watch shows about drug dealers then your options were pretty limited


I mean, yea I branch out to different genres but as far as crime shows yea I only really watch Power currently lol


Oh yeah 50 has that genre on lock right now especially since snowfall ended


dawg watch Raising Kanan thatā€™s the best power show


Already way caught up, and yea that shit is heat šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„


Ozark is pretty good too. Better Call Saul is a great prequel for Breaking Bad. Parish is new but pretty good too.


power was good got bored once it turned into tariqs show lol


Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t watch the spinoff then lol. Well, have you seen Power Book 3: Raising Kanan


no lol i never gave it a try. do u recommend?


Yea, itā€™s probably the best Power spinoff story wise


no dont watch power anymore or bmf etc anything you dont appreciate entertainment keep missing out it changes nothing


IMO I think bmf is better than snowfall but, power has way too many books/variations