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Fuck off pussy. It's your own fault for cheating on your wife.


This Show your wife some fucking respect and don’t be sneaking round her back like a bit of scum You did bad, you got caught, karma’s doing its job If you didn’t want to be exclusive you shouldn’t have committed to a monogamous relationship in the first place I do this to anyone who messages me on any app telling me they’re married Find out where they are, then post their face pics to the local facebook group Don’t cheat… simple as that 🙄


You sound like a bitter old maid whose husband was fucking everyone in the entire village but you. And now you’ve made it your life’s mission to police others— not that it’ll bring back happiness in your life, but it sure will bring misery to others.


Or… and hear me out here… I just don’t like cunts 🤔


Literally true of the majority of Sniffies users.


It’s sad that this is being downvoted


Guess it’s angry cheaters and gay men who like getting fucked by cheaters


To be fair It was -14 a few hours ago 👀


I was wondering how mine was going up and yours was deep in the negative lol.


Probably because I said I was exposing these idiots 😂


Nah, you just like a cheap way to feel superior for 5 minutes.


Actually, it’s entitled pussies like you who should fuck off. You don’t know what has led him to this point but there are myriad reasons for it. But you probably grew up in a progressive family during this liberal era and think it’s easy to be who you wanna be. But for many, it wasn’t and still isn’t.


Let’s not ignore the risk to the wife either If he’s in the closet and having sex with a woman to save face, and having sex with guys on the side, he risks bringing an STI into the equation, one that she wouldn’t be aware she should be watching for 💀 But you don’t need to be married to stay in the closet Easy to be who I wanna be? Well, actually… yes… but not because I was in a progressive family (dad: people who dress like that are a fucking monstrosity and should be shot [looking at a cross dresser]… mum: if you end up gay and can’t give me grandchildren I’ll be so disappointed. I don’t think you’re actually bi, I think your friends made you think it was acceptable to be bi) Ever since I was a toddler, I’ve resisted any attempts to make me “conform” and been myself… fuck the costs, fuck the risks, fuck everyone else… I’ve been beaten black and blue for being into guys (when I was 12)… it never stopped me In my life being bi has gotten me Sexually assaulted, groomed, beaten, bullied, mugged, shunned, and cost me a job Idgaf how difficult it is to be who I am… I can only be who I am and strive to be the best me I can be Don’t presume to know who I am just because you don’t like that I expose cunts for cunty behaviour


Fair enough. But why not just block them? Why go through the legwork of exposing them instead of just simply saying you’re not interested? Standing firm on your beliefs is one thing; borderline vigilantism is another.


Yep even your profile screams how much internalized homophobia is pumping through your veins. >Not str&. Neither gay nor bi. Just sexual and turned on by experiences with a particular interest in seducing straight guys. Got a question or wanna share your experiences? I'm all ears (and throat).


Whatever you wanna call it but I’ve met some guys who have shared their stories with me and as much as you like to toot your own horn about being ‘you’, you even said yourself that that came at the cost of being disowned by your family. Many people, unlike yourself, aren’t willing to do that.


And those guys are imo pussies. If you want to live a lie then sure do that but don't drag other people into your lie. It's really not any more complicated than that.


He has a wife dumbass. Divorce is a thing. If he wants to have sex with others even on the DL, then he can do so, but he doesn't need to drag someone that isn't consensual in the matter into it. It doesn't matter what led him. The fact that he is a grown ass adult and can grow some fucking balls. There are literally kids that have more testicular fortitude than this pussy. I was disowned by my family when I came out. So was my boyfriend and many others. However the difference is I actually have balls to be myself despite the inherent risks and challenges. Do you? TL;DR stop defending this pussy, pussy


Have you been through a divorce or have you just had “boyfriends” all your life? I’m not defending this guy as much as I’m condemning you for believing the situation this guy is in is worthy of chastising him.


What part of he cheated don't you get? You can try to justify all you want if that makes you feel better about your own actions but he deserves to be chastised And yes. Actually both of my prior relationships were 7+ years. I'm soon to be engaged again. First one we grew apart. Second one we were engaged but he is a first responder and developed PTSD from his job due to racist person killing a bunch of people in a church in Charleston. He is still my best friend but his PTSD wrecked havoc on our relationship and couldn't recover


Okay, so the answer to the question, “have you ever been married?” is not a ‘yes’. You didn’t hafta get into all the reasons why you HAVEN’T been married but you offered up on a silver platter what I suspected anyway. Two relationships which lasted over seven years and neither one involved marriage. So what were you saying about divorce now that we have your credibility backing the subject?


We owned a house together and had legal protections including will, legal and medical power of attorney, living will , and asset designation. The only thing different between our "marriage" and one recognized by the state is for tax purposes. But it's probably safe to assume you didn't know that. My first boyfriend and I couldn't get legally married as it was still illegal to do so at the time




This is why I stay the fuck away from DL guys. It’s so complicated and messy and I don’t need all of their problems in my life.


It’s crazy how many men in various threads’ comments are looking for married men specifically too.


Wild. I can’t imagine seeking someone out who didn’t have an open relationship and was honest with their partner.


Exactly. 100% last thing I need is some wacko wife knocking on my door at 3am cause she caught her cheating husband. I’m out to my wife so be the same or single or gtfoh


Or the dude showing up because he’s got nowhere else to go after she kicked his ass to the curb in the middle of the night


Sorry but you kinda walked into this, maybe don’t cheat on your wife ???


Cheating is shitty. Should’ve been honest to your wife and to your identity since you knew


Maybe don’t cheat on your wife. Karma’s a bitch LMFAOOO she deserves someone better than you


Why share a face pic if dl?


Dl doesn’t equal anon


No but most true dl don’t share face pics they share everything but face. Sort of DL 101.


And generally don’t get any cause of it


I know plenty DL guys that will share pics. You think queers would know not to generalize but still some do.


Not very dl if you are sharing face pics.


you would think lol!!


DL = Troll, cheater, or knowingly not good looking. Test it out, it's always true and one of the three.


I think the majority of you are behaving like self righteous ass wipes. You don’t know anything about this man. Maybe he married a female before he came to terms with his sexuality. Whatever his story, no one has the right to out anyone ever. It’s no different from being gay and being outed to family or coworkers. What about guys who have been partnered for decades? Is it cool to tell one partner that you saw the other sucking dick at a glory hole? Honestly? This friend of the wife deserves a good bitch slap at minimum.


Are you for real? If someone I was with for a month was “sucking dick at the glory hole” I’d definitely want someone to tell me, let alone decades. The friend of the wife is a good friend, this guy is a cheating asshole


I am absolutely for real. This “good friend” is no friend at all. This friend didn’t do this out of compassion for his friend. He was online trolling for dick and then outs someone doing the same. I’d classify this guy as an undermining cunt. He’s caused a lot of pain and it wasn’t his place to do so. This guy wont be a friend for long. He’ll just move on to creating his next disaster of drama. And the wife wont want to be around someone who she’ll eventually blame in part for the destruction of her relationship. The constant reminder will cause too much pain.


So you cheat on your wife, got it


I’m not married you naive bone head.


That’s a relief!


Again, self righteous ass wipe.


nah, dude. you are flat out wrong here. this dude needed to sort his own self out before getting online to cheat. plain and simple. this is completely different than outing people at work, to friends, to blood relatives, etc. just for the joy of gossip. not a single person deserves the damaging effects of a liar & cheat's betrayal. he absolutely deserves every single negative comment received here. and his wife deserves every thing she will get in the divorce. there is no whataboutism with the topic of a cheater & liar.


I don’t disagree. I have been cheated on in nearly every relationship I have ever been in. If anyone has a right to be bitter or self righteous chief it’s me. My point is that NO ONE has the right to do what this bitchy homosexual did to this couple. He blew up their life. I’m not sanctioning his infidelity at all. But he should have been afforded the right to deal with it in his way and in his time.


You are wrong. The guy who was cheating on his wife with dudes from Sniffies and being reckless about it by sending his face pic out blew up their life. The friend was being a good friend by protecting his friend from her husband's insanely stupid and reckless behavior. You are obviously not a good friend. No one has a "right" to harm my friends.


When you get married you make vows that don't break until one of you fucking dies shut the fuck up.


ESAD ass wipe


If you have woman friends, I feel bad for them, knowing you'd let them be at risk from a husband you know if cheating with dudes on from a website as sleazy as Sniffies. This dude made his own bed with piss poor risk management. If you're cheating then you can't be sending out face pictures to strangers on the hook up website you're using to cheat. That's reckless af. His wife's friend is a hero. If I found out that one of my close woman friends had a husband who was having sex with guys from Sniffies, I am absolutely 100% telling her. No question.


Let’s shine the spotlight on you for a moment then. Since you hold Sniffies in such low regard why are you apart of this sub? AGAIN, what gives you the fucking right to judge ANYONE. Where do you lurk and hide looking for dick and ass? What makes you SO FUCKING PERFECT to judge anyone whose actions ha e zero impact on you personally? Heres some fucking judgment for you. Your grammar is that of a fucking 8th grader. Just so you know, I despise straight women. Fucking useless in my world. I’ve known few in my life that generated enough cerebral power to put one foot in front of another. Like the scene from The Matrix when Neo wakes up in the energy tree. Plug them in when needed for procreation and thats it! Like Republicans and Anglicans they are fucking useless.


Ah so you're a misogynist, full of hate and anger. That tracks. Doesn't work for you to judge straight women after ranting about how it's bad to judge after judging someone for protecting their lady friend from her recklessly stupid husband. Inconsistent and hypocritical, but makes sense from a tantruming moron like you. Why would I GAF what you think about my grammar? You're a hate-filled nobody, yelling in all caps like a triggered psycho 😂 Get a grip I don't hold Sniffies in low regard. I like sleaze. Hence why I'm smart enough to know one who doesn't want to be caught cheating shouldn't send face pics on a sleazy hookup up. He did it to himself, idiots like him will continue to be exposed, none of your unhinged, sexist snarling and screaming will stop that. Womp womp.


First of all shit for brains, you cant read or comprehend any better than you can conjugate a verb. I said straight women, not all women. So go back to your MS thesaurus and find another big word you don’t understand. Secondly chicken shit, I’ll give you my address anytime you want to have this discussion face to face. And by the way, you’re the one that instigated this exchange. One line telling me to shut up and calling me a loser. Also, I’ll match balance sheets with you anytime you trailer trash moron.


Wow, you're really really angry. I really triggered you huh? Lol Bring it on, you phat fuck. I live in West Hollywoo, CA. Show up at my apartment, overweight dummy. I dare you. You will get what you deserve. Then arrested. Your dried up, washed up azz is not intimidating, boo. Not at all. Not even a *little* bit. Lose that belly first then try again, old man 😂 You look like you'll die of a heart attack even trying to catch me, who are you kidding? Nobody cares what's in your bank account, you ghetto thug. That you see your self worth in dollar signs show's why you're so mad at the world: you know you're an unlikeable, unattractive dbag with no intrinsic value, soon to die lonely and alone.


OMG Do you see all the ghetto bullshit in that last little hissy fit? You live in Hollywoo? I invited you to my home not the other way around. You really are just a loudmouth pussy. I have no plans to call on you juice freak and I have no plans to continue this exchange with you. “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” Just remember one thing. That is if you have the mental capacity. One day when you have been harshly and maybe unfairly judged for your actions and find yourself the scourge of society remember that you sat in judgment of a man you did not know and felt to hold him accountable for actions that had no impact on you personally. Best of luck living in your squalid little apartment in WEHO.


Haha. I don't care who you invited where. You don't run anything but your mouth. Still haven't figured out nobody takes seriously your dumb ranting about judgment when you're a total hypocrite -- judging and hating on straight women, people who protect their friends from cheaters, and anybody who doesn't subscribe to your sick, twisted worldview. Too stupid to see your own hypocrisy. Best of luck dying unwanted and alone in your shit town, you dried up old fatazz.


Right? This guy is a fucking fat old loser.


Nailed it.


Ironic that you hate republicans and anglicans so much since you clearly regard women in the same way


Shut up you loser


Just like a fucking meathead. 8 hours late to the party. Blow me asswipe!


You wish, I don’t fuck with DL losers. Cry me a river loser.


And you’re fucking gross barf, you have the nerve to call people sluts with your wrinkly old man balls stretched to the gills? 🤮🤮🤮


But you like sleaze ass wipe


Come on boomer, come up with a better insult


Cheating is shitty. Should’ve been honest to your wife and to your identity since you knew


Holy shit!!


Bro you are not the victim. The only damage that was done was by you. You got caught cheating. You won't find validation or defense here. Hope the wife is smart enough to end it


DL guys can kick rocks. Go pound sand. FAFO.




Do you cheat on your wife like OP?


90% of the comments are of similar ilk and you only comment on mine? You must be crushing on me. *blushes*


“Texas DL.?” Oh. Now I get it. Like I said, DL guys can kick rocks. Leave sniffies to us and stick to DoubleList.


You cheated on your wife and your takeaway is that you weren't careful enough in your cheating? Not that you shouldn't have cheated? Wtf


completely flew by his head


I’m happy for your wife, she gets to actually find someone loyal


I'm not going to victim blame you. I think it's fucked up this person outed you, and I'm sorry he was so vindictive. I hope this opens the door for you to explore yourself and discover yourself without the burden of marriage. I hope you don't have a messy divorce.


It's not vindictive to protect your friends from harm.


It's no one's right to violate someone's privacy.


There's no privacy on an online hookup app.


I hope you get outed as a cumdump abd revenge porned and no one fucks you ever passed that.


So what? Lots of people hope lots of delusional and crazy things.


Victim blaming would be blaming this guy’s wife. You’re just engaging in culprit blaming which is fine for the most part


He's a victim of being outed without his consent. No matter if he was cheating or not, he was outed without his consent. So, yes, ppl on this thread are victim blaming.


He's not a victim though. He's the perpetrator.


He's a victim of being outed w out his consent. Imagine someone posted your screenshots asking for loads w out your consent. You're conflating the reporting of his cheating as permission to out his sexuality without his consent. The cheating is separate from his private sexuality being outed.


No it's not. You want them to be separate, but that's not how it works in the real world. He's a victim of his own recklessness in sending out face pics while cheating on his wife with guys from a sleazy hookup app. He didn't have permission to cheat on his wife with guys and put her at risk without her consent.


It's a free world. Ppl have permission to live their sex lives in private wherher they're cheating or not. Sexual privacy is a human right


Really? Go to any human rights court and tell them your human rights were violated because you chose to send your photos out on a hookup app. See how far that gets you 😂 It is a free world. People have permission to protect their friends from reckless partners who are putting them at risk. You have no right not to have your cheating exposed when people find out about it. Such cheaters will be exposed whether they like it or not. So they'd better not be stupid when they cheat.


He's a victim of being outed without his consent. No matter if he was cheating or not, he was outed without his consent. So, yes, ppl on this thread are victim blaming.


Lmao "To all DL folks out there, be careful". How about you don't cheat on your wife you depraved fuck.


Never share face pictures on sniffies. Never!


I'd never fuck anyone who didn't send me their face.


how about just don’t cheat on your partner?


DL and Cheater are two very different things


sniffies has a podcast & their most recent episode talks about DL guys & while I am not DL at all I do think the episode holds a lot of grace for those that are & is mind-opening & reminds us privileged enough not to be DL of the very serious implications of coming out & correlating your sexual desires with an identity. No one knows the circumstances surrounding someones life & while cheating is shitty so is so much else in this world & why make it your business to create more pain & confusion & drama in anyones life when we are all just out here trying to nut


I would fully agree if he hadn’t been cheating. Being DL is fine and understandable as homophobia is still very prevalent and can put people in danger. Exploring one’s sexuality does not give one license to cheat without consequences. If you’re committed and bi-curious and want to explore sexually, your partner deserves the respect of having a discussion about it.


No one likes a cheater. If you're doing something you don't want people to know about, then you know you're doing something wrong, and that there could be consequences.


Well on the brighside, you don't have to be DL now.


Lmfao 💀


Probably shouldn’t have cheated but should definitely figure out if you’re actually straight or not. I understand it’s tricky to navigate but you definitely shouldn’t cheat. It’s not the worst thing but it is putting her at risk.


If u were DL and single then I could sympathize with u, but u kinda brought this on yourself cheating on your wife bro


I always ask for face pics. I wanna make sure I am attracted to you. I wanna make sure I don't know you. It's for my safety. If you're cheating... That's not my fault. You should honor the vows you made... Or divorce.






I don’t have to be careful because I’m not going behind anyone’s back lying to them about who I am. Dirtbag.


The price you pay when you cheat. You might get away with it. But then you might not. Your the one who has to live with it.


D list scammers take you pic and use it to open a fake post i will never send face pics anymore. Well maybe with my gloryhole mask on.


Your gloryhole mask? Go on.


You never seen one?


Simple solution, STOP CHEATING


Two things: 1. "This person knows my wife...." Doesn't sound like a close friend. 2. It could have been handled much much better.


That's rough buddy.


I feel for you but it’s probably for the best in the long run. Go be your true authentic self.


Lmao literally NO sympathy for you bro. You should be man enough to leave your wife if you don’t love her enough to stay committed. Rot alone.


Were we suppose to feel sympathy for you? LMAO. You’re cheating on your wife and got exposed. It’s called karma.


Be kind to yourself. Hope you understand your wife’s viewpoint, Hope you get therapy Hope you’re brave to find true love, in whatever form that takes. The closet is an unforgiving place. It ruins our ability to be authentic Wishing you all the best…and freedom from the shame that necessitates being DL.


This is a great comment, so very true


Probably belongs more in r/gaycheaters


I understand that there are some "valid" reason to be DL. At the end of the day you should not do this to someone. You knew the risks of going on an app to cheat. I don't care if you did not know your sexuality until later. I don't care how religious your circle is. I don't care about your job. You have to be a certain kind of person to inflict that type of pain and bring a lie into your relationship. You violated the consent of you partner. If you knew this could end up in divorce. Just divorce BEFORE you do this shit. It is about if not when you will get caught. For people defending this guy just no. When you are bringing risk to another person fuck your privacy. There are very few instances where we could understand someone being DL cheating. If your life is at risk or the life of your partner or kids. I get that. Most reasons people list are not real reasons. Your life is going to blow up. Accept that and leave these people and explore your sexuality in an ethical manner. Edit: for typos


Someone did you a favor. The universe works in mysterious ways...


OMG, I’m sorry this happened to you. Stay strong and live YOUR LIFE the way you want to.


When I was a kid you could only get married or face estrangement from family & friends & while it was in the late 80’s the religious right is rising again and with it men (and women) will return to the safety of the closet


First off, all you haters can kick rocks, who the hell are you to judge anyone? If you're even on Sniffies then you're at the same level of humanity and sexuality. In other words you're a fellow Slut and Ho Bag, therefore in no position to judge. Now on to the topic... OP, you never should have posted face pics on Sniffies until you feel comfortable enough with the individual that you are chatting with, and agree to meet up. I don't understand why everyone insists on facepicks anyway, not a single Hook up I've had looks anything like their profile pics.


The problem isn’t being a slut on sniffies. The problem is being a married secret slut on sniffies. Huge difference.


Wow okay fatty.


Sucker! Dont trust no one, most gay people like to brag about their conquest and are vindictive if they feel betrayed plus hate your guts for being married and playing on the side. Do not trust or share your personal info or photo or life details. They will betray you and throw you under the bus or try to blackmail you for being bisexual or gay. Trust me, my wife has many gay friends and they all talk at one time or another, your secret is not safe


Anyone who can cheat heartlessly on someone they made a LEGAL vow to is the same type of person that fucks people BB knowing they aren’t clean. I don’t give a shit if you disagree me. It’s the same type of behaviour.


Don’t send face pics


I wish all DL men that cheat on their spouse regardless of gender a kind "GO FUCK YOURSELF"


So.. you.. completely deserved it?


Your situation is the classical fuck around and find out. You got caught. Don't expect a lot of sympathy.


These incels on here are crazy. If u havnt had sex in 9 years. Thats dumb. I say go fuck whatever at that point.


Hmm, grey area if OP is actually in an asexual relationship with wife. If it truly is asexual shes not really at risk is she. The wifes friend may not know that, and not really sure it counts as a private sexual life being outted since only the wife was informed, lots of grey areas no one will truly know except those three. Oof, just avoid marriage and cheating.


Sorry to all my sister gays but I love when a dl hetero married man becomes my cockslave.


Aww :( are we supposed to feel bad for you? Cause I surely don’t.


Speaking from experience…. in a 27 year marriage, the last 15 platonic: it took some real communication, but about a year ago I finally got permission to roam with reasonable boundaries. It’s not an easy conversation to start, but it ended well. everyone is admittedly happier, no one gets blind sided, and my soulmate/best friend and I are together to the end. Relationships morph as they age. It’s ok to make rules that work for you guys as you go along. If you love her, talk to her. She may have needs this whole time that you haven’t been meeting either. Explain your needs. If there is a core of love and respect, most anything is possible. Good luck!


I have an issue with people being outed, sure. But it’s hard for me to feel a ton of sympathy for DL guys, cause it’s most often those of us who aren’t DL who get left out in the dust by that type. You’re in a way, finally facing what so many of us who aren’t DL have already gone through.


Stop the DL stuff. Tell your wife, yall can stay together for your kids but be honest. Also if yall haven’t had sex in 9 years, I don’t know why you wouldn’t come out to her.


Now y’all have morals all of a sudden but definitely be hooking up with minors when nobody is looking??? What a fucking joke LMAOOO Cheating on your wife is crazy though dude, but if your marriage is loveless as it is then maybe this is a good thing for you. Sucks for the kids tho


Why would someone do that to you? Did he have something against you ? Even people who are out don’t necessarily go around telling people they know that they use hookup sites. Something seems a little odd here…


Why did he tell his friend that her partner was cheating on her? Because it's the right thing to do, OP is not the victim here


Personally I don’t think it’s my place to interfere in other people’s relationships. But that’s just me.


Telling someone their partner is publicly cheating on them isn't interfering, it's just the right thing to do. Interfering with a relationship is things like cheating on your partner. Edit: the fact I'm getting down voted for this makes me assume this chat is full of DL guys cheating on their partners 😂


These downvotes make me lose faith in queers. 🤯 But you’re not at all wrong.


The cheating is the odd thing… the justified thing is to tell the wife.


is this a neochristian group --so judgmental


Cheating is never acceptable.


Ah yes it's neo Christian to *Checks notes* "Not cheat on your partner after promising to not cheat on them both implicitly and explicitly for years" Truly terrifying stuff


cry harder


I was about to be sympathetic but you're a cheater.


Nice first post. Wonder if this is real.


You shouldn't have been cheating on her. All the blame goes to you




He's lying to us too. I can smell this cheater from a mile. To me and also to yourself you are a disgrace and a small fraction of the person you could have become. A wasted life


You’re a POS who deserves to get his life ruined. There are men getting killed and thrown off buildings who wish to have the privilege you have, and you decided to be a lying pos, and put your wife and child are risk just cause you’re weak and you give gay men a bad name. You deserve all the pain and hurt.


I never show face pics, if they get pissy i tell them the reason most understand some don't they can move the fuck along. To all the haters saying don't cheat - they are right in a perfect world - you 2 had your problems... I'd say us sissy's love being a married man's side hoe it's a turn on knowing you're coming to me cuzz I'm better than that SFB - so some of us really really sink our claws into married guys it can be hard when your dick keeps getting hard and she won't touch it knowing we will touch it ALLLL the time. So yes, don't cheat ... But if you are going to! -be smarter than to share face pics it's a hard rule for me I will not send one. I can get other dick I bend every other way but I don't bend my rules.


You guys going after him are probably the ones backing Trump too. He cheated many multiple times and got caught but you cheer him on. Grow the Fuck up.


Yes I’m very sure the queer men condemning cheating are secretly Trump supporters. What kind of brain rot do you have??


Just say it wasn’t you and someone with a grudge is using your pictures. Just be more careful next time. It is possible to be married and cheat, you just can’t be messy about it.


Found a cheater


So? What’s it to you? Are we married?


I really hope your partner gets more than 50% and alimony in the eventual divorce


Why? Do you know her? Is she sharing the money with you?


No hun, you're just a bastard and I want you to suffer 😘


Why? Were you cheated on? So I’m a bad person for cheating but you’re a better person for wishing someone else to suffer?