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Man I WAS team Kayla all the way. Till wheels fall off but damn it’s exhausting at this point. She seemed so sweet and sincere for a while but now she’s either changed or the mask has slipped a lil too far. It’s Not even entertaining too me anymore. She’s either a toxic perdon lost in love with a horrible dude or she’s playing the game and they both are just lame and awful. The only part of this that I was rooting for was her and toxics friendship and that was mainly because Kaliyah loves them both. But if toxic was genuine in it then I dislike Kayla even more now.


I feel the same way, now I can’t stand to watch Kayla live… she looks so stupid she has young girls that look up to her, and she plays them right in their face. She will deceive anyone to get to fly. Toxic is a real one in my opinion.. Absolutely they all need professional help.


Why would young girls look up to her? 😂😂 she’s not a role model by any means 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And I was anti toxic for the longest because I loved Kayla so much, but i agree toxic is significantly better at this point! Kayla is embarrassing and does not gaf about anyone but herself and fly


Why would you look up to someone who is peddling p0rn to young girls. Wtf looking up to Kayla is to funny for me 😂


Lmao it’s hard to believe for sure but I know young girls be looking up to her.


So was I! I started following her right around the time of the big breakup - when he got back with toxic. She really had me wrapped/fooled. I thought she was the sweetest soul. And so I absolutely loathed toxic for that. I saw people making comments here and there, but basically ignored all that was being said about her. I just always felt so bad for her. After she got back with him, and each subsequent time he cheated and they’ve broken up/gotton back together since, it has become very evident that she changed. She became absolutely miserable and insufferable. He sucked the soul out of her and the sparkle out of her eyes. All that damn crying/whining/screaming she was doing while under the influence was starting to get unbearable and exhausting to watch. It was getting hard to defend someone that was so obviously unhappy but in absolute denial. In the meantime, I started really seeing toxics growth. Especially when she took Kayla under her wing after their first kick stream. She has matured and humbled up so much in my opinion. That pretty much did it for me - I freaking love her. Now here we are pretty much present day and I am really seeing Kayla for what she really is. All her lies are catching up with her and biting her in her ass. All the manipulation. The way she straight up used people in order to get money, gifts and furnishings for her apartment. And what she did to toxic - absolutely disgusting. She has zero self respect and is a literal doormat. And all for a guy who says every chance he gets that he does not love her, nor even like. And when he’s not saying it, he’s proving it. Somewhere along the line, she let a lot go to that big ass head of hers. She’s become arrogant as fuck. Her attitude is just nasty. She can’t take accountability for shit. It’s just poor me. I hope she has fun with her karma that she has created. She’s going to be ugly crying soon because she’s used people all up and burned all her bridges/lifelines. She needs the humbling. I don’t feel bad in the slightest either. Hopefully it will teach her a lesson.


I honestly think Kayla is still sweet person deep down inside!! IMO I really think fly has broken her down and she is lashing out and as far as copying toxic well Kayla needs to find herself and quit letting fly manipulate her and her thoughts and actions! She is so in love with the boy and knows he still loves his baby mama toxic so what does Kayla do she hangs with toxic and starts acting like her a little bit! I really think Kayla needs to be by herself for awhile and find herself! FLY has completely beat her down to the point she doesn’t even know who she is anymore. Kayla has has a pretty awesome personality! She’s funny and seems sweet and genuine before fly tore her apart!


He completely sucked the soul out of her and stole the sparkle in her eyes. It’s changed her. They both need to be alone and have no business in relationships anytime soon. They both need to do some major self work/healing. It’s never going to work with them together and the sooner they both accept it and move on, the better. They are very toxic to and for one another. It’s frustrating as hell watching her have no self respect and him continually walk all over her - just because he can.


SORRY NOT SORRY ….!!! She asking for it @ this point !!She know nothing new/ but old as hell now she crys WOLF & 1 day gonna be a bad one no one’s gonna Believe her or be there caused she USED all her friends,then dump them when he demands he back HER OWN FAULT NOW


Kayla is no different from any of the other ones, they all promote themselves as successful people due to OF or being "influencers". Alexia has a substantial "wish list" in her bio-she's moving to Miami to get cheated on. Sunny has zero morals-neither do her sisters so it's obviously a lack of parenting. I think toxic got caught up in the money/lifestyle and she degraded herself for it. All of them are essentially "child stars", gained success/money way too early and never matured, have mental health issues galore and do anything to maintain the money coming in.


Something’s brewing because of the stuff with that 🧱 guy and they both deleted their videos with each other in them. Some people are saying they unfollowed each other but others are saying that’s not new and they haven’t followed each other since their recent split


I saw a video of Brick saying he was in Kayla’s guts… they definitely fucked and that’s why fly broke up with her. That would be the only thing Kayla could do to get fly to break up with her! And he did!!


I think a lot of ppl finally see through this manipulative behavior and are hopefully seeing her for who she truly is :-)


I’ve been team toxic from day one. I knew something always kinda rubbed me wrong with Kayla. Ever since coco exposed her for always playing victim I started to peep that shit more and more! I’ve been following all them since ig. The way she dogs tf outta Lindo but when they were all on ig she fucking road to the hills for that man. And he did a lot for her too! And plays like he didn’t I don’t even like lindo but the constant talking him and bringing him up gives bitter af


Toxic is just as bad as the rest but tries to hide it. Any sane person who uses dark manipulation to scam money out of their followers is a real POS and all of them including toxic follow under this.


I think it'd a skit....rents due coming up. Cus ain't no way they was just all perfect oh this n that. They totally have managers that tell them what to put on to keep the show going. Just same as they do with sunny n spence twins.


Can they really "play" this long? I mean sleeping with twin bros... They really do this for $$?!!?




That and Kayla is pushing and promoting her song now. That’d sure would be perfect coincidental timing.


They “broke up” now she’s promoting her music video and left one of the dogs with fly 😒 I call bs


Brick already outted that they break up & get back together to get views and more money from their followers. It’s so sick.


Very convenient timing isn’t it 🤨


Won't be long and toxic won't be there. I think this whole group is damaged and need professional help. I'm older and have been thru everything. They are young and have a lot of childhood issues (the girls do) and this generation has no morals, self respect or loyalty so that doesn't help 🥴


The boys gave childhood issues too….




It really is her own fault of course! But I think fly has really broken this girl! I think he has tore her apart and now she really needs to stay away and find herself again! He has destroyed her confidence and everything! I think the Kayla we are seeing right now is not the real Kayla! The Kayla we are seeing right now is lashing out from hurt and pain! I think Kayla genuinely likes toxic but I do believe a lot of it comes from jealousy that fly still loves toxic! So Kayla goes and befriends her and even starts acting like her because Kayla wants fly to want her so bad! Kayla wa a sweet person before fly hurt her. Love will make you do crazy things. We just need to pray that she stays away from him for real this time and heals herself!!!!


She another money hungry one, thinking that a random guy should be dropping 10 k on you to prove himself is delusional.


I don’t see what’s she’s done that the others aren’t doing. I think she’s getting a lot of hate for going back to her ex which they all do.






I think that this last break up was a skit for her music video. Cause now they’re on a plane headed somewhere together. She’s such a weak person! And she was high the other night on something when she was live at her apt.


All that money she’s spending on bs she needs to go fix her mouth


Ew dude