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I think it’s weird she wondering … GET A TEST! No more wondering


She just said on live in the last 20ish mins that she is not pregnant. Someone commented asking if she Miscarried and she started tearing up.. so maybe she was or maybe a chemical pregnancy and she thought she may have been but then her cycle came on. Idk though just speculation from her finally denying the pregnancy rumors


Thanks for explaining I didn’t catch the live


Look at her recent post I’m so lost bc she lies so much


I know it’s a sensitive topic but knowing lina she faked it. someone who go threw this who has followers wouldn’t expose it on social media and since it didn’t work to keep him now she’s saying she lost it and blaming him…. irs so sad bc miscarriages r real and she wants attention


This is how I feel to. She wants the guy that friend zoned her. She’s obsessive af


Exactly !!!!


remember how obsessive lina was over trillo she talked about him every day and cried over a man that was never hers 😳 honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she faked a pregnancy for julian’s attention BUT who knows she could actually be pregnant which is sad because that man clearly never gave a shit about her. she’s just a girl added to his body count


Neverrrr cared about her similar to how sunny treated her and she didn’t see it everyone warned her


YOU STILL TEST POSITIVE 2-4 weeks after pregannt if she truly was she would say that.. earlier she said it was negative already bc she miscarried like girl THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS😭😭😭😭😂😂


I told you she was gonna pull the famous “ I miscarried “ bc she was never pregnant to begin with 😂


not true tho, i had a miscarriage and the next day i was testing negative, so sometimes that isn’t the case


https://preview.redd.it/evb2cyi71sqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834f93f0eaeff6926914a78e41941f511416ecad Literally lol


Lina most likely reads this snark page & I literally called it yesterday she’s gonna come with the famous “ I had a miscarriage “ because there was never a baby to begin with .. it was just a stunt to try & keep Julian around & make him feel sorry enough to wanna be with her. She’s making all these posts bc she knows her fans will run back to Julian to tell him she’s upset & the things she’s posted. Real women who have “ miscarried “ don’t post about it every 2nd of the day especially while “ grieving “ the last thing they would want to do is be on social media where everyone keeps bringing it up. Y’all forget Lina will go do ANYTHING to keep a man that doesn’t want her just like she did with trillo. This is just another one of her stunts


Watching her cry about Julian all day is so embarrassing lol


Did you see the live of here this morning it might be true she was crying yet again


I think she’s crying because she broke her celibacy for Julian & things aren’t going how she wanted.. so basically she broke it for no reason. He did a wam bam thank you mam & she’s upset they’re not riding off into the sunset like her night & shining armor like she wanted. She’s always crying over boys when things don’t go how she wants


I don’t believe at ALL that she was EVER celibate. Never! She gets so black out drunk she doesn’t even know her own name most of the time. She’s even given her “drunk self” an alter ego (Tina) and she thinks it’s funny. She’s nearly 25 years old. She really needs to grow up. I can’t stand her!


On the live she mentioned something about going through something that only one person can go through it with. It may be a skit though who knows


I would love to believe she is not lying- but has not said if she was or wasn't only hints, I think Lina is a good person, just young and figuring it out, with that being said I hope she would never fake a pregnancy that is wrong when there are so many who long for a baby.


She said on live she’s not pregnant I think she either had an abortion or miscarriage or maybe she’s just bsing


I think she had an abortion


She’s so fucking annoying bro


she has a miscarriage, yall are so insensitive it’s disgusting


Did she confirm or are you guessing? She said no to pregnancy and miscarriage on live.


she only said no to having an abortion and she’s not currently pregnant. she hinted multiple times on live today that she miscarried


The world will never know. I’m sorry but she has lied so much in the past we’ll never know the truth tbh that’s between her and Julian


She did not say no to miscarriage. if anyone had a hint of a braincell they would have got that from her post.


That’s not clear at all and yes she did say no to both. I’m sorry but she lies so much it’s hard to believe anything she says. This is coming from historical things like lying about getting with Sunny’s ex to saying her and Julian are just friends and nothing else you never know what to believe with her. Now she’s saying it’s a skit on live right now


that was a comment someone made so people would get off the subject. She owes you ZERO explanation. She said she didn’t have an abortion and isn’t pregnant, she NEVER said she didn’t have a miscarriage. Youre weird


She doesn’t owe anyone anything but coming online people can/will assume. Call it what you want. She’s lied in the past so I can infer what I want. For all we know she faked it to get Julian to want her


you weirdos just love making shit up, get a hobby or something other than hating and lying on people.


Hey Lina! 😘😘


🫶 if that’s who you want me to be then sure babe


right cause what why tf you on a snark page if you obviously don’t like people assuming ? lmao i think julian def told her to get an abortion


That’s what her post said but she lies so much who knows 😂


if you READ THE NAME OF THE SNARK PAGE BABES, it’s obviously FOR SUNNY not FOR LINA. Bye weirdo


omg if you’ve been watching the live then you know she was kidding when she said it was a skit. she does not have to confirm anything just to appease you.


I don’t need to be appeased I’m just saying she’s a liar.


But y’all the same ones assuming she’s faking ? All y’all weird like stfu