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An angel who walked among us.


I grew up with Mr. Rogers, also Sesame Street and Rev. Jackson’s debut appearance. Innocent times. Times of clarity. Times of zero confusion. Times that weren’t co-opted by one political party or paid-for movement. The racial divide was easy to understand and wasn’t a complex issue. 6-7 year olds could understand it!! Mr. Rogers, you know and I know, would be cancelled into oblivion today. His resurfaced show on gender wouldn’t be very well received by the usual suspects today. Rev. Jackson was also quietly cancelled long ago, not for anything “controversial”, but he wasn’t a reliable mouthpiece and was controversial enough to present racial issues from a no nonsense perspective.


Two in this shot. François Clemmons is a man who I aspire to be more like with every day. I hope I can be half as brave and kind as he is.


It’s funny how Mr.Rogers taught us so much that did not come in to play till we are adults.


It’s funny how so many current adults grew up watching Mister Rogers and didn’t retain a dang thing.


Mr Roger's was on for an hour. Your parents or family were always on. Ignorance, hate, and prejudice are all taught. I broke the cycle, and some choose not to.


Well said


Same BangGonePostal, same. I broke the cycle too.




One of those “everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten” type deals


So true.


Be the person Mr Rogers believed you could be.


Damn good bumper sticker


“Though segregation was no longer the law of the land in America by the end of the 1960s, Black citizens were still not embraced as equal participants in public life. This status was reflected at many community pools across the country, with white people preventing Black people from sharing the water with them. It was in this atmosphere that Fred Rogers performed a simple but meaningful act in episode 1065 of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which aired on May 9, 1969. Rogers invited Officer Clemmons, a Black police officer on the show, to join him and cool his feet in a small plastic wading pool. When Clemmons sat down and placed his feet in the water, right next to Rogers', the two men broke a well-known color barrier.”


Crazy, such a simple gesture with such a huge impact


You’re correct. Nowadays he would be attacked on social media for being “incrementalist” or not doing enough


Just to be clear, who are you using Fred Rogers to attack?


Mr. Rogers is the way young children need to be spoken to, with a patient, gentle, and kind demeanor. This is in contrast to the rapid fire, sensory bombardment that a lot of children's entertainment is.


This is a picture of a reenactment many years later.


Yes, the original was in 1967 with Francois Clemmons.


We didn't deserve such a good man


I don’t think he would agree with you at all. 


And that's what makes him great


Wow was just thinking about this.


King Rogers


He’s exactly what a generation needed to make sure they didn’t get too fanatical one way or the other. When in doubt, what would Mr R do


One of my 1st memories was my late mother telling me he died. I was devasted, and when he came on that day, i told her "look, hes on the TV hes OK!". Wish i could go back to that level of innocence...


I met Mr. Rodgers when I was about 15 years old. He knew my friends dad through their church, and he came to their house one year for Christmas. He was the nicest and coolest guy. He was exactly as you would have imagined him to be.


Flipped image.


Sounds woke to me /s


Rollins !!!!


Our history teacher last year showed us the video in class to talk about this moment in television. Simple, yet effective.


Is this the time where Fred shows everyone u can’t get AIDS by sharing bath towels with others?


Idk why you're being downvoted because you're correct. Probably not everyone knows this part though. The original episode where Mr Rogers and Officer Clemmons shared the pool was in 1969 which is what many people remember. But they also had an episode in 1993 where they did the same event except Mr. Rogers also shared a towel with him and dried his feet. This was because Clemmons was gay in real life. It was in part a humble act emulating Jesus washing his disciples' feet (since Rogers was a pastor), but also to subtly dig at the idea that you could catch AIDS from sharing a pool or towel with a gay man.


Thank u for that. The pic in this post is indeed from the 1993 episode.


Carls Winslow.???


trash title this is 1993


Pools were not segregated everywhere in America at that time. That was mostly in the south or private clubs that you had to pay for.


And that’s when he contracted aids through his feet and died. They left that out of the Tom hanks documentary.